What are Republican's domestic policy's?

Someone said the Democrats domestic policy is just giving away free stuff. Why would they think that? Here are a few "give a ways" Democrats are running on:

Build and update America's infrastructure to provide jobs and make America competitive..

Help people get an education that targets actually getting a well paying job.

Help people get health care that manages good health for a longer and more productive life and drops the cost of care.

Help poor children have at least one nutritious meal a day so they can concentrate on school and not be distracted with the feeling of being hungry.

Help young parents with affordable day care so both parents can work and create the kind of life they want their children to have.

It's easy to prove that Republicans are against all these things. So what are they for. They can't run on "stop everything". That's not even conservative. What are they actually planning on doing to help the country?

First, better education so when people complain they don't mispell simple words...:)
It's easy to prove that Republicans are against all these things. So what are they for. They can't run on "stop everything". That's not even conservative. What are they actually planning on doing to help the country?

What are Conservatives "for"?.....

Personal Responsibility, Independence, self-sufficuency and making people deal with the consequences of their decisions.

A return to the Traditional reading of the US Constitution as the Foundation of American Government, not as a "living document" or a set of "suggestions".

A return to Traditional American Mirals abd Values. That includes an America First mentality and a push for English First/English Only legislation.

A return to Law and Order as the main purpose of Government, and Legal Justice rather than Social Justice as the goal of our Legal System.
This is all fluff and no substance. Don't you see why that's an issue? We are talking about specific policy ideas here.

Read article 1 Section 8 of the Constitution, it gives you all the domestic policy substance you need, everything not mentioned there is left to the States.

Explain clause one in the aforementioned article. What meaning do you apply to the general Welfare?

In the taxing clause, common defense and general welfare are spending categories, not individual broad powers. If you notice the clause ends in a colon not a period. Then look at the first word of the subsequent clauses, "to", they are known as limiting clauses, they limit the spending to those particular items. The whole article is one sentence, separated by colons and semicolons, which are nothing more than grammatical pauses and must be read as a whole. That's the way Madison said it was intended. Period end of story.
Someone said the Democrats domestic policy is just giving away free stuff. Why would they think that? Here are a few "give a ways" Democrats are running on:

Build and update America's infrastructure to provide jobs and make America competitive..

Help people get an education that targets actually getting a well paying job.

Help people get health care that manages good health for a longer and more productive life and drops the cost of care.

Help poor children have at least one nutritious meal a day so they can concentrate on school and not be distracted with the feeling of being hungry.

Help young parents with affordable day care so both parents can work and create the kind of life they want their children to have.

It's easy to prove that Republicans are against all these things. So what are they for. They can't run on "stop everything". That's not even conservative. What are they actually planning on doing to help the country?
I asked them that in a thread I started. I asked them for reasons I should vote Republican.

And I don't want to hear lower taxes because Republicans have proved they raise our taxes in order to give the rich tax breaks. Republicans do not lower the tax burden on the middle class.

And I don't want to hear the same old less regulations tort reform or less government.

Why should I vote GOP? I'm a middle class middle age white and I don't see the benefit of the GOP.

Why do I vote Republican? Because Republicans are slime balls, they are just less of slime balls than Democrats.

Unfortunately you only have two logical choices when it comes to voting: Democrats or Republicans.

If you believe in a massive welfare state, vote Democrat. If you believe the more people that depend on the government--the better, vote Democrat. If you believe Americans should be disarmed because that will make all the criminals want to give up their guns, vote Democrat. If you believe that it's better to kill unborn babies than it is violent murderers sitting on death row, vote Democrat.

If you believe that the productive should be rewarded and not penalized for their accomplishments, vote Republican. If you believe that we need more God in our society, vote Republican. If you believe that you have the constitutional right to protect yourself and family, vote Republican. If you believe that tough love is a better solution to poverty than pandering, vote Republican. If you believe that just about every American has the option to be successful, vote Republican.
So if corporate profits and the stock market are higher than ever before and wealthy are wealthier than ever before, when exactly will wages rise on their own without government intervention? I'm dying to know. Wages have been flat in the lower classes for DECADES.
After the Enron scandal, Bush backed and signed the aggressively regulatory Sarbanes-Oxley Act.

So Bush added more regulations, the opposite of deregulation.

But it was under Bush that deregulation really took off on steroids.

Which regulations did he eliminate? Gotta list?
regulations abolished under Bush - Google Search

You don't want a real discussion when you won't even bother to look anything up.

