What are Republican's domestic policy's?

Yes they have. Wages are effected by more efficient ways to produce products either by sending jobs overseas or automation. They can only pay an employee so much before it's worth their investment to utilize these options.

Also all the foreigners we have in this country are no help either. Be they legal or illegal, they drive wages down because they will work for next to nothing. They spend a few years here and send the money home. They finally return and live like a king for quite a while. And remember that Obama has a huge WELCOME mat on our borders.
I suppose this could be true to a degree, but the reality is that businesses maximize profit by investing little in a labor force. Do you really think McDonald's cares about higher wages for their employees? They get away with minimum wage slightly above because they know there is always someone available to replace any dissatisfied employee who quits.

The truth of the matter is that fast food workers deserve higher pay. Sure they are unskilled, but their jobs involve non-stop productivity and the stress of asshole customers. It's a miserable place to work.

Then the solution is simple--don't take the job.

People are not paid by how much they have to put up with on a job, people are paid by how much they produce for the company. Their wage is determined by the next person willing to do the same job for the same money.

If you force places like McDonald's to pay employees more than their job is worth, they will react negatively.

McDonald's orders 7,000 touchscreen kiosks to replace cashiers
By Michael Collado @michaelcollado · May 18, 2011

McDonald's orders 7,000 touchscreen kiosks to replace cashiers
Productivity in the lower classes - including the fast food industry - has been skyrocketing for decades yet wages have remained flat. Doesn't that bother you? Shouldn't people be paid based on productivity. People in the fast food industry shouldn't have to make a comfortable living, but they should at least be paid a living wage especially considering the average age is now 29.

Automation is a problem but this is based on greed, not feeling cornered. There should be laws limiting it.
In Switzerland even mcd workers are well paid professionals who take pride in their jobs.

This is why eventually greedy companies like Walmart end up failing. Unhappy employees means bad customer service and high turnover and people like me won't shop at places like that.
Yeah definitely. Better pay means higher productivity.
Oh, and when he told all those young hr hiring managers his philosophy, they couldn't believe it. They thought there job was to be cheap. He told them, "your job is to find and keep good talent. If we are cheap in the beginning they'll remember that.

This is why Republicans like recessions. They flood the market with people looking for work and they can low ball.
Yes they have. Wages are effected by more efficient ways to produce products either by sending jobs overseas or automation. They can only pay an employee so much before it's worth their investment to utilize these options.

Also all the foreigners we have in this country are no help either. Be they legal or illegal, they drive wages down because they will work for next to nothing. They spend a few years here and send the money home. They finally return and live like a king for quite a while. And remember that Obama has a huge WELCOME mat on our borders.
I suppose this could be true to a degree, but the reality is that businesses maximize profit by investing little in a labor force. Do you really think McDonald's cares about higher wages for their employees? They get away with minimum wage slightly above because they know there is always someone available to replace any dissatisfied employee who quits.

The truth of the matter is that fast food workers deserve higher pay. Sure they are unskilled, but their jobs involve non-stop productivity and the stress of asshole customers. It's a miserable place to work.

Then the solution is simple--don't take the job.

People are not paid by how much they have to put up with on a job, people are paid by how much they produce for the company. Their wage is determined by the next person willing to do the same job for the same money.

If you force places like McDonald's to pay employees more than their job is worth, they will react negatively.

McDonald's orders 7,000 touchscreen kiosks to replace cashiers
By Michael Collado @michaelcollado · May 18, 2011

McDonald's orders 7,000 touchscreen kiosks to replace cashiers
Productivity in the lower classes - including the fast food industry - has been skyrocketing for decades yet wages have remained flat. Doesn't that bother you? Shouldn't people be paid based on productivity. People in the fast food industry shouldn't have to make a comfortable living, but they should at least be paid a living wage especially considering the average age is now 29.

Automation is a problem but this is based on greed, not feeling cornered. There should be laws limiting it.
In Switzerland even mcd workers are well paid professionals who take pride in their jobs.

This is why eventually greedy companies like Walmart end up failing. Unhappy employees means bad customer service and high turnover and people like me won't shop at places like that.

Really makes you wonder why they are still the number one store in America, doesn't it?
Up north they don't have any competition. In metro Detroit and other big city markets with competition they're closing stores.
Why do I vote Republican? Because Republicans are slime balls, they are just less of slime balls than Democrats.

Unfortunately you only have two logical choices when it comes to voting: Democrats or Republicans.

If you believe in a massive welfare state, vote Democrat. If you believe the more people that depend on the government--the better, vote Democrat. If you believe Americans should be disarmed because that will make all the criminals want to give up their guns, vote Democrat. If you believe that it's better to kill unborn babies than it is violent murderers sitting on death row, vote Democrat.

If you believe that the productive should be rewarded and not penalized for their accomplishments, vote Republican. If you believe that we need more God in our society, vote Republican. If you believe that you have the constitutional right to protect yourself and family, vote Republican. If you believe that tough love is a better solution to poverty than pandering, vote Republican. If you believe that just about every American has the option to be successful, vote Republican.
So if corporate profits and the stock market are higher than ever before and wealthy are wealthier than ever before, when exactly will wages rise on their own without government intervention? I'm dying to know. Wages have been flat in the lower classes for DECADES.

