What Has Ted Cruz Done for Regular Texans That They Like Him?

Big deal Cosponsoring a bill is just saying "me too" to somebody else's work, and cosponsoring something that hasn't passed, or even been voted on yet is nothing for a congressman. You might note that I'm not the one who brought up the subject of names, but it's childish and hypocritical for you to whine about one but easily accept the other. Both candidates have used their respective nick names since childhood. Here's a picture of little Beto, (on the right with untied shoe) with his name on his shirt. Quit whining about it.
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You are the one who brought up the bills and then blatantly lied about it. Lied when the truth would have served you better.
the only reason to lie about something is to cya or with criminal intent. The only intent you have to defraud voters with lies.
Nicknames are common here in the Lone Star State calling someone Flaco, Turtle, Possum, Waco, Gordito, Kraut, Billybob has
little more meaning than I like you, or that is what you said your name is. You are the one making a big deal out of nicknames
and that is the reason I doubt you are a Texan. Take your yankee ass back where it belongs among the carpetbaggers you don't deserve to breathe Texas air.

The only reason you can breathe Texas air is the Environmental Protection Agency.

Come on out here to the plains and enjoy the same quality air I enjoye when I lived in Micronesia. The wind blows all the time and is fresh 24/7. The EPA has caused as much harm as it has done good and it has done good around the channel, and toward the gulf.

The gulf coast, where most of the people live near refineries and chemical plants, doesn't enjoy the fresh air like you do in West Texas.
I grew up on the Gulf Coast and the industrial smell is a price you pay for jobs for the asking, prosperity and upward mobility.
What do you have without the chemical plants, refinerys, paper mills, industrialization, ship channel be careful what you wish for you might get it. Some folks make a career of looking a gift horse in the mouth.

I don't know how long ago you 'grew up on the Gulf Coast', but air quality in the 1970's in that area, was much worse than today, and the EPA is the reason. That said, Houston air quality is once again deteriorating due to inattention.

The profit motive doesn't care about pollution, and air doesn't respect state lines.
Perhaps the most important thing that the Senate does these days is the advise and consent for federal judges, including the SCOTUS. Ted Cruz got Gorsuch and Kavanaugh confirmed, and that's why Texans like him. Other than the obvious fact that the economy is doing way better than it did when the Dems were in charge. Seen this morning's Jobs Report? 250,000 new jobs, and wages are up better than they have been in 10 years. If you want your taxes to go up, then vote for Beto. If you want more regulations and less economic growth, vote for Beto. If you like an obstructionist Senate, vote for Beto. If you're a total idiot, vote for Beto.
You are the one who brought up the bills and then blatantly lied about it. Lied when the truth would have served you better.
the only reason to lie about something is to cya or with criminal intent. The only intent you have to defraud voters with lies.
Nicknames are common here in the Lone Star State calling someone Flaco, Turtle, Possum, Waco, Gordito, Kraut, Billybob has
little more meaning than I like you, or that is what you said your name is. You are the one making a big deal out of nicknames
and that is the reason I doubt you are a Texan. Take your yankee ass back where it belongs among the carpetbaggers you don't deserve to breathe Texas air.

The only reason you can breathe Texas air is the Environmental Protection Agency.

Come on out here to the plains and enjoy the same quality air I enjoye when I lived in Micronesia. The wind blows all the time and is fresh 24/7. The EPA has caused as much harm as it has done good and it has done good around the channel, and toward the gulf.

The gulf coast, where most of the people live near refineries and chemical plants, doesn't enjoy the fresh air like you do in West Texas.
I grew up on the Gulf Coast and the industrial smell is a price you pay for jobs for the asking, prosperity and upward mobility.
What do you have without the chemical plants, refinerys, paper mills, industrialization, ship channel be careful what you wish for you might get it. Some folks make a career of looking a gift horse in the mouth.

I don't know how long ago you 'grew up on the Gulf Coast', but air quality in the 1970's in that area, was much worse than today, and the EPA is the reason. That said, Houston air quality is once again deteriorating due to inattention.

The profit motive doesn't care about pollution, and air doesn't respect state lines.

Just ask the people in and around Stinkadina.
The only reason you can breathe Texas air is the Environmental Protection Agency.

Come on out here to the plains and enjoy the same quality air I enjoye when I lived in Micronesia. The wind blows all the time and is fresh 24/7. The EPA has caused as much harm as it has done good and it has done good around the channel, and toward the gulf.

