What if Israel Quite Trying to Play the Nice Guy

Phew poll? Yeah Phew would be right.

Israel enjoys record approval numbers, and it keeps going up. Get your head about of your Nazi anus.

Seven in 10 Americans Continue to View Israel Favorably

You seem to have a problem with respect to reading comprehension. I stated that young Americans, as confirmed by polls, are changing their views with respect to Israel. The brainwashing is not succeeding with them because they have access to the facts via internet today.
Coyote, Boston1, et al

There is no such thing as a "legitimate fighters against the occupation." This is a much more complicated of an issue than one first thinks.

Its been what ? 65 years or so Coyote ? The pali's continue to occupy Israeli territory. They continue one terrorist act after another. They refuse to negotiate a peace deal and they at every turn spout off about how they are going to wipe out the Israeli's.

Oh and I forgot their declaration of war against the Israelis and two other major assaults against Israel by multiple Arab countries and a constant barrage of rockets and child suicide combatants.

No Coyote, negotiations have failed. That much is certain.

The next logical step then it so finish the war. Win and be done with it. If for no other reason do it for the children on both sides so they might lead normal lives.

I'd suggest the most peaceful means possible and suggest throwing the UNWRA ( who's fomented most of this problem ) out of the country and completely overhauling the aid system. Starting with segregating combatants from protected persons exactly as specified in the Geneva Conventions.

Enough is enough

Finish the war,

Win it and move on.

Combatants that hit military targets are legitimate fighters against the occupation. Regardless of what you (or Israeli politicians) calls it - the rest of the world recognizes it as an occupation...no different than when the Brits held it.

There is no special category for a "freedom fighter" (FF) in international law. The FFs are associated with resistance movements, insurgencies, and general asymmetric. In that regard and context Article 22 Fourth Geneva Convention, wherein: "The right of belligerents to adopt means of injuring the enemy is not unlimited." While many pro-Palestinians have argued that "any means necessary" applies, it actually does not.

In connection to an "occupation," the key is Article 68, wherein: "Protected persons who commit an offence which is solely intended to harm the Occupying Power,"... "may impose the death penalty on a protected person only in cases where the person is guilty of espionage, of serious acts of sabotage against the military installations of the Occupying Power or of intentional offences which have caused the death of one or more persons" ...

The term "combatant" is kind of tricky.

2. Who is a combatant? (ICRC: The relevance of IHL in the context of terrorism)

International humanitarian law permits members of the armed forces of a State party to an international armed conflict and associated militias who fulfil the requisite criteria to directly engage in hostilities. They are generally considered lawful, or privileged, combatants who may not be prosecuted for the taking part in hostilities as long as they respect international humanitarian law. Upon capture they are entitled to prisoner of war status.

If civilians directly engage in hostilities, they are considered " unlawful " or " unprivileged " combatants or belligerents (the treaties of humanitarian law do not expressly contain these terms). They may be prosecuted under the domestic law of the detaining state for such action.

Both lawful and unlawful combatants may be interned in wartime, may be interrogated and may be prosecuted for war crimes. Both are entitled to humane treatment in the hands of the enemy.

It really does not matter which category you place the Hostile Arab Palestinians in; Protected Persons, Lawful Combatants, or Unprivileged Combatants... may be interrogated and may be prosecuted for war crimes.

I hope this helps the understanding.

Most Respectfully,

It's confusing. It looks to me like Israel got away with labeling it's unlawful combants (or Hostile Jews) as heros for their freedom fighting activities...but the Palestinians are held to the flame for the same thing when attacking military targets:eusa_snooty:
P F Tinmore, et al,

What is the right?

And that is supposed to negate the Palestinians inalienable rights?