Yes they have. Wages are effected by more efficient ways to produce products either by sending jobs overseas or automation. They can only pay an employee so much before it's worth their investment to utilize these options.

Also all the foreigners we have in this country are no help either. Be they legal or illegal, they drive wages down because they will work for next to nothing. They spend a few years here and send the money home. They finally return and live like a king for quite a while. And remember that Obama has a huge WELCOME mat on our borders.
I suppose this could be true to a degree, but the reality is that businesses maximize profit by investing little in a labor force. Do you really think McDonald's cares about higher wages for their employees? They get away with minimum wage slightly above because they know there is always someone available to replace any dissatisfied employee who quits.

The truth of the matter is that fast food workers deserve higher pay. Sure they are unskilled, but their jobs involve non-stop productivity and the stress of asshole customers. It's a miserable place to work.

Then the solution is simple--don't take the job.

People are not paid by how much they have to put up with on a job, people are paid by how much they produce for the company. Their wage is determined by the next person willing to do the same job for the same money.

If you force places like McDonald's to pay employees more than their job is worth, they will react negatively.

McDonald's orders 7,000 touchscreen kiosks to replace cashiers
By Michael Collado @michaelcollado · May 18, 2011

McDonald's orders 7,000 touchscreen kiosks to replace cashiers
Productivity in the lower classes - including the fast food industry - has been skyrocketing for decades yet wages have remained flat. Doesn't that bother you? Shouldn't people be paid based on productivity. People in the fast food industry shouldn't have to make a comfortable living, but they should at least be paid a living wage especially considering the average age is now 29.

Automation is a problem but this is based on greed, not feeling cornered. There should be laws limiting it.

You think so?

Should we have limited refrigerators when they first came out so we didn't put the Ice Man out of a job?

Should we have limited backhoes because we didn't want to put the ditch digger out of a job?

Should we have limited automobiles since they put the horseshoe maker out of a job?

Should we have limited natural gas furnaces since they put the coal delivery guy out of a job?

And what do you mean the average age is 29? Average for what exactly?

Most of the minimum wage jobs are done by single people--usually teens or not much older just working for extra money. Some are doing it during school and summer vacations. Others are elderly just looking for something to do or to supplement their retirement income. Plus the fact that only about 3% of our working population actually works for minimum wage.
I suppose this could be true to a degree, but the reality is that businesses maximize profit by investing little in a labor force. Do you really think McDonald's cares about higher wages for their employees? They get away with minimum wage slightly above because they know there is always someone available to replace any dissatisfied employee who quits.

The truth of the matter is that fast food workers deserve higher pay. Sure they are unskilled, but their jobs involve non-stop productivity and the stress of asshole customers. It's a miserable place to work.

Then the solution is simple--don't take the job.

People are not paid by how much they have to put up with on a job, people are paid by how much they produce for the company. Their wage is determined by the next person willing to do the same job for the same money.

If you force places like McDonald's to pay employees more than their job is worth, they will react negatively.

McDonald's orders 7,000 touchscreen kiosks to replace cashiers
By Michael Collado @michaelcollado · May 18, 2011

McDonald's orders 7,000 touchscreen kiosks to replace cashiers
Productivity in the lower classes - including the fast food industry - has been skyrocketing for decades yet wages have remained flat. Doesn't that bother you? Shouldn't people be paid based on productivity. People in the fast food industry shouldn't have to make a comfortable living, but they should at least be paid a living wage especially considering the average age is now 29.

Automation is a problem but this is based on greed, not feeling cornered. There should be laws limiting it.
In Switzerland even mcd workers are well paid professionals who take pride in their jobs.

This is why eventually greedy companies like Walmart end up failing. Unhappy employees means bad customer service and high turnover and people like me won't shop at places like that.
Yeah definitely. Better pay means higher productivity.
Oh, and when he told all those young hr hiring managers his philosophy, they couldn't believe it. They thought there job was to be cheap. He told them, "your job is to find and keep good talent. If we are cheap in the beginning they'll remember that.

This is why Republicans like recessions. They flood the market with people looking for work and they can low ball.

Oh yes, Republicans love recessions. :rofl:
So if corporate profits and the stock market are higher than ever before and wealthy are wealthier than ever before, when exactly will wages rise on their own without government intervention? I'm dying to know. Wages have been flat in the lower classes for DECADES.

Yes they have. Wages are effected by more efficient ways to produce products either by sending jobs overseas or automation. They can only pay an employee so much before it's worth their investment to utilize these options.

Also all the foreigners we have in this country are no help either. Be they legal or illegal, they drive wages down because they will work for next to nothing. They spend a few years here and send the money home. They finally return and live like a king for quite a while. And remember that Obama has a huge WELCOME mat on our borders.
I suppose this could be true to a degree, but the reality is that businesses maximize profit by investing little in a labor force. Do you really think McDonald's cares about higher wages for their employees? They get away with minimum wage slightly above because they know there is always someone available to replace any dissatisfied employee who quits.

