What a Catholic Mom Wants the Pope To Learn from Her Rabbi Daughter

you seem to know the catholic THING------by rote-----and now for some discussion---
that 12 apostle thing------should never have made it into the NT-------it is so DAMNED
obviously dumb. Constantine DEPENDED on illiteracy-----and the catholic church
depended on keeping the OT on the list of -----"books not to read"

I do a lot of research. For example, the Catholic Church made sure the Bible and the Old Testament were in every church, with someone available not only to read it, but to teach it. The only Bibles the Church ever objected to were those which were poorly translated. Look it up (original sources, not Protestant Reformation propaganda of a later date).

While Twelve Apostles may seem obviously dumb to you, the Twelve Tribes (and restoring them) had significant meaning at that time.

I got my information about the catholic stuff from catholics in my town----in which I grew up-------I do not read anti-Catholic propaganda. The kids in my school who attended catholic school -----for early grades would not read a psalm-------I am so old that in my time-------a psalm was read each morning -----when I was a kid. The KJV is a very fair translation from the Hebrew. I don't know any greek or Aramaic. SHEEEEESH----why deny
the fact that catholic kids were told not to read it? Yes----the 12 is very significant -------smart to THROW IT IN -----but not so smart to make persons
who knew neither Hebrew nor Aramaic as "witnesses" What were they supposed to have been witnessing? You should discuss it with martin luther----he despised the idea which is why he did away with "mass" <<< too jewish.
I am a lucky girl-----I never had any formal religious "school" -----not nothing---
just casual exposure-------sunday school in the Lutheran church, Midnite mass
a few times, synagogue a few times per year -----friends of this and that persuasion-----so nothing seems all that ABSOLUTE to me.. The other good luck that I had was that no one cared what I read. No books banned
I went to Catholic high school and the first year of Religion was reading and studying the Bible. The priest teaching the class never told us not to read the Bible.

So, I'm not understanding any of the crap about the Catholic Church telling people not to read the Bible.
are you a nun,, meriweather?

No, but I had an aunt who once seriously considered becoming a nun. :smile: Does that count?

you seem to know the catholic THING------by rote-----and now for some discussion---
that 12 apostle thing------should never have made it into the NT-------it is so DAMNED
obviously dumb. Constantine DEPENDED on illiteracy-----and the catholic church
depended on keeping the OT on the list of -----"books not to read"
You have no clue of anything. The Catholic Church has built schools, high schools, colleges, and law schools all over the world.

Don't talk if you're ignorant of the topic.

I have lots of knowledge of the situation-------most catholics were illiterate
until the past two hundred years--------even in my time (when I was a kid---)
catholic kids had a WHOLE BIG list of books they could not read----including
the "old" Testament. In the time of CONSTANTINE very few catholics could
read-----mostly ONLY THE CLERGY------the printing press was considered a
THREAT -------remember? If I told you that Jesus did not eat bacon and eggs
for breakfast would you be insulted? <<< those are the catholics of my
I went to Catholic high school and the first year of Religion was reading and studying the Bible. The priest teaching the class never told us not to read the Bible.

So, I'm not understanding any of the crap about the Catholic Church telling people not to read the Bible.

depends on your age-----in the 1950s CATHOLIC KIDS could not read the
"old" testament --------I used to wonder why that edict STOPPED them-----
something like that would make me EAGER to get my hands on the book-----
what are you calling "the bible"???--------the GIDEON thing is a nice book-----
Your ignorance on this topic amazes me.-----oh excuse me-----it could be read
under the TUTALEGE of a catholic teacher------right----I got that part When I read
the koran------catholics were still avoiding independent reading of the "old" testament
rosie, it sounds like you were raised as a Protestant in an era where all Protestant kids were taught in Sunday School that they should hate the Catholic Church.
I got my information about the catholic stuff from catholics in my town----in which I grew up-------I do not read anti-Catholic propaganda. The kids in my school who attended catholic school -----for early grades would not read a psalm-------I am so old that in my time-------a psalm was read each morning -----when I was a kid. The KJV is a very fair translation from the Hebrew. I don't know any greek or Aramaic. SHEEEEESH----why deny
the fact that catholic kids were told not to read it? Yes----the 12 is very significant -------smart to THROW IT IN -----but not so smart to make persons
who knew neither Hebrew nor Aramaic as "witnesses" What were they supposed to have been witnessing? You should discuss it with martin luther----he despised the idea which is why he did away with "mass" <<< too jewish.
I am a lucky girl-----I never had any formal religious "school" -----not nothing---
just casual exposure-------sunday school in the Lutheran church, Midnite mass
a few times, synagogue a few times per year -----friends of this and that persuasion-----so nothing seems all that ABSOLUTE to me.. The other good luck that I had was that no one cared what I read. No books banned

