What if Israel Quite Trying to Play the Nice Guy

...as the US did with Afghanistan...

Yeah, right. The US lost that one like it lost Iraq; go in, screw up the country, bug out when things start to unravel while bleating face saving platitudes...and the fundamentalist Islamist whack jobs walk in and take over.

If the Zionist paradise did what our bovine friend suggests, whatever makes you think that would be an end to it? Scatter the Palestinians throughout the region, fine, thats a load of new decentralised guerilla/resistance groups waiting in the shadows; that's several neighbouring countries probably destabilised and lots of weapons floating around for anyone to use; and with no Palestinians in the "cleansed" Zionist Paradise, everone in it can now be a target without worrying about hurting your own people.

Whatever "final solution to the Palestinian problem" the Zionist regime adopts, one thing is for absolute certain, the Law of Unintended Consequences will kick in.

And morons like you think the arab muslims will ever let go of this conflict? That scumholes like iran will ever let there be peace? The arab muslim fascist filth need this conflict forever, it is too important a distraction for their clueless, oppressed mass poor to allow a real settlement.

Plus all of the terrorist mafia gangs like hamas would lose their Western European gravy train of aid; how would they support themselves? With real jobs?
Boston1, et al,

I wouldn't waste any time on Billo_Really's commentary. He really doesn't understand the application of how they all come together. I especially like the inference he draws on "War - vs - Occupation."

From a International Law standpoint, the word "war" is a layman's term. There is no universally accepted definition of war, one proposed definition contains the following four elements:

(a) a contention;
(b) between at least two nation-states;
(c) wherein armed force is employed;
(d) with an intent to overwhelm.
After the 1949 Geneva Conventions, the Law of Armed Conflict can now be triggered by the existence of “armed conflict” between States. The Law of Armed Conflict is often referred to as the Law of War (LOW) or by the title you see very often: International Humanitarian Law (IHL). What is often misunderstood is that the purposes for the Law of Armed Conflict are to:

(1) integrate humanity into war, and
(2) serve as a tactical combat multiplier.
Let me impress this point one more time. The objectives of the law of armed conflict.

The purposes of the law of armed conflict are to:

(1) integrate humanity into war, and
(2) serve as a tactical combat multiplier.
The validity of the law of armed conflict is best explained in terms of both objectives. There are only two kinds of "armed Conflict."
International armed conflict (IAC)

The generally accepted criteria for the existence of an IAC are derived from Common Article 2 of the 1949 Geneva Conventions, which provides that: The present Convention shall apply to all cases of declared war or of any other armed conflict which may arise between two or more of the High Contracting Parties even if the state of war is not recognized by one of them. The Convention shall also apply to all cases of partial or total occupation of the territory of a High Contracting Party, even if the said occupation meets with no armed resistance.
Non-international armed conflict (NIAC)

Treaty law, together with the ad hoc tribunals’ rich body of jurisprudence, provides detailed guidance as to when a situation of violence amounts to a NIAC and thus triggers the application of Law of Armed Conflict (LOAC). Two instruments apply to NIAC: Common Article 3 of the Geneva Conventions (CA3) and the 1977 Additional Protocol II to the Geneva Conventions (APII). Of these, it is the latter that sets forth far more detailed rules, despite its narrower scope of application. As with IAC, there is no codified definition of NIAC, although treaty law does inform us as to what type of violence is not governed by LOAC.
"Wars" are very strange things. They can involve "state actors" and "non-state actors." But the basics and fundamentals in the evaluation of any Armed Conflict ("war") are: ••• These are most important. •••

• The gravity of attacks and their recurrence;
• The temporal and territorial expansion of violence and the collective character of hostilities;
• Whether various parties were able to operate from a territory under their control;
• An increase in the number of government forces;
• The mobilization of volunteers and the distribution and type of weapons among both parties to the conflict;
• The displacement of a large number of people owing to the conflict;
• Whether the conflict is subject to any relevant scrutiny or action by the UN Security Council.
Billo_Reilly's draws an incorrect inference when he states: "Your whole argument hinges upon it being a war and it's not; it's an occupation." Occupation is an outcome of conflict along the timeline. The terms "Armed Conflict" and "Occupation" recognize a change in conditions; NOT a change in law, merely applicability.

In any event, the overall legal framework remains unchanged. Billyo-Reilly's commentary is completely irrelevant.

Most Respectfully,

I never really take either of them to seriously. Both Billo and Monty have some serious selective memories and neither appear capable of factually representing the pali point of view.