You don't want a real discussion when you won't even bother to look anything up.

You made the claim, why can't you back it up?
I did. You point out a single regulation by Bush and then say SEE? HE MADE REGULATIONS. Well, congress did and he signed. But so what? He made a regulation. He is a Republican and you have no idea of what else he did? Why did you vote for him? And what did he do to help the economy? Make it good. :popcorn:

You said, "But it was under Bush that deregulation really took off on steroids"

I'm not interested in proving your claim.
And apparently you're unable to prove your claim.
It did, and that's why I gave you a google search. Check it out. This report is on the very first page:
The Bush Legacy: An Assault on Public Protections | Center for Effective Government
Public protections are regulations. I give you links to the reports. What do you want to be? Spoon Fed? That's a determined ignorance of the worst kind.

Is there a particular page at that link that shows the banking regulations that Bush eliminated to cause the crisis in 2008? Or should I read the entire thing, just hoping that the proof of your claim is there?
After the Enron scandal, Bush backed and signed the aggressively regulatory Sarbanes-Oxley Act.

So Bush added more regulations, the opposite of deregulation.

But it was under Bush that deregulation really took off on steroids.

Which regulations did he eliminate? Gotta list?
regulations abolished under Bush - Google Search

You don't want a real discussion when you won't even bother to look anything up.

You don't want a real discussion when you won't even bother to look anything up.

You made the claim, why can't you back it up?
I did. You point out a single regulation by Bush and then say SEE? HE MADE REGULATIONS. Well, congress did and he signed. But so what? He made a regulation. He is a Republican and you have no idea of what else he did? Why did you vote for him? And what did he do to help the economy? Make it good. :popcorn:

You said, "But it was under Bush that deregulation really took off on steroids"

I'm not interested in proving your claim.
And apparently you're unable to prove your claim.

It's common knowledge, see: Did Derivatives Cause The Recession?

Form the link:

Determining the cause of the financial collapse has been sought by everyone from Congress to the small business owner. This question has brought people to conclusions that range from Wall Street greed to a poorly regulated system. Responses are based primarily on opinion because there have been very few verified facts that one can point to as the cause. This may be because the answer is that a confluence of factors, many of which are poorly understood, caused the collapse. One of these factors is financial innovation, which created derivative securities that purportedly produced safe instruments by removing or diversifying away the inherent risk in the underlying assets. The question is: did these instruments really reduce the underlying risk or in fact increase it? (Learn more about derivatives in The Barnyard Basics of Derivativesand Are Derivatives Safe For Retail Investors?)
Derivatives: An Overview
Derivative instruments were created after the 1970s as a way to manage risk and create insurance against downside. They were created in response to the recent experience of the oil shock, high inflation and a 50% drop in the U.S. stock market. As a result, instruments, such as options, which are a way to benefit from the upside without owning the security or protect against the downside by paying a small premium, were invented. Pricing these derivatives was, at first, a difficult task until the creation of the Black Scholes model. Other instruments include credit default swaps, which protect against a counterparty defaulting, and collateralized debt obligations, which is a form of securitization where loans with underlying collateral (such as mortgages) are pooled. Pricing was also difficult with these instruments, but unlike options, a reliable model was not developed.

2003-2007 - The Real Use (or Overuse!)
The initial intention was to defend against risk and protect against the downside. However, derivatives became speculative tools often used to take on more risk in order to maximize profits and returns. There were two intertwined issues at work here: securitized products, which were difficult to price and analyze, were traded and sold, and many positions were leveraged in order to reap the highest possible gain.

Read more: Did Derivatives Cause The Recession? Did Derivatives Cause The Recession?
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Did Derivatives Cause The Recession?

Someone said the Democrats domestic policy is just giving away free stuff. Why would they think that? Here are a few "give a ways" Democrats are running on:

Build and update America's infrastructure to provide jobs and make America competitive..

Help people get an education that targets actually getting a well paying job.

Help people get health care that manages good health for a longer and more productive life and drops the cost of care.

Help poor children have at least one nutritious meal a day so they can concentrate on school and not be distracted with the feeling of being hungry.

Help young parents with affordable day care so both parents can work and create the kind of life they want their children to have.

It's easy to prove that Republicans are against all these things. So what are they for. They can't run on "stop everything". That's not even conservative. What are they actually planning on doing to help the country?
I asked them that in a thread I started. I asked them for reasons I should vote Republican.

And I don't want to hear lower taxes because Republicans have proved they raise our taxes in order to give the rich tax breaks. Republicans do not lower the tax burden on the middle class.