The gulf coast, where most of the people live near refineries and chemical plants, doesn't enjoy the fresh air like you do in West Texas.
I grew up on the Gulf Coast and the industrial smell is a price you pay for jobs for the asking, prosperity and upward mobility.
What do you have without the chemical plants, refinerys, paper mills, industrialization, ship channel be careful what you wish for you might get it. Some folks make a career of looking a gift horse in the mouth.

I don't know how long ago you 'grew up on the Gulf Coast', but air quality in the 1970's in that area, was much worse than today, and the EPA is the reason. That said, Houston air quality is once again deteriorating due to inattention.

The profit motive doesn't care about pollution, and air doesn't respect state lines.

Just ask the people in and around Stinkadina.
The first question to ask is how the residents of Pasadena like their jobs at those stinky paper mills, refinerys, and chemical plants. Personally I stayed as far away as possible.
Of all the many races going on in the country, I wonder about the Texas senate one.

Ted Cruz continues to maintain about a 5-6 point overall lead over Beto O'Rourke.

Incumbency obviously has its advantages, but what exactly are Texans rewarding Cruz for?

Please list the things he has done for regular working Texans to merit re-election.

Please list the things you think regular working Texans WANT from their Senator. Because I'm skeptical that you would understand the answer to your question, even if you got it.
Beto has dropped off the Progressives Most Favored Candidates List. Haven't heard a peep about him -- or Mueller, or Stormy, or Christina $1,000,000 Ford
Of all the many races going on in the country, I wonder about the Texas senate one.

Ted Cruz continues to maintain about a 5-6 point overall lead over Beto O'Rourke.

Incumbency obviously has its advantages, but what exactly are Texans rewarding Cruz for?

Please list the things he has done for regular working Texans to merit re-election.

Please list the things you think regular working Texans WANT from their Senator. Because I'm skeptical that you would understand the answer to your question, even if you got it.

There are literally hundreds of things that could be done to help the regular working Texan, but this would be a good start.

1.) Reasonably priced healthcare that is accessible by all.
2.) Safety and environmental protections that are based on the good of the citizens instead of the profit statements of business.
3.) An education system that pays teachers what they are worth and gives every child the chance to advance as far as they are able.
4.) Cops who no longer use the phrase "I was in fear for my life" as an excuse to kill for no reason.
5.) A real immigration policy with a rout to citizenship and provisions for Dreamers, and those that have productively been here for a long time.
6.) A tax system that doesn't take from the poor and middle class to give to the rich.
7.) Drug laws that work, and don't make children suffer because the only thing that will stop their seizures might also be enjoyed by the 22.2 million people who used it last month.
Of all the many races going on in the country, I wonder about the Texas senate one.

Ted Cruz continues to maintain about a 5-6 point overall lead over Beto O'Rourke.

Incumbency obviously has its advantages, but what exactly are Texans rewarding Cruz for?

Please list the things he has done for regular working Texans to merit re-election.

Please list the things you think regular working Texans WANT from their Senator. Because I'm skeptical that you would understand the answer to your question, even if you got it.

There are literally hundreds of things that could be done to help the regular working Texan, but this would be a good start.

1.) Reasonably priced healthcare that is accessible by all.
2.) Safety and environmental protections that are based on the good of the citizens instead of the profit statements of business.
3.) An education system that pays teachers what they are worth and gives every child the chance to advance as far as they are able.
4.) Cops who no longer use the phrase "I was in fear for my life" as an excuse to kill for no reason.
5.) A real immigration policy with a rout to citizenship and provisions for Dreamers, and those that have productively been here for a long time.
6.) A tax system that doesn't take from the poor and middle class to give to the rich.
7.) Drug laws that work, and don't make children suffer because the only thing that will stop their seizures might also be enjoyed by the 22.2 million people who used it last month.

I normally have you on ignore, but I was curious. Now I know that was a waste of effort.

I didn't ask "What do you think Texans SHOULD want?" aka "What do YOU want that you're convinced is best for people who aren't you". I asked what Interpol thought regular working Texans wanted.

And your utter inability to know, understand, care about, or even deign to communicate with people who aren't leftist elite dipshits like yourself is EXACTLY why you've been relegated to my "Too Stupid To Live" file.

Of all the many races going on in the country, I wonder about the Texas senate one.

Ted Cruz continues to maintain about a 5-6 point overall lead over Beto O'Rourke.

Incumbency obviously has its advantages, but what exactly are Texans rewarding Cruz for?

Please list the things he has done for regular working Texans to merit re-election.

Please list the things you think regular working Texans WANT from their Senator. Because I'm skeptical that you would understand the answer to your question, even if you got it.

There are literally hundreds of things that could be done to help the regular working Texan, but this would be a good start.