My suggestion that Israel simply stop playing the nice guy in all this and see the war to its inevitable conclusion now rather than later IMHO is the most humane thing to do. The pali's don't stand a chance and to see them throwing their children away on suicide missions in some sick attempt to gain a PR footing IMHO warrants a more direct approach.

On another thread we're discussing a 14 year old and a couple 13 year olds who where encouraged with hatred and racism sufficiently that even at that innocent age they were indoctrinated into armed conflict. Which is expressly forbidden in the conventions, which limits the involvement of combatants to 16 and up.

Oh and thanks for all the legal beagle, always very interesting.

Has it? Never noticed. "What if Israel Quite Trying to Play the Nice Guy" Quit? When did it start?

When the arab muslims slaughtered all of the jews in Hebron in 1929, was that because of the so-called "occupation"?

How about the mass murders of jews by arab muslims in prior centuries?

The Jews attacked at Hebron were European Jews that the Arabs feared would eventually occupy and colonize their land. They were right. The Arabs offered the local Arab Jews immunity if they did not interfere.

There ya go justifying Muslim savagery and barbarism.

MonteNazi: "oh but but but but they were European Jews so the Muslims had the right to slaughter them"

Not much has changed since then. The Muslim Nazi animals that Israel is facing today are the offspring of the same genocidal Muslim animals that Jews faced over 70 years ago.
P F Tinmore, et al,

Again, this is an example of the Hostile Arab Palestinian NOT taking responsibility for their actions and spreading disinformation.

Was Palestine a member of the Arab League?

The Arab League invaded Palestine. They did not attack Israel.

Palestine was already under attack by foreign forces before the 1948 war and that attack continues. There were already over 300,000 Palestinian refugees before the 1948 war.

The Arab League and the Arab Higher Committee (AHC) were acting on behalf of the Palestinians which had no organizational structure of its own. The fact that the Palestinians never objected to the representation, is tacit approval. The Arab League representation lasted until the Seventh Arab Summit Resolution on Palestine, Rabat, Morocco, October 1974, when the League of Arab States (LAS) established an independent national authority under the command of the Palestine Liberation Organization, the sole legitimate representative of the Palestinian people in any Palestinian territory that is liberated.

Now, it is not uncommon for the Arab Palestinian to argue or deny facts already a matter of record and already internationally accepted. So there will always be some radicalized hostile element, unable to achieve by peaceful means, some gratuitous aspect which they believe they have an absolute right to --- and which the world conspired to cheat them out of. The LAS and AHC had no authority to represent the Arab Palestinians, the Jewish People invade them, the Ottomans surrendered the land to them but the Allied Powers stole it or did not administer it to Arab Palestinian standards, etc, etc, etc.

Again, the Allied Power agreed to and the League of Nations adopted. There was no invasion of the territory to which the Mandate Applied, under British control. I

EXCERPT Mandate for Palestine
"shall facilitate Jewish immigration under suitable conditions and shall encourage, in co-operation with the Jewish agency referred to in Article 4, close settlement by Jews on the land"

Most Respectfully,
montelatici, et al,


What mass murder of Jews by Arabs in prior centuries?

The Arab Palestinians just where allies to the NAZI Regime during WWII. As I've noted in previous commentary, the Arab Palestinians (indigenous population) lent key material support to the Regime.

And don't think for a minute that the Hostile Arab Palestinians have clean Hands! The Palestinian Black Hand (founded by Sheikh Izz ad-din al-Qassam after the 1929 Riots) was not a Arab-Jewish Friendship Club.

Most Respectfully,
The Arab Palestinians were no more allies to the Nazis than the Indian Hindus were allies of the Japanese during WW 2 or the Christian Boers were allies of the Nazis. You are full of crap.

Why are you surprised that Palestinians would have organized groups to try to prevent the European invasion, colonization and expulsion of/from the land they and their ancestors had lived on for millennia? You truly are a ridiculous figure.
I would think for the sake of the kids everyone could jump on board with this one. The war should be concluded ASAP.

there's obviously no negotiating with these kinda people


Its obvious the pali's can't win. Its obvious they can't be negotiated with and its obvious they will continue to hurl their children into the line of fire in some sick attempt to gain pity.

I think it needs to end and the logical solution is to simply carry the war to its inevitable conclusion. Victory for Israel and a complete and unconditional surrender by the pali's

End of problem.

Because this


is a war crime.

