What does Proverbs 22:16 mean?


Platinum Member
Dec 25, 2009
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Proverbs 22:16
Whoever oppresses the poor to increase his own wealth, or gives to the rich, will only come to poverty.

What does it mean, exactly, that one will "only come to poverty"?

It certainly doesn't mean that one will come to poverty while still among the living as many oppressors die at a ripe old age and with significant wealth.

Does it mean that such people will go to Hell? Well, the verse doesn't say that, at least not exactly.
Let me share my interpretation. Such people will pay a price for their actions by "coming to poverty" in the hereafter. They will do without in the hereafter. They will watch from afar as God's people gorge themselves on the riches of Heaven.

Mathew 20:16 seems to affirm my interpretation, or so I believe. Here is the verse:
English Standard Version
So the last will be first, and the first last

Again, it does not say that the first will go to Hell; it says they will be "last". So, while others enjoy Heaven's riches, those who were first on Earth will have to "wait" to enjoy such things, which would surely be the same people mentioned in Proverbs 22:16.

Insightful feedback is welcome and appreciated.
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Proverbs 22:16
Whoever oppresses the poor to increase his own wealth, or gives to the rich, will only come to poverty.

What does it mean, exactly, that one will "only come to poverty"?

It certainly doesn't mean that one will come to poverty while still among the living as many oppressors die at a ripe old age and with significant wealth.

Does it mean that such people will go to Hell? Well, the verse doesn't say that, at least not exactly.
Let me share my interpretation. Such people will pay a price for their actions by "coming to poverty" in the hereafter. They will do without in the hereafter. They will watch from afar as God's people gorge themselves on the riches of Heaven.

Mathew 20:16 seems to affirm my interpretation, or so I believe. Here is the verse:
English Standard Version
So the last will be first, and the first last

Again, it does not say that the first will go to Hell; it says they will be "last". So, while others enjoy Heaven's riches, those who were first on Earth will have to "wait" to enjoy such things, which would surely be the same people mentioned in Proverbs 22:16.

Insightful feedback is welcome and appreciated.

Proverbs is a book of wisdom; general life precepts that don't always apply to each individual life here on earth. So looking at the book overall, it is good to work hard, be faithful, tend your home, etc--these things generally lead to a good life. Looking at this verse specifically, giving your wealth to the poor is a better "bargain" than to the rich for many reasons. But certainly we could point to someone who did NOT follow this advice and managed to do well; there are outliers.

(you also make a good point about eternity)
What does it mean, exactly, that one will "only come to poverty"?
It's not a sin to make money or have riches, but it is if money is the end all, be all. To love money like that makes us selfish and greedy. I think it's the opposite of Robin Hood. We become so enamored by money that we'll do almost anything to get it and amass more.

It's a sin to take advantage, oppress, and mistreat the poor. For example, we have minimum wage laws. Again, it's not a sin to be rich by making money or be blessed with wealth (I think the Bible says to give to your children's children), but one should share their riches with the poor in the community. Jesus hung out with the poor and aided them whenever he could.
Sooner or later those you bribe will in turn clean you out as well. It's related to other Proverbs, such as 22:13. It doesn't condemn wealth per se, but frowns on wealth achieved through dishonesty and govt. chicanery.
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Proverbs 22:16
Whoever oppresses the poor to increase his own wealth, or gives to the rich, will only come to poverty.

What does it mean, exactly, that one will "only come to poverty"?

It certainly doesn't mean that one will come to poverty while still among the living as many oppressors die at a ripe old age and with significant wealth.

Does it mean that such people will go to Hell? Well, the verse doesn't say that, at least not exactly.
Let me share my interpretation. Such people will pay a price for their actions by "coming to poverty" in the hereafter. They will do without in the hereafter. They will watch from afar as God's people gorge themselves on the riches of Heaven.

Mathew 20:16 seems to affirm my interpretation, or so I believe. Here is the verse:
English Standard Version
So the last will be first, and the first last

Again, it does not say that the first will go to Hell; it says they will be "last". So, while others enjoy Heaven's riches, those who were first on Earth will have to "wait" to enjoy such things, which would surely be the same people mentioned in Proverbs 22:16.

Insightful feedback is welcome and appreciated.

I guess it's onyl a special case of the proverb "Wer anderen eine Grube gräbt fällt selbst hinein." Ahem ... one moment ... "Whoever digs a pit for others will fall into it themselves". So who makes poor people poorer because he likes to be rich will be poorer than only poor in the end. I remember someone where this did happen. But he was perhaps lucky because he was "punished" in this world here - before he arrived in the other world.

