What is occurring to Paula Deen is evil.

What is occurring to Paula Deen is evil. For using a single stupid world 30 years ago, she's being destroyed. What kind of shit is this??? We're going to destroy a person that has made our country richer for what we all say??? Not right.

It's TIME to back up our freedom of speech with our support. Who knows we may be saveragly destroyed next! Don't think it can't happen.

The media doesn't say shit about all the racism coming from the black population. No reporting on the threats and violence that occurs daily....

I won't stand by in put up with this shit!!!!

Buy her books
protest out in the street!
Say how we must forgive as a society!

We're better then this shit.

I disagree. I think you're exactly as good as shit. But, that's what I think about all KKK scum.

It's not offensive to me. It's only offensive to those that choose to be offended. By a word. She didn't run around chopping off people's head. She said a word that people choose to be offended by because our country has gone insane.

It absolutely was not offensive to anyone when she said it either. This is a case of jumping on a bandwagon because companies see the possibility of race riots shortly down the road and want to make an early bid on a racism position.

Hard to see how they saw that, since the lawsuit is about employment conditions... it's you armchair wags who keep trying to make it about race.

Do you really think that just because you say something so absurd that that makes it true, or what?

No, the Media, the PC special interest groups, the professional grievance industry and stupid college kids going for teachers extra credit are who are making this thing about race. Not the people here who simply point it out.

Good Lord, Pogo, sometimes you say the absolute most moronic things imaginable.
The southern racist society she grew up in is evil and it's poison has unfortunately infected many good people.

This might make you a little butt hurt, but she's still a Democrat to this day. :eek: I guess the mythical "party switch" the Democrats always talk about didn't happen.

Uh--- yeah, because a single person whose party registration somebody somewhere claims to have found on the internets in a case that has nothing to do with political parties proves the negative. Riiiiight.


Paula Deen - Democrat

George Zimmerman - Democrat

KKK Wizard last elected in the Senate - Democrat

The party of Kim Crow - Democrat

The party to have way more votes against the Civil Rights Act - Democrats.

Party of the KKK - Democrats

Need I go on, idiot?
NOt really.

She's supposed to be representing a product line. Her brand name is now tainted. Like it or not, she used one of the most offensive words in the English Langauge.

It's not offensive to me. It's only offensive to those that choose to be offended. By a word. She didn't run around chopping off people's head. She said a word that people choose to be offended by because our country has gone insane.

Someone who chopped off heads got an endorsement deal.

She used a word that a minimum of 13% of your potential customer base would find offensive.

That's bad business.

Come on, you guys are all about the business.

And YOU are all about the lies and bullshit.

Fuck off Joe
Next to Anthony Bourdain, Paula Deen’s a Saint

July 12, 2013 By Humberto Fontova

Paula Deen admitted to using the N-word, we’ve recently learned. For this she was tarred and feathered, drawn and quartered, and fed to the ‘gators.

Actually, NONE of these things happened to Paula Deen. She only lost her job and endorsements because people don't want their products associated with her.

Anthony Bourdain, on the other hand, headlined a propaganda junket to help secure the financial lifeline for a Stalinist regime that jailed and tortured the longest suffering black political prisoners in modern history.

But Bourdain sniffs that: “She [Paula Deen] revels in unholy connections with evil corporations.” Going further, he denounces Paula Deen’s professional endeavors as “in excruciatingly bad taste.” Further still, Bourdain finds Paula Deen, “unconscionable, cynical, and greedy.”

You’ve probably noticed whose side the media takes.

I'm always amazed how the far right will just never forgive Cuba for throwing us out. We are like the world's shittiest ex-girlfriend.


"Castro, you shhhiiiiithead. No one dumps me!"

We exploited the shit out of Cuba for 50 years. They threw us out. They threw out the shitheads who helped in the exploitation. Unfortunately, these parasites have taken hold in Miami and have held our politics hostage ever since.

We need to get over ourselves.

ROFLMAO, so Joeypooh thinks that none of this Deen brouhaha is about the use of th eN-word even though that is all the media talks about, pretty much.

Joe, everyone knows you are a fucking liar and will not take you seriously any more.

You don't even try to present facts and you spew lies all the time, like the one I am responding to, lol.
What is occurring to Paula Deen is evil. For using a single stupid world 30 years ago, she's being destroyed. What kind of shit is this??? We're going to destroy a person that has made our country richer for what we all say??? Not right.

