What has Trump done for workers?


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
No one on the right can seem to answer this question. I mean the tax law (that Trump had no input in the design of anyway) only benefited the wealthy. There was a smoke and mirrors bullshit that benefited the poor and middle class for the first year, but for any actual economic effect, only the wealthy benefited.

Trump‘s retarded trade war only made the economic hardship on the consumer worse.

The coal industry is still fucked (thank god though lol)

Wages for the poor are still shit and way behind on the cost of living standard.

Also, in case you still don’t know this: a good stock market does not translate into a benefit for low level workers lol
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No one on the right can seem to answer this question. I mean the tax law (that Trump had no input in the design of anyway) only benefited the wealthy. There was a smoke and mirrors bullshit that benefited the poor and middle class for the first year, but for any actual economic effect, only the wealthy benefited.

Trump‘a retarded trade war only made the economic hardship on the consumer worse.

The coal industry is still fucked (thank god though lol)

Wages for the poor are still shit and way behind on the cost of living standard.

Also, in case you still don’t know this: a good stock market does not translate into a benefit for low level workers lol
I've seen a number of answers to this.

I have seen my income tax cut. I have seen my Obama Care penalty eliminated. And I have seen my 401K double in value. And yes, even now, right now, it is double in value.

A good stock market only does not translate to benefit for low level workers, if low level workers are not investing for their retirement like responsible adults.

When you say "that doesn't help me", because you made the choice to not take advantage... that reflects on you, not Trump. Stop being stupid. Invest for your retirement. Not doing so, only reflects badly on you.
No one on the right can seem to answer this question. I mean the tax law (that Trump had no input in the design of anyway) only benefited the wealthy. There was a smoke and mirrors bullshit that benefited the poor and middle class for the first year, but for any actual economic effect, only the wealthy benefited.

Trump‘a retarded trade war only made the economic hardship on the consumer worse.

The coal industry is still fucked (thank god though lol)

Wages for the poor are still shit and way behind on the cost of living standard.

Also, in case you still don’t know this: a good stock market does not translate into a benefit for low level workers lol
:uhoh3: :uhoh3: :uhoh3:
No one on the right can seem to answer this question. I mean the tax law (that Trump had no input in the design of anyway) only benefited the wealthy. There was a smoke and mirrors bullshit that benefited the poor and middle class for the first year, but for any actual economic effect, only the wealthy benefited.

Trump‘a retarded trade war only made the economic hardship on the consumer worse.

The coal industry is still fucked (thank god though lol)

Wages for the poor are still shit and way behind on the cost of living standard.

Also, in case you still don’t know this: a good stock market does not translate into a benefit for low level workers lol
I've seen a number of answers to this.

I have seen my income tax cut. I have seen my Obama Care penalty eliminated. And I have seen my 401K double in value. And yes, even now, right now, it is double in value.

A good stock market only does not translate to benefit for low level workers, if low level workers are not investing for their retirement like responsible adults.

When you say "that doesn't help me", because you made the choice to not take advantage... that reflects on you, not Trump. Stop being stupid. Invest for your retirement. Not doing so, only reflects badly on you.
Well, I would need to see some statistics that are directly related to your earnings as well as evidence Trump was responsible. Of course, if you’re wealthy enough to benefit from the tax law at this point, then I haven’t learned anything new.
No one on the right can seem to answer this question. I mean the tax law (that Trump had no input in the design of anyway) only benefited the wealthy. There was a smoke and mirrors bullshit that benefited the poor and middle class for the first year, but for any actual economic effect, only the wealthy benefited.

Trump‘a retarded trade war only made the economic hardship on the consumer worse.

The coal industry is still fucked (thank god though lol)

Wages for the poor are still shit and way behind on the cost of living standard.

Also, in case you still don’t know this: a good stock market does not translate into a benefit for low level workers lol
I've seen a number of answers to this.

I have seen my income tax cut. I have seen my Obama Care penalty eliminated. And I have seen my 401K double in value. And yes, even now, right now, it is double in value.

A good stock market only does not translate to benefit for low level workers, if low level workers are not investing for their retirement like responsible adults.

When you say "that doesn't help me", because you made the choice to not take advantage... that reflects on you, not Trump. Stop being stupid. Invest for your retirement. Not doing so, only reflects badly on you.
No one on the right can seem to answer this question. I mean the tax law (that Trump had no input in the design of anyway) only benefited the wealthy. There was a smoke and mirrors bullshit that benefited the poor and middle class for the first year, but for any actual economic effect, only the wealthy benefited.

