What happens when belief in CRT infiltrates “real life”


Diamond Member
Oct 12, 2021
CRT believes that race is a social construct, designed by whites for the specific purpose of oppressing blacks - and that all systems are in place to make sure they stay oppressed.

So what happens? Believers - or more generally, gullible people who believe blacks are oppressed victims - overcompensate and favor blacks and discriminate against whites.

Example: I went to lunch an an “upscale” chain, here in affluent and liberal northern Virginia. I was seated and had been waiting for 10 minutes without anyone coming over with a menu or water when a well-dressed black woman came in. She was seated at the booth ahead of me, and within a minute given water and a menu.

At that point, I asked the waiter if *I* could have a menu, too. He apologized and gave the usual about being short-staffed, and said he’d be back. He returned in 5 minutes, stopped by the black woman’s table to take her order, and after that, he came to me. The other woman’s order was delivered, and she had finished eating 15 minutes later, at the same time my food was finally delivered.

This is a small, but telling, example of what happens when people believe blacks are oppressed and whites their evil oppressors. People will favor blacks over whites, even when the white DESERVES priority treatment: overcompensating.
CRT believes that race is a social construct, designed by whites for the specific purpose of oppressing blacks - and that all systems are in place to make sure they stay oppressed.

So what happens? Believers - or more generally, gullible people who believe blacks are oppressed victims - overcompensate and favor blacks and discriminate against whites.

Example: I went to lunch an an “upscale” chain, here in affluent and liberal northern Virginia. I was seated and had been waiting for 10 minutes without anyone coming over with a menu or water when a well-dressed black woman came in. She was seated at the booth ahead of me, and within a minute given water and a menu.

At that point, I asked the waiter if *I* could have a menu, too. He apologized and gave the usual about being short-staffed, and said he’d be back. He returned in 5 minutes, stopped by the black woman’s table to take her order, and after that, he came to me. The other woman’s order was delivered, and she had finished eating 15 minutes later, at the same time my food was finally delivered.

This is a small, but telling, example of what happens when people believe blacks are oppressed and whites their evil oppressors. People will favor blacks over whites, even when the white DESERVES priority treatment: overcompensating.
I think I would have talked to the manager before paying my bill
I think I would have talked to the manager before paying my bill

I got one better, in addition to talking to the manager, that would have been on my way out, to go somewhere else to eat....

These businesses, and corporations that are pushing this "woke" agenda down the consumers throats need to experience a downturn where they live, in profits.
CRT believes that race is a social construct, designed by whites for the specific purpose of oppressing blacks - and that all systems are in place to make sure they stay oppressed.

So what happens? Believers - or more generally, gullible people who believe blacks are oppressed victims - overcompensate and favor blacks and discriminate against whites.

Example: I went to lunch an an “upscale” chain, here in affluent and liberal northern Virginia. I was seated and had been waiting for 10 minutes without anyone coming over with a menu or water when a well-dressed black woman came in. She was seated at the booth ahead of me, and within a minute given water and a menu.

At that point, I asked the waiter if *I* could have a menu, too. He apologized and gave the usual about being short-staffed, and said he’d be back. He returned in 5 minutes, stopped by the black woman’s table to take her order, and after that, he came to me. The other woman’s order was delivered, and she had finished eating 15 minutes later, at the same time my food was finally delivered.

This is a small, but telling, example of what happens when people believe blacks are oppressed and whites their evil oppressors. People will favor blacks over whites, even when the white DESERVES priority treatment: overcompensating.

Sounds like they don't want your business and were hoping you'd leave.

You should dress better.
Sounds like they don't want your business and were hoping you'd leave.

You should dress better.
Inner cities have businesses and bars that are third world. in operation Speak easies thrive. Death and fires are massive compared to those who follow laws. It is understood. But Prog derived laws and rules make this possible.
CRT believes that race is a social construct, designed by whites for the specific purpose of oppressing blacks - and that all systems are in place to make sure they stay oppressed.

So what happens? Believers - or more generally, gullible people who believe blacks are oppressed victims - overcompensate and favor blacks and discriminate against whites.

Example: I went to lunch an an “upscale” chain, here in affluent and liberal northern Virginia. I was seated and had been waiting for 10 minutes without anyone coming over with a menu or water when a well-dressed black woman came in. She was seated at the booth ahead of me, and within a minute given water and a menu.

At that point, I asked the waiter if *I* could have a menu, too. He apologized and gave the usual about being short-staffed, and said he’d be back. He returned in 5 minutes, stopped by the black woman’s table to take her order, and after that, he came to me. The other woman’s order was delivered, and she had finished eating 15 minutes later, at the same time my food was finally delivered.

This is a small, but telling, example of what happens when people believe blacks are oppressed and whites their evil oppressors. People will favor blacks over whites, even when the white DESERVES priority treatment: overcompensating.
Well, you've just proven you don't know what CRT is.
Sounds like they don't want your business and were hoping you'd leave.

You should dress better.
I knew a lib would turn it around to insult me. I was well-dressed, as I always am. Nope: it was a woke company, or woke liberal, who believes blacks get priority treatment over whites.
That’s exactly what CRT teaches. You just proved you’re a liberal who is buying into the nonsense.
CRT is scholarly subject that has simply become the right's code word for whites maybe losing their favored place in American society. Sounds like you just got bad service at a place and decided to take it personally. Had it been the other way around you would have probably never even noticed.
CRT believes that race is a social construct, designed by whites for the specific purpose of oppressing blacks - and that all systems are in place to make sure they stay oppressed.