Considering that the denial of the inalienable rights of the Palestinian
people to self-determination, sovereignty, independence and return to
Palestine and the repeated acts of aggression by Israel against the peoples of
the region constitute a serious threat to international peace and security,

3. Reaffirms the inalienable right of the Namibian people, the
Palestinian people and all peoples under foreign and colonial domination to
self-determination, national independence, territorial integrity, national
unity and sovereignty without outside interference;

12. Strongly condemns the continued violations of the human rights of
the peoples still under colonial and foreign domination and alien subjugation,
the continuation of the illegal occupation of Namibia, and South Africa's
attempts to dismember its Territory, the perpetuation of the racist minority
regime in southern Africa and the denial to the Palestinian people of their
inalienable national rights;

18. Strongly condemns those Governments that do not recognize the right
to self-determination and independence of all peoples still under colonial and
foreign domination and alien subjugation, notably the peoples of Africa and
the Palestinian people;

A/RES/37/43. Importance of the universal realization of the right of peoples to self-determination and of the speedy granting of independence to colonial countries and peoples for the effective guarantee and observance of human rights
Oh thats a hoot

The UN says so eh. LMAO

Well guess what, the UNs own panel found the embargo legal.


Your link is just red lettering. There's no link to your dumbass, debunked, Palmer report. That commission had no experts in international maritime law and was not even convened to determine the legality of the blockade. The Panel was commissioned to mend the fences between Israel and Turkey. That's all.

The another UN report that did have experts on the Panel and was commissioned to determine the legality of the blockade, not only found it illegal, but a crime against humanity (collective punishment).

A UNHRC report in September 2010 into the incident deemed the blockade illegal and stated that Israel's actions were "disproportionate" and "betrayed an unacceptable level of brutality", with evidence for "willful killing". The UNHRC later also set up a panel of five human rights experts to examine the conclusions of the Palmer report. The panel stated that Israel's blockade of Gaza amounted to collective punishment and was unlawful.
So you can stick that bogus Palmer report where the sun don't shine.

So that dimwit Moon can grand stand till he's blue in the face, he's just howling at the moon trying to placate the Arab held UN after his own panel finds that he's been wrong all along and the embargo is perfectly legal.
He wasn't placating Arab countries. That's the position of all the countries on the planet. Not one of them agrees with you. Not one.

And its disputed territories not occupied
It doesn't matter how many times you say that, it's not going to come true.

More red lettering.

Just think of how fast this could be over if Israel decided to cut off all aid and force the woman and children to come out to the determination centers ( the UN calls them refugee registration centers but I propose we actually follow UN protocol at these "registration centers" and segregate civilians and legitimate refugees from combatants ) Let the ones who don't want to come out and register rot for all I care. Once they've skinnied up a little let the drubbing begin.
Now you're repeating yourself.

Its the humane thing to do. End it fast and save countless lives by using passive means to force them out. Take a page from Egypts book and flood all the tunnels in Gaza by simply digging a trench or two right smack through the middle of the place and letting the waters of the Mediterranean work its magic.
They're not going anywhere.

There's countless passive methods that would put these barbarians in their place so fast it would make your head spin.
They're not barbarians, you are.

Work one enclave at a time, rinse and repeat as necessary.
You definitely like to repeat.

FINISH THE WAR. and move on.
It's not a war.
Debunked, only in your fantasies. For months we heard how the UN was going to rule the blockade illegal and Israel would be somehow "forced" to remove it. In the end all that donkey braying didn't didn't materialize, did it? Ha ha ha.
You talk like you're 15.

Is that an example of Israel playing nice?
Most of the arab muslims are hostile to Israel and support murders of israeli citizens and terrorism. How come you never complain about that, asshole?

As for Milosevic, he was merely protecting Serbia from muslim encroachment and attacks. But then, according to assholes like you, muslims are allowed to invade and attack others, but when those others defend themselves and fight back - then it becomes a problem. You're a fucking idiot.
That's not the topic of the thread, dumbass.
Coyote, Boston1, et al

There is no such thing as a "legitimate fighters against the occupation." This is a much more complicated of an issue than one first thinks.

Its been what ? 65 years or so Coyote ? The pali's continue to occupy Israeli territory. They continue one terrorist act after another. They refuse to negotiate a peace deal and they at every turn spout off about how they are going to wipe out the Israeli's.

Oh and I forgot their declaration of war against the Israelis and two other major assaults against Israel by multiple Arab countries and a constant barrage of rockets and child suicide combatants.

No Coyote, negotiations have failed. That much is certain.

The next logical step then it so finish the war. Win and be done with it. If for no other reason do it for the children on both sides so they might lead normal lives.