And I don't want to hear the same old less regulations tort reform or less government.

Why should I vote GOP? I'm a middle class middle age white and I don't see the benefit of the GOP.

Why do I vote Republican? Because Republicans are slime balls, they are just less of slime balls than Democrats.

Unfortunately you only have two logical choices when it comes to voting: Democrats or Republicans.

If you believe in a massive welfare state, vote Democrat. If you believe the more people that depend on the government--the better, vote Democrat. If you believe Americans should be disarmed because that will make all the criminals want to give up their guns, vote Democrat. If you believe that it's better to kill unborn babies than it is violent murderers sitting on death row, vote Democrat.

If you believe that the productive should be rewarded and not penalized for their accomplishments, vote Republican. If you believe that we need more God in our society, vote Republican. If you believe that you have the constitutional right to protect yourself and family, vote Republican. If you believe that tough love is a better solution to poverty than pandering, vote Republican. If you believe that just about every American has the option to be successful, vote Republican.
So if corporate profits and the stock market are higher than ever before and wealthy are wealthier than ever before, when exactly will wages rise on their own without government intervention? I'm dying to know. Wages have been flat in the lower classes for DECADES.

Yes they have. Wages are effected by more efficient ways to produce products either by sending jobs overseas or automation. They can only pay an employee so much before it's worth their investment to utilize these options.

Also all the foreigners we have in this country are no help either. Be they legal or illegal, they drive wages down because they will work for next to nothing. They spend a few years here and send the money home. They finally return and live like a king for quite a while. And remember that Obama has a huge WELCOME mat on our borders.
It's easy to prove that Republicans are against all these things. So what are they for. They can't run on "stop everything". That's not even conservative. What are they actually planning on doing to help the country?

What are Conservatives "for"?.....

Personal Responsibility, Independence, self-sufficuency and making people deal with the consequences of their decisions.

A return to the Traditional reading of the US Constitution as the Foundation of American Government, not as a "living document" or a set of "suggestions".

A return to Traditional American Mirals abd Values. That includes an America First mentality and a push for English First/English Only legislation.

A return to Law and Order as the main purpose of Government, and Legal Justice rather than Social Justice as the goal of our Legal System.
This is all fluff and no substance. Don't you see why that's an issue? We are talking about specific policy ideas here.

Read article 1 Section 8 of the Constitution, it gives you all the domestic policy substance you need, everything not mentioned there is left to the States.

Explain clause one in the aforementioned article. What meaning do you apply to the general Welfare?
Just as soon as you learn the difference between promote and provide
Someone said the Democrats domestic policy is just giving away free stuff. Why would they think that? Here are a few "give a ways" Democrats are running on:

Build and update America's infrastructure to provide jobs and make America competitive..

Help people get an education that targets actually getting a well paying job.

Help people get health care that manages good health for a longer and more productive life and drops the cost of care.

Help poor children have at least one nutritious meal a day so they can concentrate on school and not be distracted with the feeling of being hungry.

Help young parents with affordable day care so both parents can work and create the kind of life they want their children to have.

It's easy to prove that Republicans are against all these things. So what are they for. They can't run on "stop everything". That's not even conservative. What are they actually planning on doing to help the country?
I asked them that in a thread I started. I asked them for reasons I should vote Republican.

And I don't want to hear lower taxes because Republicans have proved they raise our taxes in order to give the rich tax breaks. Republicans do not lower the tax burden on the middle class.

And I don't want to hear the same old less regulations tort reform or less government.

Why should I vote GOP? I'm a middle class middle age white and I don't see the benefit of the GOP.

Why do I vote Republican? Because Republicans are slime balls, they are just less of slime balls than Democrats.

Unfortunately you only have two logical choices when it comes to voting: Democrats or Republicans.

If you believe in a massive welfare state, vote Democrat. If you believe the more people that depend on the government--the better, vote Democrat. If you believe Americans should be disarmed because that will make all the criminals want to give up their guns, vote Democrat. If you believe that it's better to kill unborn babies than it is violent murderers sitting on death row, vote Democrat.

If you believe that the productive should be rewarded and not penalized for their accomplishments, vote Republican. If you believe that we need more God in our society, vote Republican. If you believe that you have the constitutional right to protect yourself and family, vote Republican. If you believe that tough love is a better solution to poverty than pandering, vote Republican. If you believe that just about every American has the option to be successful, vote Republican.
So if corporate profits and the stock market are higher than ever before and wealthy are wealthier than ever before, when exactly will wages rise on their own without government intervention? I'm dying to know. Wages have been flat in the lower classes for DECADES.