The truth of the matter is that fast food workers deserve higher pay. Sure they are unskilled, but their jobs involve non-stop productivity and the stress of asshole customers. It's a miserable place to work.

Then the solution is simple--don't take the job.

People are not paid by how much they have to put up with on a job, people are paid by how much they produce for the company. Their wage is determined by the next person willing to do the same job for the same money.

If you force places like McDonald's to pay employees more than their job is worth, they will react negatively.

McDonald's orders 7,000 touchscreen kiosks to replace cashiers
By Michael Collado @michaelcollado · May 18, 2011

McDonald's orders 7,000 touchscreen kiosks to replace cashiers
Productivity in the lower classes - including the fast food industry - has been skyrocketing for decades yet wages have remained flat. Doesn't that bother you? Shouldn't people be paid based on productivity. People in the fast food industry shouldn't have to make a comfortable living, but they should at least be paid a living wage especially considering the average age is now 29.

Automation is a problem but this is based on greed, not feeling cornered. There should be laws limiting it.

You think so?

Should we have limited refrigerators when they first came out so we didn't put the Ice Man out of a job?

Should we have limited backhoes because we didn't want to put the ditch digger out of a job?

Should we have limited automobiles since they put the horseshoe maker out of a job?

Should we have limited natural gas furnaces since they put the coal delivery guy out of a job?

And what do you mean the average age is 29? Average for what exactly?

Most of the minimum wage jobs are done by single people--usually teens or not much older just working for extra money. Some are doing it during school and summer vacations. Others are elderly just looking for something to do or to supplement their retirement income. Plus the fact that only about 3% of our working population actually works for minimum wage.
The keyword is limit - not eliminate. But I will agree such legislation would be walking a fine line.

The average age of fast food workers is 29.

Man do I have to point this out again? You are referring to the federal wage that only affects 3%. If you raised the minimum wage only a few dollars, you would be lifting the wages of 20 million workers. Even more if it went up to $12.
Yes they have. Wages are effected by more efficient ways to produce products either by sending jobs overseas or automation. They can only pay an employee so much before it's worth their investment to utilize these options.

Also all the foreigners we have in this country are no help either. Be they legal or illegal, they drive wages down because they will work for next to nothing. They spend a few years here and send the money home. They finally return and live like a king for quite a while. And remember that Obama has a huge WELCOME mat on our borders.
I suppose this could be true to a degree, but the reality is that businesses maximize profit by investing little in a labor force. Do you really think McDonald's cares about higher wages for their employees? They get away with minimum wage slightly above because they know there is always someone available to replace any dissatisfied employee who quits.

The truth of the matter is that fast food workers deserve higher pay. Sure they are unskilled, but their jobs involve non-stop productivity and the stress of asshole customers. It's a miserable place to work.

Then the solution is simple--don't take the job.

People are not paid by how much they have to put up with on a job, people are paid by how much they produce for the company. Their wage is determined by the next person willing to do the same job for the same money.

If you force places like McDonald's to pay employees more than their job is worth, they will react negatively.

McDonald's orders 7,000 touchscreen kiosks to replace cashiers
By Michael Collado @michaelcollado · May 18, 2011

McDonald's orders 7,000 touchscreen kiosks to replace cashiers
Productivity in the lower classes - including the fast food industry - has been skyrocketing for decades yet wages have remained flat. Doesn't that bother you? Shouldn't people be paid based on productivity. People in the fast food industry shouldn't have to make a comfortable living, but they should at least be paid a living wage especially considering the average age is now 29.

Automation is a problem but this is based on greed, not feeling cornered. There should be laws limiting it.

You think so?

Should we have limited refrigerators when they first came out so we didn't put the Ice Man out of a job?

Should we have limited backhoes because we didn't want to put the ditch digger out of a job?

Should we have limited automobiles since they put the horseshoe maker out of a job?

Should we have limited natural gas furnaces since they put the coal delivery guy out of a job?

And what do you mean the average age is 29? Average for what exactly?

Most of the minimum wage jobs are done by single people--usually teens or not much older just working for extra money. Some are doing it during school and summer vacations. Others are elderly just looking for something to do or to supplement their retirement income. Plus the fact that only about 3% of our working population actually works for minimum wage.
The keyword is limit - not eliminate. But I will agree such legislation would be walking a fine line.

It would be more than a fine line, it would be government control over industry which is also a definition of fascism.

This isn't a big bad company thing, this is an American consumer thing. People demand the lowest price they can pay for any of their goods, and we don't care how many Americans we put out of work. This started decades ago and continues today.

You can't change it by a government overlord, unions or even forcing companies to stay in the states. The only way to change this direction is to change the attitude of the American consumer which I don't see happening anytime soon. We have more Americans in the stock market today than we did 40 years ago, and those investors are expecting high returns for their investments. You can't do that by overpaying workers.
I suppose this could be true to a degree, but the reality is that businesses maximize profit by investing little in a labor force. Do you really think McDonald's cares about higher wages for their employees? They get away with minimum wage slightly above because they know there is always someone available to replace any dissatisfied employee who quits.