Trump‘s retarded trade war only made the economic hardship on the consumer worse.

The coal industry is still fucked (thank god though lol)

Wages for the poor are still shit and way behind on the cost of living standard.

Also, in case you still don’t know this: a good stock market does not translate into a benefit for low level workers lol

What has Trump done for workers?

If you had a job you'd know.

No one on the right can seem to answer this question. I mean the tax law (that Trump had no input in the design of anyway) only benefited the wealthy. There was a smoke and mirrors bullshit that benefited the poor and middle class for the first year, but for any actual economic effect, only the wealthy benefited.

Trump‘a retarded trade war only made the economic hardship on the consumer worse.

The coal industry is still fucked (thank god though lol)

Wages for the poor are still shit and way behind on the cost of living standard.

Also, in case you still don’t know this: a good stock market does not translate into a benefit for low level workers lol
I've seen a number of answers to this.

I have seen my income tax cut. I have seen my Obama Care penalty eliminated. And I have seen my 401K double in value. And yes, even now, right now, it is double in value.

A good stock market only does not translate to benefit for low level workers, if low level workers are not investing for their retirement like responsible adults.

When you say "that doesn't help me", because you made the choice to not take advantage... that reflects on you, not Trump. Stop being stupid. Invest for your retirement. Not doing so, only reflects badly on you.
Well, I would need to see some statistics that are directly related to your earnings as well as evidence Trump was responsible. Of course, if you’re wealthy enough to benefit from the tax law at this point, then I haven’t learned anything new.

I was making about $25,000 when Trump came into office. The ObamaCare tax alone was going to cost me $1,200 until Trump repealed it.

Screen Shot 2020-10-19 at 12.21.45 AM.png

Without giving away information that isn't any of your business.... The blue line is how much money I invested, and the green is the value. By 2018 the total value was about double how much I put in.

So that's one of my investments, and as you can see, the real increases came after 2015.
I'm not sure why the graph did that way, but the last mark is 2020, and goes back, 2019, 2017, 2015.

BTW, yes, when the 2020 crash hit, I invested more money into the market. Which is also how I have drastically increased the value of my portfolio. Investing when stocks are on sale. Winner plan.

As for personal income taxes... it's not that difficult.

The law retained the old structure of seven individual income tax brackets, but in most cases, it lowered the rates. The top rate fell from 39.6% to 37%, while the 33% bracket dropped to 32%, the 28% bracket to 24%, the 25% bracket to 22%, and the 15% bracket to 12%.10​
The lowest bracket remained at 10%, and the 35% bracket was also unchanged.​

Screen Shot 2020-10-19 at 12.28.20 AM.png

So if you look at the chart, I fall under the 12% tax bracket, which was lowered from 15%.

So.... yeah, I got a tax cut, and it's thanks to Trump. Without him, I'd not only be paying that, but the $1,200 in Obama Care tax.
No one on the right can seem to answer this question. I mean the tax law (that Trump had no input in the design of anyway) only benefited the wealthy. There was a smoke and mirrors bullshit that benefited the poor and middle class for the first year, but for any actual economic effect, only the wealthy benefited.

Trump‘a retarded trade war only made the economic hardship on the consumer worse.

The coal industry is still fucked (thank god though lol)

Wages for the poor are still shit and way behind on the cost of living standard.

Also, in case you still don’t know this: a good stock market does not translate into a benefit for low level workers lol
It benefited small businesses and contract workers.

In this age, the "Gig" economy is what has kept the entire nation from sinking into a depression worse than the great depression. . . you really are just that dumb, aren't you?
No one on the right can seem to answer this question. I mean the tax law (that Trump had no input in the design of anyway) only benefited the wealthy. There was a smoke and mirrors bullshit that benefited the poor and middle class for the first year, but for any actual economic effect, only the wealthy benefited.

Trump‘a retarded trade war only made the economic hardship on the consumer worse.

The coal industry is still fucked (thank god though lol)

Wages for the poor are still shit and way behind on the cost of living standard.

Also, in case you still don’t know this: a good stock market does not translate into a benefit for low level workers lol
I've seen a number of answers to this.

I have seen my income tax cut. I have seen my Obama Care penalty eliminated. And I have seen my 401K double in value. And yes, even now, right now, it is double in value.

A good stock market only does not translate to benefit for low level workers, if low level workers are not investing for their retirement like responsible adults.