It's TIME to back up our freedom of speech with our support. Who knows we may be saveragly destroyed next! Don't think it can't happen.

The media doesn't say shit about all the racism coming from the black population. No reporting on the threats and violence that occurs daily....

I won't stand by in put up with this shit!!!!

Buy her books
protest out in the street!
Say how we must forgive as a society!

We're better then this shit.

I disagree. I think you're exactly as good as shit. But, that's what I think about all KKK scum.

So you can prove Mathew is KKK?

Oh, wait, you are a libtard, never mind.
Paula Deen violated the morals section of her contracts (s), nothing more, nothing less. BooHoo!
What is occurring to Paula Deen is evil. For using a single stupid world 30 years ago, she's being destroyed. What kind of shit is this??? We're going to destroy a person that has made our country richer for what we all say??? Not right.

It's TIME to back up our freedom of speech with our support. Who knows we may be saveragly destroyed next! Don't think it can't happen.

The media doesn't say shit about all the racism coming from the black population. No reporting on the threats and violence that occurs daily....

I won't stand by in put up with this shit!!!!

Buy her books
protest out in the street!
Say how we must forgive as a society!

We're better then this shit.

I disagree. I think you're exactly as good as shit. But, that's what I think about all KKK scum.

So you can prove Mathew is KKK?

Oh, wait, you are a libtard, never mind.

I know Matthew used to use pictures of Hitler in his Avatar...

He sounds like your kind of guy.

I usually have him on ignore.

ROFLMAO, so Joeypooh thinks that none of this Deen brouhaha is about the use of th eN-word even though that is all the media talks about, pretty much.

Joe, everyone knows you are a fucking liar and will not take you seriously any more.

You don't even try to present facts and you spew lies all the time, like the one I am responding to, lol.

Deen got fired because she was bad for business.

Frankly, you guys support businesses firing people all the time to make a few rich assholes richer.

I just can't get upset when the rich screw each other.
Paula Deen violated the morals section of her contracts (s), nothing more, nothing less. BooHoo!

How did she do that by saying a word 30 years ago????

That isn't why she got dumped. There is a whole lot of other stuff, much of it recent. She probably could have come out OK if she had done what politicians and especialy celeb's do. Keep your mouth shut and hire a PR firm who is expert at handling scandals and re-building reputations. She should have settled the law suite out of court and taken a break. The PR firm would have announced that she was horrified to learn she had been so foolish and insensitive and that she was determined to make things right, with special attention paid to her friends and co-workers who were particularly effected. Something like that. But, she didn't. She decided to handle it on her own. Bad plan. Didn't work.
Paula Deen violated the morals section of her contracts (s), nothing more, nothing less. BooHoo!

How did she do that by saying a word 30 years ago????

That isn't why she got dumped. There is a whole lot of other stuff, much of it recent. She probably could have come out OK if she had done what politicians and especialy celeb's do. Keep your mouth shut and hire a PR firm who is expert at handling scandals and re-building reputations. She should have settled the law suite out of court and taken a break. The PR firm would have announced that she was horrified to learn she had been so foolish and insensitive and that she was determined to make things right, with special attention paid to her friends and co-workers who were particularly effected. Something like that. But, she didn't. She decided to handle it on her own. Bad plan. Didn't work.

Oh bullshit. She got dumped cause she said ******.
Oprah Winfrey on Paula Deen's N-word scandal: 'She was used as a symbol, but lots of people use the word inappropriately all the time' - NY Daily News

I have no new thoughts on this.

Somewhere I read that Food Network offered her a contract in the 'mid 90's' or around 2001--a time when comfort was needed--and she had that sort of persona.

Times have changed. She should have gracefully bowed out several years ago.

whatever went on at her restaurants certainly sounds chaotic.

It's strange. I am about PD's age, grew up in Georgia and for whatever reasons became almost ashamed of my heritage.

Clearly things were different for Paula Deen.
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It absolutely was not offensive to anyone when she said it either. This is a case of jumping on a bandwagon because companies see the possibility of race riots shortly down the road and want to make an early bid on a racism position.

Hard to see how they saw that, since the lawsuit is about employment conditions... it's you armchair wags who keep trying to make it about race.

Do you really think that just because you say something so absurd that that makes it true, or what?

No, the Media, the PC special interest groups, the professional grievance industry and stupid college kids going for teachers extra credit are who are making this thing about race. Not the people here who simply point it out.

