Not Knowing Or Not Wanting To Know?


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Dinesh D'Souza puts a voice to the questions so many Americans want answered.

1.Isn’t it true that these Democratic cities, like Philadelphia, have a long and documented history of fraud?

2. What are the details of said election fraud?

3. Is it true that the votes of our American elections are being processed, counted and tabulated in foreign countries?

4. Is it true that some of said countries are hostile to us, and could manipulate the votes?

5. Can these machines, in fact, be manipulated? Can they be programmed to ‘flip’ votes?

6. If the machines can be rigged, why are they allowed to be used by any district or municipality?

7. Why is it that journalists have not investigated these questions….or even asked them?

8. We have several hundred sworn affidavits….affidavits are evidence….why do we constantly hear ‘there is no evidence’?

9. It seems that there are numerous ‘whisteblowers.’ Who are they, and what are they saying? Can they prove that there was a nationwide scheme to rig the election?

10. Why is the huge investigative community in the journalist profession not doing its job?
Dinesh D'Souza puts a voice to the questions so many Americans want answered.

1.Isn’t it true that these Democratic cities, like Philadelphia, have a long and documented history of fraud?

2. What are the details of said election fraud?

3. Is it true that the votes of our American elections are being processed, counted and tabulated in foreign countries?

4. Is it true that some of said countries are hostile to us, and could manipulate the votes?

5. Can these machines, in fact, be manipulated? Can they be programmed to ‘flip’ votes?

6. If the machines can be rigged, why are they allowed to be used by any district or municipality?

7. Why is it that journalists have not investigated these questions….or even asked them?

8. We have several hundred sworn affidavits….affidavits are evidence….why do we constantly hear ‘there is no evidence’?

9. It seems that there are numerous ‘whisteblowers.’ Who are they, and what are they saying? Can they prove that there was a nationwide scheme to rig the election?

10. Why is the huge investigative community in the journalist profession not doing its job?

1. No they don't.

2. There is no election fraud. Not a shred of evidence has been presented to the courts. No charges have been filed by the Justice Department, and all levels of government have said that this is the most honest election in the history of the Republic.

What right wing assholes say on twitter is irrelevant.

3. No.

4. Since you have presented absolutely no evidence here, and none has been presented to the courts, you're now reduced to making up shit.

5. See 3 and 4 above.

6. Because the DHS has said that NONE of this happened.

7. See 6 above.

8. Who is this "we" you speak of? If these affidavits exist, why were they not presented to the courts in any cases brought by Trump? The only evidence presented in court were Facebook and Twitter posts.

9. There was only one "whistleblower", and he later said he lied and made it all up.

10. There is nothing to investigate.

This was weak, even by the low standards you usually set for us. I guess losing the election has taken the starch right out of your stiffy.

Dinesh D'Souza puts a voice to the questions so many Americans want answered.

1.Isn’t it true that these Democratic cities, like Philadelphia, have a long and documented history of fraud?

2. What are the details of said election fraud?

3. Is it true that the votes of our American elections are being processed, counted and tabulated in foreign countries?

4. Is it true that some of said countries are hostile to us, and could manipulate the votes?

5. Can these machines, in fact, be manipulated? Can they be programmed to ‘flip’ votes?

6. If the machines can be rigged, why are they allowed to be used by any district or municipality?

7. Why is it that journalists have not investigated these questions….or even asked them?

8. We have several hundred sworn affidavits….affidavits are evidence….why do we constantly hear ‘there is no evidence’?

9. It seems that there are numerous ‘whisteblowers.’ Who are they, and what are they saying? Can they prove that there was a nationwide scheme to rig the election?

10. Why is the huge investigative community in the journalist profession not doing its job?

Nobody has ever explained why the Democrats would not have swept every statewide race in all of these states if the machines were programmed to flip votes. The programmers were already on the hook for a felony...why not just flip all of the votes in statewide races?

This is the 300th thread that alleges the machines were programmed. Nobody can explain why the saboteurs would not flip all the statewide races.

I'll buy you a donut if you are the first, Jumbo.

You can't resist a donut, can you?
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Dinesh D'Souza puts a voice to the questions so many Americans want answered.

1.Isn’t it true that these Democratic cities, like Philadelphia, have a long and documented history of fraud?