When you say "that doesn't help me", because you made the choice to not take advantage... that reflects on you, not Trump. Stop being stupid. Invest for your retirement. Not doing so, only reflects badly on you.
Well, I would need to see some statistics that are directly related to your earnings as well as evidence Trump was responsible. Of course, if you’re wealthy enough to benefit from the tax law at this point, then I haven’t learned anything new.

I was making about $25,000 when Trump came into office. The ObamaCare tax alone was going to cost me $1,200 until Trump repealed it.

View attachment 403721
Without giving away information that isn't any of your business.... The blue line is how much money I invested, and the green is the value. By 2018 the total value was about double how much I put in.

So that's one of my investments, and as you can see, the real increases came after 2015.
I'm not sure why the graph did that way, but the last mark is 2020, and goes back, 2019, 2017, 2015.

BTW, yes, when the 2020 crash hit, I invested more money into the market. Which is also how I have drastically increased the value of my portfolio. Investing when stocks are on sale. Winner plan.

As for personal income taxes... it's not that difficult.

The law retained the old structure of seven individual income tax brackets, but in most cases, it lowered the rates. The top rate fell from 39.6% to 37%, while the 33% bracket dropped to 32%, the 28% bracket to 24%, the 25% bracket to 22%, and the 15% bracket to 12%.10​
The lowest bracket remained at 10%, and the 35% bracket was also unchanged.​

View attachment 403724
So if you look at the chart, I fall under the 12% tax bracket, which was lowered from 15%.

So.... yeah, I got a tax cut, and it's thanks to Trump. Without him, I'd not only be paying that, but the $1,200 in Obama Care tax.
Oh Christ I didn’t ask how much money you made. Save your faux Indignant bullshit lol

If a person had health insurance, the mandate obviously didn’t apply to them.

Your own link says all of this shit expires in 2025. There is no long term benefit for workers. Also, as I mentioned, Trump had nothing to do with the design of this law. He just signed off on it.
No one on the right can seem to answer this question. I mean the tax law (that Trump had no input in the design of anyway) only benefited the wealthy. There was a smoke and mirrors bullshit that benefited the poor and middle class for the first year, but for any actual economic effect, only the wealthy benefited.

Trump‘s retarded trade war only made the economic hardship on the consumer worse.

The coal industry is still fucked (thank god though lol)

Wages for the poor are still shit and way behind on the cost of living standard.

Also, in case you still don’t know this: a good stock market does not translate into a benefit for low level workers lol
What has Trump done for workers?
Well, he hasn’t begged filthy thirdworld cockroaches to continue invading by the millions...so there’s that.

Look Billy, contrary to Leftist belief, Father Government can not make bottom feeders ambitious, Father Government can’t force 42 year old Guadalupe to quit flipping burgers and seek better employment opportunities. Father Government is not suppose to make people successful....Let go of that totalitarian shit you yearn for...Go out there and pave your own way...LIKE A FUCKING MAN!
No one on the right can seem to answer this question. I mean the tax law (that Trump had no input in the design of anyway) only benefited the wealthy. There was a smoke and mirrors bullshit that benefited the poor and middle class for the first year, but for any actual economic effect, only the wealthy benefited.

Trump‘s retarded trade war only made the economic hardship on the consumer worse.

The coal industry is still fucked (thank god though lol)

Wages for the poor are still shit and way behind on the cost of living standard.

Also, in case you still don’t know this: a good stock market does not translate into a benefit for low level workers lol
What has Trump done for workers?
Well, he hasn’t begged filthy thirdworld cockroaches to continue invading by the millions...so there’s that.

Look Billy, contrary to Leftist belief, Father Government can not make bottom feeders ambitious, Father Government can’t force 42 year old Guadalupe to quit flipping burgers and seek better employment opportunities. Father Government is not suppose to make people successful....Let go of that totalitarian shit you yearn for...Go out there and pave your own way...LIKE A FUCKING MAN!
Hey, moron, with this logic in mind, why do you vote for government officials in the first place like Trump?
No one on the right can seem to answer this question. I mean the tax law (that Trump had no input in the design of anyway) only benefited the wealthy. There was a smoke and mirrors bullshit that benefited the poor and middle class for the first year, but for any actual economic effect, only the wealthy benefited.

Trump‘s retarded trade war only made the economic hardship on the consumer worse.

The coal industry is still fucked (thank god though lol)

Wages for the poor are still shit and way behind on the cost of living standard.

Also, in case you still don’t know this: a good stock market does not translate into a benefit for low level workers lol
You will never convince the RWNJs that the immense prosperity of the ruling billionaire class does NOT trickle down to the other 90%.