Good Lord, Pogo, sometimes you say the absolute most moronic things imaginable.

Here's the difference between you and me, turdball: I actually read the complaint. The basis of all Paula Deen's troubles.
Perhaps you prefer to do a one-man impersonation of Thenatos, fueling yourself on superficial bullshit. I don't.
Last edited:
This might make you a little butt hurt, but she's still a Democrat to this day. :eek: I guess the mythical "party switch" the Democrats always talk about didn't happen.

Uh--- yeah, because a single person whose party registration somebody somewhere claims to have found on the internets in a case that has nothing to do with political parties proves the negative. Riiiiight.


Paula Deen - Democrat

George Zimmerman - Democrat

KKK Wizard last elected in the Senate - Democrat

The party of Kim Crow - Democrat

The party to have way more votes against the Civil Rights Act - Democrats.

Party of the KKK - Democrats

Need I go on, idiot?

That you're a fabricator? Nah, we already knew that before you got here.
Oprah Winfrey on Paula Deen's N-word scandal: 'She was used as a symbol, but lots of people use the word inappropriately all the time' - NY Daily News

I have no new thoughts on this.

Somewhere I read that Food Network offered her a contract in the 'mid 90's' or around 2001--a time when comfort was needed--and she had that sort of persona.

Times have changed. She should have gracefully bowed out several years ago.

whatever went on at her restaurants certainly sounds chaotic.

It's strange. I am about PD's age, grew up in Georgia and for whatever reasons became almost ashamed of my heritage.

Clearly things were different for Paula Deen.

Ah, but you prolly didn't leave your drunk brother in charge of your restaurant and then fail to control him. There but for fortune...
Uh--- yeah, because a single person whose party registration somebody somewhere claims to have found on the internets in a case that has nothing to do with political parties proves the negative. Riiiiight.


Paula Deen - Democrat

George Zimmerman - Democrat

KKK Wizard last elected in the Senate - Democrat

The party of Kim Crow - Democrat

The party to have way more votes against the Civil Rights Act - Democrats.

Party of the KKK - Democrats

Need I go on, idiot?

That you're a fabricator? Nah, we already knew that before you got here.

Just because it's easy to cut and paste, we can cut the legs off this crapola:


In '64 when LBJ signed the Civil Rights Act, he noted "We (meaning the Democratic Party) have lost the South for a generation" (a term he understated). If there's any doubt as to what these dynamics were, the Congressional vote in that Act demonstrated that the schism between North and South was far more influential than that between Republican and Democrat:

The original House version:

Southern Democrats: 7 yes, 87 no (7–93%)
Southern Republicans: 0–10 (0–100%)

Northern Democrats: 145–9 (94–6%)
Northern Republicans: 138–24 (85–15%)​

The Senate version:

Southern Democrats: 1–20 (5–95%)
Southern Republicans: 0–1 (0–100%)
Northern Democrats: 45–1 (98–2%)
Northern Republicans: 27–5 (84–16%)​

("Southern" defined as the 11 states of the former Confederacy)

With this dramatic stroke, the Republican Party saw the opportunity to make the inroads it had not been able to make for decades, articulated here by Kevin Phillips:

>> From now on, the Republicans are never going to get more than 10 to 20 percent of the Negro vote and they don't need any more than that...but Republicans would be shortsighted if they weakened enforcement of the Voting Rights Act. The more Negroes who register as Democrats in the South, the sooner the Negrophobe whites will quit the Democrats and become Republicans. That's where the votes are. Without that prodding from the blacks, the whites will backslide into their old comfortable arrangement with the local Democrats. << (full story here)

And so it was; Thurmond turned Republican, to be followed by Jesse Helms, Trent Lott, Richard Shelby, and a cast of thousands of former "Democrats", to the point where the South was still a one-party culture, but with a new name. Again, the name of the party was the variable, the conservative lifeblood was the constant. Same people, new party.

That doesn't mean "Republicans are racist" any more than it meant "Democrats were racist". But it does mean there's a bloc of racists who will side with any party that gives them the power they want.

This is not new. It's history. Nor was it the first massive party switch, many of those Southern Democrats of the first half of the 20th century having switched from being Republicans in the 19th.

To ignore this history puts you squarely in the swamp that simplistic label-think like "party A represents X and always did" gets you into.

