What do we want? DEAD COPS, When do we want it? NOW

No, but I expect them to be held to the same standard I was. The left claim I have white privilege but this incident points to the opposite
No it doesn't. Apples to oranges. LOL..,pathetic. Go cry to your parole officer.
How is it apples to oranges? I made a threat to one person (another criminal)
These idiots make the very same threats to A LOT OF PEOPLE & they get a pass?
It is a protest chant for one...so how did they specifically threaten the cops? Did they protesters say they were gonna kill the cops? No...apples to oranges.

What do I want...dead racists! Where is the threat?

Nice try though. You are a convict because of your actions...these protesters don't excuse that fact....and like I said, your sentence was probably decidedly light compared to your black counterpart. Hell...I bet you were charged as a juvenile while your counterpart would have been charged as an adult.

Sorry, don't want to hear you cry about the evil black protesters because you are a convict. It is nonsense.
Yes I am an EX convict because of my actions. I deserved what I got & to be truthfull I am glad. Had I not had the intervention I would likely be dead or spending life in prison. But that is beside the point. As I stated in the OP I did not call for public violence, I did not incite anyone else to violence, I was the sole moron responsible for my individual actions.
What these idiots are doing is similar to what you guys crucified Sarah Palin for when she had political opponents identified on a map with crosshairs.
My situation was about one person yet it's apples to oranges, Palin makes ZERO actual threats & all hell breaks loose on every lefties website & news organization.

Forgive me but not only are you NUTZ you are a complete partisan jackass
Partisan how...because I just told you the truth - that you are comparing apples to oranges? Where is the threat? Still waiting. And what the hell does Palin have to do with you being a convict? What the hell do the protestters have with you being a convict. Take your veiled racist nonsense somewhere else. No threats were made!
Ahh, it only took you what? 6 posts? To get to the racism charge...

Back to ignore with you
Your silence is deafening, convict. But you blaming blacky for your conviction is enlightening.
My conviction is 100% my fault. My actions are 100% my fault. My life is 100% my fault. My fortune in life is 100% my fault. My income in life is 100% my fault. My kids Inability to further their education is 100% my fault. My life is mine to OWN 100%

I know that is probably mind blowing for a leftie such as yourself but just smoke some pot or think about it as you cash your latest welfare check & perhaps it will sink in.

Awww fuck it, who am I kidding?
I am not a lieftie, convict. Just because I won't let you dismiss your felony status because some idiots sang an offensive protest song doesn't mean I am on welfare. Your mind is still in jail.
No it doesn't. Apples to oranges. LOL..,pathetic. Go cry to your parole officer.
How is it apples to oranges? I made a threat to one person (another criminal)
These idiots make the very same threats to A LOT OF PEOPLE & they get a pass?
It is a protest chant for one...so how did they specifically threaten the cops? Did they protesters say they were gonna kill the cops? No...apples to oranges.

What do I want...dead racists! Where is the threat?

Nice try though. You are a convict because of your actions...these protesters don't excuse that fact....and like I said, your sentence was probably decidedly light compared to your black counterpart. Hell...I bet you were charged as a juvenile while your counterpart would have been charged as an adult.

Sorry, don't want to hear you cry about the evil black protesters because you are a convict. It is nonsense.
Yes I am an EX convict because of my actions. I deserved what I got & to be truthfull I am glad. Had I not had the intervention I would likely be dead or spending life in prison. But that is beside the point. As I stated in the OP I did not call for public violence, I did not incite anyone else to violence, I was the sole moron responsible for my individual actions.
What these idiots are doing is similar to what you guys crucified Sarah Palin for when she had political opponents identified on a map with crosshairs.
My situation was about one person yet it's apples to oranges, Palin makes ZERO actual threats & all hell breaks loose on every lefties website & news organization.

Forgive me but not only are you NUTZ you are a complete partisan jackass
Partisan how...because I just told you the truth - that you are comparing apples to oranges? Where is the threat? Still waiting. And what the hell does Palin have to do with you being a convict? What the hell do the protestters have with you being a convict. Take your veiled racist nonsense somewhere else. No threats were made!
Ahh, it only took you what? 6 posts? To get to the racism charge...

Back to ignore with you
A convict who is mad black people aren'y in jail for breaking no laws is putting me on ignore....waaa, waaa, waaa!

Protesting is a COnstitutional right...do you support those rights for the negro?
I am still waiting for you to tell me what laws were broken and how. It was a chant you racist convict.
Why isn't this American trash in jail?