I'd suggest the most peaceful means possible and suggest throwing the UNWRA ( who's fomented most of this problem ) out of the country and completely overhauling the aid system. Starting with segregating combatants from protected persons exactly as specified in the Geneva Conventions.

Enough is enough

Finish the war,

Win it and move on.

Combatants that hit military targets are legitimate fighters against the occupation. Regardless of what you (or Israeli politicians) calls it - the rest of the world recognizes it as an occupation...no different than when the Brits held it.

There is no special category for a "freedom fighter" (FF) in international law. The FFs are associated with resistance movements, insurgencies, and general asymmetric. In that regard and context Article 22 Fourth Geneva Convention, wherein: "The right of belligerents to adopt means of injuring the enemy is not unlimited." While many pro-Palestinians have argued that "any means necessary" applies, it actually does not.

In connection to an "occupation," the key is Article 68, wherein: "Protected persons who commit an offence which is solely intended to harm the Occupying Power,"... "may impose the death penalty on a protected person only in cases where the person is guilty of espionage, of serious acts of sabotage against the military installations of the Occupying Power or of intentional offences which have caused the death of one or more persons" ...

The term "combatant" is kind of tricky.

2. Who is a combatant? (ICRC: The relevance of IHL in the context of terrorism)

International humanitarian law permits members of the armed forces of a State party to an international armed conflict and associated militias who fulfil the requisite criteria to directly engage in hostilities. They are generally considered lawful, or privileged, combatants who may not be prosecuted for the taking part in hostilities as long as they respect international humanitarian law. Upon capture they are entitled to prisoner of war status.

If civilians directly engage in hostilities, they are considered " unlawful " or " unprivileged " combatants or belligerents (the treaties of humanitarian law do not expressly contain these terms). They may be prosecuted under the domestic law of the detaining state for such action.

Both lawful and unlawful combatants may be interned in wartime, may be interrogated and may be prosecuted for war crimes. Both are entitled to humane treatment in the hands of the enemy.

It really does not matter which category you place the Hostile Arab Palestinians in; Protected Persons, Lawful Combatants, or Unprivileged Combatants... may be interrogated and may be prosecuted for war crimes.

I hope this helps the understanding.

Most Respectfully,

It's confusing. It looks to me like Israel got away with labeling it's unlawful combants (or Hostile Jews) as heros for their freedom fighting activities...but the Palestinians are held to the flame for the same thing when attacking military targets:eusa_snooty:

Not at all.

The Irgun made every attempt to legitimize itself by following a code of conduct synonymous with the Geneva conventions.

For instance they wore uniforms.

However, we're only talking about a few scattered incidents over a two year or so period.

The fact remains that the Arabs are the illegal aggressive belligerent in this, which places them under a very different microscope than the defending party.
Coyote, Boston1, et al

There is no such thing as a "legitimate fighters against the occupation." This is a much more complicated of an issue than one first thinks.

Its been what ? 65 years or so Coyote ? The pali's continue to occupy Israeli territory. They continue one terrorist act after another. They refuse to negotiate a peace deal and they at every turn spout off about how they are going to wipe out the Israeli's.

Oh and I forgot their declaration of war against the Israelis and two other major assaults against Israel by multiple Arab countries and a constant barrage of rockets and child suicide combatants.

No Coyote, negotiations have failed. That much is certain.

The next logical step then it so finish the war. Win and be done with it. If for no other reason do it for the children on both sides so they might lead normal lives.

I'd suggest the most peaceful means possible and suggest throwing the UNWRA ( who's fomented most of this problem ) out of the country and completely overhauling the aid system. Starting with segregating combatants from protected persons exactly as specified in the Geneva Conventions.

Enough is enough

Finish the war,

Win it and move on.

Combatants that hit military targets are legitimate fighters against the occupation. Regardless of what you (or Israeli politicians) calls it - the rest of the world recognizes it as an occupation...no different than when the Brits held it.

There is no special category for a "freedom fighter" (FF) in international law. The FFs are associated with resistance movements, insurgencies, and general asymmetric. In that regard and context Article 22 Fourth Geneva Convention, wherein: "The right of belligerents to adopt means of injuring the enemy is not unlimited." While many pro-Palestinians have argued that "any means necessary" applies, it actually does not.