2. What are the details of said election fraud?

3. Is it true that the votes of our American elections are being processed, counted and tabulated in foreign countries?

4. Is it true that some of said countries are hostile to us, and could manipulate the votes?

5. Can these machines, in fact, be manipulated? Can they be programmed to ‘flip’ votes?

6. If the machines can be rigged, why are they allowed to be used by any district or municipality?

7. Why is it that journalists have not investigated these questions….or even asked them?

8. We have several hundred sworn affidavits….affidavits are evidence….why do we constantly hear ‘there is no evidence’?

9. It seems that there are numerous ‘whisteblowers.’ Who are they, and what are they saying? Can they prove that there was a nationwide scheme to rig the election?

10. Why is the huge investigative community in the journalist profession not doing its job?

1. No they don't.

2. There is no election fraud. Not a shred of evidence has been presented to the courts. No charges have been filed by the Justice Department, and all levels of government have said that this is the most honest election in the history of the Republic.

What right wing assholes say on twitter is irrelevant.

3. No.

4. Since you have presented absolutely no evidence here, and none has been presented to the courts, you're now reduced to making up shit.

5. See 3 and 4 above.

6. Because the DHS has said that NONE of this happened.

7. See 6 above.

8. Who is this "we" you speak of? If these affidavits exist, why were they not presented to the courts in any cases brought by Trump? The only evidence presented in court were Facebook and Twitter posts.

9. There was only one "whistleblower", and he later said he lied and made it all up.

10. There is nothing to investigate.

This was weak, even by the low standards you usually set for us. I guess losing the election has taken the starch right out of your stiffy.


There are myriad ways to prove you nothing more than a lying liberal low-life windbag.....

....I'll use this one:

Biden, in anticipation of being named winner, announced Ronald Klain as his chief of staff.

What does Biden’s chief of staff weigh in on election rigging?

“Top Biden adviser once claimed that U.S. elections are 'rigged'
He agreed with a poll that showed nearly 70% of Americans felt the same way.

Joe Biden chief of staff Ronald Klain once agreed that U.S. elections are "rigged" – a position for which President Trump has been criticized.
Klain, who also served as chief of staff to Democrats Biden and Al Gore when each was vice president and who was a senior adviser to the 2020 Biden campaign, agreed in 2014 with liberal news website Vox's argument that U.S. elections are unfair to voters.

"68% of Americans think elections are rigged," Vox tweeted, to which Klain responded: "That's because they are."

Top Biden adviser once claimed that U.S. elections are 'rigged'

He agreed with a poll that showed nearly 70% of Americans felt the same way.

Klain’s comments echo Trump supporters and Republicans’ concerns about election integrity in the most recent election. Contrary to the narrative pushed by the left’s communications arm, the legacy media, fraud and election violations have been discovered in several key states including Georgia, Pennsylvania, Nevada, and Michigan. Some of this fraud has allegedly concerned tens of thousands of votes.

While it is unclear how widespread this fraud might be, certain states are already taking actions such as Georgia, whose secretary of state announced a full recount, audit, and recanvass of all the votes in the state.

President Donald J. Trump and other Republicans are embroiled in a series of lawsuits surrounding the election, one of which in Pennsylvania is pending petition in the U.S. Supreme Court following Associate Justice Samuel Alito Jr.’s temporary order for all Pennsylvania counties to segregate mail-in ballots that arrived after 8 p.m. on Election Day from others." Biden's Pick For Chief Of Staff Agrees That Elections Are Rigged

Certainly weakens the arguments from the, Democrats who claim the election was on the up and up.
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The question that americans actually need the answer to, is how we can call ourselves a developed nation when other counties have a vaccine first.

It is beyond obvious that trump's stalling of the transition is for the purpose of exterminating more Americans. Anyone who still defends that loser is beyond worthless.
Dinesh D'Souza puts a voice to the questions so many Americans want answered.

1.Isn’t it true that these Democratic cities, like Philadelphia, have a long and documented history of fraud?

2. What are the details of said election fraud?

3. Is it true that the votes of our American elections are being processed, counted and tabulated in foreign countries?

4. Is it true that some of said countries are hostile to us, and could manipulate the votes?

5. Can these machines, in fact, be manipulated? Can they be programmed to ‘flip’ votes?

6. If the machines can be rigged, why are they allowed to be used by any district or municipality?

7. Why is it that journalists have not investigated these questions….or even asked them?

8. We have several hundred sworn affidavits….affidavits are evidence….why do we constantly hear ‘there is no evidence’?

9. It seems that there are numerous ‘whisteblowers.’ Who are they, and what are they saying? Can they prove that there was a nationwide scheme to rig the election?

