What Have The Arabs Given To The World In The Last 20-30-50 Years?

This topic has been tossed around a bit in different threads here, so I thought I would start it's own thread. I have posted a thread or two about what the Israelis have given to the world of late, so let's see what the take is for the Arabs.

Honestly it really isn't much. And here's a video from other Arabs to back my play:

Sure there may be some strong terms there, but no one in that video denies my point.

Can you Pro-Palis do it? I (in the same way as Penelope) challenge you to discredit this factually (as she did with the 'supposed' destruction of some power plant).

What has the US given Arabs over the past few decades?
"The US military has been bombing one Middle Eastern or Muslim nation or
another almost continuously since 1983, including Lebanon, Libya, Syria,
Iran, the Sudan, Afghanistan, and Iraq (almost daily bombings since 1991)

"This, then, is a sampling of American foreign policies over the last 50
years. The FBI uses the following definition for Terrorism: "'The unlawful
use of force or violence committed by a group or individual, who has some
connection to a foreign power or whose activities transcend national
boundaries, against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a
government, the civilian population or any segment thereof, in furtherance
of political or social objectives.' This sounds like the terrorism we just
experienced. It also sounds a lot like the US policies and actions since
1945 that I've just described."
Don't forget to add IS to your list.
List of US War Crimes

What has any of this to do with what the Arabs have contributed to the world in recent decades?

Take your pro-Muslim / anti-American propaganda turds to some other thread more suitable for spleen-venting against your own country and countrymen.

"Patriotism is fundamental to liberty because pride in one’s nation-state, and a willingness to defend it if necessary, is the basis of national independence.

"Patriotism is the courage of national self-determination.

"By contrast, nationalism is patriotism transformed into a sentiment of superiority and aggression toward other countries.

"Nationalism is the poisonous idea that one’s country is superior to somebody else’s.

"Nationalism is intrinsically a cause of war and imperialism."

Nattering nabobs of nationalism, like you, are the flies feasting on shit-filled imperial wars.


Nationalism vs. patriotism - The Washington Post

You tell 'em, my little Internet Tough Guy !!!

You are anti-American scum, and a coward, to boot - having crybabied your way out of the US Air Force after only 10 days of basic training, falsely pleading back problems, by your own admission.

Compared to any veteran with an Honorable DD-214 in his back pocket, you're the chewing gum on the bottom of their shoes.

You have no place at a table discussing the merits and shortfalls of patriotism, amongst men.

That goes double for your pro-Muslim / anti-American propaganda goat droppings.
they don't quality as TERRORISM------they qualify as WAR------the main issue is the INTENDED TARGET-----grabbing a child and blowing its brains out ----is terrorism----bombing a
missile launcher is not terrorism----terrorism is characterized by targeting non military targets
"Violence and intimidation in pursuit of political aims" sounds a lot like your tribe in Palestine; how much land have Jews stolen today?
This topic has been tossed around a bit in different threads here, so I thought I would start it's own thread. I have posted a thread or two about what the Israelis have given to the world of late, so let's see what the take is for the Arabs.

Honestly it really isn't much. And here's a video from other Arabs to back my play:

Sure there may be some strong terms there, but no one in that video denies my point.

Can you Pro-Palis do it? I (in the same way as Penelope) challenge you to discredit this factually (as she did with the 'supposed' destruction of some power plant).

What has the US given Arabs over the past few decades?
"The US military has been bombing one Middle Eastern or Muslim nation or
another almost continuously since 1983, including Lebanon, Libya, Syria,
Iran, the Sudan, Afghanistan, and Iraq (almost daily bombings since 1991)

"This, then, is a sampling of American foreign policies over the last 50
years. The FBI uses the following definition for Terrorism: "'The unlawful
use of force or violence committed by a group or individual, who has some
connection to a foreign power or whose activities transcend national
boundaries, against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a
government, the civilian population or any segment thereof, in furtherance
of political or social objectives.' This sounds like the terrorism we just
experienced. It also sounds a lot like the US policies and actions since
1945 that I've just described."
Don't forget to add IS to your list.
List of US War Crimes

What has any of this to do with what the Arabs have contributed to the world in recent decades?

Take your pro-Muslim / anti-American propaganda turds to some other thread more suitable for spleen-venting against your own country and countrymen.

"Patriotism is fundamental to liberty because pride in one’s nation-state, and a willingness to defend it if necessary, is the basis of national independence.

"Patriotism is the courage of national self-determination.

"By contrast, nationalism is patriotism transformed into a sentiment of superiority and aggression toward other countries.

"Nationalism is the poisonous idea that one’s country is superior to somebody else’s.