In connection to an "occupation," the key is Article 68, wherein: "Protected persons who commit an offence which is solely intended to harm the Occupying Power,"... "may impose the death penalty on a protected person only in cases where the person is guilty of espionage, of serious acts of sabotage against the military installations of the Occupying Power or of intentional offences which have caused the death of one or more persons" ...

The term "combatant" is kind of tricky.

2. Who is a combatant? (ICRC: The relevance of IHL in the context of terrorism)

International humanitarian law permits members of the armed forces of a State party to an international armed conflict and associated militias who fulfil the requisite criteria to directly engage in hostilities. They are generally considered lawful, or privileged, combatants who may not be prosecuted for the taking part in hostilities as long as they respect international humanitarian law. Upon capture they are entitled to prisoner of war status.

If civilians directly engage in hostilities, they are considered " unlawful " or " unprivileged " combatants or belligerents (the treaties of humanitarian law do not expressly contain these terms). They may be prosecuted under the domestic law of the detaining state for such action.

Both lawful and unlawful combatants may be interned in wartime, may be interrogated and may be prosecuted for war crimes. Both are entitled to humane treatment in the hands of the enemy.

It really does not matter which category you place the Hostile Arab Palestinians in; Protected Persons, Lawful Combatants, or Unprivileged Combatants... may be interrogated and may be prosecuted for war crimes.

I hope this helps the understanding.

Most Respectfully,

It's confusing. It looks to me like Israel got away with labeling it's unlawful combants (or Hostile Jews) as heros for their freedom fighting activities...but the Palestinians are held to the flame for the same thing when attacking military targets:eusa_snooty:

Not at all.

The Irgun made ever attempt to legitimize itself by following a code of conduct synonymous with the Geneva conventions.

Really? You mean by bombing buses and markets?

For instance they wore uniforms.

What uniform?


However, we're only talking about a few scattered incidents over a two year or so period.

No...we're not....List of Irgun attacks - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The fact remains that the Arabs are the illegal aggressive belligerent in this, which places them under a very different microscope than the defending party.

That "fact" is in dispute.
Coyote, Boston1, et al

There is no such thing as a "legitimate fighters against the occupation." This is a much more complicated of an issue than one first thinks.

Its been what ? 65 years or so Coyote ? The pali's continue to occupy Israeli territory. They continue one terrorist act after another. They refuse to negotiate a peace deal and they at every turn spout off about how they are going to wipe out the Israeli's.

Oh and I forgot their declaration of war against the Israelis and two other major assaults against Israel by multiple Arab countries and a constant barrage of rockets and child suicide combatants.

No Coyote, negotiations have failed. That much is certain.

The next logical step then it so finish the war. Win and be done with it. If for no other reason do it for the children on both sides so they might lead normal lives.

I'd suggest the most peaceful means possible and suggest throwing the UNWRA ( who's fomented most of this problem ) out of the country and completely overhauling the aid system. Starting with segregating combatants from protected persons exactly as specified in the Geneva Conventions.

Enough is enough

Finish the war,

Win it and move on.

Combatants that hit military targets are legitimate fighters against the occupation. Regardless of what you (or Israeli politicians) calls it - the rest of the world recognizes it as an occupation...no different than when the Brits held it.

There is no special category for a "freedom fighter" (FF) in international law. The FFs are associated with resistance movements, insurgencies, and general asymmetric. In that regard and context Article 22 Fourth Geneva Convention, wherein: "The right of belligerents to adopt means of injuring the enemy is not unlimited." While many pro-Palestinians have argued that "any means necessary" applies, it actually does not.

In connection to an "occupation," the key is Article 68, wherein: "Protected persons who commit an offence which is solely intended to harm the Occupying Power,"... "may impose the death penalty on a protected person only in cases where the person is guilty of espionage, of serious acts of sabotage against the military installations of the Occupying Power or of intentional offences which have caused the death of one or more persons" ...

The term "combatant" is kind of tricky.