Yes they have. Wages are effected by more efficient ways to produce products either by sending jobs overseas or automation. They can only pay an employee so much before it's worth their investment to utilize these options.

Also all the foreigners we have in this country are no help either. Be they legal or illegal, they drive wages down because they will work for next to nothing. They spend a few years here and send the money home. They finally return and live like a king for quite a while. And remember that Obama has a huge WELCOME mat on our borders.
I suppose this could be true to a degree, but the reality is that businesses maximize profit by investing little in a labor force. Do you really think McDonald's cares about higher wages for their employees? They get away with minimum wage slightly above because they know there is always someone available to replace any dissatisfied employee who quits.

The truth of the matter is that fast food workers deserve higher pay. Sure they are unskilled, but their jobs involve non-stop productivity and the stress of asshole customers. It's a miserable place to work.
Someone said the Democrats domestic policy is just giving away free stuff. Why would they think that? Here are a few "give a ways" Democrats are running on:

Build and update America's infrastructure to provide jobs and make America competitive..

Help people get an education that targets actually getting a well paying job.

Help people get health care that manages good health for a longer and more productive life and drops the cost of care.

Help poor children have at least one nutritious meal a day so they can concentrate on school and not be distracted with the feeling of being hungry.

Help young parents with affordable day care so both parents can work and create the kind of life they want their children to have.

It's easy to prove that Republicans are against all these things. So what are they for. They can't run on "stop everything". That's not even conservative. What are they actually planning on doing to help the country?
I asked them that in a thread I started. I asked them for reasons I should vote Republican.

And I don't want to hear lower taxes because Republicans have proved they raise our taxes in order to give the rich tax breaks. Republicans do not lower the tax burden on the middle class.

And I don't want to hear the same old less regulations tort reform or less government.

Why should I vote GOP? I'm a middle class middle age white and I don't see the benefit of the GOP.

Why do I vote Republican? Because Republicans are slime balls, they are just less of slime balls than Democrats.

Unfortunately you only have two logical choices when it comes to voting: Democrats or Republicans.

If you believe in a massive welfare state, vote Democrat. If you believe the more people that depend on the government--the better, vote Democrat. If you believe Americans should be disarmed because that will make all the criminals want to give up their guns, vote Democrat. If you believe that it's better to kill unborn babies than it is violent murderers sitting on death row, vote Democrat.

If you believe that the productive should be rewarded and not penalized for their accomplishments, vote Republican. If you believe that we need more God in our society, vote Republican. If you believe that you have the constitutional right to protect yourself and family, vote Republican. If you believe that tough love is a better solution to poverty than pandering, vote Republican. If you believe that just about every American has the option to be successful, vote Republican.
So if corporate profits and the stock market are higher than ever before and wealthy are wealthier than ever before, when exactly will wages rise on their own without government intervention? I'm dying to know. Wages have been flat in the lower classes for DECADES.

Yes they have. Wages are effected by more efficient ways to produce products either by sending jobs overseas or automation. They can only pay an employee so much before it's worth their investment to utilize these options.

Also all the foreigners we have in this country are no help either. Be they legal or illegal, they drive wages down because they will work for next to nothing. They spend a few years here and send the money home. They finally return and live like a king for quite a while. And remember that Obama has a huge WELCOME mat on our borders.
I suppose this could be true to a degree, but the reality is that businesses maximize profit by investing little in a labor force. Do you really think McDonald's cares about higher wages for their employees? They get away with minimum wage slightly above because they know there is always someone available to replace any dissatisfied employee who quits.

The truth of the matter is that fast food workers deserve higher pay. Sure they are unskilled, but their jobs involve non-stop productivity and the stress of asshole customers. It's a miserable place to work.

Then the solution is simple--don't take the job.

People are not paid by how much they have to put up with on a job, people are paid by how much they produce for the company. Their wage is determined by the next person willing to do the same job for the same money.

If you force places like McDonald's to pay employees more than their job is worth, they will react negatively.

McDonald's orders 7,000 touchscreen kiosks to replace cashiers
By Michael Collado @michaelcollado · May 18, 2011

McDonald's orders 7,000 touchscreen kiosks to replace cashiers
make our country great again!
Then stop worrying about what's fair and focus on what works.