The war can be concluded quickly and easily by simply cutting off aid INTO the terrorist enclaves and instead providing it at determination centers which will also issue new status cards and segregate the pali's accordingly.

Rinse and repeat


The children, both ours and theirs, are depending on us. I say we put an end to the madness by putting an end to the war. Finish it and move on.
I would think for the sake of the kids everyone could jump on board with this one. The war should be concluded ASAP.

there's obviously no negotiating with these kinda people


Its obvious the pali's can't win. Its obvious they can't be negotiated with and its obvious they will continue to hurl their children into the line of fire in some sick attempt to gain pity.

I think it needs to end and the logical solution is to simply carry the war to its inevitable conclusion. Victory for Israel and a complete and unconditional surrender by the pali's

End of problem.

Because this


is a war crime.

The war can be concluded quickly and easily by simply cutting off aid INTO the terrorist enclaves and instead providing it at determination centers which will also issue new status cards and segregate the pali's accordingly.

Rinse and repeat


The children, both ours and theirs, are depending on us. I say we put an end to the madness by putting an end to the war. Finish it and move on.

And hence the entire reason behind conflating the Palestinian population with Hitler - demonize them all with the selective use of imagery. Is that Israel's current propoganda aim? There won't be any peace with both sides dissiminating a constant stream of demonizing propoganda. As a matter of fact - your statement "there's obviously no negotiating with these kinda people" could have come right out of one Israeli historians blast at Netanyahu for conflating the Palestinians with Hitler in that manner.

Next, I fully expect we'll see someone posting pictures of Israeli children behind guns and writing messages on bombs. Hate is taught and propoganda is the most efficient.

Let's put an end to madness by sitting down and negotiating peace and two states and ending the occupation (this can't happen while Bibi is in office since he's clearly stated no state for the Palestinians).
Israel has consistently tried to play the nice guy in the middle east conflict.

But what if the Israeli's accepted the war for what it is, acted within the Geneva Conventions and completed the war process. The most humane solution is to end the conflict ASAP, Clearly negotiating with the terrorist isn't working so obviously the fastest way to peace is to finish the war.

Anyone who is in any way familiar with the Geneva conventions and the UN charter would realize that Israel is well within its rights to defend itself. Since the Arab League declared war in 1948 a condition of war has existed. So why not follow it to its natural conclusion. Victory.

Why not take the pali terrorist enclaves one at a time and utterly defeat them. Start small, one of the smaller enclaves where terrorist activity exists. The security walls are perfect for isolating each enclave and from there all aid distribution in terms of food and medicine should be distributed just outside the security area in determination centers where combatants, those who assist combatants and those suspected of being or aiding combatants can be detained as POWs. The rest can be remanded to detention centers not unlike the centers the US set up for the Japanese in WW2. Any of them that refuse to come out to receive their aid can rot. Embargo all entry into the given area, no goods of any kind. Lay siege to enclaves one at a time until complete capitulation is achieved.

Anyone designated a POW according to the Geneva conventions should be repatriated to a neutral third country exactly as specified within the conventions.

Anyone designated a civilian or a refugee can be legally removed from the war zones until such time as its safe to return them.

Rinse and repeat

Once all pali enclaves have been swept for persons having forfeited their protected status, then the rest should be offered the opportunity for unconditional surrender. Should they refuse I'm pretty sure they can be held under military law by the controlling military power or repatriated to a neutral third country.

Regardless its time for the Israeli's to stop pussy footing around and end the war.

A negotiated solution has clearly failed. Which leaves us continuing the war to its logical conclusion. Unconditional surrender

It's difficult to even attempt to have a serious discussion with you until you learn the difference between QUITE and QUIT
Its been what ? 65 years or so Coyote ? The pali's continue to occupy Israeli territory. They continue one terrorist act after another. They refuse to negotiate a peace deal and they at every turn spout off about how they are going to wipe out the Israeli's.

Oh and I forgot their declaration of war against the Israelis and two other major assaults against Israel by multiple Arab countries and a constant barrage of rockets and child suicide combatants.

No Coyote, negotiations have failed. That much is certain.

The next logical step then it so finish the war. Win and be done with it. If for no other reason do it for the children on both sides so they might lead normal lives.

I'd suggest the most peaceful means possible and suggest throwing the UNWRA ( who's fomented most of this problem ) out of the country and completely overhauling the aid system. Starting with segregating combatants from protected persons exactly as specified in the Geneva Conventions.