2. Who is a combatant? (ICRC: The relevance of IHL in the context of terrorism)

International humanitarian law permits members of the armed forces of a State party to an international armed conflict and associated militias who fulfil the requisite criteria to directly engage in hostilities. They are generally considered lawful, or privileged, combatants who may not be prosecuted for the taking part in hostilities as long as they respect international humanitarian law. Upon capture they are entitled to prisoner of war status.

If civilians directly engage in hostilities, they are considered " unlawful " or " unprivileged " combatants or belligerents (the treaties of humanitarian law do not expressly contain these terms). They may be prosecuted under the domestic law of the detaining state for such action.

Both lawful and unlawful combatants may be interned in wartime, may be interrogated and may be prosecuted for war crimes. Both are entitled to humane treatment in the hands of the enemy.

It really does not matter which category you place the Hostile Arab Palestinians in; Protected Persons, Lawful Combatants, or Unprivileged Combatants... may be interrogated and may be prosecuted for war crimes.

I hope this helps the understanding.

Most Respectfully,

It's confusing. It looks to me like Israel got away with labeling it's unlawful combants (or Hostile Jews) as heros for their freedom fighting activities...but the Palestinians are held to the flame for the same thing when attacking military targets:eusa_snooty:

Not at all.

The Irgun made every attempt to legitimize itself by following a code of conduct synonymous with the Geneva conventions.

For instance they wore uniforms.

However, we're only talking about a few scattered incidents over a two year or so period.

The fact remains that the Arabs are the illegal aggressive belligerent in this, which places them under a very different microscope than the defending party.

Again, your logic defies belief. How can the native people of any area, invaded, evicted in great numbers, colonized and then oppressed for more than half a century be the "aggressive belligerents" . Conversely, how can foreign invaders and colonizers (and their descendants) from another continent be defenders? You are cuckoo.
Phew poll? Yeah Phew would be right.

Israel enjoys record approval numbers, and it keeps going up. Get your head about of your Nazi anus.

Seven in 10 Americans Continue to View Israel Favorably

You seem to have a problem with respect to reading comprehension. I stated that young Americans, as confirmed by polls, are changing their views with respect to Israel. The brainwashing is not succeeding with them because they have access to the facts via internet today.

Yeah? I don't see any changes in Israel's approval over time, in fact it's grown.

As I said theyouth grow up and realize that the Palestinians cause is bullshit. Which is why support for Israel remains constantly high. Keep dreaming.
The Irgun made every attempt possible to outfit themselves in what identifiable gear they could


Caps, berets. pit helmut, classic desert gear. Obviously they were trying to follow the conventions in that they wore what uniforms they could muster
The Irgun made every attempt possible to outfit themselves in what identifiable gear they could


Caps, berets. pit helmut, classic desert gear. Obviously they were trying to follow the conventions in that they wore what uniforms they could muster

This is a stock image of regular Haganah troops, The Birth Of A Nation | Getty Images

The Irgun only started to wear uniforms when they were "amalgamated" into the IDF in June 1948, after which they became the "SS of the new state" according to Clare Hollingworth, the famous war correspondant who covered the 1948 war for the Daily Telegraph at the time. Irgun members also ran the Zionist's concentration camps until western reporters started sniffing around, forcing the Zionists to dismantle them in a hurry.
Phew poll? Yeah Phew would be right.

Israel enjoys record approval numbers, and it keeps going up. Get your head about of your Nazi anus.

Seven in 10 Americans Continue to View Israel Favorably

You seem to have a problem with respect to reading comprehension. I stated that young Americans, as confirmed by polls, are changing their views with respect to Israel. The brainwashing is not succeeding with them because they have access to the facts via internet today.

Yeah? I don't see any changes in Israel's approval over time, in fact it's grown.

As I said theyouth grow up and realize that the Palestinians cause is bullshit. Which is why support for Israel remains constantly high. Keep dreaming.

Support for Israel has not been increasing in the U.S. Americans will eventually have the same opinion of Israel as the Europe and the rest of the West have.