So what happens? Believers - or more generally, gullible people who believe blacks are oppressed victims - overcompensate and favor blacks and discriminate against whites.

Example: I went to lunch an an “upscale” chain, here in affluent and liberal northern Virginia. I was seated and had been waiting for 10 minutes without anyone coming over with a menu or water when a well-dressed black woman came in. She was seated at the booth ahead of me, and within a minute given water and a menu.

At that point, I asked the waiter if *I* could have a menu, too. He apologized and gave the usual about being short-staffed, and said he’d be back. He returned in 5 minutes, stopped by the black woman’s table to take her order, and after that, he came to me. The other woman’s order was delivered, and she had finished eating 15 minutes later, at the same time my food was finally delivered.

This is a small, but telling, example of what happens when people believe blacks are oppressed and whites their evil oppressors. People will favor blacks over whites, even when the white DESERVES priority treatment: overcompensating.
You meant it doesn't? So it was all fake, eh?

Love your last comment there..."even when the white DESERVES priority treatment"......
CRT is scholarly subject that has simply become the right's code word for whites maybe losing their favored place in American society. Sounds like you just got bad service at a place and decided to take it personally. Had it been the other way around you would have probably never even noticed.
"CRT has its roots in the early 20th Century thought of neo-Marxist Antonio Gramsci, founder of the Italian Communist Party. His desire was to spur on the stalled communism of 19th Century social revolutionists Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels toward an overthrow of the “bourgeoisie” (ruling middle- and upper-class) by the proletariat (working-class). To accomplish this goal, societal norms and institutions, such as family, nation state, capitalism, and God, needed to be torn down, and this is where we begin to see the notion of group-based morality, with the idea that what is moral is what serves the interests of the “oppressed” or “marginalized.”

While European Marxism focused on class, a distinctly American brand of Marxism was brought to America in 1937 by scholars from the Institute for Social Research in Frankfurt, Germany, known commonly as the Frankfurt School, who left Nazi Germany to escape the Third Reich. They eventually landed in New York where they setup shop at the Columbia University Teachers’ College. While most of the Frankfurt scholars returned to Germany after the defeat of the Nazis, Herbert Marcuse stayed behind and became one of the leading spokesmen of Critical Theory (on which CRT is based) during the massive upheavals of the 1960s and early 1970s caused by riots and violence associated with the Civil Rights and anti-Vietnam movements. The focus shifted specifically to oppressed ethnic, racial, and gender groups.

In short, CRT argues that America’s legal, economic, and political systems are inextricably racist. It argues that racism advances only the interests of white elites materially and working-class whites mentally. CRT Chooses race-consciousness over the Enlightenment view of colorblindness as a societal norm. Since all whites benefit from an unearned advantage, race-consciousness remedies rectify this inherent injustice. CRT criticizes the civil-rights movement and the liberal ideology it promotes. The view is civil rights laws are limited to isolated discriminatory acts by individuals or businesses, when in fact discrimination continues to be both pervasive and systemic. CRT rejects the principle of equal opportunity, believing it to be a myth, and rejects conceptions of “merit” since only those in power determine what is equal or what has merit. Finally, CRT promotes equality of results instead of equality of opportunity."

"CRT has its roots in the early 20th Century thought of neo-Marxist Antonio Gramsci, founder of the Italian Communist Party. His desire was to spur on the stalled communism of 19th Century social revolutionists Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels toward an overthrow of the “bourgeoisie” (ruling middle- and upper-class) by the proletariat (working-class). To accomplish this goal, societal norms and institutions, such as family, nation state, capitalism, and God, needed to be torn down, and this is where we begin to see the notion of group-based morality, with the idea that what is moral is what serves the interests of the “oppressed” or “marginalized.”

While European Marxism focused on class, a distinctly American brand of Marxism was brought to America in 1937 by scholars from the Institute for Social Research in Frankfurt, Germany, known commonly as the Frankfurt School, who left Nazi Germany to escape the Third Reich. They eventually landed in New York where they setup shop at the Columbia University Teachers’ College. While most of the Frankfurt scholars returned to Germany after the defeat of the Nazis, Herbert Marcuse stayed behind and became one of the leading spokesmen of Critical Theory (on which CRT is based) during the massive upheavals of the 1960s and early 1970s caused by riots and violence associated with the Civil Rights and anti-Vietnam movements. The focus shifted specifically to oppressed ethnic, racial, and gender groups.

In short, CRT argues that America’s legal, economic, and political systems are inextricably racist. It argues that racism advances only the interests of white elites materially and working-class whites mentally. CRT Chooses race-consciousness over the Enlightenment view of colorblindness as a societal norm. Since all whites benefit from an unearned advantage, race-consciousness remedies rectify this inherent injustice. CRT criticizes the civil-rights movement and the liberal ideology it promotes. The view is civil rights laws are limited to isolated discriminatory acts by individuals or businesses, when in fact discrimination continues to be both pervasive and systemic. CRT rejects the principle of equal opportunity, believing it to be a myth, and rejects conceptions of “merit” since only those in power determine what is equal or what has merit. Finally, CRT promotes equality of results instead of equality of opportunity."

Trying to connect your latest boogy-man to Marxism is typical.
These businesses, and corporations that are pushing this "woke" agenda down the consumers throats need to experience a downturn where they live, in profits.
It could be mere stupidity that the particular brainwashed guilt-ridden white waitstaff were not even aware their own mistakes

So politely bending the managers ear may be all that’s needed

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