Free markets didn't create our formerly thriving middle class, unions did. Labor laws. Progressive taxes. Back when the rich and corporations paid their fair share in taxes and paid Americans an American wage, not Indians Mexicans and Chinese.

Back when American companies wouldn't dare hire illegal workers
I asked them that in a thread I started. I asked them for reasons I should vote Republican.

And I don't want to hear lower taxes because Republicans have proved they raise our taxes in order to give the rich tax breaks. Republicans do not lower the tax burden on the middle class.

And I don't want to hear the same old less regulations tort reform or less government.

Why should I vote GOP? I'm a middle class middle age white and I don't see the benefit of the GOP.

Why do I vote Republican? Because Republicans are slime balls, they are just less of slime balls than Democrats.

Unfortunately you only have two logical choices when it comes to voting: Democrats or Republicans.

If you believe in a massive welfare state, vote Democrat. If you believe the more people that depend on the government--the better, vote Democrat. If you believe Americans should be disarmed because that will make all the criminals want to give up their guns, vote Democrat. If you believe that it's better to kill unborn babies than it is violent murderers sitting on death row, vote Democrat.

If you believe that the productive should be rewarded and not penalized for their accomplishments, vote Republican. If you believe that we need more God in our society, vote Republican. If you believe that you have the constitutional right to protect yourself and family, vote Republican. If you believe that tough love is a better solution to poverty than pandering, vote Republican. If you believe that just about every American has the option to be successful, vote Republican.
So if corporate profits and the stock market are higher than ever before and wealthy are wealthier than ever before, when exactly will wages rise on their own without government intervention? I'm dying to know. Wages have been flat in the lower classes for DECADES.

Yes they have. Wages are effected by more efficient ways to produce products either by sending jobs overseas or automation. They can only pay an employee so much before it's worth their investment to utilize these options.

Also all the foreigners we have in this country are no help either. Be they legal or illegal, they drive wages down because they will work for next to nothing. They spend a few years here and send the money home. They finally return and live like a king for quite a while. And remember that Obama has a huge WELCOME mat on our borders.
I suppose this could be true to a degree, but the reality is that businesses maximize profit by investing little in a labor force. Do you really think McDonald's cares about higher wages for their employees? They get away with minimum wage slightly above because they know there is always someone available to replace any dissatisfied employee who quits.

The truth of the matter is that fast food workers deserve higher pay. Sure they are unskilled, but their jobs involve non-stop productivity and the stress of asshole customers. It's a miserable place to work.

Then the solution is simple--don't take the job.

People are not paid by how much they have to put up with on a job, people are paid by how much they produce for the company. Their wage is determined by the next person willing to do the same job for the same money.

If you force places like McDonald's to pay employees more than their job is worth, they will react negatively.

McDonald's orders 7,000 touchscreen kiosks to replace cashiers
By Michael Collado @michaelcollado · May 18, 2011

McDonald's orders 7,000 touchscreen kiosks to replace cashiers
Productivity in the lower classes - including the fast food industry - has been skyrocketing for decades yet wages have remained flat. Doesn't that bother you? Shouldn't people be paid based on productivity. People in the fast food industry shouldn't have to make a comfortable living, but they should at least be paid a living wage especially considering the average age is now 29.

Automation is a problem but this is based on greed, not feeling cornered. There should be laws limiting it.
Someone said the Democrats domestic policy is just giving away free stuff. Why would they think that? Here are a few "give a ways" Democrats are running on:

Build and update America's infrastructure to provide jobs and make America competitive..

Help people get an education that targets actually getting a well paying job.

Help people get health care that manages good health for a longer and more productive life and drops the cost of care.

Help poor children have at least one nutritious meal a day so they can concentrate on school and not be distracted with the feeling of being hungry.

Help young parents with affordable day care so both parents can work and create the kind of life they want their children to have.

It's easy to prove that Republicans are against all these things. So what are they for. They can't run on "stop everything". That's not even conservative. What are they actually planning on doing to help the country?
I asked them that in a thread I started. I asked them for reasons I should vote Republican.

And I don't want to hear lower taxes because Republicans have proved they raise our taxes in order to give the rich tax breaks. Republicans do not lower the tax burden on the middle class.

And I don't want to hear the same old less regulations tort reform or less government.

Why should I vote GOP? I'm a middle class middle age white and I don't see the benefit of the GOP.

Why do I vote Republican? Because Republicans are slime balls, they are just less of slime balls than Democrats.

Unfortunately you only have two logical choices when it comes to voting: Democrats or Republicans.

