what if Kyle Rittenhouse was black ?


Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2011
Inside your head.
this is an argument many leftist are spewing on msm outlets .. the left is claiming that if a black man shot 3 white people that the right would be screaming for his head ! this claim by the leftist media is pure bull ! the fact is the right would have no problem with a black man defending himself against antifa rioters and thugs and the right would still be defending his right to self defense against leftwing terrorists trying to harm him ! but lets play their game and assume Rittenhouse were black ! the question is would the left come to his defense or would they continue to label him as a white supremacist and would the add the label as uncle tom to the descriptions they promote ? you can bet your ass the left would be demonizing a black Rittenhouse as an uncle tom and a white supremacist if he shot 3 of their leftist shock troops ! dont believe it ? dont believe the left labels blacks that disagree with as white supremacists ? ask Larry Elder ...
The answer is obvious: They'd support him as having used justifiable force to defend his life. Black people and especially BLM, aren't really that fond of antifa. They see themselves as being in some mutually-tolerant alliance, but it wouldn't take much of a nudge in order to have them at each other's throats.
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If Kyle was black none of us would even know his name. He would have already been sentenced and no one would give a shit. He imperfectly almost kinda matches up with the vigilante fantasies of right wingers. As a hero he's pretty weak because the entire incident was a shameful spasm of cowardice and a failure of resolve. He probably pissed himself.
If Kyle was black none of us would even know his name. He would have already been sentenced and no one would give a shit. He imperfectly almost kinda matches up with the vigilante fantasies of right wingers. As a hero he's pretty weak because the entire incident was a shameful spasm of cowardice and a failure of resolve. He probably pissed himself.
:cuckoo: You're obviously on drugs again.

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