The truth of the matter is that fast food workers deserve higher pay. Sure they are unskilled, but their jobs involve non-stop productivity and the stress of asshole customers. It's a miserable place to work.

Then the solution is simple--don't take the job.

People are not paid by how much they have to put up with on a job, people are paid by how much they produce for the company. Their wage is determined by the next person willing to do the same job for the same money.

If you force places like McDonald's to pay employees more than their job is worth, they will react negatively.

McDonald's orders 7,000 touchscreen kiosks to replace cashiers
By Michael Collado @michaelcollado · May 18, 2011

McDonald's orders 7,000 touchscreen kiosks to replace cashiers
Productivity in the lower classes - including the fast food industry - has been skyrocketing for decades yet wages have remained flat. Doesn't that bother you? Shouldn't people be paid based on productivity. People in the fast food industry shouldn't have to make a comfortable living, but they should at least be paid a living wage especially considering the average age is now 29.

Automation is a problem but this is based on greed, not feeling cornered. There should be laws limiting it.

You think so?

Should we have limited refrigerators when they first came out so we didn't put the Ice Man out of a job?

Should we have limited backhoes because we didn't want to put the ditch digger out of a job?

Should we have limited automobiles since they put the horseshoe maker out of a job?

Should we have limited natural gas furnaces since they put the coal delivery guy out of a job?

And what do you mean the average age is 29? Average for what exactly?

Most of the minimum wage jobs are done by single people--usually teens or not much older just working for extra money. Some are doing it during school and summer vacations. Others are elderly just looking for something to do or to supplement their retirement income. Plus the fact that only about 3% of our working population actually works for minimum wage.
The keyword is limit - not eliminate. But I will agree such legislation would be walking a fine line.

It would be more than a fine line, it would be government control over industry which is also a definition of fascism.

This isn't a big bad company thing, this is an American consumer thing. People demand the lowest price they can pay for any of their goods, and we don't care how many Americans we put out of work. This started decades ago and continues today.

You can't change it by a government overlord, unions or even forcing companies to stay in the states. The only way to change this direction is to change the attitude of the American consumer which I don't see happening anytime soon. We have more Americans in the stock market today than we did 40 years ago, and those investors are expecting high returns for their investments. You can't do that by overpaying workers.
No, it's socialism. I don't think the current level of automation in the economy is a problem. I worry about it getting worse and worse as the years come. How else can we stop it?
Then the solution is simple--don't take the job.

People are not paid by how much they have to put up with on a job, people are paid by how much they produce for the company. Their wage is determined by the next person willing to do the same job for the same money.

If you force places like McDonald's to pay employees more than their job is worth, they will react negatively.

McDonald's orders 7,000 touchscreen kiosks to replace cashiers
By Michael Collado @michaelcollado · May 18, 2011

McDonald's orders 7,000 touchscreen kiosks to replace cashiers
Productivity in the lower classes - including the fast food industry - has been skyrocketing for decades yet wages have remained flat. Doesn't that bother you? Shouldn't people be paid based on productivity. People in the fast food industry shouldn't have to make a comfortable living, but they should at least be paid a living wage especially considering the average age is now 29.

Automation is a problem but this is based on greed, not feeling cornered. There should be laws limiting it.
In Switzerland even mcd workers are well paid professionals who take pride in their jobs.

This is why eventually greedy companies like Walmart end up failing. Unhappy employees means bad customer service and high turnover and people like me won't shop at places like that.
Yeah definitely. Better pay means higher productivity.
Oh, and when he told all those young hr hiring managers his philosophy, they couldn't believe it. They thought there job was to be cheap. He told them, "your job is to find and keep good talent. If we are cheap in the beginning they'll remember that.

This is why Republicans like recessions. They flood the market with people looking for work and they can low ball.

Oh yes, Republicans love recessions. :rofl:
They use them to ask for tax breaks to the rich or as a reason to cut jobs or pensions or cut social programs.

It's called disaster capitalism. Create a crisis so you can implement your policies.
Productivity in the lower classes - including the fast food industry - has been skyrocketing for decades yet wages have remained flat. Doesn't that bother you? Shouldn't people be paid based on productivity. People in the fast food industry shouldn't have to make a comfortable living, but they should at least be paid a living wage especially considering the average age is now 29.

Automation is a problem but this is based on greed, not feeling cornered. There should be laws limiting it.
In Switzerland even mcd workers are well paid professionals who take pride in their jobs.

This is why eventually greedy companies like Walmart end up failing. Unhappy employees means bad customer service and high turnover and people like me won't shop at places like that.
Yeah definitely. Better pay means higher productivity.
Oh, and when he told all those young hr hiring managers his philosophy, they couldn't believe it. They thought there job was to be cheap. He told them, "your job is to find and keep good talent. If we are cheap in the beginning they'll remember that.

