What did Sleepy Joe know about FISA abuse and spying on the Trump campaign, and when did he know it?


Pro-American Patriot
Jan 28, 2019
Realville, USA
Secretive Surveillance Court Rebukes FBI Over Handling of Wiretapping of Trump Aide

Now that the FISC Chief Judge (The court that rules on FISA applications) has slapped the Obama FBI for it's FISA abuse allowing the Obama admin to spy on the Trump Campaign against Hillary, Sleepy Joe needs to be asked if he was an active part of the Obama administration, or just a court jester that stumbled around the halls looking for kids or flying on AF2 to hand money to countries where it got kicked back to powerful families.

I doubt that the other Democrat Candidates won't ask him, because they don't want to know. Same for the MSM.

Among the statement condemning the Obama FBI

“The frequency with which representations made by FBI personnel turned out to be unsupported or contradicted by information in their possession, and with which they withheld information detrimental to their case, calls into question whether information contained in other FBI applications is reliable,” Judge Collyer wrote, referring to the behavior of FBI personnel criticized in a recent Justice Department watchdog report.

Then Obama needs to be asked what he knew, when he knew it, and who else knew.
It's the greatest threat to the Republic ever! It's the most despicable act against the Constitution and the People ever!

"Let me tell you: You take on the intelligence community — they have six ways from Sunday at getting back at you," Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer

And instead of seeing how fucking wrong it is, they are rooting for fascism!
It's the greatest threat to the Republic ever! It's the most despicable act against the Constitution and the People ever!

"Let me tell you: You take on the intelligence community — they have six ways from Sunday at getting back at you," Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer

And instead of seeing how fucking wrong it is, they are rooting for fascism!
They are Fascist.

Most Democrats in the House think the House of Representatives is more powerful than both the Executive and Judicial Branches,

The 2nd Article of impeachment is because Trump lawfully took the House's subpoenas to court.

Joe's got some 'splaining to do
Secretive Surveillance Court Rebukes FBI Over Handling of Wiretapping of Trump Aide

Now that the FISC Chief Judge (The court that rules on FISA applications) has slapped the Obama FBI for it's FISA abuse allowing the Obama admin to spy on the Trump Campaign against Hillary, Sleepy Joe needs to be asked if he was an active part of the Obama administration, or just a court jester that stumbled around the halls looking for kids or flying on AF2 to hand money to countries where it got kicked back to powerful families.

I doubt that the other Democrat Candidates won't ask him, because they don't want to know. Same for the MSM.

Among the statement condemning the Obama FBI

“The frequency with which representations made by FBI personnel turned out to be unsupported or contradicted by information in their possession, and with which they withheld information detrimental to their case, calls into question whether information contained in other FBI applications is reliable,” Judge Collyer wrote, referring to the behavior of FBI personnel criticized in a recent Justice Department watchdog report.

Then Obama needs to be asked what he knew, when he knew it, and who else knew.

The WSJ headline is a lie. Carter Page was NOT a Trump aide when the FISA warrant was approved.
Looks like we'll soon find out to whom Comey's pledged his "higher Loyalty"

"I was only following orders..."
The WSJ headline is a lie. Carter Page was NOT a Trump aide when the FISA warrant was approved.
You appear to be suffering from a lack of information.

1. Ever email Carter Page ever sent or received and every electronic document he ever had possession of in his life were subject to being read by the Corrupt and Partisan Obama FBI

2. The FBI also put listening and/or recording devices on people and sent them to speak to people that were currently within the Trump campaign.

3. Fascists think that kind of stuff is cool.
The WSJ headline is a lie. Carter Page was NOT a Trump aide when the FISA warrant was approved.
You appear to be suffering from a lack of information.

1. Ever email Carter Page ever sent or received and every electronic document he ever had possession of in his life were subject to being read by the Corrupt and Partisan Obama FBI

2. The FBI also put listening and/or recording devices on people and sent them to speak to people that were currently within the Trump campaign.

