What can be done?

Nosmo King

Gold Member
Aug 31, 2009
Buckle of the Rust Belt
There is a large contingent of Americans who no longer believe in science and academics. Furthermore, they no longer trust or velieve in government or the democratic process. They do not believe in news media that does not confirm or support their beliefs. . And they see their fellow citizen who do not believe their clams as enemies, traitors and conspirators.

These citizens practice a politics of grievance and want the power to govern based on no evidence of their claims of fraud. Would such power be healthy for a democracy? Doesn't the erosion of trust in institutions contribute to a stable healthy America?

What can be done to wake us from this toxic fever dream?
There is a large contingent of Americans who no longer believe in science and academics. Furthermore, they no longer trust or velieve in government or the democratic process. They do not believe in news media that does not confirm or support their beliefs. . And they see their fellow citizen who do not believe their clams as enemies, traitors and conspirators.

These citizens practice a politics of grievance and want the power to govern based on no evidence of their claims of fraud. Would such power be healthy for a democracy? Doesn't the erosion of trust in institutions contribute to a stable healthy America?

What can be done to wake us from this toxic fever dream?

They do not believe in news media that does not confirm or support their beliefs.

so, how ya feel about FoxNews?
There is a large contingent of Americans who no longer believe in science and academics. Furthermore, they no longer trust or velieve in government or the democratic process. They do not believe in news media that does not confirm or support their beliefs. . And they see their fellow citizen who do not believe their clams as enemies, traitors and conspirators.

These citizens practice a politics of grievance and want the power to govern based on no evidence of their claims of fraud. Would such power be healthy for a democracy? Doesn't the erosion of trust in institutions contribute to a stable healthy America?

What can be done to wake us from this toxic fever dream?

What are you talking about ? Libs who refuse to even look at news sources like Info Wars and News Max and seek to put Rush Limbaugh off the air through boycotts?
There is a large contingent of Americans who no longer believe in science and academics. Furthermore, they no longer trust or velieve in government or the democratic process. They do not believe in news media that does not confirm or support their beliefs. . And they see their fellow citizen who do not believe their clams as enemies, traitors and conspirators.

These citizens practice a politics of grievance and want the power to govern based on no evidence of their claims of fraud. Would such power be healthy for a democracy? Doesn't the erosion of trust in institutions contribute to a stable healthy America?

What can be done to wake us from this toxic fever dream?

This is a lie promulgated by the propagandists from the leftwing media. The fact is most Americans believe in science. What is also true, sadly, is most have no clue what science actually does. They have no clue about the scientific method, nor do they understand basic science methodologies, or principles.
There is a large contingent of Americans who no longer believe in science and academics. Furthermore, they no longer trust or velieve in government or the democratic process. They do not believe in news media that does not confirm or support their beliefs. . And they see their fellow citizen who do not believe their clams as enemies, traitors and conspirators.

These citizens practice a politics of grievance and want the power to govern based on no evidence of their claims of fraud. Would such power be healthy for a democracy? Doesn't the erosion of trust in institutions contribute to a stable healthy America?

What can be done to wake us from this toxic fever dream?

What do you want done?
I think the answer has already been provided. Show Trump the door. My guess is that all but the most die hard believers will go back to their normal lives and wake up eventually.

Even if President Trump leaves office, he ain't going anywhere. He is no-ways tired. He will be rallying and dogging a corrupt Biden-Harris Regime from Day One until they are dragged kicking and screaming out of office.
There is a large contingent of Americans who no longer believe in science and academics. Furthermore, they no longer trust or velieve in government or the democratic process. They do not believe in news media that does not confirm or support their beliefs. . And they see their fellow citizen who do not believe their clams as enemies, traitors and conspirators.

These citizens practice a politics of grievance and want the power to govern based on no evidence of their claims of fraud. Would such power be healthy for a democracy? Doesn't the erosion of trust in institutions contribute to a stable healthy America?

What can be done to wake us from this toxic fever dream?
what are you babbling about? so you think people who dont believe the msm media are going by their opinions? grow up. many of us dont listen to them because they are controlled by the corporations, and are just a tool for the government to report what they want us to hear.they never investigate anything,the best media sources are alternative news sources not controlled by the corporations,they investigate what the msm media wont investigate you nutcase. its been left up to private citizens now because of the msm media to do the real reporting.

uou must be one of those clowns who still think oswald shot jfk?:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
I think the answer has already been provided. Show Trump the door. My guess is that all but the most die hard believers will go back to their normal lives and wake up eventually.
Go back to their "normal" lives? LOL. This is their "normal" --- or I should say, abnormal --- lives, and you can bet trump will keep whispering instructions in their ears from the time they get up until the time they go to sleep.
There is a large contingent of Americans who no longer believe in science and academics. Furthermore, they no longer trust or velieve in government or the democratic process. They do not believe in news media that does not confirm or support their beliefs. . And they see their fellow citizen who do not believe their clams as enemies, traitors and conspirators.