This is why Republicans like recessions. They flood the market with people looking for work and they can low ball.

Oh yes, Republicans love recessions. :rofl:
They use them to ask for tax breaks to the rich or as a reason to cut jobs or pensions or cut social programs.

It's called disaster capitalism. Create a crisis so you can implement your policies.

And that's fine if you can give me some evidence that not only do Republicans benefit from recessions, but create them. You don't need a recession to implement tax breaks. What you need is a majority in the houses and White House which helps if you have the support of the people.
Then the solution is simple--don't take the job.

People are not paid by how much they have to put up with on a job, people are paid by how much they produce for the company. Their wage is determined by the next person willing to do the same job for the same money.

If you force places like McDonald's to pay employees more than their job is worth, they will react negatively.

McDonald's orders 7,000 touchscreen kiosks to replace cashiers
By Michael Collado @michaelcollado · May 18, 2011

McDonald's orders 7,000 touchscreen kiosks to replace cashiers
Productivity in the lower classes - including the fast food industry - has been skyrocketing for decades yet wages have remained flat. Doesn't that bother you? Shouldn't people be paid based on productivity. People in the fast food industry shouldn't have to make a comfortable living, but they should at least be paid a living wage especially considering the average age is now 29.

Automation is a problem but this is based on greed, not feeling cornered. There should be laws limiting it.

You think so?

Should we have limited refrigerators when they first came out so we didn't put the Ice Man out of a job?

Should we have limited backhoes because we didn't want to put the ditch digger out of a job?

Should we have limited automobiles since they put the horseshoe maker out of a job?

Should we have limited natural gas furnaces since they put the coal delivery guy out of a job?

And what do you mean the average age is 29? Average for what exactly?

Most of the minimum wage jobs are done by single people--usually teens or not much older just working for extra money. Some are doing it during school and summer vacations. Others are elderly just looking for something to do or to supplement their retirement income. Plus the fact that only about 3% of our working population actually works for minimum wage.
The keyword is limit - not eliminate. But I will agree such legislation would be walking a fine line.

It would be more than a fine line, it would be government control over industry which is also a definition of fascism.

This isn't a big bad company thing, this is an American consumer thing. People demand the lowest price they can pay for any of their goods, and we don't care how many Americans we put out of work. This started decades ago and continues today.

You can't change it by a government overlord, unions or even forcing companies to stay in the states. The only way to change this direction is to change the attitude of the American consumer which I don't see happening anytime soon. We have more Americans in the stock market today than we did 40 years ago, and those investors are expecting high returns for their investments. You can't do that by overpaying workers.
No, it's socialism. I don't think the current level of automation in the economy is a problem. I worry about it getting worse and worse as the years come. How else can we stop it?

That's an excellent question that I wish I had an answer for. In about ten years from now, I'm going to retire (hopefully) but I do have concerns about the generations behind me. I'm not worried so much about the smart people. They will blend in fine with more technology and advancement. But what are the not so smart people like myself going to do?

It seems we created a monster that we now have no control over. We want cheap prices for our goods, we want good returns on our investments, and we want good paying blue-collar jobs all at the same time. It can't be done. We have to do without one if not two of these things. Unfortunately, right now, we are consumed with cheap prices even if it means low quality products.
Someone said the Democrats domestic policy is just giving away free stuff. Why would they think that? Here are a few "give a ways" Democrats are running on:

Build and update America's infrastructure to provide jobs and make America competitive..

Help people get an education that targets actually getting a well paying job.

Help people get health care that manages good health for a longer and more productive life and drops the cost of care.

Help poor children have at least one nutritious meal a day so they can concentrate on school and not be distracted with the feeling of being hungry.

Help young parents with affordable day care so both parents can work and create the kind of life they want their children to have.

It's easy to prove that Republicans are against all these things. So what are they for. They can't run on "stop everything". That's not even conservative. What are they actually planning on doing to help the country?

Considering none of those things are the feds roll constitutionally, it's absolutely conservative to run against them. Those are States responsibilities if they chose to do them.
So you don't feel that people deserve any of that kind of help? How will this country compete with other countries? Corporations want immigrants with degrees because Republicans in Red States aren't qualified. There are 5.8 million jobs available. But people don't have the skills. Isn't it a matter of national security to keep people from being ignorant and unskilled?

You can't force people to learn, inner city schools are proof of that. Why is it the majority of really substandard schools are in regressivecrat run cities?

Also why do you regressives allow colleges to reject qualified US citizens in favor of foreign students, in fact you give the foreigners subsidies with taxpayer money to study here. Then you bitch about uneducated Americans, typical regressives, create a problem, then demand more taxpayer money to fix it. You want to educate foreigners, chose the ones that came here legally and have been given permanent residency. Regardless, education is a State responsibility, not the feds.
How international students are subsidizing U.S. universities

A growing number of international students are finding that their dreams of studying in the U.S. comes with a nearly impossible price tag. Many schools have limited funds for student aid, and the lion’s share of that money is reserved for U.S. students. And most foreign citizens are not eligible for federal student aid from the U.S. Department of Education.