Troubling Signs for Israel in New Poll of Americans

Read more: Troubling Signs for Israel in New Poll of Americans
The Irgun made every attempt possible to outfit themselves in what identifiable gear they could


Caps, berets. pit helmut, classic desert gear. Obviously they were trying to follow the conventions in that they wore what uniforms they could muster

Irgun often disguised themselves as Arabs to commit their terrorist (or freedom fighting depending on point of view) acts.

"On the morning of July 22, Irgun members disguised as Arab hotel workers managed to sneak into the basement kitchen of the King David Hotel carrying milk cans filled with nearly 800 lbs of explosives."

This Week in History: The King David Hotel bombing
The Irgun made every attempt possible to outfit themselves in what identifiable gear they could


Caps, berets. pit helmut, classic desert gear. Obviously they were trying to follow the conventions in that they wore what uniforms they could muster

This is a stock image of regular Haganah troops, The Birth Of A Nation | Getty Images

The Irgun only started to wear uniforms when they were "amalgamated" into the IDF in June 1948, after which they became the "SS of the new state" according to Clare Hollingworth, the famous war correspondant who covered the 1948 war for the Daily Telegraph at the time. Irgun members also ran the Zionist's concentration camps until western reporters started sniffing around, forcing the Zionists to dismantle them in a hurry.

Meh who cares, Irgun and Haganah were established to protect Jewish communities after Arab Muslim animals committed the Hebron massacre of 1929.

True story. :clap2:
The Irgun made every attempt possible to outfit themselves in what identifiable gear they could


Caps, berets. pit helmut, classic desert gear. Obviously they were trying to follow the conventions in that they wore what uniforms they could muster

Irgun often disguised themselves as Arabs to commit their terrorist (or freedom fighting depending on point of view) acts.

"On the morning of July 22, Irgun members disguised as Arab hotel workers managed to sneak into the basement kitchen of the King David Hotel carrying milk cans filled with nearly 800 lbs of explosives."

This Week in History: The King David Hotel bombing

Just one irrelvant post after another. You are the master.
Phew poll? Yeah Phew would be right.

Israel enjoys record approval numbers, and it keeps going up. Get your head about of your Nazi anus.

Seven in 10 Americans Continue to View Israel Favorably

You seem to have a problem with respect to reading comprehension. I stated that young Americans, as confirmed by polls, are changing their views with respect to Israel. The brainwashing is not succeeding with them because they have access to the facts via internet today.

Yeah? I don't see any changes in Israel's approval over time, in fact it's grown.

As I said theyouth grow up and realize that the Palestinians cause is bullshit. Which is why support for Israel remains constantly high. Keep dreaming.

Support for Israel has not been increasing in the U.S. Americans will eventually have the same opinion of Israel as the Europe and the rest of the West have.

Troubling Signs for Israel in New Poll of Americans

Read more: Troubling Signs for Israel in New Poll of Americans

Forward? What the fook is forward, a commie website? Ha ha ha. You just can't handle the truth. As of 2014 support for Israel has been at record highs.

Poll finds massive US support for Israel; Blacks, Hispanics sympathize with Israel more than twice as much as with Palestinians.

Wed, 16 Jul 2014

The US public’s support for Israel is at near-record levels, according to a Pew Research Center poll, despite the current violence and images of the destruction in the Gaza Strip playing out nightly on television screens across America.

Furthermore, the poll – carried out from July 8 to July 14 – indicates that support for Israel among blacks and Hispanics – demographic groups to which Israeli advocacy groups are increasingly reaching out – is more than double what it is for the Palestinians.

White evangelicals are – with the possible exception of Jews, who were not a demographic studied in this survey – the most sympathetic for Israel, while those unaffiliated with any church are the least supportive.

While Republicans sympathize with Israel far more than Democrats, Democratic support is still strong and even among “liberal Democrats” support for Israel far outstrips that for the Palestinians.

According to the survey, 51 percent of Americans said that they sympathize more with Israel in the “dispute between Israel and the Palestinians.” Only 14% said their sympathies are more with the Palestinians. Another 15% said they sympathize with neither side, and 3% with both sides.

This figure of support for Israel is down from April, when the numbers were 53% and 11%.

Even as some critics of Israel claim that Israel’s support in the US is waning, the poll shows that the number of people expressing sympathy with Israel is at the second-highest level it has been since this particular question was first asked back in 1978.