I am trying to understand and piece together what may have happened. I went to Catholic school growing up; Psalms are said at every Mass; we had Bibles in the classrooms. Could you mean that Catholic students didn't read the King James Bible? This is true, we did not. We read Bibles that include the apocrypha, all the books in the Septuagint in use at the time of Jesus and the early Church. Later, the Jews removed the apocrypha from their Canon, and Protestants decided to follow the later collection of the Old Testament. Catholics elected to continue with what was in use in Jesus' day. King James elected to remove (dare I say "banned") the books the Jews had removed.

I did only a cursory search, but I cannot find anything on the Internet that spoke of Catholic kids being told not to read a Psalm. That would be like hearing that a math student was told not to do any addition. Anyone familiar with math would be thinking, "There has to be more to this story."
I went to Catholic high school and the first year of Religion was reading and studying the Bible. The priest teaching the class never told us not to read the Bible.

So, I'm not understanding any of the crap about the Catholic Church telling people not to read the Bible.

Neither do I understand it. Perhaps it is an example of Urban Legend?
I got my information about the catholic stuff from catholics in my town----in which I grew up-------I do not read anti-Catholic propaganda. The kids in my school who attended catholic school -----for early grades would not read a psalm-------I am so old that in my time-------a psalm was read each morning -----when I was a kid. The KJV is a very fair translation from the Hebrew. I don't know any greek or Aramaic. SHEEEEESH----why deny
the fact that catholic kids were told not to read it? Yes----the 12 is very significant -------smart to THROW IT IN -----but not so smart to make persons
who knew neither Hebrew nor Aramaic as "witnesses" What were they supposed to have been witnessing? You should discuss it with martin luther----he despised the idea which is why he did away with "mass" <<< too jewish.
I am a lucky girl-----I never had any formal religious "school" -----not nothing---
just casual exposure-------sunday school in the Lutheran church, Midnite mass
a few times, synagogue a few times per year -----friends of this and that persuasion-----so nothing seems all that ABSOLUTE to me.. The other good luck that I had was that no one cared what I read. No books banned

I am trying to understand and piece together what may have happened. I went to Catholic school growing up; Psalms are said at every Mass; we had Bibles in the classrooms. Could you mean that Catholic students didn't read the King James Bible? This is true, we did not. We read Bibles that include the apocrypha, all the books in the Septuagint in use at the time of Jesus and the early Church. Later, the Jews removed the apocrypha from their Canon, and Protestants decided to follow the later collection of the Old Testament. Catholics elected to continue with what was in use in Jesus' day. King James elected to remove (dare I say "banned") the books the Jews had removed.

I did only a cursory search, but I cannot find anything on the Internet that spoke of Catholic kids being told not to read a Psalm. That would be like hearing that a math student was told not to do any addition. Anyone familiar with math would be thinking, "There has to be more to this story."

you are a liar-------you know VERY WELL----that in the time that I was a child--- the OT APPEARED ON THE LIST OF BANNED BOOKS----by the catholic church Because catholics could not be TRUSTED to interpret the OT in the manner that the CATHOLIC CHURCH wanted it to be interpreted-------they had to be TOLD
what the book was all about--------it was almost funny to me since no book was BANNED TO ME
depends on your age-----in the 1950s CATHOLIC KIDS could not read the
"old" testament --------I used to wonder why that edict STOPPED them-----
something like that would make me EAGER to get my hands on the book-----
what are you calling "the bible"???--------the GIDEON thing is a nice book-----
Your ignorance on this topic amazes me.-----oh excuse me-----it could be read
under the TUTALEGE of a catholic teacher------right----I got that part When I read
the koran------catholics were still avoiding independent reading of the "old" testament

How many Catholic kids were in your community? How many of the total number did you know? Also, what age group? Being a teacher, I tend to think of children as those twelve and under; teens as those 13-18. While children are quite capable of reading Bible passages, very few children are capable of tackling the entire Old Testament--especially with no assistance.