3. Fascists think that kind of stuff is cool.

2. Isn’t that what ”Project Veritas” does all the time?
2. Isn’t that what ”Project Veritas” does all the time?
Project Veritas doesn't use the FBI like Democrats do.

If it were legal, they wouldn't have needed an illegal warrant to do it.

There was no need for a warrant to have someone wear a mic and talk with Trump campaign officials.

Project Veritas does it all the time and is celebrated by the right. And they do it for political propaganda purposes. Way worse than anything the FBI is accused of doing.
There was no need for a warrant to have someone wear a mic and talk with Trump campaign officials.

Project Veritas does it all the time and is celebrated by the right. And they do it for political propaganda purposes. Way worse than anything the FBI is accused of doing.
Veritas are reporters uncovering corruption.

Democrats are corrupt and used the FBI to cheat and then undo an election.

Calling a reporter worse than a government agency illegally spying proves you're pathetically desperate.
There was no need for a warrant to have someone wear a mic and talk with Trump campaign officials.

Project Veritas does it all the time and is celebrated by the right. And they do it for political propaganda purposes. Way worse than anything the FBI is accused of doing.
Veritas are reporters uncovering corruption.

Democrats are corrupt and used the FBI to cheat and then undo an election.

Calling a reporter worse than a government agency illegally spying proves you're pathetically desperate.
So you’re okay when people spy for propaganda purposes but not for law enforcement purposes?

Was the FBI breaking the law when they wore a recording device and talked with someone in the Trump campaign? I don’t think so. Neither does the IG.
So you’re okay when people spy for propaganda purposes but not for law enforcement purposes?

Was the FBI breaking the law when they wore a recording device and talked with someone in the Trump campaign? I don’t think so. Neither does the IG.
Uncovering corruption isn't propaganda.

Spying on a campaign isn't law enforcement.

Knowingly using false information to get a FISA warrant is illegal.

Your obsession with defending corruption is hilarious.

Question. Would it be ok with you if Trump was spying on Democrat campaigns right now?
So you’re okay when people spy for propaganda purposes but not for law enforcement purposes?

Was the FBI breaking the law when they wore a recording device and talked with someone in the Trump campaign? I don’t think so. Neither does the IG.
Uncovering corruption isn't propaganda.

Spying on a campaign isn't law enforcement.

Knowingly using false information to get a FISA warrant is illegal.

Your obsession with defending corruption is hilarious.

Question. Would it be ok with you if Trump was spying on Democrat campaigns right now?

If a Democratic campaign is suspected of something worth investigated, I see no reason they should be immune.

I would have a problem with Trump being involved in directing investigations against his opponents, however. Don’t you agree?
If a Democratic campaign is suspected of something worth investigated, I see no reason they should be immune.

I would have a problem with Trump being involved in directing investigations against his opponents, however. Don’t you agree?
Trump would have had his people talk to their people to get the same thing done, if he'd been a politician.

Democrats would have had to make up a different fake scandal.
If a Democratic campaign is suspected of something worth investigated, I see no reason they should be immune.

I would have a problem with Trump being involved in directing investigations against his opponents, however. Don’t you agree?
Trump would have had his people talk to their people to get the same thing done, if he'd been a politician.

Democrats would have had to make up a different fake scandal.

If Obama had been directing investigations into his political opponents, I would have supported his impeachment as well.
There was no need for a warrant to have someone wear a mic and talk with Trump campaign officials.

Project Veritas does it all the time and is celebrated by the right. And they do it for political propaganda purposes. Way worse than anything the FBI is accused of doing.
Veritas are reporters uncovering corruption.

Democrats are corrupt and used the FBI to cheat and then undo an election.

Calling a reporter worse than a government agency illegally spying proves you're pathetically desperate.

Thank you for this opening: Trump keeps complaining about the FBI investigating his campaign and its ties to Russia, and yet the FBI never publically announced this investigation or even told the public about it before the election, while at the same time publically investigating Hillary Clinton's emails, holding press conferences about the Clinton investigation and testifying in Congressional hearings about Hillary's Clinton's email investigation.