"Nationalism is intrinsically a cause of war and imperialism."

Nattering nabobs of nationalism, like you, are the flies feasting on shit-filled imperial wars.


Nationalism vs. patriotism - The Washington Post

You tell 'em, my little Internet Tough Guy !!!

You are anti-American scum, and a coward, to boot - having crybabied your way out of the US Air Force after only 10 days of basic training, falsely pleading back problems, by your own admission.

Compared to any veteran with an Honorable DD-214 in his back pocket, you're the chewing gum on the bottom of their shoes.

You have no place at a table discussing the merits and shortfalls of patriotism, amongst men.

That goes double for your pro-Muslim / anti-American propaganda goat droppings.

Here's a clue, Patton; if that DD-214 required the murder, maiming, displacement, or incarceration of civilians, there's nothing honorable about. Of course, brain-dead "patriots" posing behind keyboards will never figure that part out, will you. Chicken-shit?
This topic has been tossed around a bit in different threads here, so I thought I would start it's own thread. I have posted a thread or two about what the Israelis have given to the world of late, so let's see what the take is for the Arabs.

Honestly it really isn't much. And here's a video from other Arabs to back my play:

Sure there may be some strong terms there, but no one in that video denies my point.

Can you Pro-Palis do it? I (in the same way as Penelope) challenge you to discredit this factually (as she did with the 'supposed' destruction of some power plant).

What has the US given Arabs over the past few decades?
"The US military has been bombing one Middle Eastern or Muslim nation or
another almost continuously since 1983, including Lebanon, Libya, Syria,
Iran, the Sudan, Afghanistan, and Iraq (almost daily bombings since 1991)

"This, then, is a sampling of American foreign policies over the last 50
years. The FBI uses the following definition for Terrorism: "'The unlawful
use of force or violence committed by a group or individual, who has some
connection to a foreign power or whose activities transcend national
boundaries, against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a
government, the civilian population or any segment thereof, in furtherance
of political or social objectives.' This sounds like the terrorism we just
experienced. It also sounds a lot like the US policies and actions since
1945 that I've just described."
Don't forget to add IS to your list.
List of US War Crimes

What has any of this to do with what the Arabs have contributed to the world in recent decades?

Take your pro-Muslim / anti-American propaganda turds to some other thread more suitable for spleen-venting against your own country and countrymen.

"Patriotism is fundamental to liberty because pride in one’s nation-state, and a willingness to defend it if necessary, is the basis of national independence.

"Patriotism is the courage of national self-determination.

"By contrast, nationalism is patriotism transformed into a sentiment of superiority and aggression toward other countries.

"Nationalism is the poisonous idea that one’s country is superior to somebody else’s.

"Nationalism is intrinsically a cause of war and imperialism."

Nattering nabobs of nationalism, like you, are the flies feasting on shit-filled imperial wars.


Nationalism vs. patriotism - The Washington Post

You tell 'em, my little Internet Tough Guy !!!

You are anti-American scum, and a coward, to boot - having crybabied your way out of the US Air Force after only 10 days of basic training, falsely pleading back problems, by your own admission.

Compared to any veteran with an Honorable DD-214 in his back pocket, you're the chewing gum on the bottom of their shoes.

You have no place at a table discussing the merits and shortfalls of patriotism, amongst men.

That goes double for your pro-Muslim / anti-American propaganda goat droppings.

Here's a clue, Patton; if that DD-214 required the murder, maiming, displacement, or incarceration of civilians, there's nothing honorable about. Of course, brain-dead "patriots" posing behind keyboards will never figure that part out, will you. Chicken-shit?

You have no place at a table amongst men, discussing courage and patriotism.
What has the US given Arabs over the past few decades?
"The US military has been bombing one Middle Eastern or Muslim nation or
another almost continuously since 1983, including Lebanon, Libya, Syria,
Iran, the Sudan, Afghanistan, and Iraq (almost daily bombings since 1991)

"This, then, is a sampling of American foreign policies over the last 50
years. The FBI uses the following definition for Terrorism: "'The unlawful
use of force or violence committed by a group or individual, who has some
connection to a foreign power or whose activities transcend national
boundaries, against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a
government, the civilian population or any segment thereof, in furtherance
of political or social objectives.' This sounds like the terrorism we just
experienced. It also sounds a lot like the US policies and actions since
1945 that I've just described."
Don't forget to add IS to your list.
List of US War Crimes
What has any of this to do with what the Arabs have contributed to the world in recent decades?