Sometimes a sampling of people in one small circle is not an accurate sample of an entire faith.
depends on your age-----in the 1950s CATHOLIC KIDS could not read the
"old" testament --------I used to wonder why that edict STOPPED them-----
something like that would make me EAGER to get my hands on the book-----
what are you calling "the bible"???--------the GIDEON thing is a nice book-----
Your ignorance on this topic amazes me.-----oh excuse me-----it could be read
under the TUTALEGE of a catholic teacher------right----I got that part When I read
the koran------catholics were still avoiding independent reading of the "old" testament

How many Catholic kids were in your community? How many of the total number did you know? Also, what age group? Being a teacher, I tend to think of children as those twelve and under; teens as those 13-18. While children are quite capable of reading Bible passages, very few children are capable of tackling the entire Old Testament--especially with no assistance.

Sometimes a sampling of people in one small circle is not an accurate sample of an entire faith.

BULL SHIT--------I lived in an interesting community -----when I was in HIGH SCHOOL-----the one high school in my town had a population of kids----about 600 in each grade !/3 protestant, 1/3 Catholic and !/3 jewish. It was an interesting time-------the 60s I know you well . as a child I spent more time in protestant "sunday school" than in any jewish related activity------and lots of time in the homes of catholics--------I even had a few friends EASTERN ORTHODOX----they hated catholics almost as much as they hated jews. You want to lie about the policies of the catholic church at that time ------feel free------the nuns TAUGHT anti Semitism to first grade kids in the catholic schools-----I had rocks thrown at my head to prove it
you are a liar-------you know VERY WELL----that in the time that I was a child--- the OT APPEARED ON THE LIST OF BANNED BOOKS----by the catholic church Because catholics could not be TRUSTED to interpret the OT in the manner that the CATHOLIC CHURCH wanted it to be interpreted-------they had to be TOLD
what the book was all about--------it was almost funny to me since no book was BANNED TO ME

I am sorry, but I just did a search of the Catholic Church banning the Old Testament in the 1900s, and I couldn't even find known enemies of the Church making this claim.

Further, I also studied the list of books banned by the Catholic Church, and the Old Testament wasn't among them. Perhaps if you can tell me the title of source where you see it being banned by the Church I can do further research. Otherwise, all I can say is that as far as I can tell, you are mistaken.

The Catholic Church does recommend Bible Study over simply reading the Bible and coming to individual conclusions as to what the authors are saying. As the books in the Bible were originally written in other languages, translations often miss the nuances of the earlier languages. Also, it helps to know the history and culture of Biblical times to gain an in depth understanding of Biblical stories.

I did note the Holy See was one (along with France and the U.S.) that banned Madame Bovary. Is this one of the books you enjoyed reading as it was not banned to you?
BULL SHIT--------I lived in an interesting community -----when I was in HIGH SCHOOL-----the one high school in my town had a population of kids----about 600 in each grade !/3 protestant, 1/3 Catholic and !/3 jewish. It was an interesting time-------the 60s I know you well . as a child I spent more time in protestant "sunday school" than in any jewish related activity------and lots of time in the homes of catholics--------I even had a few friends EASTERN ORTHODOX----they hated catholics almost as much as they hated jews. You want to lie about the policies of the catholic church at that time ------feel free------the nuns TAUGHT anti Semitism to first grade kids in the catholic schools-----I had rocks thrown at my head to prove it

As I said, I'm trying to get a picture of what may have been happening in your community at that time. Meanwhile, in my community, we had Rabbis and Jews invited to the Catholic school to teach us about the Jewish faith. We also had a few Protestant ministers do the same.

The worst taunts in our community is that public school kids would come by at recess when they had a holiday we didn't have to tease us Catholic school kids. We returned the favor when we had a holiday they did not.
you are a liar-------you know VERY WELL----that in the time that I was a child--- the OT APPEARED ON THE LIST OF BANNED BOOKS----by the catholic church Because catholics could not be TRUSTED to interpret the OT in the manner that the CATHOLIC CHURCH wanted it to be interpreted-------they had to be TOLD
what the book was all about--------it was almost funny to me since no book was BANNED TO ME

I am sorry, but I just did a search of the Catholic Church banning the Old Testament in the 1900s, and I couldn't even find known enemies of the Church making this claim.