The gap between the support for Israel as opposed to that for the Palestinians stands at 37%.

Though this is down from the 42% gap registered in April, it is much higher than in 1990, when the gap was at its lowest point in a generation, standing at “only” 20%.

In January 2009, during Operation Cast Lead, the gap between support for Israel and the Palestinians stood at 38%, and in November 2012, following Operation Pillar of Defense, that number was 40%.

A further analysis of the numbers shows that both American blacks and Hispanics support Israel by a more than 2:1 ratio.

According to the poll, 43% of blacks sympathize more with Israel, as compared to 20% for the Palestinians. Among the Hispanics that number is 41% to 17%, and among whites it is 55% to 12%.

The older the Americans, the more likely they are to sympathize with the Jewish state. That figure reaches 60% for the 65+ age group, and goes down to 44% among those aged 18 to 29. The younger age group also has the most sympathy for the Palestinians at 22%.

Regarding party differences, some 73% of Republicans sympathize more with Israel than the Palestinians, compared to 44% of Democrats and 45% of Independents.

And even among those who consider themselves “liberal Democrats,” there is almost twice as much support for Israel as for the Palestinians, with 39% saying they have more sympathy for Israel, and 21% more for the Palestinians.

Among the strongest supporters are white evangelicals, with the figures there standing at 70% to 5%. Those unaffiliated with any church, by comparison, support Israel over the Palestinians 36% to 20%, the lowest figure among any of the groups studied in the poll.

The survey was conducted from July 8 to 14 among a national sample of 1,805 adults. It a has a 2.7% margin of error.
Support for Israel remains at all time highs. Deal with it , or not, who cares. Nothing's changing! America the land of the free:

Seven in 10 Americans Continue to View Israel Favorably

Seven in 10 Americans Continue to View Israel Favorably

FEBRUARY 23, 2015

PRINCETON, N.J. -- Even as relations between the leaders of Israel and the United States reportedly deteriorate over disagreement about how to handle Iran's nuclear program, Israel has retained its broadly favorable image in the U.S. over the past year. Seventy percent of Americans now view that country favorably, and 62% say they sympathize more with the Israelis than the Palestinians in the Mideast conflict. By contrast, 17% currently view the Palestinian Authority favorably, and 16% sympathize more with the Palestinians.


In fact, Israel's public image in the U.S. has been fairly strong since 2005, with an average 68% of Americans viewing it favorably. But from 2000 to 2004, when hostilities between Israel and the Palestinians were running high, its favorable score averaged 60%. Prior to that, Israel's favorable rating was even more volatile, reflecting other Mideast events, including the 1991 Gulf War, when positive views of Israel soared after that country suffered Iraqi rocket attacks.


Republicans Nearly Unanimous in Support of Israel

A key reason Americans' sympathy for Israel has solidified at a sizable majority level is that Republicans' support for the Jewish state has increased considerably, rising from 53% in 2000 to more than 80% since 2014 -- with just 7% choosing the Palestinian Authority. A particularly large jump in GOP sympathy for Israel occurred in the first few years after 9/11 and at the start of the 2003 Iraq War.

Democrats' support for Israel has also risen since 2000, but not quite as sharply as Republicans'.
Last edited:
The Irgun made every attempt possible to outfit themselves in what identifiable gear they could


Caps, berets. pit helmut, classic desert gear. Obviously they were trying to follow the conventions in that they wore what uniforms they could muster

This is a stock image of regular Haganah troops, The Birth Of A Nation | Getty Images

The Irgun only started to wear uniforms when they were "amalgamated" into the IDF in June 1948, after which they became the "SS of the new state" according to Clare Hollingworth, the famous war correspondant who covered the 1948 war for the Daily Telegraph at the time. Irgun members also ran the Zionist's concentration camps until western reporters started sniffing around, forcing the Zionists to dismantle them in a hurry.

Meh who cares, Irgun and Haganah were established to protect Jewish communities after Arab Muslim animals committed the Hebron massacre of 1929.

True story. :clap2:


Haganah was created in 1920 and Irgun split from them in 1931, another Rude-ee fail.

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