What do the Europeans think


Diamond Member
Aug 11, 2017
What do the Europeans think about our election?
Are they aware of the mass voter fraud scandal?
Are they aware how totally dishonest and corrupt the Democrats and Press are?
If Biden is illegitimately installed will anyone be able to respect him?
The European countries will treat as POTUS whoever who will be recognized as such by your respective agencies.
There is just a sigh of relief at seeing an end to an uncomfortable chapter. The American system is very difficult for Europeans to understand, even when carefully and objectively explained. They are capable of more nuanced thinking than most Americans seem to be, yet they like simplicity, too, and that is what most news sources supply. Thus, people have the impression that Biden will surely bring positive change. Now, we will all have to wait and see. Personally, I don't expect a great deal from the duopoly, and Biden is most certainly their boy, and Harris their girl.
There is just a sigh of relief at seeing an end to an uncomfortable chapter. The American system is very difficult for Europeans to understand, even when carefully and objectively explained. They are capable of more nuanced thinking than most Americans seem to be, yet they like simplicity, too, and that is what most news sources supply. Thus, people have the impression that Biden will surely bring positive change. Now, we will all have to wait and see. Personally, I don't expect a great deal from the duopoly, and Biden is most certainly their boy, and Harris their girl.
Europeans get their nuanced thinking through the lens of American media. European leaders hated Trump because he called them out for being the deadbeats they are on international agreements made with the US. They will be happy with Biden because he will restore America as the world's patsy.
Johnson, Makron and Merkel already congratulated Biden with the victory.
What do the Europeans think about our election?
Are they aware of the mass voter fraud scandal?
Are they aware how totally dishonest and corrupt the Democrats and Press are?
If Biden is illegitimately installed will anyone be able to respect him?
Euro - trash don’t know it was a fixed election !!
Euro -trash love Marxism and fascism

Trump won by a landslide but the Maoist Dems harvested millions of votes out of thin air
Pro-terroristic major of London:
“Postal vote fraud helped defeat Trump, so let’s copy it here in Britain”.....
There is just a sigh of relief at seeing an end to an uncomfortable chapter. The American system is very difficult for Europeans to understand, even when carefully and objectively explained. They are capable of more nuanced thinking than most Americans seem to be, yet they like simplicity, too, and that is what most news sources supply. Thus, people have the impression that Biden will surely bring positive change. Now, we will all have to wait and see. Personally, I don't expect a great deal from the duopoly, and Biden is most certainly their boy, and Harris their girl.

He’s not my boy.:102:

Did I say “boy”? :rolleyes:
What do the Europeans think about our election?
Are they aware of the mass voter fraud scandal?
Are they aware how totally dishonest and corrupt the Democrats and Press are?
If Biden is illegitimately installed will anyone be able to respect him?
Why do you people care so much what foreigners think?

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