Further, I also studied the list of books banned by the Catholic Church, and the Old Testament wasn't among them. Perhaps if you can tell me the title of source where you see it being banned by the Church I can do further research. Otherwise, all I can say is that as far as I can tell, you are mistaken.

The Catholic Church does recommend Bible Study over simply reading the Bible and coming to individual conclusions as to what the authors are saying. As the books in the Bible were originally written in other languages, translations often miss the nuances of the earlier languages. Also, it helps to know the history and culture of Biblical times to gain an in depth understanding of Biblical stories.

I did note the Holy See was one (along with France and the U.S.) that banned Madame Bovary. Is this one of the books you enjoyed reading as it was not banned to you?

I never actually read that very long book MADAME BOVARY----I know the story----you made no point other than the fact that you are a LIAR. Nothing was banned to me -----I even read the writings of CATHOLIC NAZI WAR CRIMINALS------my town was CHOCK FULL OF THAT SHIT-----little worn out pamphlets full of the shit drummed into the heads of catholic kids from age four. I learned that I am a jew at age five------by girls dressed in plaid jumpers-------the catholic school unform ----they farted out their CATECHISM lessons-------"YOU KILLED JESUS"-----little disgusting bitches. It is funny that you try to convince me-------some of my informants were drop outs from PRIEST TRAINING-------I will not mention the school-----because it reveals too much about my ----"background"------a catholic college was located very near to the state college which I attended. Why do
you lie? It was about 1964 when POPE JOHN XXIII threw you guys into disarray by saying "DON'T BLAME THE JEWS OF TODAY"-------you can take that idea and shove it up the present pope's ass and more important up the ass of the lump of shit----PIUS -----ass licker of adolf
BULL SHIT--------I lived in an interesting community -----when I was in HIGH SCHOOL-----the one high school in my town had a population of kids----about 600 in each grade !/3 protestant, 1/3 Catholic and !/3 jewish. It was an interesting time-------the 60s I know you well . as a child I spent more time in protestant "sunday school" than in any jewish related activity------and lots of time in the homes of catholics--------I even had a few friends EASTERN ORTHODOX----they hated catholics almost as much as they hated jews. You want to lie about the policies of the catholic church at that time ------feel free------the nuns TAUGHT anti Semitism to first grade kids in the catholic schools-----I had rocks thrown at my head to prove it

As I said, I'm trying to get a picture of what may have been happening in your community at that time. Meanwhile, in my community, we had Rabbis and Jews invited to the Catholic school to teach us about the Jewish faith. We also had a few Protestant ministers do the same.

The worst taunts in our community is that public school kids would come by at recess when they had a holiday we didn't have to tease us Catholic school kids. We returned the favor when we had a holiday they did not.

yes-----you are talking about the 60s I remember it well-------it was a very interesting time------I do not believe your BS lie that anyone came to taunt you.
In one of those interfaith "MEETINGS" the father of a friend of mine WALKED OUT ---
quietly and with no comment------the shit in the literature in the church was
LET US PRAY FOR THE PERFIDIOUS JOOOOOOS you can take that idea and shove it up the nuns' ass. ANTI SEMITISM is in the blood of every nun in the world. Your little bitches did not just taunt me-----they THREW ROCKS FOR THE GLORY OF SOME PIECE OF SHIT NAMED JESUS that they had leaned---I KILLED!!!! (I was five years old----I never told my mom------I was kinda embarrassed by it) Every year my school brought the CHRISTMAS PLAY
from the catholic school------DISGUSTING STUFF-----the whole issue was the EVIL OBVIOUSLY JEWISH INNKEEPER who threw innocent blond blue eyed Mary into the BARN------you were brought up with Nazi shit
you are a liar-------you know VERY WELL----that in the time that I was a child--- the OT APPEARED ON THE LIST OF BANNED BOOKS----by the catholic church Because catholics could not be TRUSTED to interpret the OT in the manner that the CATHOLIC CHURCH wanted it to be interpreted-------they had to be TOLD
what the book was all about--------it was almost funny to me since no book was BANNED TO ME

I am sorry, but I just did a search of the Catholic Church banning the Old Testament in the 1900s, and I couldn't even find known enemies of the Church making this claim.

Further, I also studied the list of books banned by the Catholic Church, and the Old Testament wasn't among them. Perhaps if you can tell me the title of source where you see it being banned by the Church I can do further research. Otherwise, all I can say is that as far as I can tell, you are mistaken.