Death threats
Terroristic threats
Inciting violence
Inciting riots

All major crimes

I was sentenced to 5 to 15 years for Terroristic threats in 1985 at the age of 16 for threatening a drug dealers life for ripping me off.

These scumbags are threatening every single cop and NONE of them have been charged.

What gives? This sure as fuck isn't WHITE PRIVILEGE

Shock Video NYC Protesters Call for Dead Cops

so how much time did you serve? and you should have just narc'd on the dealer
1st amendment sucks right? It's allowed just like the "God hates fags" people.
Why isn't this American trash in jail?

Death threats
Terroristic threats
Inciting violence
Inciting riots

All major crimes

I was sentenced to 5 to 15 years for Terroristic threats in 1985 at the age of 16 for threatening a drug dealers life for ripping me off.

These scumbags are threatening every single cop and NONE of them have been charged.

What gives? This sure as fuck isn't WHITE PRIVILEGE

Shock Video NYC Protesters Call for Dead Cops

so how much time did you serve? and you should have just narc'd on the dealer
4.5 years.

And I deserved every year of it.
"What do we want? DEAD COPS, When do we want it? NOW"

The extent to which you and others on the clueless right just don't get it is remarkable; you're so blinded by your hate and ignorance that you have no idea how ridiculous you are.
one has to wonder how many

of the "fuck the police " people

run to a cop when they are a victim of some crime

images (1).jpg

But these people don't deserve anything. What a hypocrite....but then again, he is a felon...go figure.
Felon, when teapers stand outside of the White House and spew chants calling for being hanged...do you want them to be arrested too?
Do you really expect people who support criminals and hate cops, to protest responsibly?
No, but I expect them to be held to the same standard I was. The left claim I have white privilege but this incident points to the opposite
No it doesn't. Apples to oranges. LOL..,pathetic. Go cry to your parole officer.
How is it apples to oranges? I made a threat to one person (another criminal)
These idiots make the very same threats to A LOT OF PEOPLE & they get a pass?
Well I guess you were right Nutz. It is apples & oranges since I never actually killed anyone. With 2 cops assassinated today in NY I'm sure you feel like a complete moron now.
Why isn't this American trash in jail?

Death threats
Terroristic threats
Inciting violence
Inciting riots

All major crimes

I was sentenced to 5 to 15 years for Terroristic threats in 1985 at the age of 16 for threatening a drug dealers life for ripping me off.

Maybe it had something to do with the fact you were buying drugs?
Do you really expect people who support criminals and hate cops, to protest responsibly?
No, but I expect them to be held to the same standard I was. The left claim I have white privilege but this incident points to the opposite
No it doesn't. Apples to oranges. LOL..,pathetic. Go cry to your parole officer.
How is it apples to oranges? I made a threat to one person (another criminal)
These idiots make the very same threats to A LOT OF PEOPLE & they get a pass?
Well I guess you were right Nutz. It is apples & oranges since I never actually killed anyone. With 2 cops assassinated today in NY I'm sure you feel like a complete moron now.
No, felon...I don't. Prove the causation. Show that the chant motivated this thug. You are an ex-Felon trying to get sympathy because black people exist. You are a convict, a burden to society...just like the rest of the ex-felons.
Why isn't this American trash in jail?

Death threats
Terroristic threats
Inciting violence
Inciting riots

All major crimes

I was sentenced to 5 to 15 years for Terroristic threats in 1985 at the age of 16 for threatening a drug dealers life for ripping me off.

Maybe it had something to do with the fact you were buying drugs?
You don't get a 15 year prison sentence for buying drugs dumbass. I got the sentence for threats.
Why isn't this American trash in jail?

Death threats
Terroristic threats
Inciting violence
Inciting riots

All major crimes

I was sentenced to 5 to 15 years for Terroristic threats in 1985 at the age of 16 for threatening a drug dealers life for ripping me off.

Maybe it had something to do with the fact you were buying drugs?
You don't get a 15 year prison sentence for buying drugs dumbass. I got the sentence for threats.

They don't put people in jail for 15 years for merely threatening someone either.......
Why isn't this American trash in jail?

Death threats
Terroristic threats
Inciting violence
Inciting riots

All major crimes

I was sentenced to 5 to 15 years for Terroristic threats in 1985 at the age of 16 for threatening a drug dealers life for ripping me off.

Maybe it had something to do with the fact you were buying drugs?
You don't get a 15 year prison sentence for buying drugs dumbass. I got the sentence for threats.
But you only got 4.5 years...because you are white. if you were black, you would still be a prisoner of the state...and probably still should be. I hate it when you white criminals get out of jail and spread the hate you learned while being a bitch to the grand poobah of the hate group that protected you.

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