Gold Member
Our government was intended to have limited authority, leaving the states to make decisions regarding most matters according to the needs of their population. The only way change can happen is for voters to make the decisions by ballot. What ideas do you have that could improve "business as usual?"
It would never do for me to be President because I would strip government right down to bare bones. Here are some starter ideas:
Term limits are not a bad idea - years of "familiarity" breeds contempt. New blood flowing in the halls of Congress might work out well.
Voters (employers) should set Congressional salaries - via special state ballots if necessary. Congress, as employees, should not be allowed to vote themselves raises (wouldn't WE like to set our own salaries!). If they don't perform the way constituents want them to ... no appreciable raises. Conversely, good performance on sound judgment does merit a raise.
No more pork barrel projects slipped into bills that don't even apply to whatever the project is; also would eliminate some of the wheeling and dealing that goes on to get a supporting vote on a particular bill. These projects should be a separate request from the governor of a state (upon voter approval) that would go to that state's US Senators and brought up on the floor for approval in a separate bill; it should also benefit the people of the state generally. (In other words, John Murtha would not be allowed to build himself an airport that generally benefits no one except himself.)
I have more thoughts on voters running Congress rather than Congress running the voters. What other ideas do you all have?
It would never do for me to be President because I would strip government right down to bare bones. Here are some starter ideas:
Term limits are not a bad idea - years of "familiarity" breeds contempt. New blood flowing in the halls of Congress might work out well.
Voters (employers) should set Congressional salaries - via special state ballots if necessary. Congress, as employees, should not be allowed to vote themselves raises (wouldn't WE like to set our own salaries!). If they don't perform the way constituents want them to ... no appreciable raises. Conversely, good performance on sound judgment does merit a raise.
No more pork barrel projects slipped into bills that don't even apply to whatever the project is; also would eliminate some of the wheeling and dealing that goes on to get a supporting vote on a particular bill. These projects should be a separate request from the governor of a state (upon voter approval) that would go to that state's US Senators and brought up on the floor for approval in a separate bill; it should also benefit the people of the state generally. (In other words, John Murtha would not be allowed to build himself an airport that generally benefits no one except himself.)
I have more thoughts on voters running Congress rather than Congress running the voters. What other ideas do you all have?