What are your gut-level-honest thoughts/feelings Re the Catholic Church (in modern times)?


Diamond Member
Oct 5, 2021
I am curious as to what Catholics think, mostly. I already know that a lot of protestants dislike the RCC

so yeh... I've heard enough about that..

I have mixed feelings.. don't like the pope much...
The Catholic Church needs to enter the 21st century

Accept Birth Control
Recognize Divorce
End Celibacy
Allow Women Priests
the 'church' has become too political, is very hypocritical, & is still covering up for their kiddie diddlers. & all that wealth is just how jesus would want them to covet.
I said I want to hear from CATHOLICS

can u read?

and truth is timeless, btw...

I was Baptized Catholic in 1956, even attended Latin Mass and married in a Catholic ceremony in 1981
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I was Baptized Catholic in 1956, even attended Latin Mass and married in a Catholic ceremony in 1981
you're about as Catholic as a cockroach I once killed

having some kind of history in the Church does NOT make you a true Catholic... In fact, fallen away Catholics are the worst of the worst.. IMO
the 'church' has become too political, is very hypocritical, & is still covering up for their kiddie diddlers. & all that wealth is just how jesus would want them to covet.

don't get the last sentence..
it means the RCC is not spiritual.
that's not true

But I won't argue with someone w/ a closed mind as u seem to have

Theree is one thing in the RCC that even Satan cannot, apparently, destroy... won't say what that is but most Cahtolics know..

Satan's thing is to turn Catholics against one another... make priests rude and uncaring so people don't go to confession... The secret societies are doing this... doingSatan's work..
that's not true

But I won't argue with someone w/ a closed mind as u seem to have

sure. what do you know? you voted & still defend someone who has broken most of the commandments AND all 7 deadly sins.

chosen one.jpg
you're about as Catholic as a cockroach I once killed

having some kind of history in the Church does NOT make you a true Catholic... In fact, fallen away Catholics are the worst of the worst.. IMO

I fell away BIG TIME
Does not mean I did not recognize the struggles and liabilities of the Church from the inside

What makes you an expert on the RCC?
that's not true

But I won't argue with someone w/ a closed mind as u seem to have

Theree is one thing in the RCC that even Satan cannot, apparently, destroy... won't say what that is but most Cahtolics know..

Satan's thing is to turn Catholics against one another... make priests rude and uncaring so people don't go to confession... The secret societies are doing this... doingSatan's work..
Damn…..You sure are Goofy
I said I want to hear from CATHOLICS
It is good to have someone willing to stand firm and point to the ideal and stay with tradition. We, the people, are the Catholic Church. I think we should have been more supportive of Catholic schools, and more cognizant that we adults still can learn.

I know some are in favor of bowing to public pressure on divorce, birth control, etc. Reminds me of the famous quote about politicians: Tell me, which way are the people heading? I must know, for I am their leader.

It is my opinion it is better to stick with the Way of Christ along with Apostolic teaching and tradition instead of trying to meld these things to modern society. Second, I have learned that the institution can only give us a boost up or a push forward. We, the Catholic People (Church), have to accept there is much we have to accomplish all on our own when it comes to spiritual growth.
It is my opinion it is better to stick with the Way of Christ along with Apostolic teaching and tradition instead of trying to meld these things to modern society.
There is nothing in Christ’s teachings that would oppose birth control, Divorce, married or female priests. Other Christian faiths read the same Bible and allow it.

It is purely an issue of Catholic dogma which can change.
Catholics changed in the early 60s when they abandoned the Latin Mass, meatless Fridays and women covering their heads in Church
There is nothing in Christ’s teachings that would oppose birth control, Divorce, married or female priests. Other Christian faiths read the same Bible and allow it.

It is purely an issue of Catholic dogma which can change.
Catholics changed in the early 60s when they abandoned the Latin Mass, meatless Fridays and women covering their heads in Church
First, the Church does not oppose birth control, only artificial means of birth control. Why? Because the question posed is, What happens when even artificial means of birth control fails? The Catholic Church saw abortion down the way of this path long before anyone else was giving it any thought of all. This goes back to, What is our greatest gift? Life. Abortion is death, and life is the ideal over death.

The reason mass was said in Latin the first place was because Latin was the universal common language of that time, the language most understood. The Church actually caught up with itself in saying Mass in the common language of the area. Meat used to be more expensive than fish. We ate fish to show solidarity with the poor. When fish became more expensive than meat, eating fish lost that solidarity. Many of us turned to pasta and vegetables--no meat or fish.

Language and meals change. Ideals remain.
First, the Church does not oppose birth control, only artificial means of birth control. Why? Because the question posed is, What happens when even artificial means of birth control fails? The Catholic Church saw abortion down the way of this path long before anyone else was giving it any thought of all. This goes back to, What is our greatest gift? Life. Abortion is death, and life is the ideal over death.
Birth Control reduces the need for an abortion.
Opposing birth control is counterproductive to Catholic opposition to abortion
Birth Control reduces the need for an abortion.
Opposing birth control is counterproductive to Catholic opposition to abortion
Once again, it is part of a whole. Natural birth control, valuing life, valuing sexuality.

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