1.) Reasonably priced healthcare that is accessible by all.
2.) Safety and environmental protections that are based on the good of the citizens instead of the profit statements of business.
3.) An education system that pays teachers what they are worth and gives every child the chance to advance as far as they are able.
4.) Cops who no longer use the phrase "I was in fear for my life" as an excuse to kill for no reason.
5.) A real immigration policy with a rout to citizenship and provisions for Dreamers, and those that have productively been here for a long time.
6.) A tax system that doesn't take from the poor and middle class to give to the rich.
7.) Drug laws that work, and don't make children suffer because the only thing that will stop their seizures might also be enjoyed by the 22.2 million people who used it last month.

I normally have you on ignore, but I was curious. Now I know that was a waste of effort.

I didn't ask "What do you think Texans SHOULD want?" aka "What do YOU want that you're convinced is best for people who aren't you". I asked what Interpol thought regular working Texans wanted.

And your utter inability to know, understand, care about, or even deign to communicate with people who aren't leftist elite dipshits like yourself is EXACTLY why you've been relegated to my "Too Stupid To Live" file.


Well, no. You asked "Please list the things you think regular working Texans WANT from their Senator", and that's what I did. I'm not sure what Interpol has to do with the discussion. Perhaps that was said by one of the voices in tour head, and you just got confused. Odd how so many goofy RWNJs claim to have me on ignore, yet respond to so many of my posts.
You are the one who brought up the bills and then blatantly lied about it. Lied when the truth would have served you better.
the only reason to lie about something is to cya or with criminal intent. The only intent you have to defraud voters with lies.
Nicknames are common here in the Lone Star State calling someone Flaco, Turtle, Possum, Waco, Gordito, Kraut, Billybob has
little more meaning than I like you, or that is what you said your name is. You are the one making a big deal out of nicknames
and that is the reason I doubt you are a Texan. Take your yankee ass back where it belongs among the carpetbaggers you don't deserve to breathe Texas air.

The only reason you can breathe Texas air is the Environmental Protection Agency.

Come on out here to the plains and enjoy the same quality air I enjoye when I lived in Micronesia. The wind blows all the time and is fresh 24/7. The EPA has caused as much harm as it has done good and it has done good around the channel, and toward the gulf.

The gulf coast, where most of the people live near refineries and chemical plants, doesn't enjoy the fresh air like you do in West Texas.
I grew up on the Gulf Coast and the industrial smell is a price you pay for jobs for the asking, prosperity and upward mobility.
What do you have without the chemical plants, refinerys, paper mills, industrialization, ship channel be careful what you wish for you might get it. Some folks make a career of looking a gift horse in the mouth.

I don't know how long ago you 'grew up on the Gulf Coast', but air quality in the 1970's in that area, was much worse than today, and the EPA is the reason. That said, Houston air quality is once again deteriorating due to inattention.

The profit motive doesn't care about pollution, and air doesn't respect state lines.

If you live right next door to a chem plant thats on you.
The north and west side of Houston doesnt have air quality problems.
The only reason you can breathe Texas air is the Environmental Protection Agency.

Come on out here to the plains and enjoy the same quality air I enjoye when I lived in Micronesia. The wind blows all the time and is fresh 24/7. The EPA has caused as much harm as it has done good and it has done good around the channel, and toward the gulf.

The gulf coast, where most of the people live near refineries and chemical plants, doesn't enjoy the fresh air like you do in West Texas.
I grew up on the Gulf Coast and the industrial smell is a price you pay for jobs for the asking, prosperity and upward mobility.
What do you have without the chemical plants, refinerys, paper mills, industrialization, ship channel be careful what you wish for you might get it. Some folks make a career of looking a gift horse in the mouth.

I don't know how long ago you 'grew up on the Gulf Coast', but air quality in the 1970's in that area, was much worse than today, and the EPA is the reason. That said, Houston air quality is once again deteriorating due to inattention.

The profit motive doesn't care about pollution, and air doesn't respect state lines.

If you live right next door to a chem plant thats on you.
The north and west side of Houston doesnt have air quality problems.

Got it. It's OK for chemical plants to poison all the kids in their town. It's the kids fault that they want to breath. If your neighbor threw buckets of shit into your yard, would that be on you?
Come on out here to the plains and enjoy the same quality air I enjoye when I lived in Micronesia. The wind blows all the time and is fresh 24/7. The EPA has caused as much harm as it has done good and it has done good around the channel, and toward the gulf.