The FBI Investigation of Hillary Clinton's emails most definitely affected public perceptions about SS Clinton, and her fitness for office, and then two weeks before the election, Comey publically announces that he's re-opening the email investigation. Donald J. Trump should get down on his hands and knees and thank Jim Comey for keeping the Trump Campaign investigations under wraps while publically questioning Hillary Clinton's fitness for office.

And consider this, you stupid Russian: Neither Hillary Clinton nor any of her staff have ever faced any criminal charges of any description for her use of her private email server. The server was NOT illegal, and it wasn't some "home brew" server, as Trumpbots continue to parrot. It was a highly secure server set up for the former President of the United States, who still holds a "top secret" security clearance and who is in regular contact with world leaders, past and present.

As Trump was being impeached for his latest round of crimes, Rick Gates was sent to prison. General Flynn is going to prison, as is Roger Stone. They'll be joining four other Trump staffers who have either completed their sentences or are still serving sentences.

The Trump "witch hunt" keeps rolling up the warlocks and sending them to jail.
2. Isn’t that what ”Project Veritas” does all the time?
Project Veritas doesn't use the FBI like Democrats do.

If it were legal, they wouldn't have needed an illegal warrant to do it.

There was no need for a warrant to have someone wear a mic and talk with Trump campaign officials.

Project Veritas does it all the time and is celebrated by the right. And they do it for political propaganda purposes. Way worse than anything the FBI is accused of doing.

Project Veritas can't send in armed men at 3AM to knock your fucking door down. Why you stupid fucks openly support Fascism is stunning
There was no need for a warrant to have someone wear a mic and talk with Trump campaign officials.

Project Veritas does it all the time and is celebrated by the right. And they do it for political propaganda purposes. Way worse than anything the FBI is accused of doing.
Veritas are reporters uncovering corruption.

Democrats are corrupt and used the FBI to cheat and then undo an election.

Calling a reporter worse than a government agency illegally spying proves you're pathetically desperate.

Thank you for this opening: Trump keeps complaining about the FBI investigating his campaign and its ties to Russia, and yet the FBI never publically announced this investigation or even told the public about it before the election, while at the same time publically investigating Hillary Clinton's emails, holding press conferences about the Clinton investigation and testifying in Congressional hearings about Hillary's Clinton's email investigation.

The FBI Investigation of Hillary Clinton's emails most definitely affected public perceptions about SS Clinton, and her fitness for office, and then two weeks before the election, Comey publically announces that he's re-opening the email investigation. Donald J. Trump should get down on his hands and knees and thank Jim Comey for keeping the Trump Campaign investigations under wraps while publically questioning Hillary Clinton's fitness for office.

And consider this, you stupid Russian: Neither Hillary Clinton nor any of her staff have ever faced any criminal charges of any description for her use of her private email server. The server was NOT illegal, and it wasn't some "home brew" server, as Trumpbots continue to parrot. It was a highly secure server set up for the former President of the United States, who still holds a "top secret" security clearance and who is in regular contact with world leaders, past and present.

As Trump was being impeached for his latest round of crimes, Rick Gates was sent to prison. General Flynn is going to prison, as is Roger Stone. They'll be joining four other Trump staffers who have either completed their sentences or are still serving sentences.

The Trump "witch hunt" keeps rolling up the warlocks and sending them to jail.

We'll see if you still support Fascism when Comey,Clapper and Brennan are asked if they prefer to be blindfolded before they face the firing squad
2. Isn’t that what ”Project Veritas” does all the time?
Project Veritas doesn't use the FBI like Democrats do.

If it were legal, they wouldn't have needed an illegal warrant to do it.

There was no need for a warrant to have someone wear a mic and talk with Trump campaign officials.

Project Veritas does it all the time and is celebrated by the right. And they do it for political propaganda purposes. Way worse than anything the FBI is accused of doing.

Project Veritas can't send in armed men at 3AM to knock your fucking door down. Why you stupid fucks openly support Fascism is stunning

Good thing they didn’t send anyone knocking doors down at 3 AM without good cause. I was responding to the accusation that wearing a recording device while talking to someone is not an abomination unto our constitution.

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