Donald Trump, President, Exposure of the Democrat Party as the Party of Hate.


Diamond Member
May 6, 2015
Floor E Da
Back in the 1990's while William Jefferson Clinton was running around putting Cubans where they dont belong, the impeachment of said "Slick Willie" was not only justified because of his abuse of power over an intern, but his perjuring of himself to Congress. Yet, all Slick got was a ban for practicing Law for 5 years and an invite to Jeffie Epstein's island of ill respute with under age girls. The liberals said it was a Republican conspiracy against the Clintons, how the Republican were so full of hatred. Yet today, we see since President Trump got elected nothing but hatred of the liberals toward him, because he has upset their way of life. The liberals have their ANTIFA who go around beating up old ladies, and gay men, who dont think the liberal line, thus proving how much hatred the left has. When President Trump gets reelected the left is going to go full on retard and really start burning cities, and possibly killing old ladies and gay guys.

Probably have this put in the flame zone, because some moderators have no spine and cant deal with the truth...
The fact that the MSM hasn’t exposed Slick Willie’s involvement with the famous pedophile, is proof once again that they are protecting him.

Imagine the outrage by the MSM, if Donnie visit Pedophile Island 24 times. They would have thousands of reporters on that story.

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