Or it has to do with how to see richdom. I was for example always rich because I always had an Euro more than I needed. But that's poor for people who need to have always a billion dollar more than they really need. So with a few hundred millions such people are poor. Perhaps never someone feels rich who steals the very few money, which poor people need for their life. To do so is always "poor".
I've always wondered why people who strike it rich will give to all kinds of fake 'charities' and 'causes', but never feel like giving any of it back to those who made them rich in the first place. I've only read of a few instances of that in my life, such as that road building contractor in Georgia who gave even his short time employees of two years or less $200K with a graduating scale up to a couple million to long term employees, and was still plenty rich after that. I don't give money to fake charities like symphony orchestras or art museums, just to the local library and such groups as Meals On Wheels and a few Habitat For Humanity condemned house donations and several small church groups who mow yards and build wheelchair ramps and the like for elderly shut ins, stuff that people actually need. I also support a floor on wages, to keep sociopaths from getting rich at the expense of honest businessmen, which is certainly a biblical provision in its call to pay a workman worthy of his hire.

Actually I do know why sociopaths give to fake charities; they're social climbers trying to buy their way into status and insider groups. What I don't know is why they would care if they were already rich themselves.
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Warning to trolls: Stick to the topic or stay out of the thread. This is your only warning.

Proverbs 22:16
Whoever oppresses the poor to increase his own wealth, or gives to the rich, will only come to poverty.

What does it mean, exactly, that one will "only come to poverty"?

It certainly doesn't mean that one will come to poverty while still among the living as many oppressors die at a ripe old age and with significant wealth.

Does it mean that such people will go to Hell? Well, the verse doesn't say that, at least not exactly.
Let me share my interpretation. Such people will pay a price for their actions by "coming to poverty" in the hereafter. They will do without in the hereafter. They will watch from afar as God's people gorge themselves on the riches of Heaven.

Mathew 20:16 seems to affirm my interpretation, or so I believe. Here is the verse:
English Standard Version
So the last will be first, and the first last

Again, it does not say that the first will go to Hell; it says they will be "last". So, while others enjoy Heaven's riches, those who were first on Earth will have to "wait" to enjoy such things, which would surely be the same people mentioned in Proverbs 22:16.

Insightful feedback is welcome and appreciated.
You are reading a specific version that changes the narrative of what's said in the Hebrew Tanakh.
In the Tanakh:
22:16 He who exploits a poor man to increase for himself will give to a rich man only to want

Is sort of like saying you'd spite yourself by never feeling your gain is enough, aka always wanting more.
Seems to be a way of describing greed.
Although, I believe some greed is good if it drives abundance of conveniences and jobs.
In socialist economies where everyone is treated equally miserably, that lack of drive-that greed brings, means less supply and conveniences, thus demand becoming greater then supply and choices=dangerous bottlenecks like in tech and such, & long food lines etc.
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Sooner or later those you bribe will in turn clean you out as well. It's related to other Proverbs, such as 22:13. It doesn't condemn wealth per se, but frowns on wealth achieved through dishonesty and govt. chicanery.

Jesus was criticizing the government?
You are reading a specific version that changes the narrative of what's said in the Hebrew Tanakh.
In the Tanakh:
22:16 He who exploits a poor man to increase for himself will give to a rich man only to want

Is sort of like saying you'd spite yourself by never feeling your gain is enough, aka always wanting more.
Seems to be a way of describing greed.
Although, I believe some greed is good if it drives abundance of conveniences and jobs.
In socialist economies where everyone is treated equally miserably, that lack of drive-that greed brings, means less supply and conveniences, thus demand becoming greater then supply and choices=dangerous bottlenecks like in tech and such, & long food lines etc.
The NKJV reads pretty much like the OP's version:

He who oppresses the poor to increase his riches,
he who gives to the rich, will surely come to poverty.

The NKJV is a the latest and best translation, of the OT and the NT both.
The NKJV reads pretty much like the OP's version:

He who oppresses the poor to increase his riches,
he who gives to the rich, will surely come to poverty.

The NKJV is a the latest and best translation, of the OT and the NT both.
Do you learn to fly a plane by hiring a boating instructor? Then why would you learn the Hebrew Bible by asking for A Roman interpretation?
It would be like asking CNN to interpret a Trump quote or Adam Schiff to narrate the Trump call to Ukraine telephone conversation. *L*
matthew 25:40 says it all

And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.

compassion and kindness are the riches here on earth
Does it mean that such people will go to Hell? Well, the verse doesn't say that, at least not exactly.
Let me share my interpretation. Such people will pay a price for their actions by "coming to poverty" in the hereafter. They will do without in the hereafter. They will watch from afar as God's people gorge themselves on the riches of Heaven.
My quote is from the Catholic Study Bible.