I'm not bothering with the rest of your post. I'm guessing it's equally ignorant.

10 Universities That Offer International Students the Most Aid

Among the schools that gave the most financial aid to international students, the average award was $54,718.
A record number of international students – 886,052 undergraduate and graduate students – enrolled during the 2013-2014 school year, according to an annual report on study abroad trends.
Skidmore has been listed before as one of the top 10 schools for awarding the most aid to undergrads from abroad, though its average aid amount in previous years has been lower. It was
$53,600 during the 2013-2014 school year.

10 Universities That Offer International Students the Most Aid

886,052 US citizens that can't get in a US school because the slots are taken by foreigners.
That's not making any sense. Look at your link, 10 universities blah blah blah, and then they list the number of foreign students they help. 77 at this university, 87 at that one and so on. Over 15 thousand students at Duke where they help 173 foreign students.
That's like 1%. How do they get to 886 thousand with numbers like 1% and 173?

I see fail here.
Someone said the Democrats domestic policy is just giving away free stuff. Why would they think that? Here are a few "give a ways" Democrats are running on:

Build and update America's infrastructure to provide jobs and make America competitive..

Help people get an education that targets actually getting a well paying job.

Help people get health care that manages good health for a longer and more productive life and drops the cost of care.

Help poor children have at least one nutritious meal a day so they can concentrate on school and not be distracted with the feeling of being hungry.

Help young parents with affordable day care so both parents can work and create the kind of life they want their children to have.

It's easy to prove that Republicans are against all these things. So what are they for. They can't run on "stop everything". That's not even conservative. What are they actually planning on doing to help the country?
I knew when I clicked that you'd answer your own question......But about that "free" stuff you say you're not proposing - everything you started with the word "help" is the exact things you tell your sheep that you're giving them for free
So American infrastructure, education, helping parents to work is "free stuff"?????

To me, these are national security issues. Imagine the entire country was made up of the most ignorant southern states like Alabama and Mississippi. Would America be a super power? Would it be a world leader? Or would it be a banana Republic?
The infrastructure point didn't start with help. Childcare isn't free and neither is education
Ummm, OK, who said it was?
What are the Republicans' domestic policies?

Pretend that they're still the Grand Old Party, rather than the present-day Reality that they are a political organ of the Corporatists.

Hoodwink the Sheep into believing that Trickle-Down Economics is a viable means to grow and sustain the Middle Class, despite decades of evidence to the contrary.

Send American jobs overseas at the speed of light.

Shelter as many corporate assets and profits offshore as is practicable.

Cut social and welfare programming to the absolute bare bone.

Privatize what's left of social and welfare programming after they hacked it to the bone.

Privatize the schools.

Keep the floodgates of Illegal Immigration open in order to exploit the Wretched Refuse at near slave-labor wages.

Give the Worker Bees just enough to keep them from undertaking open rebellion.

Stay in power.


The phukkers in the Democratic Party are just as bad, in different ways.
Someone said the Democrats domestic policy is just giving away free stuff. Why would they think that? Here are a few "give a ways" Democrats are running on:

Build and update America's infrastructure to provide jobs and make America competitive..

Help people get an education that targets actually getting a well paying job.

Help people get health care that manages good health for a longer and more productive life and drops the cost of care.

Help poor children have at least one nutritious meal a day so they can concentrate on school and not be distracted with the feeling of being hungry.

Help young parents with affordable day care so both parents can work and create the kind of life they want their children to have.

It's easy to prove that Republicans are against all these things. So what are they for. They can't run on "stop everything". That's not even conservative. What are they actually planning on doing to help the country?
I asked them that in a thread I started. I asked them for reasons I should vote Republican.

And I don't want to hear lower taxes because Republicans have proved they raise our taxes in order to give the rich tax breaks. Republicans do not lower the tax burden on the middle class.

And I don't want to hear the same old less regulations tort reform or less government.

Why should I vote GOP? I'm a middle class middle age white and I don't see the benefit of the GOP.

Why do I vote Republican? Because Republicans are slime balls, they are just less of slime balls than Democrats.

Unfortunately you only have two logical choices when it comes to voting: Democrats or Republicans.

If you believe in a massive welfare state, vote Democrat. If you believe the more people that depend on the government--the better, vote Democrat. If you believe Americans should be disarmed because that will make all the criminals want to give up their guns, vote Democrat. If you believe that it's better to kill unborn babies than it is violent murderers sitting on death row, vote Democrat.

If you believe that the productive should be rewarded and not penalized for their accomplishments, vote Republican. If you believe that we need more God in our society, vote Republican. If you believe that you have the constitutional right to protect yourself and family, vote Republican. If you believe that tough love is a better solution to poverty than pandering, vote Republican. If you believe that just about every American has the option to be successful, vote Republican.
So if corporate profits and the stock market are higher than ever before and wealthy are wealthier than ever before, when exactly will wages rise on their own without government intervention? I'm dying to know. Wages have been flat in the lower classes for DECADES.
And the wealthy have never made more money. So how have the tax cuts for the wealthy helped the country? It doesn't make sense to me either.
What are the Republicans' domestic policies?