These citizens practice a politics of grievance and want the power to govern based on no evidence of their claims of fraud. Would such power be healthy for a democracy? Doesn't the erosion of trust in institutions contribute to a stable healthy America?

What can be done to wake us from this toxic fever dream?

What are you talking about ? Libs who refuse to even look at news sources like Info Wars and News Max and seek to put Rush Limbaugh off the air through boycotts?

Why would ANYONE waste their time and eyeballs on a shit stain site like Info Wars? This site is run by the abortion that parroted Sandy Hook was a false flag. That and the fact his only goal is to sell the weak minded and faithful useless supplements and prepper garb. Newsmax is just the new hot and flashy darling child. They were next to nobody the week before the election. They only benefited because Fox called Arizona early for Biden and all their faithful ran like scalded dogs.
I have no feeling..or sympathy for Rush. He's made a good living off of division pimping. To me, he's nobody.

The reason I refuse to look at sources like these is because they aren't legitimate news or information sites. They are opinion and dog whistle sites designed to attract like minded lemmings, feed them slanted information, and then have them tell their friends about it. All without the benefit of fact checking, reason, or common sense. These sites and outlets warp objectivity over time so that all you're left with is the worst aspect and instincts of your nature.
I think the answer has already been provided. Show Trump the door. My guess is that all but the most die hard believers will go back to their normal lives and wake up eventually.
Nope. I've been waiting for the tards to wake up for over 15 years, and they just get worse.

See the last quote in my signature.
There is a large contingent of Americans who no longer believe in science and academics. Furthermore, they no longer trust or velieve in government or the democratic process. They do not believe in news media that does not confirm or support their beliefs. . And they see their fellow citizen who do not believe their clams as enemies, traitors and conspirators.

These citizens practice a politics of grievance and want the power to govern based on no evidence of their claims of fraud. Would such power be healthy for a democracy? Doesn't the erosion of trust in institutions contribute to a stable healthy America?

What can be done to wake us from this toxic fever dream?

I think there are a lot people you describe.

But I doubt the silliness you see here would be found in the same magnitude if they weren’t anonymous.

how long have they been promising to shoot someone?
I think the answer has already been provided. Show Trump the door. My guess is that all but the most die hard believers will go back to their normal lives and wake up eventually.
Go back to their "normal" lives? LOL. This is their "normal" --- or I should say, abnormal --- lives, and you can bet trump will keep whispering instructions in their ears from the time they get up until the time they go to sleep.

you can bet trump will keep whispering instructions in their ears from the time they get up until the time they go to sleep.

Republican version of Wolf Blitzen and Rachel Maddow?
The problem is 24 hour news channels. That's a lot of airtime to fill every day, and the airheads end up spinning all kinds of bullshit and hoaxes to keep their mouths running.

It's all about the ad dollars. You have to keep the rubes entertained and glued to your station, and that means saying outrageous things with no concern that the dumb fucks believe whatever narrative they are told to believe.

"I want to bleev it, so it must be true!"
There is a large contingent of Americans who no longer believe in science and academics. Furthermore, they no longer trust or velieve in government or the democratic process. They do not believe in news media that does not confirm or support their beliefs. . And they see their fellow citizen who do not believe their clams as enemies, traitors and conspirators.

These citizens practice a politics of grievance and want the power to govern based on no evidence of their claims of fraud. Would such power be healthy for a democracy? Doesn't the erosion of trust in institutions contribute to a stable healthy America?

What can be done to wake us from this toxic fever dream?
You'll just have to move to Cuba or China. Problem solved
There is a large contingent of Americans who no longer believe in science and academics. Furthermore, they no longer trust or velieve in government or the democratic process. They do not believe in news media that does not confirm or support their beliefs. . And they see their fellow citizen who do not believe their clams as enemies, traitors and conspirators.

These citizens practice a politics of grievance and want the power to govern based on no evidence of their claims of fraud. Would such power be healthy for a democracy? Doesn't the erosion of trust in institutions contribute to a stable healthy America?

What can be done to wake us from this toxic fever dream?
Often as with a fever we can only wait it out.

But his madness has been going on for a long time.
There is a large contingent of Americans who no longer believe in science and academics. Furthermore, they no longer trust or velieve in government or the democratic process. They do not believe in news media that does not confirm or support their beliefs. . And they see their fellow citizen who do not believe their clams as enemies, traitors and conspirators.

These citizens practice a politics of grievance and want the power to govern based on no evidence of their claims of fraud. Would such power be healthy for a democracy? Doesn't the erosion of trust in institutions contribute to a stable healthy America?

What can be done to wake us from this toxic fever dream?
Often as with a fever we can only wait it out.

But his madness has been going on for a long time.

So has Pedo Joe's mind..... that's a fact

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