10. Why is the huge investigative community in the journalist profession not doing its job?

Nobody has ever explained why the Democrats would not have swept every statewide race in all of these states if the machines were programmed to flip votes. The programmers were already on the hook for a felony...why not just flip all of the votes in statewide races?

This is the 300th thread that alleges the machines were programmed. Nobody can explain why the saboteurs would not flip all the statewide races.

I'll buy you a donut if you are the first, Jumbo.

You can't resist a donut, can you?

"Nobody has ever explained why the Democrats would not have swept every statewide race in all of these states if the machines were programmed to flip votes."

I have.

In their rush to anoint Biden, the election thieves turned out tons of votes with only his name selected.

Here's proof:

1. I voted early, and the lines were enormous. On more than one day the lines went as much as five blocks, with lots of people bringing lawn chairs, and settling in for the duration.

Imagine two hypothetical voters..

Voter A is willing to wait on the long line, get up to the ballot and mark the presidential, and then go down the line, usually along party lines. As I did.

Voter B is an apparatchik of the Bolshevik Democrat apparatus, there for one reason: to do what he had been instructed to do to purloin the election for Biden. This individual need to fill in tons of ballots, and doesn’t plan to spend a great deal of time on each one. It’s quantity, not quality.

2. Person B is essentially a spy for the Democrats, which is fitting as their presidential candidate has been bought and paid for by a foreign government.

3. Here comes the circumstantial/mathematical evidence, specifically from the Georgia election: how do you explain 95,000 votes with only Biden marked…..the rest of the Democrat candidates for office ignored?

Only one way: the Democrat agent was sent in to win the election for Biden, and spent no time on any other aspirant.

4. “In most elections, the majority of votes are cast “down the ticket” – meaning, a voter supports both party’s presidential nominee and state Congressional candidates. In fact, according to Pew Research, “overwhelming shares of voters who are supporting Trump and Biden say they are also supporting the same-party candidate for Senate.”

Typically, this means that that the number of votes for a presidential candidate and that party’s Senate candidates are relatively close. …the number of votes cast for Joe Biden far exceeds those cast for that state’s Senate candidates in swing states, while those cast for Trump and GOP Senators remains far closer.

In Georgia, there was an 818 vote difference between Trump and the GOP Senator,
vs. a 95,000 difference between Biden and the Democratic candidate for Senator.”
The question that americans actually need the answer to, is how we can call ourselves a developed nation when other counties have a vaccine first.

It is beyond obvious that trump's stalling of the transition is for the purpose of exterminating more Americans. Anyone who still defends that loser is beyond worthless.

Your attempt to change the subject proves exactly what I said about you earlier.

You're really worried about those questions.

As Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis said, sunlight is the best disinfectant. (Although, in your case, I would add that actual disinfectant might not be a bad idea either.)
Dinesh D'Souza puts a voice to the questions so many Americans want answered.

1.Isn’t it true that these Democratic cities, like Philadelphia, have a long and documented history of fraud?

2. What are the details of said election fraud?

3. Is it true that the votes of our American elections are being processed, counted and tabulated in foreign countries?

4. Is it true that some of said countries are hostile to us, and could manipulate the votes?

5. Can these machines, in fact, be manipulated? Can they be programmed to ‘flip’ votes?

6. If the machines can be rigged, why are they allowed to be used by any district or municipality?

7. Why is it that journalists have not investigated these questions….or even asked them?

8. We have several hundred sworn affidavits….affidavits are evidence….why do we constantly hear ‘there is no evidence’?

9. It seems that there are numerous ‘whisteblowers.’ Who are they, and what are they saying? Can they prove that there was a nationwide scheme to rig the election?

10. Why is the huge investigative community in the journalist profession not doing its job?

Nobody has ever explained why the Democrats would not have swept every statewide race in all of these states if the machines were programmed to flip votes. The programmers were already on the hook for a felony...why not just flip all of the votes in statewide races?

This is the 300th thread that alleges the machines were programmed. Nobody can explain why the saboteurs would not flip all the statewide races.

I'll buy you a donut if you are the first, Jumbo.

You can't resist a donut, can you?

"This is the 300th thread that alleges the machines were programmed. "

Watch this:

Do Democrat officials believe that Dominion voting machines are the correct arbiters of votes?


In 2019, a letter was sent from Amy Klobuchar and several other pols…all Democrats, who asked why Dominion continued to sell machines with these known vulnerabilities before an upcoming election.