He who oppresses the poor to enrich himself will yield up his gains to the rich as sheer loss. (Footnote explains, "Money gained by exploiting the poor is in turn lost to those who are more wealthy."

I have the perspective that the Bible is a guide for us in this life and for what happens in the here and now. I see Proverb 22:16 as very like the more modern proverb of "What goes around comes around" or if one exploits someone who is poorer, they themselves can expect to be exploited by someone who is wealthier. No waiting for the next life...it will happen in his/her present life.
Do you learn to fly a plane by hiring a boating instructor? Then why would you learn the Hebrew Bible by asking for A Roman interpretation?
It would be like asking CNN to interpret a Trump quote or Adam Schiff to narrate the Trump call to Ukraine telephone conversation. *L*

lol the Hebrew Bible has been edited so many times it's useless as a primary source; the current 'Orthodox' forms of Judaism are a fake cult and not the original Hebrewism. The modern cult was a racist fabrication evolved from a cult dreamed up by some Babylonian Jews running a Temple scam, and was invented by some Pharisees after the Bar Kokhba Revolt. Modern Orthodox Jews aren't even as Jewish as Baptists when it comes to religion.
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Proverbs 22:16
Whoever oppresses the poor to increase his own wealth, or gives to the rich, will only come to poverty.

What does it mean, exactly, that one will "only come to poverty"?

It certainly doesn't mean that one will come to poverty while still among the living as many oppressors die at a ripe old age and with significant wealth.

Does it mean that such people will go to Hell? Well, the verse doesn't say that, at least not exactly.
Let me share my interpretation. Such people will pay a price for their actions by "coming to poverty" in the hereafter. They will do without in the hereafter. They will watch from afar as God's people gorge themselves on the riches of Heaven.

Mathew 20:16 seems to affirm my interpretation, or so I believe. Here is the verse:
English Standard Version
So the last will be first, and the first last

Again, it does not say that the first will go to Hell; it says they will be "last". So, while others enjoy Heaven's riches, those who were first on Earth will have to "wait" to enjoy such things, which would surely be the same people mentioned in Proverbs 22:16.

Insightful feedback is welcome and appreciated.
The majority of the book of Proverbs was written by supposedly the wisest man of Biblical history, "SOLOMON". The first 29 Proverbs most certainly are accredited to Solomon.

To comprehend the text of any single proverb one most consider the subject matter of the proceeding and following proverbs in order to maintain the contextual subject matter.

Generally these proverbs are addressing man's desire for wealth....and how greedy desire leads to borrowing money, money that could have been used to help the poor.......but that money now has become a tool for the evil rich who control the flow of money...i.e., the MONEY CHANGERS who require interest on all borrowed monies. Regardless of how good or righteous the borrowers intent might have been, even a pretense to help the poor.......you are doomed to a life of indebtedness if you fall victim to the evil that is money changing for wealth and you are not in any position to help feed anyone might less helping the poor.

In short its a precautionary warning of not allowing money to control you, as money is nothing but a tool that can be used or misused just like any other tool. There is nothing basically evil or unrighteous about the tool known as currency......its allowing your love of wealth and money to overcome your sense of righteousness that is the root of all evil.

The New Testament author said it best, "The LOVE of money is the root of all evil........." 1 Tim 6:10 Paul is warning........when one loves money that love often leads to the worshiping of money instead of the worshiping of the Lord.

Its the LOVE of money.......not money itself that can often lead to evil. Its the power that often accompanies the wealthy that corrupts. Power corrupts........but absolute power corrupts absolutely.

A good "modern day" example of Sol's warning in action? Ask yourself.........why would any successful lawyer or businessman/woman quit a job that averages up to often beyond triple digits.....to take the job as a civil servant making 1/10th that salary? Another question? How many millionaires are working now as civil servants ...aka., our representatives in politics.....that were not millionaires when they assumed office? Just what business plan was used to turn the salary of a civil servant into a multimillion dollar personal portfolio?

How can these supposed civil servants help anyone (especially the poor) when they obviously are corrupt themselves? Their real masters are not THE PEOPLE who hired them but the special interest groups that have helped funnel money into their personal coffers........with the expectation of QUID PRO QUO.
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The majority of the book of Proverbs was written by supposedly the wisest man of Biblical history, "SOLOMON". The first 29 Proverbs most certainly are accredited to Solomon.

To comprehend the text of any single proverb one most consider the subject matter of the proceeding and following proverbs in order to maintain the contextual subject matter.

Generally these proverbs are addressing man's desire for wealth....and how greedy desire leads to borrowing money, money that could have been used to help the poor.......but that money now has become a tool for the evil rich who control the flow of money...i.e., the MONEY CHANGERS who require interest on all borrowed monies. Regardless of how good or righteous the borrowers intent might have been, even a pretense to help the poor.......you are doomed to a life of indebtedness if you fall victim to the evil that is money changing for wealth and you are not in any position to help feed anyone might less helping the poor.