If you believe in a massive welfare state, vote Democrat. If you believe the more people that depend on the government--the better, vote Democrat. If you believe Americans should be disarmed because that will make all the criminals want to give up their guns, vote Democrat. If you believe that it's better to kill unborn babies than it is violent murderers sitting on death row, vote Democrat.

If you believe that the productive should be rewarded and not penalized for their accomplishments, vote Republican. If you believe that we need more God in our society, vote Republican. If you believe that you have the constitutional right to protect yourself and family, vote Republican. If you believe that tough love is a better solution to poverty than pandering, vote Republican. If you believe that just about every American has the option to be successful, vote Republican.
So if corporate profits and the stock market are higher than ever before and wealthy are wealthier than ever before, when exactly will wages rise on their own without government intervention? I'm dying to know. Wages have been flat in the lower classes for DECADES.

Yes they have. Wages are effected by more efficient ways to produce products either by sending jobs overseas or automation. They can only pay an employee so much before it's worth their investment to utilize these options.

Also all the foreigners we have in this country are no help either. Be they legal or illegal, they drive wages down because they will work for next to nothing. They spend a few years here and send the money home. They finally return and live like a king for quite a while. And remember that Obama has a huge WELCOME mat on our borders.
I suppose this could be true to a degree, but the reality is that businesses maximize profit by investing little in a labor force. Do you really think McDonald's cares about higher wages for their employees? They get away with minimum wage slightly above because they know there is always someone available to replace any dissatisfied employee who quits.

The truth of the matter is that fast food workers deserve higher pay. Sure they are unskilled, but their jobs involve non-stop productivity and the stress of asshole customers. It's a miserable place to work.
My bro is a hr VP for a fortune 350 company. He teaches don't be cheap when hiring. The employee will take the job but eventually leave.
I asked them that in a thread I started. I asked them for reasons I should vote Republican.

And I don't want to hear lower taxes because Republicans have proved they raise our taxes in order to give the rich tax breaks. Republicans do not lower the tax burden on the middle class.

And I don't want to hear the same old less regulations tort reform or less government.

Why should I vote GOP? I'm a middle class middle age white and I don't see the benefit of the GOP.

Why do I vote Republican? Because Republicans are slime balls, they are just less of slime balls than Democrats.

Unfortunately you only have two logical choices when it comes to voting: Democrats or Republicans.

If you believe in a massive welfare state, vote Democrat. If you believe the more people that depend on the government--the better, vote Democrat. If you believe Americans should be disarmed because that will make all the criminals want to give up their guns, vote Democrat. If you believe that it's better to kill unborn babies than it is violent murderers sitting on death row, vote Democrat.

If you believe that the productive should be rewarded and not penalized for their accomplishments, vote Republican. If you believe that we need more God in our society, vote Republican. If you believe that you have the constitutional right to protect yourself and family, vote Republican. If you believe that tough love is a better solution to poverty than pandering, vote Republican. If you believe that just about every American has the option to be successful, vote Republican.
So if corporate profits and the stock market are higher than ever before and wealthy are wealthier than ever before, when exactly will wages rise on their own without government intervention? I'm dying to know. Wages have been flat in the lower classes for DECADES.

Yes they have. Wages are effected by more efficient ways to produce products either by sending jobs overseas or automation. They can only pay an employee so much before it's worth their investment to utilize these options.

Also all the foreigners we have in this country are no help either. Be they legal or illegal, they drive wages down because they will work for next to nothing. They spend a few years here and send the money home. They finally return and live like a king for quite a while. And remember that Obama has a huge WELCOME mat on our borders.
I suppose this could be true to a degree, but the reality is that businesses maximize profit by investing little in a labor force. Do you really think McDonald's cares about higher wages for their employees? They get away with minimum wage slightly above because they know there is always someone available to replace any dissatisfied employee who quits.

The truth of the matter is that fast food workers deserve higher pay. Sure they are unskilled, but their jobs involve non-stop productivity and the stress of asshole customers. It's a miserable place to work.
My bro is a hr VP for a fortune 350 company. He teaches don't be cheap when hiring. The employee will take the job but eventually leave.
Yeah I doubt the industry is like anything fast food.
Why do I vote Republican? Because Republicans are slime balls, they are just less of slime balls than Democrats.

Unfortunately you only have two logical choices when it comes to voting: Democrats or Republicans.