Pretend that they're still the Grand Old Party, rather than the present-day Reality that they are a political organ of the Corporatists.

Hoodwink the Sheep into believing that Trickle-Down Economics is a viable means to grow and sustain the Middle Class, despite decades of evidence to the contrary.

Send American jobs overseas at the speed of light.

Shelter as many corporate assets and profits offshore as is practicable.

Cut social and welfare programming to the absolute bare bone.

Privatize what's left of social and welfare programming after they hacked it to the bone.

Privatize the schools.

Keep the floodgates of Illegal Immigration open in order to exploit the Wretched Refuse at near slave-labor wages.

Give the Worker Bees just enough to keep them from undertaking open rebellion.

Stay in power.


The phukkers in the Democratic Party are just as bad, in different ways.
If you are so blind that you must ask the question, then you will not understand the answer.
What are the Republicans' domestic policies?

Pretend that they're still the Grand Old Party, rather than the present-day Reality that they are a political organ of the Corporatists.

Hoodwink the Sheep into believing that Trickle-Down Economics is a viable means to grow and sustain the Middle Class, despite decades of evidence to the contrary.

Send American jobs overseas at the speed of light.

Shelter as many corporate assets and profits offshore as is practicable.

Cut social and welfare programming to the absolute bare bone.

Privatize what's left of social and welfare programming after they hacked it to the bone.

Privatize the schools.

Keep the floodgates of Illegal Immigration open in order to exploit the Wretched Refuse at near slave-labor wages.

Give the Worker Bees just enough to keep them from undertaking open rebellion.

Stay in power.


The phukkers in the Democratic Party are just as bad, in different ways.
If you are so blind that you must ask the question, then you will not understand the answer.
In other words, you don't know.

Major fail. Ooh, the butt hurt.
Considering none of those things are the feds roll constitutionally, it's absolutely conservative to run against them. Those are States responsibilities if they chose to do them.
So you don't feel that people deserve any of that kind of help? How will this country compete with other countries? Corporations want immigrants with degrees because Republicans in Red States aren't qualified. There are 5.8 million jobs available. But people don't have the skills. Isn't it a matter of national security to keep people from being ignorant and unskilled?

You can't force people to learn, inner city schools are proof of that. Why is it the majority of really substandard schools are in regressivecrat run cities?

Also why do you regressives allow colleges to reject qualified US citizens in favor of foreign students, in fact you give the foreigners subsidies with taxpayer money to study here. Then you bitch about uneducated Americans, typical regressives, create a problem, then demand more taxpayer money to fix it. You want to educate foreigners, chose the ones that came here legally and have been given permanent residency. Regardless, education is a State responsibility, not the feds.
How international students are subsidizing U.S. universities

A growing number of international students are finding that their dreams of studying in the U.S. comes with a nearly impossible price tag. Many schools have limited funds for student aid, and the lion’s share of that money is reserved for U.S. students. And most foreign citizens are not eligible for federal student aid from the U.S. Department of Education.


I'm not bothering with the rest of your post. I'm guessing it's equally ignorant.

10 Universities That Offer International Students the Most Aid

Among the schools that gave the most financial aid to international students, the average award was $54,718.
A record number of international students – 886,052 undergraduate and graduate students – enrolled during the 2013-2014 school year, according to an annual report on study abroad trends.
Skidmore has been listed before as one of the top 10 schools for awarding the most aid to undergrads from abroad, though its average aid amount in previous years has been lower. It was
$53,600 during the 2013-2014 school year.

10 Universities That Offer International Students the Most Aid

886,052 US citizens that can't get in a US school because the slots are taken by foreigners.
That's not making any sense. Look at your link, 10 universities blah blah blah, and then they list the number of foreign students they help. 77 at this university, 87 at that one and so on. Over 15 thousand students at Duke where they help 173 foreign students.
That's like 1%. How do they get to 886 thousand with numbers like 1% and 173?

I see fail here.

Sorry you can't tell the difference in the total number of foreign students and the numbers receiving these massive subsidies. My main point was there are 886 thousand university seats being occupied by foreigners and not Americans. They're likely similar numbers occupying seats in technical and trade schools. See what leftist diversity policies get you, uneducated Americans. School should accept students based on merit, nothing else.
...In other words, you don't know...
In other words...

(1) the list is so long and widely accepted as fact that only ankle-biters and yip-yip dogs and OCD victims want to rehash it for the thousandth time...

(2) you being such a blind, flaming LibTard hack with zero objectivity or compromise within you, reciting such an easy-to-compile list would be a waste of bandwidth, and

(3) we had company over for the holiday who had just recently left, and I was helping to clean-up, and tired, and I didn't have a lot of time to burn at the moment, to reply.

But I DO find it laughable that out of a sea of ten GOP-negative points that I served-up with which to hammer the GOP, you fasten your little ankle-biting teeth on the one Dem-negative point.

Bringing to mind an old Prussian maxim that applies here: "Only weaklings suffer no criticism."