“2019 Document Reveals Warren and Klobuchar Filed Official Complaint Against “Dominion Voting” For “Vote Switching”

A newly unearthed document reveals that back in 2019, Elizabeth Warren, Amy Klobuchar, and Ron Wyden all filed formal complaints against the voting systems company, claiming they were a threat to “voting integrity” and citing situations of “vote switching” as a reason.

Here’s what the complaint said in part: “These problems threaten the integrity of our elections.” Senators Elizabeth Warren (D), Amy Klobuchar (D) & Ron Wyden (D) issue a formal complaint in 2019 to Dominion Voting Systems. Among the complaints? Allegations of ‘vote-switching.’


2019 Document Reveals Warren and Klobuchar Filed Official Complaint Against "Dominion Voting" For "Vote Switching" -

Now….where is the argument that the Dominion machines are safe?

The poster above who claimed the machines were just peachy-keen must feel pretty stuuuuuuuuupid about now.
The question that americans actually need the answer to, is how we can call ourselves a developed nation when other counties have a vaccine first.

It is beyond obvious that trump's stalling of the transition is for the purpose of exterminating more Americans. Anyone who still defends that loser is beyond worthless.
You want to take a vaccine developed by the country that, if it didn't create the vaccine, at least purposefully released it on the world?

I think I'll pass.
Great OP! Provides a stellar example of how to create a conspiracy theory.

Extrapolate weak indicators
Seek evidence that might support your theory. Initially this might lead you to change the theory, though once you have established the theory you should stick to its claims at all costs.
This evidence can be quite weak and need not prove any cause. Plausibility is more important than proof. A useful source is previous form, where they have done something similar in the past.

1. Isn’t it true that these Democratic cities, like Philadelphia, have a long and documented history of fraud?

Create the conspiracy
Having identified beneficiaries and their evil deeds, the next step is to extend the theory to include others.
There is a basic structure that is core to all conspiracies, so you need to be able to explain all parts of this:
  • Bad things are done for plausible and immoral reasons.
  • Those involved will suffer if they are found out.
  • They seek to hide what they are doing, using anonymity and cover-ups.
  • People who know or may also benefit may be enticed into doing similar bad things and so join the conspiracy.
  • These people plot together to maintain the silence.
  • Those who might expose the conspiracy are silenced by payment, legal action, physical threat or other means, legitimate or otherwise.
The conspiracy may be widespread, though it is can also be between a few key players. There are typically 'circles within circles' where outer members may be less involved and know less than those at the core.

7. Why is it that journalists have not investigated these questions….or even asked them?

10. Why is the huge investigative community in the journalist profession not doing its job?

And so on.
Great OP! Provides a stellar example of how to create a conspiracy theory.

Extrapolate weak indicators
Seek evidence that might support your theory. Initially this might lead you to change the theory, though once you have established the theory you should stick to its claims at all costs.
This evidence can be quite weak and need not prove any cause. Plausibility is more important than proof. A useful source is previous form, where they have done something similar in the past.

1. Isn’t it true that these Democratic cities, like Philadelphia, have a long and documented history of fraud?

Create the conspiracy
Having identified beneficiaries and their evil deeds, the next step is to extend the theory to include others.
There is a basic structure that is core to all conspiracies, so you need to be able to explain all parts of this:
  • Bad things are done for plausible and immoral reasons.
  • Those involved will suffer if they are found out.
  • They seek to hide what they are doing, using anonymity and cover-ups.
  • People who know or may also benefit may be enticed into doing similar bad things and so join the conspiracy.
  • These people plot together to maintain the silence.
  • Those who might expose the conspiracy are silenced by payment, legal action, physical threat or other means, legitimate or otherwise.
The conspiracy may be widespread, though it is can also be between a few key players. There are typically 'circles within circles' where outer members may be less involved and know less than those at the core.

7. Why is it that journalists have not investigated these questions….or even asked them?

10. Why is the huge investigative community in the journalist profession not doing its job?

And so on.

Asking questions is a conspiracy theory?

Or, are you intensely needing a way to hide a criminal reality?

I sense a palpable fear of these questions on your much so that you might consider a shower in order. least stand downwind.

Nothing I like more than putting a burr under your saddle, you donkey.
A short time ago, Philadelphia was busted for setting up it's computers to allow illegal aliens to vote.

They were allowed the motor-voter fraud wherein they registered illegal aliens to vote. Early voting. Mail-In voting. All opened the door to widespread fraud.

“…people who are not U.S. citizens were allowed to register to vote due to a glitch in Pennsylvania's electronic driver's license system,…”
Philadelphia finds hundreds of illegal voters

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