The gulf coast, where most of the people live near refineries and chemical plants, doesn't enjoy the fresh air like you do in West Texas.
I grew up on the Gulf Coast and the industrial smell is a price you pay for jobs for the asking, prosperity and upward mobility.
What do you have without the chemical plants, refinerys, paper mills, industrialization, ship channel be careful what you wish for you might get it. Some folks make a career of looking a gift horse in the mouth.

I don't know how long ago you 'grew up on the Gulf Coast', but air quality in the 1970's in that area, was much worse than today, and the EPA is the reason. That said, Houston air quality is once again deteriorating due to inattention.

The profit motive doesn't care about pollution, and air doesn't respect state lines.

If you live right next door to a chem plant thats on you.
The north and west side of Houston doesnt have air quality problems.

Got it. It's OK for chemical plants to poison all the kids in their town. It's the kids fault that they want to breath. If your neighbor threw buckets of shit into your yard, would that be on you?
You have nothing to say I thought you might make an interesting conversation. Not so you are too caught up in you talking points and specious propaganda. Without the industry you are decrying you would not be living in Houston perhaps you would not be living at all.
The gulf coast, where most of the people live near refineries and chemical plants, doesn't enjoy the fresh air like you do in West Texas.
I grew up on the Gulf Coast and the industrial smell is a price you pay for jobs for the asking, prosperity and upward mobility.
What do you have without the chemical plants, refinerys, paper mills, industrialization, ship channel be careful what you wish for you might get it. Some folks make a career of looking a gift horse in the mouth.

I don't know how long ago you 'grew up on the Gulf Coast', but air quality in the 1970's in that area, was much worse than today, and the EPA is the reason. That said, Houston air quality is once again deteriorating due to inattention.

The profit motive doesn't care about pollution, and air doesn't respect state lines.

If you live right next door to a chem plant thats on you.
The north and west side of Houston doesnt have air quality problems.

Got it. It's OK for chemical plants to poison all the kids in their town. It's the kids fault that they want to breath. If your neighbor threw buckets of shit into your yard, would that be on you?
You have nothing to say I thought you might make an interesting conversation. Not so you are too caught up in you talking points and specious propaganda. Without the industry you are decrying you would not be living in Houston perhaps you would not be living at all.

I don't live in Houston. I worked there for years, but after retirement, I haven't been back. A person shouldn't have to tolerate life threatening health threats just to make a living, yet many have to. You don't get that?
Of all the many races going on in the country, I wonder about the Texas senate one.

Ted Cruz continues to maintain about a 5-6 point overall lead over Beto O'Rourke.

Incumbency obviously has its advantages, but what exactly are Texans rewarding Cruz for?

Please list the things he has done for regular working Texans to merit re-election.

He’s not Rick Perry.
The gulf coast, where most of the people live near refineries and chemical plants, doesn't enjoy the fresh air like you do in West Texas.
I grew up on the Gulf Coast and the industrial smell is a price you pay for jobs for the asking, prosperity and upward mobility.
What do you have without the chemical plants, refinerys, paper mills, industrialization, ship channel be careful what you wish for you might get it. Some folks make a career of looking a gift horse in the mouth.

I don't know how long ago you 'grew up on the Gulf Coast', but air quality in the 1970's in that area, was much worse than today, and the EPA is the reason. That said, Houston air quality is once again deteriorating due to inattention.

The profit motive doesn't care about pollution, and air doesn't respect state lines.

If you live right next door to a chem plant thats on you.
The north and west side of Houston doesnt have air quality problems.

Got it. It's OK for chemical plants to poison all the kids in their town. It's the kids fault that they want to breath. If your neighbor threw buckets of shit into your yard, would that be on you?
You have nothing to say I thought you might make an interesting conversation. Not so you are too caught up in you talking points and specious propaganda. Without the industry you are decrying you would not be living in Houston perhaps you would not be living at all.

When ya dont use the quote feature no one knows who you're talking to.
The only reason you can breathe Texas air is the Environmental Protection Agency.

Come on out here to the plains and enjoy the same quality air I enjoye when I lived in Micronesia. The wind blows all the time and is fresh 24/7. The EPA has caused as much harm as it has done good and it has done good around the channel, and toward the gulf.

The gulf coast, where most of the people live near refineries and chemical plants, doesn't enjoy the fresh air like you do in West Texas.
I grew up on the Gulf Coast and the industrial smell is a price you pay for jobs for the asking, prosperity and upward mobility.
What do you have without the chemical plants, refinerys, paper mills, industrialization, ship channel be careful what you wish for you might get it. Some folks make a career of looking a gift horse in the mouth.

I don't know how long ago you 'grew up on the Gulf Coast', but air quality in the 1970's in that area, was much worse than today, and the EPA is the reason. That said, Houston air quality is once again deteriorating due to inattention.