Jesus-H-Tap-Dancin'-Christ-on-a-Crutch... I was correct to peg you as a Leftist Libtard partisan hack.

Hope that helps.
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Someone said the Democrats domestic policy is just giving away free stuff. Why would they think that? Here are a few "give a ways" Democrats are running on:

Build and update America's infrastructure to provide jobs and make America competitive..

Help people get an education that targets actually getting a well paying job.

Help people get health care that manages good health for a longer and more productive life and drops the cost of care.

Help poor children have at least one nutritious meal a day so they can concentrate on school and not be distracted with the feeling of being hungry.

Help young parents with affordable day care so both parents can work and create the kind of life they want their children to have.

It's easy to prove that Republicans are against all these things. So what are they for. They can't run on "stop everything". That's not even conservative. What are they actually planning on doing to help the country?
I asked them that in a thread I started. I asked them for reasons I should vote Republican.

And I don't want to hear lower taxes because Republicans have proved they raise our taxes in order to give the rich tax breaks. Republicans do not lower the tax burden on the middle class.

And I don't want to hear the same old less regulations tort reform or less government.

Why should I vote GOP? I'm a middle class middle age white and I don't see the benefit of the GOP.

Why do I vote Republican? Because Republicans are slime balls, they are just less of slime balls than Democrats.

Unfortunately you only have two logical choices when it comes to voting: Democrats or Republicans.

If you believe in a massive welfare state, vote Democrat. If you believe the more people that depend on the government--the better, vote Democrat. If you believe Americans should be disarmed because that will make all the criminals want to give up their guns, vote Democrat. If you believe that it's better to kill unborn babies than it is violent murderers sitting on death row, vote Democrat.

If you believe that the productive should be rewarded and not penalized for their accomplishments, vote Republican. If you believe that we need more God in our society, vote Republican. If you believe that you have the constitutional right to protect yourself and family, vote Republican. If you believe that tough love is a better solution to poverty than pandering, vote Republican. If you believe that just about every American has the option to be successful, vote Republican.
So if corporate profits and the stock market are higher than ever before and wealthy are wealthier than ever before, when exactly will wages rise on their own without government intervention? I'm dying to know. Wages have been flat in the lower classes for DECADES.
And the wealthy have never made more money. So how have the tax cuts for the wealthy helped the country? It doesn't make sense to me either.

You have a short memory. Floppy Ears increased taxes on corporations and on people who made over $450,000 a year. At the beginning of this year, he said he wanted to raise it even more. So for the last near three years, there has been no tax cut but a tax increase on all those evil wealthy people.
Someone said the Democrats domestic policy is just giving away free stuff. Why would they think that? Here are a few "give a ways" Democrats are running on:

Build and update America's infrastructure to provide jobs and make America competitive..

Help people get an education that targets actually getting a well paying job.

Help people get health care that manages good health for a longer and more productive life and drops the cost of care.

Help poor children have at least one nutritious meal a day so they can concentrate on school and not be distracted with the feeling of being hungry.

Help young parents with affordable day care so both parents can work and create the kind of life they want their children to have.

It's easy to prove that Republicans are against all these things. So what are they for. They can't run on "stop everything". That's not even conservative. What are they actually planning on doing to help the country?
I asked them that in a thread I started. I asked them for reasons I should vote Republican.

And I don't want to hear lower taxes because Republicans have proved they raise our taxes in order to give the rich tax breaks. Republicans do not lower the tax burden on the middle class.

And I don't want to hear the same old less regulations tort reform or less government.

Why should I vote GOP? I'm a middle class middle age white and I don't see the benefit of the GOP.

Why do I vote Republican? Because Republicans are slime balls, they are just less of slime balls than Democrats.

Unfortunately you only have two logical choices when it comes to voting: Democrats or Republicans.

If you believe in a massive welfare state, vote Democrat. If you believe the more people that depend on the government--the better, vote Democrat. If you believe Americans should be disarmed because that will make all the criminals want to give up their guns, vote Democrat. If you believe that it's better to kill unborn babies than it is violent murderers sitting on death row, vote Democrat.

If you believe that the productive should be rewarded and not penalized for their accomplishments, vote Republican. If you believe that we need more God in our society, vote Republican. If you believe that you have the constitutional right to protect yourself and family, vote Republican. If you believe that tough love is a better solution to poverty than pandering, vote Republican. If you believe that just about every American has the option to be successful, vote Republican.
So if corporate profits and the stock market are higher than ever before and wealthy are wealthier than ever before, when exactly will wages rise on their own without government intervention? I'm dying to know. Wages have been flat in the lower classes for DECADES.
And the wealthy have never made more money. So how have the tax cuts for the wealthy helped the country? It doesn't make sense to me either.

You have a short memory. Floppy Ears increased taxes on corporations and on people who made over $450,000 a year. At the beginning of this year, he said he wanted to raise it even more. So for the last near three years, there has been no tax cut but a tax increase on all those evil wealthy people.
Maybe that's why Obama's economy is doing great.

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