Free history lesson. Next one's gonna cost ya.
Oprah Winfrey on Paula Deen's N-word scandal: 'She was used as a symbol, but lots of people use the word inappropriately all the time' - NY Daily News

I have no new thoughts on this.

Somewhere I read that Food Network offered her a contract in the 'mid 90's' or around 2001--a time when comfort was needed--and she had that sort of persona.

Times have changed. She should have gracefully bowed out several years ago.

whatever went on at her restaurants certainly sounds chaotic.

It's strange. I am about PD's age, grew up in Georgia and for whatever reasons became almost ashamed of my heritage.

Clearly things were different for Paula Deen.

Ah, but you prolly didn't leave your drunk brother in charge of your restaurant and then fail to control him. There but for fortune...

That's true.
Hard to see how they saw that, since the lawsuit is about employment conditions... it's you armchair wags who keep trying to make it about race.

Do you really think that just because you say something so absurd that that makes it true, or what?

No, the Media, the PC special interest groups, the professional grievance industry and stupid college kids going for teachers extra credit are who are making this thing about race. Not the people here who simply point it out.

Good Lord, Pogo, sometimes you say the absolute most moronic things imaginable.

Here's the difference between you and me, turdball: I actually read the complaint. The basis of all Paula Deen's troubles.
Perhaps you prefer to do a one-man impersonation of Thenatos, fueling yourself on superficial bullshit. I don't.

You are deliberately obfuscating the cause of the lawsuit/complaint with why PD got fired and her book which was already at number 1 from pre-orders.

It was about saying the N-Word, just like it was about words used for Riley Cooper, or Don Imus, or Michael Richards......damn, stupid facts just shit all over your stupid ass hole self.
Paula Deen - Democrat

George Zimmerman - Democrat

KKK Wizard last elected in the Senate - Democrat

The party of Kim Crow - Democrat

The party to have way more votes against the Civil Rights Act - Democrats.

Party of the KKK - Democrats

Need I go on, idiot?

That you're a fabricator? Nah, we already knew that before you got here.

Just because it's easy to cut and paste, we can cut the legs off this crapola:


In '64 when LBJ signed the Civil Rights Act, he noted "We (meaning the Democratic Party) have lost the South for a generation" (a term he understated). If there's any doubt as to what these dynamics were, the Congressional vote in that Act demonstrated that the schism between North and South was far more influential than that between Republican and Democrat:

The original House version:

Southern Democrats: 7 yes, 87 no (7–93%)
Southern Republicans: 0–10 (0–100%)

Northern Democrats: 145–9 (94–6%)
Northern Republicans: 138–24 (85–15%)​

The Senate version:

Southern Democrats: 1–20 (5–95%)
Southern Republicans: 0–1 (0–100%)
Northern Democrats: 45–1 (98–2%)
Northern Republicans: 27–5 (84–16%)​

("Southern" defined as the 11 states of the former Confederacy)

With this dramatic stroke, the Republican Party saw the opportunity to make the inroads it had not been able to make for decades, articulated here by Kevin Phillips:

>> From now on, the Republicans are never going to get more than 10 to 20 percent of the Negro vote and they don't need any more than that...but Republicans would be shortsighted if they weakened enforcement of the Voting Rights Act. The more Negroes who register as Democrats in the South, the sooner the Negrophobe whites will quit the Democrats and become Republicans. That's where the votes are. Without that prodding from the blacks, the whites will backslide into their old comfortable arrangement with the local Democrats. << (full story here)

And so it was; Thurmond turned Republican, to be followed by Jesse Helms, Trent Lott, Richard Shelby, and a cast of thousands of former "Democrats", to the point where the South was still a one-party culture, but with a new name. Again, the name of the party was the variable, the conservative lifeblood was the constant. Same people, new party.

That doesn't mean "Republicans are racist" any more than it meant "Democrats were racist". But it does mean there's a bloc of racists who will side with any party that gives them the power they want.

This is not new. It's history. Nor was it the first massive party switch, many of those Southern Democrats of the first half of the 20th century having switched from being Republicans in the 19th.

To ignore this history puts you squarely in the swamp that simplistic label-think like "party A represents X and always did" gets you into.

Free history lesson. Next one's gonna cost ya.

The opinions of a few pundits does not a fact make, dipshit.

I grew up in the South, and almost all my family still votes Democrat, and the rest are independent, like me.

Voting Republican is just too bad in and of itself, I don't think I could ever JOIN the GOP.

It is a Wall Street bankers party.

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