The profit motive doesn't care about pollution, and air doesn't respect state lines.

If you live right next door to a chem plant thats on you.
The north and west side of Houston doesnt have air quality problems.

I've never lived in Houston,but I was in the propane bidness for 20+ years. It's dishonest or naive to downplay the role the EPA played in the improvement of Houston's air quality after its creation. I didn't say Houston had terrible air - I said it improved due to regulatory enforcement. It will again deteriorate as enforcement is abandoned.
Come on out here to the plains and enjoy the same quality air I enjoye when I lived in Micronesia. The wind blows all the time and is fresh 24/7. The EPA has caused as much harm as it has done good and it has done good around the channel, and toward the gulf.

The gulf coast, where most of the people live near refineries and chemical plants, doesn't enjoy the fresh air like you do in West Texas.
I grew up on the Gulf Coast and the industrial smell is a price you pay for jobs for the asking, prosperity and upward mobility.
What do you have without the chemical plants, refinerys, paper mills, industrialization, ship channel be careful what you wish for you might get it. Some folks make a career of looking a gift horse in the mouth.

I don't know how long ago you 'grew up on the Gulf Coast', but air quality in the 1970's in that area, was much worse than today, and the EPA is the reason. That said, Houston air quality is once again deteriorating due to inattention.

The profit motive doesn't care about pollution, and air doesn't respect state lines.

If you live right next door to a chem plant thats on you.
The north and west side of Houston doesnt have air quality problems.

I've never lived in Houston,but I was in the propane bidness for 20+ years. It's dishonest or naive to downplay the role the EPA played in the improvement of Houston's air quality after its creation. I didn't say Houston had terrible air - I said it improved due to regulatory enforcement. It will again deteriorate as enforcement is abandoned.

I've lived here for over fifty years and have never had a problem.
If you live near a chem plant and complain about air quality it's no different than living near a major airport and complaining about noise.
The gulf coast, where most of the people live near refineries and chemical plants, doesn't enjoy the fresh air like you do in West Texas.
I grew up on the Gulf Coast and the industrial smell is a price you pay for jobs for the asking, prosperity and upward mobility.
What do you have without the chemical plants, refinerys, paper mills, industrialization, ship channel be careful what you wish for you might get it. Some folks make a career of looking a gift horse in the mouth.

I don't know how long ago you 'grew up on the Gulf Coast', but air quality in the 1970's in that area, was much worse than today, and the EPA is the reason. That said, Houston air quality is once again deteriorating due to inattention.

The profit motive doesn't care about pollution, and air doesn't respect state lines.

If you live right next door to a chem plant thats on you.
The north and west side of Houston doesnt have air quality problems.

I've never lived in Houston,but I was in the propane bidness for 20+ years. It's dishonest or naive to downplay the role the EPA played in the improvement of Houston's air quality after its creation. I didn't say Houston had terrible air - I said it improved due to regulatory enforcement. It will again deteriorate as enforcement is abandoned.

I've lived here for over fifty years and have never had a problem.
If you live near a chem plant and complain about air quality it's no different than living near a major airport and complaining about noise.

I live in the mountains a thousand miles from Houston. If you find anyone living near a chem plant, you may want to share your wisdom with them.

I grew up on the Gulf Coast and the industrial smell is a price you pay for jobs for the asking, prosperity and upward mobility.
What do you have without the chemical plants, refinerys, paper mills, industrialization, ship channel be careful what you wish for you might get it. Some folks make a career of looking a gift horse in the mouth.

I don't know how long ago you 'grew up on the Gulf Coast', but air quality in the 1970's in that area, was much worse than today, and the EPA is the reason. That said, Houston air quality is once again deteriorating due to inattention.

The profit motive doesn't care about pollution, and air doesn't respect state lines.

If you live right next door to a chem plant thats on you.
The north and west side of Houston doesnt have air quality problems.

I've never lived in Houston,but I was in the propane bidness for 20+ years. It's dishonest or naive to downplay the role the EPA played in the improvement of Houston's air quality after its creation. I didn't say Houston had terrible air - I said it improved due to regulatory enforcement. It will again deteriorate as enforcement is abandoned.

I've lived here for over fifty years and have never had a problem.
If you live near a chem plant and complain about air quality it's no different than living near a major airport and complaining about noise.

I live in the mountains a thousand miles from Houston. If you find anyone living near a chem plant, you may want to share your wisdom with them.


If they're stupid enough to live near a chem plant no amount of wisdom sharing is going to do a lick of good.

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