What if Abortion were Outlawed?


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
There is a case before the USSC currently that, if the Court rules with the State of Louisiana, will make getting an abortion in Louisiana somewhat more inconvenient for some women. They (some women whose home is distant) would have to drive a couple hours to an abortion clinic, rather than accessing one closer to home. Hence, we are warned that women's "reproductive freedom" is under attack.

Reproductive freedom? If a woman doesn't want to have a baby, she can decline to engage in reproductive behavior. It is free and completely safe to do so. Or if she is OK with having a baby, but doesn't want to have one with a particular man, she can shun that man, sexually. Or she can go on birth control pills, which are 99% effective when used as directed. Or she can use an IUD. Or she can insist that the man use a condom. Or she can get her "tubes tied." So, like Adam and Eve in the garden, there are a whole shitload of means she can take to exercise her "reproductive freedom" ; she just can't have an abortion, conveniently.

But what if abortion were off the table, excepting only cases where the LIFE (not the "health," which could mean anything at all) of the mother was in jeopardy, how would it impact the lives of fecund women?

Would they not seek to access one or more of the strategies mentioned above? And if such a law or decision were to come to fruition (prohibiting abortion), wouldn't it also make these strategies universally available - i.e., "free" birth control pills?

And dare we mention, abortion was a crime in almost every state prior to 1973, a crime in EVERY state a couple decades earlier, and the number of women who were severely harmed by "botched abortions" is grossly overrepresented in the current mythology. A couple woman a year in the whole country.

I submit that as much political angst as is current expended on the abortion issue is pathological. If it were completely outlawed (which would never happen - some states would approve it by law immediately after the feared USSC decision), it would not be such a big deal at all. Women would be a little more careful in their reproductive habits. That's it.
Make coat hangers great again!
I prefer the aspirin between the knees contraceptive. It never fails.

Urban Dictionary: Aspirin between the knees
thus, by keeping the aspirin suspended between her knees, she would be unable to engage in activities deemed sinful by crazy out-of-touch right wing nut jobs who wish to impose their religious will on the American public.
So the right wing are nutjobs for wanting girls to be responsible, while the liberal left want the girls to be immoral sluts. Which do you want for your daughters?
Morally superior...An immoral slut who will abort her child.
I would settle for the truth to be told to young women about just what abortion really is...its not an unviable tissue mass like they were told....that was a lie and I contend if the truth were told there would be less abortions...but we can't tell the truth in America anymore...the media sees to it that we can't...the culture that walks and thinks in lockstep sees to it that we can't....women certainly have the right of their own body....but they don't have a right to end the life of another body....even if its within them....
As implied above, the number of women who were harmed in the course of botched abortions was microscopic, especially when compared to the number of babies who are killed through legal abortions.
As implied above, the number of women who were harmed in the course of botched abortions was microscopic, especially when compared to the number of babies who are killed through legal abortions.
Calling a fetus a "baby" is dishonest
Calling a baby a "fetus" is just callous and non human. When people dont respect the sanctity of life in the womb then people dont respect life outside the womb and why we see murders in inner cities that are more than most wars.
I'm fine outlawing abortion ... but then we'll need to make the fathers financially responsible for the baby and mother ... or else have the tax-payers pay for all the medical care and support ... welfare all over again ...

It's easy to pick on teenage girls when they're "in trouble" ... even easier to ignore the paternity affidavits ... pro-life and anti-welfare is a paradox ... we'll need more prisons if we outlaw abortion ...
I'm fine outlawing abortion ... but then we'll need to make the fathers financially responsible for the baby and mother ... or else have the tax-payers pay for all the medical care and support ... welfare all over again ...

It's easy to pick on teenage girls when they're "in trouble" ... even easier to ignore the paternity affidavits ... pro-life and anti-welfare is a paradox ... we'll need more prisons if we outlaw abortion ...
Metal coat hangers make an immediate come-back ?
Metal coat hangers make an immediate come-back ?

Fast trip to TJ ...

Depends on how we outlaw abortion ... if it becomes murder, then the women will have to spend many many years in prison ... welfare is cheaper than all the new women's prisons that will need to be built ...

God forbid we hold the father responsible in any way ... right? ...
Make coat hangers great again!
I prefer the aspirin between the knees contraceptive. It never fails.

Urban Dictionary: Aspirin between the knees
thus, by keeping the aspirin suspended between her knees, she would be unable to engage in activities deemed sinful by crazy out-of-touch right wing nut jobs who wish to impose their religious will on the American public.
So the right wing are nutjobs for wanting girls to be responsible, while the liberal left want the girls to be immoral sluts. Which do you want for your daughters?
Morally superior...An immoral slut who will abort her child.
View attachment 311470 View attachment 311471

My plan is to agree to make abortion illegal the same day every Trump voter agrees to adopt and raise at least one trash can child.

Have you children never heard Doc Daneeka's tale? ... from Joseph Heller's Catch-22 ...

Here he is with a decent general practice upstairs from a beauty salon making money hand-over-fist performing illegal abortions for the Middle Class housewives ... and then the goddam army drafts him and sends him into the war ... the bastards ...

Folks of means will get their abortions whether we outlaw it or not ... only the poor girls get kicked in the belly, Mountain Dew poured into their wombs or thrown off a cliff ...
As implied above, the number of women who were harmed in the course of botched abortions was microscopic, especially when compared to the number of babies who are killed through legal abortions.
Calling a fetus a "baby" is dishonest
A 9th month unborn is most definitely a baby. There is no intelligent argument otherwise.

There is an argument about a child that is in earliest stages of life.
Metal coat hangers make an immediate come-back ?

Fast trip to TJ ...

Depends on how we outlaw abortion ... if it becomes murder, then the women will have to spend many many years in prison ... welfare is cheaper than all the new women's prisons that will need to be built ...

God forbid we hold the father responsible in any way ... right? ...
The females you refer to have bastards.
They have sperm donors, not "father types"
Outlawing abortions would overtax our childcare and welfare systems.

Unless we return to our former glory and make people responsible for their own children. That's the best birth control.
As implied above, the number of women who were harmed in the course of botched abortions was microscopic, especially when compared to the number of babies who are killed through legal abortions.
Calling a fetus a "baby" is dishonest
A 9th month unborn is most definitely a baby. There is no intelligent argument otherwise.

There is an argument about a child that is in earliest stages of life.
The definition of baby is something that is born. Thats literally the definition.
Calling something unborn a baby is emotional rheotric
As implied above, the number of women who were harmed in the course of botched abortions was microscopic, especially when compared to the number of babies who are killed through legal abortions.
Calling a fetus a "baby" is dishonest

Calling a baby a "fetus" is the ultimate dishonesty.

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