If you believe in a massive welfare state, vote Democrat. If you believe the more people that depend on the government--the better, vote Democrat. If you believe Americans should be disarmed because that will make all the criminals want to give up their guns, vote Democrat. If you believe that it's better to kill unborn babies than it is violent murderers sitting on death row, vote Democrat.

If you believe that the productive should be rewarded and not penalized for their accomplishments, vote Republican. If you believe that we need more God in our society, vote Republican. If you believe that you have the constitutional right to protect yourself and family, vote Republican. If you believe that tough love is a better solution to poverty than pandering, vote Republican. If you believe that just about every American has the option to be successful, vote Republican.
So if corporate profits and the stock market are higher than ever before and wealthy are wealthier than ever before, when exactly will wages rise on their own without government intervention? I'm dying to know. Wages have been flat in the lower classes for DECADES.

Yes they have. Wages are effected by more efficient ways to produce products either by sending jobs overseas or automation. They can only pay an employee so much before it's worth their investment to utilize these options.

Also all the foreigners we have in this country are no help either. Be they legal or illegal, they drive wages down because they will work for next to nothing. They spend a few years here and send the money home. They finally return and live like a king for quite a while. And remember that Obama has a huge WELCOME mat on our borders.
I suppose this could be true to a degree, but the reality is that businesses maximize profit by investing little in a labor force. Do you really think McDonald's cares about higher wages for their employees? They get away with minimum wage slightly above because they know there is always someone available to replace any dissatisfied employee who quits.

The truth of the matter is that fast food workers deserve higher pay. Sure they are unskilled, but their jobs involve non-stop productivity and the stress of asshole customers. It's a miserable place to work.

Then the solution is simple--don't take the job.

People are not paid by how much they have to put up with on a job, people are paid by how much they produce for the company. Their wage is determined by the next person willing to do the same job for the same money.

If you force places like McDonald's to pay employees more than their job is worth, they will react negatively.

McDonald's orders 7,000 touchscreen kiosks to replace cashiers
By Michael Collado @michaelcollado · May 18, 2011

McDonald's orders 7,000 touchscreen kiosks to replace cashiers
Productivity in the lower classes - including the fast food industry - has been skyrocketing for decades yet wages have remained flat. Doesn't that bother you? Shouldn't people be paid based on productivity. People in the fast food industry shouldn't have to make a comfortable living, but they should at least be paid a living wage especially considering the average age is now 29.

Automation is a problem but this is based on greed, not feeling cornered. There should be laws limiting it.
In Switzerland even mcd workers are well paid professionals who take pride in their jobs.

This is why eventually greedy companies like Walmart end up failing. Unhappy employees means bad customer service and high turnover and people like me won't shop at places like that.
So if corporate profits and the stock market are higher than ever before and wealthy are wealthier than ever before, when exactly will wages rise on their own without government intervention? I'm dying to know. Wages have been flat in the lower classes for DECADES.

Yes they have. Wages are effected by more efficient ways to produce products either by sending jobs overseas or automation. They can only pay an employee so much before it's worth their investment to utilize these options.

Also all the foreigners we have in this country are no help either. Be they legal or illegal, they drive wages down because they will work for next to nothing. They spend a few years here and send the money home. They finally return and live like a king for quite a while. And remember that Obama has a huge WELCOME mat on our borders.
I suppose this could be true to a degree, but the reality is that businesses maximize profit by investing little in a labor force. Do you really think McDonald's cares about higher wages for their employees? They get away with minimum wage slightly above because they know there is always someone available to replace any dissatisfied employee who quits.

The truth of the matter is that fast food workers deserve higher pay. Sure they are unskilled, but their jobs involve non-stop productivity and the stress of asshole customers. It's a miserable place to work.

Then the solution is simple--don't take the job.

People are not paid by how much they have to put up with on a job, people are paid by how much they produce for the company. Their wage is determined by the next person willing to do the same job for the same money.

If you force places like McDonald's to pay employees more than their job is worth, they will react negatively.

McDonald's orders 7,000 touchscreen kiosks to replace cashiers
By Michael Collado @michaelcollado · May 18, 2011

McDonald's orders 7,000 touchscreen kiosks to replace cashiers
Productivity in the lower classes - including the fast food industry - has been skyrocketing for decades yet wages have remained flat. Doesn't that bother you? Shouldn't people be paid based on productivity. People in the fast food industry shouldn't have to make a comfortable living, but they should at least be paid a living wage especially considering the average age is now 29.

Automation is a problem but this is based on greed, not feeling cornered. There should be laws limiting it.
In Switzerland even mcd workers are well paid professionals who take pride in their jobs.