Enough is enough

Finish the war,

Win it and move on.
Its been what ? 65 years or so Coyote ? The pali's continue to occupy Israeli territory. They continue one terrorist act after another. They refuse to negotiate a peace deal and they at every turn spout off about how they are going to wipe out the Israeli's.

Oh and I forgot their declaration of war against the Israelis and two other major assaults against Israel by multiple Arab countries and a constant barrage of rockets and child suicide combatants.

No Coyote, negotiations have failed. That much is certain.

The next logical step then it so finish the war. Win and be done with it. If for no other reason do it for the children on both sides so they might lead normal lives.

I'd suggest the most peaceful means possible and suggest throwing the UNWRA ( who's fomented most of this problem ) out of the country and completely overhauling the aid system. Starting with segregating combatants from protected persons exactly as specified in the Geneva Conventions.

Enough is enough

Finish the war,

Win it and move on.

Combatants that hit military targets are legitimate fighters against the occupation. Regardless of what you (or Israeli politicians) calls it - the rest of the world recognizes it as an occupation...no different than when the Brits held it.
Combatants in organized militias or armies are required by the Geneva Conventions to be aged 16 years and up.

Also aggressive acts of war are illegal.

From the convention for the definition of aggression


The convention defined an act of aggression as follows:

  • Declaration of war upon another State.
  • Invasion by its armed forces, with or without a declaration of war, of the territory of another State.
  • Attack by its land, naval or air forces, with or without a declaration of war, on the territory, vessels or aircraft of another State.
  • Naval blockade of the coasts or ports of another State.
  • Provision of support to armed bands formed in its territory which have invaded the territory of another State, or refusal, notwithstanding the request of the invaded State, to take, in its own territory, all the measures in its power to deprive those bands of all assistance or protection.

End Quote

At which point i'd invite you to read the following


Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court[edit]

Main article: Crime of aggression

The Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court lists the crime of aggression as one of the most serious crimes of concern to the international community, and provides that the crime falls within the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court (ICC). However, Article 5.2 of the Rome Statute states that "The Court shall exercise jurisdiction over the crime of aggression once a provision is adopted in accordance with articles 121 and 123 defining the crime and setting out the conditions under which the Court shall exercise jurisdiction with respect to this crime. Such a provision shall be consistent with the relevant provisions of the Charter of the United Nations."[23] The Assembly of States Parties of the ICC adopted such a definition at the 2010 Kampala Review Conference.[24][25]

End Quote

I'd next refer you to the the Arab League declaration of war against the soveriegn state of Israel.


Arab League declaration of the invasion of palestine 15 May 1948

So in fact that act of aggression by the 14 year old palestinian against the border guard or of the two 13 year old palestinians against the train guard is an illegal act of war against the sovereign state of Israel.

Israel on the other hand is in the legal position of the defending party.

Its also quite obvious since the declaration admits its an invasion that its the Arabs who are occupying Israeli territory and not the other way around.

Post 85 this thread
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Combatants in organized militias or armies are required by the Geneva Conventions to be aged 16 years and up.

Also aggressive acts of war are illegal.

From the convention for the definition of aggression


The convention defined an act of aggression as follows:

  • Declaration of war upon another State.
  • Invasion by its armed forces, with or without a declaration of war, of the territory of another State.
  • Attack by its land, naval or air forces, with or without a declaration of war, on the territory, vessels or aircraft of another State.
  • Naval blockade of the coasts or ports of another State.
  • Provision of support to armed bands formed in its territory which have invaded the territory of another State, or refusal, notwithstanding the request of the invaded State, to take, in its own territory, all the measures in its power to deprive those bands of all assistance or protection.

End Quote

At which point i'd invite you to read the following


Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court[edit]

Main article: Crime of aggression

The Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court lists the crime of aggression as one of the most serious crimes of concern to the international community, and provides that the crime falls within the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court (ICC). However, Article 5.2 of the Rome Statute states that "The Court shall exercise jurisdiction over the crime of aggression once a provision is adopted in accordance with articles 121 and 123 defining the crime and setting out the conditions under which the Court shall exercise jurisdiction with respect to this crime. Such a provision shall be consistent with the relevant provisions of the Charter of the United Nations."[23] The Assembly of States Parties of the ICC adopted such a definition at the 2010 Kampala Review Conference.[24][25]

End Quote

I'd next refer you to the the Arab League declaration of war against the soveriegn state of Israel.