The impeached president trump could tell his devoted fanatics that eating cat turds from the litter box prevented cancer, and his devoted fanatics would all have breath that smelled like catsh!t.

No one on the right can seem to answer this question. I mean the tax law (that Trump had no input in the design of anyway) only benefited the wealthy. There was a smoke and mirrors bullshit that benefited the poor and middle class for the first year, but for any actual economic effect, only the wealthy benefited.

Trump‘s retarded trade war only made the economic hardship on the consumer worse.

The coal industry is still fucked (thank god though lol)

Wages for the poor are still shit and way behind on the cost of living standard.

Also, in case you still don’t know this: a good stock market does not translate into a benefit for low level workers lol

A lot of them will be taxed X2 come January 1 since they aren't funding Social Security and Medicare currently. Many do not know about this upcoming penalty.
No one on the right can seem to answer this question. I mean the tax law (that Trump had no input in the design of anyway) only benefited the wealthy. There was a smoke and mirrors bullshit that benefited the poor and middle class for the first year, but for any actual economic effect, only the wealthy benefited.

Trump‘s retarded trade war only made the economic hardship on the consumer worse.

The coal industry is still fucked (thank god though lol)

Wages for the poor are still shit and way behind on the cost of living standard.

Also, in case you still don’t know this: a good stock market does not translate into a benefit for low level workers lol
You will never convince the RWNJs that the immense prosperity of the ruling billionaire class does NOT trickle down to the other 90%.

The impeached president trump could tell his devoted fanatics that eating cat turds from the litter box prevented cancer, and his devoted fanatics would all have breath that smelled like catsh!t.


You're right except for the fact it did when Kennedy, Reagan, Bush and Trump cut taxes.
No one on the right can seem to answer this question. I mean the tax law (that Trump had no input in the design of anyway) only benefited the wealthy. There was a smoke and mirrors bullshit that benefited the poor and middle class for the first year, but for any actual economic effect, only the wealthy benefited.

Trump‘a retarded trade war only made the economic hardship on the consumer worse.

The coal industry is still fucked (thank god though lol)

Wages for the poor are still shit and way behind on the cost of living standard.

Also, in case you still don’t know this: a good stock market does not translate into a benefit for low level workers lol
I've seen a number of answers to this.

I have seen my income tax cut. I have seen my Obama Care penalty eliminated. And I have seen my 401K double in value. And yes, even now, right now, it is double in value.

A good stock market only does not translate to benefit for low level workers, if low level workers are not investing for their retirement like responsible adults.

When you say "that doesn't help me", because you made the choice to not take advantage... that reflects on you, not Trump. Stop being stupid. Invest for your retirement. Not doing so, only reflects badly on you.
Well, I would need to see some statistics that are directly related to your earnings as well as evidence Trump was responsible. Of course, if you’re wealthy enough to benefit from the tax law at this point, then I haven’t learned anything new.

I was making about $25,000 when Trump came into office. The ObamaCare tax alone was going to cost me $1,200 until Trump repealed it.

View attachment 403721
Without giving away information that isn't any of your business.... The blue line is how much money I invested, and the green is the value. By 2018 the total value was about double how much I put in.

So that's one of my investments, and as you can see, the real increases came after 2015.
I'm not sure why the graph did that way, but the last mark is 2020, and goes back, 2019, 2017, 2015.

BTW, yes, when the 2020 crash hit, I invested more money into the market. Which is also how I have drastically increased the value of my portfolio. Investing when stocks are on sale. Winner plan.

As for personal income taxes... it's not that difficult.

The law retained the old structure of seven individual income tax brackets, but in most cases, it lowered the rates. The top rate fell from 39.6% to 37%, while the 33% bracket dropped to 32%, the 28% bracket to 24%, the 25% bracket to 22%, and the 15% bracket to 12%.10​
The lowest bracket remained at 10%, and the 35% bracket was also unchanged.​

View attachment 403724
So if you look at the chart, I fall under the 12% tax bracket, which was lowered from 15%.

So.... yeah, I got a tax cut, and it's thanks to Trump. Without him, I'd not only be paying that, but the $1,200 in Obama Care tax.
Oh Christ I didn’t ask how much money you made. Save your faux Indignant bullshit lol

If a person had health insurance, the mandate obviously didn’t apply to them.

Your own link says all of this shit expires in 2025. There is no long term benefit for workers. Also, as I mentioned, Trump had nothing to do with the design of this law. He just signed off on it.

Him signing off on it alone helped the worker...

So that alone is as important!

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