This is why eventually greedy companies like Walmart end up failing. Unhappy employees means bad customer service and high turnover and people like me won't shop at places like that.
Yeah definitely. Better pay means higher productivity.
Why do I vote Republican? Because Republicans are slime balls, they are just less of slime balls than Democrats.

Unfortunately you only have two logical choices when it comes to voting: Democrats or Republicans.

If you believe in a massive welfare state, vote Democrat. If you believe the more people that depend on the government--the better, vote Democrat. If you believe Americans should be disarmed because that will make all the criminals want to give up their guns, vote Democrat. If you believe that it's better to kill unborn babies than it is violent murderers sitting on death row, vote Democrat.

If you believe that the productive should be rewarded and not penalized for their accomplishments, vote Republican. If you believe that we need more God in our society, vote Republican. If you believe that you have the constitutional right to protect yourself and family, vote Republican. If you believe that tough love is a better solution to poverty than pandering, vote Republican. If you believe that just about every American has the option to be successful, vote Republican.
So if corporate profits and the stock market are higher than ever before and wealthy are wealthier than ever before, when exactly will wages rise on their own without government intervention? I'm dying to know. Wages have been flat in the lower classes for DECADES.

Yes they have. Wages are effected by more efficient ways to produce products either by sending jobs overseas or automation. They can only pay an employee so much before it's worth their investment to utilize these options.

Also all the foreigners we have in this country are no help either. Be they legal or illegal, they drive wages down because they will work for next to nothing. They spend a few years here and send the money home. They finally return and live like a king for quite a while. And remember that Obama has a huge WELCOME mat on our borders.
I suppose this could be true to a degree, but the reality is that businesses maximize profit by investing little in a labor force. Do you really think McDonald's cares about higher wages for their employees? They get away with minimum wage slightly above because they know there is always someone available to replace any dissatisfied employee who quits.

The truth of the matter is that fast food workers deserve higher pay. Sure they are unskilled, but their jobs involve non-stop productivity and the stress of asshole customers. It's a miserable place to work.
My bro is a hr VP for a fortune 350 company. He teaches don't be cheap when hiring. The employee will take the job but eventually leave.
Yeah I doubt the industry is like anything fast food.
There are all kinds of companies that pay more for the reasons I mentioned and unfortunately too many companies try to get you for as little as possible.
So if corporate profits and the stock market are higher than ever before and wealthy are wealthier than ever before, when exactly will wages rise on their own without government intervention? I'm dying to know. Wages have been flat in the lower classes for DECADES.

Yes they have. Wages are effected by more efficient ways to produce products either by sending jobs overseas or automation. They can only pay an employee so much before it's worth their investment to utilize these options.

Also all the foreigners we have in this country are no help either. Be they legal or illegal, they drive wages down because they will work for next to nothing. They spend a few years here and send the money home. They finally return and live like a king for quite a while. And remember that Obama has a huge WELCOME mat on our borders.
I suppose this could be true to a degree, but the reality is that businesses maximize profit by investing little in a labor force. Do you really think McDonald's cares about higher wages for their employees? They get away with minimum wage slightly above because they know there is always someone available to replace any dissatisfied employee who quits.

The truth of the matter is that fast food workers deserve higher pay. Sure they are unskilled, but their jobs involve non-stop productivity and the stress of asshole customers. It's a miserable place to work.

Then the solution is simple--don't take the job.

People are not paid by how much they have to put up with on a job, people are paid by how much they produce for the company. Their wage is determined by the next person willing to do the same job for the same money.

If you force places like McDonald's to pay employees more than their job is worth, they will react negatively.

McDonald's orders 7,000 touchscreen kiosks to replace cashiers
By Michael Collado @michaelcollado · May 18, 2011

McDonald's orders 7,000 touchscreen kiosks to replace cashiers
Productivity in the lower classes - including the fast food industry - has been skyrocketing for decades yet wages have remained flat. Doesn't that bother you? Shouldn't people be paid based on productivity. People in the fast food industry shouldn't have to make a comfortable living, but they should at least be paid a living wage especially considering the average age is now 29.

Automation is a problem but this is based on greed, not feeling cornered. There should be laws limiting it.
In Switzerland even mcd workers are well paid professionals who take pride in their jobs.

This is why eventually greedy companies like Walmart end up failing. Unhappy employees means bad customer service and high turnover and people like me won't shop at places like that.

Really makes you wonder why they are still the number one store in America, doesn't it?

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