What if diabetics ate healthy foods?

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
How Much Profit Would Pharmaceutical Companies Lose if We all Ate Healthy Foods? - Live Free, Live Natural

This question isn’t an easy one to answer because of the tremendous amount of factors involved. There are various articles claiming that eating a healthy diet of fruits and vegetables can prevent and cure various diseases such as cancer, heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol just to name a few. For the sake of answering the topic question, this article is going to focus on diabetes prevention using a healthy diet.

Why diabetes? Well the American Diabetes Association released results from a study on march 6, 20013 estimating that:

the total costs of diagnosed diabetes have risen to $245 billion in 2012 from $174 billion in 2007, when the cost was last examined.

This represents a 41 percent increase over a five year period! Diabetes is not only a terrible disease, it’s a multibillion dollar a year industry. Most diabetics are advised to have a balanced diet and exercise in correlation with their medication. The question is: why does it have to come to the situation where the doctor is the one who has to instruct the patient to maintain proper diet and exercise? According to the Mayo Clinic for diabetes:

Ninety percent of those with diabetes have type 2 diabetes. And approximately 80 percent of people with type 2 diabetes are overweight.

At least eighty percent of those with type 2 diabetes could have prevented it by eating healthy and exercising regularly.

Eat Clean Meal Plan at the link.
How much profits would the pharmaceutical companies miss out on if all Americans decided to eat healthy? Preventing type 2 diabetes alone could cost these companies hundreds of billions. With all the disorders that could be prevented combined, the figures can easily be in the trillions of dollars! Remember that while eating fruits and vegetables is great, if you can get organic it’s even better because organic foods have higher antioxidants which help prevent cancer and other diseases. - See more at: How Much Profit Would Pharmaceutical Companies Lose if We all Ate Healthy Foods? - Live Free, Live Natural

Type II is what people get from eating the Standard American Diet (SAD).

I eat similar to what she presented in the video but I eat more beef and pork and I don't count calories.

If I could kick my coffee habit I would drink more tea as well.
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Type I Diabetics probably do. It's Type II that comes from eating a lifetime of crap.

Chance of a Doctor knowing much about Nutrition? Close to Zero. Every year I'm explaining to my Doctor why my blood work is so good for a guy my age (50) without any medications.
Type I Diabetics probably do. It's Type II that comes from eating a lifetime of crap.

Chance of a Doctor knowing much about Nutrition? Close to Zero. Every year I'm explaining to my Doctor why my blood work is so good for a guy my age (50) without any medications.

Interestingly, there are fewer doctors than there are guns in the USA yet FAR more folks die of medical malpractice than by gunshots.

Nevertheless, to answer the opening question, if diabetics ate healthier then they would be healthier. :)
it would help it in some cases, but what do you have planned? forcing them to eat healthy?

not to worry this is coming in ObamaCare...don't follow rules DENIED certain health care
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