Drax To Build Wood Power Cargo Ship

Not when you factor in how much they move. Shipping is currently one of the most efficient means of transporting goods. Reverting back to wind power is laughable. They will expend far more GHG's making the ship, then they ever get back through its operations.

Thus it is nothing more than a exercise in virtue signaling.
I'm referring the high tech 'sails' installed on ships, not a whole new ship.
You have to factor in the amount of fossil fuel use, especially coal, that is replaced by burning wood. Also, the mineral value of the ash must be factored in.

We have a coal-fired power plant in my state that utilizes some wood chips as well as a small amount of shredded tire rubber (staying within the emission parameters set by the EPA).
Here is a good article comparing emissions between wood (biomass) and coal specifially addressing Drax's biomass energy plant.

Here is a good article comparing emissions between wood (biomass) and coal specifially addressing Drax's biomass energy plant.

The highest heat come from the carbon in wood. First the wood gases burn which gives the flame, then the carbon, the charcoal (the 'coals'), burns at a very high temperature. Near complete burning can be accomplished by using catalectic technology.
How much energy and money does it take to get the toppled tree to a wood pellet plant?
My original thought in regard to this resource is a portable power plant fueled by wood. It would be moved to various locations where dead and fallen trees would be assembled and prepared for burning (dried and chipped). The electricity would be fed into the local power grids. The ash would be returned to the woodland soils. Rinse and repeat.

Labor could be provided by local incarcerates, on a volunteer basis of course.
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My original thought in regard to this resource is a portable power plant fueled by wood. It would be moved to various locations where dead and fallen trees would be assembled and prepared for burning (dried and chipped). The electricity would be fed into the local power grids. The ash would be returned to the woodland soils. Rinse and repeat.

Labor could be provided by local incarcerates, on a volunteer basis of course.

How large is this plant? Size of a car? Truck? House?

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