Arab League declaration of the invasion of palestine 15 May 1948

So in fact that act of aggression by the 14 year old palestinian against the border guard or of the two 13 year old palestinians against the train guard is an illegal act of war against the sovereign state of Israel.

Israel on the other hand is in the legal position of the defending party.

Its also quite obvious since the declaration admits its an invasion that its the Arabs who are occupying Israeli territory and not the other way around.

Post 85 this thread

So legitimate resistance to Occupation is illegal? Then the actions of Irgun, etc were also illegal.
Coyote, Boston1, et al

There is no such thing as a "legitimate fighters against the occupation." This is a much more complicated of an issue than one first thinks.

Its been what ? 65 years or so Coyote ? The pali's continue to occupy Israeli territory. They continue one terrorist act after another. They refuse to negotiate a peace deal and they at every turn spout off about how they are going to wipe out the Israeli's.

Oh and I forgot their declaration of war against the Israelis and two other major assaults against Israel by multiple Arab countries and a constant barrage of rockets and child suicide combatants.

No Coyote, negotiations have failed. That much is certain.

The next logical step then it so finish the war. Win and be done with it. If for no other reason do it for the children on both sides so they might lead normal lives.

I'd suggest the most peaceful means possible and suggest throwing the UNWRA ( who's fomented most of this problem ) out of the country and completely overhauling the aid system. Starting with segregating combatants from protected persons exactly as specified in the Geneva Conventions.

Enough is enough

Finish the war,

Win it and move on.

Combatants that hit military targets are legitimate fighters against the occupation. Regardless of what you (or Israeli politicians) calls it - the rest of the world recognizes it as an occupation...no different than when the Brits held it.

There is no special category for a "freedom fighter" (FF) in international law. The FFs are associated with resistance movements, insurgencies, and general asymmetric. In that regard and context Article 22 Fourth Geneva Convention, wherein: "The right of belligerents to adopt means of injuring the enemy is not unlimited." While many pro-Palestinians have argued that "any means necessary" applies, it actually does not.

In connection to an "occupation," the key is Article 68, wherein: "Protected persons who commit an offence which is solely intended to harm the Occupying Power,"... "may impose the death penalty on a protected person only in cases where the person is guilty of espionage, of serious acts of sabotage against the military installations of the Occupying Power or of intentional offences which have caused the death of one or more persons" ...

The term "combatant" is kind of tricky.

2. Who is a combatant? (ICRC: The relevance of IHL in the context of terrorism)

International humanitarian law permits members of the armed forces of a State party to an international armed conflict and associated militias who fulfil the requisite criteria to directly engage in hostilities. They are generally considered lawful, or privileged, combatants who may not be prosecuted for the taking part in hostilities as long as they respect international humanitarian law. Upon capture they are entitled to prisoner of war status.

If civilians directly engage in hostilities, they are considered " unlawful " or " unprivileged " combatants or belligerents (the treaties of humanitarian law do not expressly contain these terms). They may be prosecuted under the domestic law of the detaining state for such action.

Both lawful and unlawful combatants may be interned in wartime, may be interrogated and may be prosecuted for war crimes. Both are entitled to humane treatment in the hands of the enemy.

It really does not matter which category you place the Hostile Arab Palestinians in; Protected Persons, Lawful Combatants, or Unprivileged Combatants... may be interrogated and may be prosecuted for war crimes.

I hope this helps the understanding.

Most Respectfully,
This business of calling occupied and oppressed people hostile is so childish. Should they be anything but hostile, Rocco? After all, the native people did not invite the Europeans to invade and colonize the land they and their ancestors had lived on for millennia.

Grow up.
This business of calling occupied and oppressed people hostile is so childish. Should they be anything but hostile, Rocco? After all, the native people did not invite the Europeans to invade and colonize the land they and their ancestors had lived on for millennia.

Grow up.
I have already quite clearly outlined the passage of Jews from Judea to Yavneh to Rome, The Mishna, The Talmud, The Rishonim, The Acharonim, The Geonim right into today.
Unfortunately for your Arab sites, Jews always had an erudite leadership that wrote correspondence to thousands of others during the last 1,500 years.
So much for your "European Invaders" artificial fact.
The Zionists came from Europe and invaded Palestine with the intent to colonize the area. That's just a fact. You have a case of cognitive dissonance.
The Zionists came from Europe and invaded Palestine with the intent to colonize the area. That's just a fact. You have a case of cognitive dissonance.
You have a case of ignorance.
And they bought a LOT of that land which you know quite well.

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