Take your pro-Muslim / anti-American propaganda turds to some other thread more suitable for spleen-venting against your own country and countrymen.
"Patriotism is fundamental to liberty because pride in one’s nation-state, and a willingness to defend it if necessary, is the basis of national independence.

"Patriotism is the courage of national self-determination.

"By contrast, nationalism is patriotism transformed into a sentiment of superiority and aggression toward other countries.

"Nationalism is the poisonous idea that one’s country is superior to somebody else’s.

"Nationalism is intrinsically a cause of war and imperialism."

Nattering nabobs of nationalism, like you, are the flies feasting on shit-filled imperial wars.


Nationalism vs. patriotism - The Washington Post
You tell 'em, my little Internet Tough Guy !!!

You are anti-American scum, and a coward, to boot - having crybabied your way out of the US Air Force after only 10 days of basic training, falsely pleading back problems, by your own admission.

Compared to any veteran with an Honorable DD-214 in his back pocket, you're the chewing gum on the bottom of their shoes.

You have no place at a table discussing the merits and shortfalls of patriotism, amongst men.

That goes double for your pro-Muslim / anti-American propaganda goat droppings.
Here's a clue, Patton; if that DD-214 required the murder, maiming, displacement, or incarceration of civilians, there's nothing honorable about. Of course, brain-dead "patriots" posing behind keyboards will never figure that part out, will you. Chicken-shit?
You have no place at a table amongst men, discussing courage and patriotism.
What do you imagine a bitch like you has in common with "men"?
I realize that this is not "within the last 50 years" - but here are some thoughts.

What is the purpose of a thread like this? I think it's obvious.
Second - no modern achievements can stand alone. They did not occur in a vacuum and every great discovery or invention is built upon the achievements of earlier people. Threads like these seem designed to demean and diminish the true magnitude of those achievements and of course, of those people.

Has the Arab world contributed much to scientific advances in the last 50 years? Not so much, and that very issue is the cause of a certain amount of soul searching in the Islamic community. Many Arab scientists have ended up immigrating to other countries where their research has flourished under sponsorship.

Here is a good article, worth reading because it adds depth to what is otherwise rather shallow.

Saudi Aramco World Rediscovering Arabic Science
Not so much, and that very issue is the cause of a certain amount of soul searching in the Islamic community.

That "certain amount" being next to none. The entire problem with Abab culture is its distinct LACK of soul searching.

Having been so successful in creating apologists such as yourself in the Western world, why should they do any soul searching in the first place? You folks are always right there with a pitiful excuse, a dishonest moral equivalence, an underhanded logical fallacy and other ruses calculated to create a false sense in regards to Arab culture.
I realize that this is not "within the last 50 years" - but here are some thoughts.

What is the purpose of a thread like this? I think it's obvious.
Second - no modern achievements can stand alone. They did not occur in a vacuum and every great discovery or invention is built upon the achievements of earlier people. Threads like these seem designed to demean and diminish the true magnitude of those achievements and of course, of those people.

Has the Arab world contributed much to scientific advances in the last 50 years? Not so much, and that very issue is the cause of a certain amount of soul searching in the Islamic community. Many Arab scientists have ended up immigrating to other countries where their research has flourished under sponsorship.

Here is a good article, worth reading because it adds depth to what is otherwise rather shallow.

Saudi Aramco World Rediscovering Arabic Science

from the 9th -13th C. there were several schools of thought that rejected western/Greek science and preached the Quran literally. This lead to the end of the golden age, and it has been dead for the last millennium.
What has any of this to do with what the Arabs have contributed to the world in recent decades?

Take your pro-Muslim / anti-American propaganda turds to some other thread more suitable for spleen-venting against your own country and countrymen.
"Patriotism is fundamental to liberty because pride in one’s nation-state, and a willingness to defend it if necessary, is the basis of national independence.

"Patriotism is the courage of national self-determination.

"By contrast, nationalism is patriotism transformed into a sentiment of superiority and aggression toward other countries.

"Nationalism is the poisonous idea that one’s country is superior to somebody else’s.

"Nationalism is intrinsically a cause of war and imperialism."

Nattering nabobs of nationalism, like you, are the flies feasting on shit-filled imperial wars.


Nationalism vs. patriotism - The Washington Post
You tell 'em, my little Internet Tough Guy !!!

You are anti-American scum, and a coward, to boot - having crybabied your way out of the US Air Force after only 10 days of basic training, falsely pleading back problems, by your own admission.

Compared to any veteran with an Honorable DD-214 in his back pocket, you're the chewing gum on the bottom of their shoes.

You have no place at a table discussing the merits and shortfalls of patriotism, amongst men.