In short its a precautionary warning of not allowing money to control you, as money is nothing but a tool that can be used or misused just like any other tool. There is nothing basically evil or unrighteous about the tool known as currency......its allowing your love of wealth and money to overcome your sense of righteousness that is the root of all evil.

The New Testament author said it best, "The LOVE of money is the root of all evil........." 1 Tim 6:10 Paul is warning........when one loves money that love often leads to the worshiping of money instead of the worshiping of the Lord.

Its the LOVE of money.......not money itself that can often lead to evil. Its the power that often accompanies the wealthy that corrupts. Power corrupts........but absolute power corrupts absolutely.

A good "modern day" example of Sol's warning in action? Ask yourself.........why would any successful lawyer or businessman/woman quit a job that averages up to often beyond triple digits.....to take the job as a civil servant making 1/10th that salary? Another question? How many millionaires are working now as civil servants ...aka., our representatives in politics.....that were not millionaires when they assumed office? Just what business plan was used to turn the salary of a civil servant into a multimillion dollar personal portfolio?

How can these supposed civil servants help anyone (especially the poor) when they obviously are corrupt themselves? Their real masters are not THE PEOPLE who hired them but the special interest groups that have helped funnel money into their personal coffers........with the expectation of QUID PRO QUO.
Great post and you made it make sense to me. Thank you!
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Proverbs 22:16
Whoever oppresses the poor to increase his own wealth, or gives to the rich, will only come to poverty.

What does it mean, exactly, that one will "only come to poverty"?

It certainly doesn't mean that one will come to poverty while still among the living as many oppressors die at a ripe old age and with significant wealth.

Does it mean that such people will go to Hell? Well, the verse doesn't say that, at least not exactly.
Let me share my interpretation. Such people will pay a price for their actions by "coming to poverty" in the hereafter. They will do without in the hereafter. They will watch from afar as God's people gorge themselves on the riches of Heaven.

Mathew 20:16 seems to affirm my interpretation, or so I believe. Here is the verse:
English Standard Version
So the last will be first, and the first last

Again, it does not say that the first will go to Hell; it says they will be "last". So, while others enjoy Heaven's riches, those who were first on Earth will have to "wait" to enjoy such things, which would surely be the same people mentioned in Proverbs 22:16.

Insightful feedback is welcome and appreciated.
Terrible translation..

This verse is not addressing the punishment for treating people badly but is addressing the fact that a person obsessed by greed and/or avarice will never be satisfied.
Warning to trolls: Stick to the topic or stay out of the thread. This is your only warning.

Proverbs 22:16
Whoever oppresses the poor to increase his own wealth, or gives to the rich, will only come to poverty.

What does it mean, exactly, that one will "only come to poverty"?

It certainly doesn't mean that one will come to poverty while still among the living as many oppressors die at a ripe old age and with significant wealth.

Does it mean that such people will go to Hell? Well, the verse doesn't say that, at least not exactly.
Let me share my interpretation. Such people will pay a price for their actions by "coming to poverty" in the hereafter. They will do without in the hereafter. They will watch from afar as God's people gorge themselves on the riches of Heaven.

Mathew 20:16 seems to affirm my interpretation, or so I believe. Here is the verse:
English Standard Version
So the last will be first, and the first last

Again, it does not say that the first will go to Hell; it says they will be "last". So, while others enjoy Heaven's riches, those who were first on Earth will have to "wait" to enjoy such things, which would surely be the same people mentioned in Proverbs 22:16.

Insightful feedback is welcome and appreciated.

Our modern language has once again missed the meaning of what was being said, especially by the social justice crowd. When the Bible references the "poor" and "rich", It often means the poor in spirit. The Bible does talk about the dangers of wealth to the spirit, but the Lord does bless some people with wealth, such as Solomon. I don't think anyone can assume their wealth is deserved by the Lord, but to sum up... when the Bible talks about the "poor", it doesn't just mean people living in economic poverty.
Our modern language has once again missed the meaning of what was being said, especially by the social justice crowd. When the Bible references the "poor" and "rich", It often means the poor in spirit. The Bible does talk about the dangers of wealth to the spirit, but the Lord does bless some people with wealth, such as Solomon. I don't think anyone can assume their wealth is deserved by the Lord, but to sum up... when the Bible talks about the "poor", it doesn't just mean people living in economic poverty.
The Hebrew word ah-shar does indeed mean financially wealthy and the word Dahl does indeed mean financially dirt poor.

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