That goes double for your pro-Muslim / anti-American propaganda goat droppings.
Here's a clue, Patton; if that DD-214 required the murder, maiming, displacement, or incarceration of civilians, there's nothing honorable about. Of course, brain-dead "patriots" posing behind keyboards will never figure that part out, will you. Chicken-shit?
You have no place at a table amongst men, discussing courage and patriotism.
What do you imagine a bitch like you has in common with "men"?
Not so much, and that very issue is the cause of a certain amount of soul searching in the Islamic community.

That "certain amount" being next to none. The entire problem with Abab culture is its distinct LACK of soul searching.

Having been so successful in creating apologists such as yourself in the Western world, why should they do any soul searching in the first place? You folks are always right there with a pitiful excuse, a dishonest moral equivalence, an underhanded logical fallacy and other ruses calculated to create a false sense in regards to Arab culture.

Thank you for your valuable contribution.
I realize that this is not "within the last 50 years" - but here are some thoughts.

What is the purpose of a thread like this? I think it's obvious.
Second - no modern achievements can stand alone. They did not occur in a vacuum and every great discovery or invention is built upon the achievements of earlier people. Threads like these seem designed to demean and diminish the true magnitude of those achievements and of course, of those people.

Has the Arab world contributed much to scientific advances in the last 50 years? Not so much, and that very issue is the cause of a certain amount of soul searching in the Islamic community. Many Arab scientists have ended up immigrating to other countries where their research has flourished under sponsorship.

Here is a good article, worth reading because it adds depth to what is otherwise rather shallow.

Saudi Aramco World Rediscovering Arabic Science

from the 9th -13th C. there were several schools of thought that rejected western/Greek science and preached the Quran literally. This lead to the end of the golden age, and it has been dead for the last millennium.

Religious fundamentalism doesn't usually mix well with science....according to wikipedia, the end of the age is variously given as 1258 when Bagdad was sacked by the Mongols and 1492 when the Christians conquored Granada. Arab countries have a serious brain drain going on.
I realize that this is not "within the last 50 years" - but here are some thoughts.

What is the purpose of a thread like this? I think it's obvious.
Second - no modern achievements can stand alone. They did not occur in a vacuum and every great discovery or invention is built upon the achievements of earlier people. Threads like these seem designed to demean and diminish the true magnitude of those achievements and of course, of those people.

Has the Arab world contributed much to scientific advances in the last 50 years? Not so much, and that very issue is the cause of a certain amount of soul searching in the Islamic community. Many Arab scientists have ended up immigrating to other countries where their research has flourished under sponsorship.

Here is a good article, worth reading because it adds depth to what is otherwise rather shallow.

Saudi Aramco World Rediscovering Arabic Science

from the 9th -13th C. there were several schools of thought that rejected western/Greek science and preached the Quran literally. This lead to the end of the golden age, and it has been dead for the last millennium.

Religious fundamentalism doesn't usually mix well with science....according to wikipedia, the end of the age is variously given as 1258 when Bagdad was sacked by the Mongols and 1492 when the Christians conquored Granada. Arab countries have a serious brain drain going on.
I realize that this is not "within the last 50 years" - but here are some thoughts.

What is the purpose of a thread like this? I think it's obvious.
Second - no modern achievements can stand alone. They did not occur in a vacuum and every great discovery or invention is built upon the achievements of earlier people. Threads like these seem designed to demean and diminish the true magnitude of those achievements and of course, of those people.

Has the Arab world contributed much to scientific advances in the last 50 years? Not so much, and that very issue is the cause of a certain amount of soul searching in the Islamic community. Many Arab scientists have ended up immigrating to other countries where their research has flourished under sponsorship.

Here is a good article, worth reading because it adds depth to what is otherwise rather shallow.

Saudi Aramco World Rediscovering Arabic Science

from the 9th -13th C. there were several schools of thought that rejected western/Greek science and preached the Quran literally. This lead to the end of the golden age, and it has been dead for the last millennium.

Religious fundamentalism doesn't usually mix well with science....according to wikipedia, the end of the age is variously given as 1258 when Bagdad was sacked by the Mongols and 1492 when the Christians conquored Granada. Arab countries have a serious brain drain going on.

I really wonder why so many of the posters rely on Wikipedia so much. Years ago when all of us had to do reports for school, we either had a set of encyclopedias at home or went to the library to use their sets. I can see why, when there was an article on Wikipedia in my newspaper, some teacher said that she didn't allow her students to use that as a source for their reports as anything could be put in. In a regular encyclopedia, you have had scholars and researchers doing a darn good job of giving information to the public.

Caliphate Islamic history -- Encyclopedia Britannica

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