The Catholic Church does recommend Bible Study over simply reading the Bible and coming to individual conclusions as to what the authors are saying. As the books in the Bible were originally written in other languages, translations often miss the nuances of the earlier languages. Also, it helps to know the history and culture of Biblical times to gain an in depth understanding of Biblical stories.

I did note the Holy See was one (along with France and the U.S.) that banned Madame Bovary. Is this one of the books you enjoyed reading as it was not banned to you?

I never actually read that very long book MADAME BOVARY----I know the story----you made no point other than the fact that you are a LIAR. Nothing was banned to me -----I even read the writings of CATHOLIC NAZI WAR CRIMINALS------my town was CHOCK FULL OF THAT SHIT-----little worn out pamphlets full of the shit drummed into the heads of catholic kids from age four. I learned that I am a jew at age five------by girls dressed in plaid jumpers-------the catholic school unform ----they farted out their CATECHISM lessons-------"YOU KILLED JESUS"-----little disgusting bitches. It is funny that you try to convince me-------some of my informants were drop outs from PRIEST TRAINING-------I will not mention the school-----because it reveals too much about my ----"background"------a catholic college was located very near to the state college which I attended. Why do
you lie? It was about 1964 when POPE JOHN XXIII threw you guys into disarray by saying "DON'T BLAME THE JEWS OF TODAY"-------you can take that idea and shove it up the present pope's ass and more important up the ass of the lump of shit----PIUS -----ass licker of adolf

I am truly sorry for everything those of the Catholic faith put you through as a child. All I can say is that I must be younger than you, and that people of the Church at that time called a halt to it.

By the time I was in Catholic school, no one would have dreamed of blaming Jews for killing Jesus. Jesus died for our sins, he gave his life for mankind. Further, it was the High Priests of the time (Annas, his family, and cronies) in cahoots with the Romans in power that brought about Jesus' death. I have yet to meet a Jew who had anything good to say about Annas and Caiaphas. Unfortunately, Jesus' tirade against them was later taken as a tirade against all Pharisees. Further scripture studies show that instead Jesus had friendly encounters with other Pharisees of the day.

Look, if you would enjoy talking here, I would like that as well. However, if all talking with me is going to do is make you very angry, I will step away with my apologies. I'm not here to upset people.
you are a liar-------you know VERY WELL----that in the time that I was a child--- the OT APPEARED ON THE LIST OF BANNED BOOKS----by the catholic church Because catholics could not be TRUSTED to interpret the OT in the manner that the CATHOLIC CHURCH wanted it to be interpreted-------they had to be TOLD
what the book was all about--------it was almost funny to me since no book was BANNED TO ME

I am sorry, but I just did a search of the Catholic Church banning the Old Testament in the 1900s, and I couldn't even find known enemies of the Church making this claim.

Further, I also studied the list of books banned by the Catholic Church, and the Old Testament wasn't among them. Perhaps if you can tell me the title of source where you see it being banned by the Church I can do further research. Otherwise, all I can say is that as far as I can tell, you are mistaken.

The Catholic Church does recommend Bible Study over simply reading the Bible and coming to individual conclusions as to what the authors are saying. As the books in the Bible were originally written in other languages, translations often miss the nuances of the earlier languages. Also, it helps to know the history and culture of Biblical times to gain an in depth understanding of Biblical stories.

I did note the Holy See was one (along with France and the U.S.) that banned Madame Bovary. Is this one of the books you enjoyed reading as it was not banned to you?

I never actually read that very long book MADAME BOVARY----I know the story----you made no point other than the fact that you are a LIAR. Nothing was banned to me -----I even read the writings of CATHOLIC NAZI WAR CRIMINALS------my town was CHOCK FULL OF THAT SHIT-----little worn out pamphlets full of the shit drummed into the heads of catholic kids from age four. I learned that I am a jew at age five------by girls dressed in plaid jumpers-------the catholic school unform ----they farted out their CATECHISM lessons-------"YOU KILLED JESUS"-----little disgusting bitches. It is funny that you try to convince me-------some of my informants were drop outs from PRIEST TRAINING-------I will not mention the school-----because it reveals too much about my ----"background"------a catholic college was located very near to the state college which I attended. Why do
you lie? It was about 1964 when POPE JOHN XXIII threw you guys into disarray by saying "DON'T BLAME THE JEWS OF TODAY"-------you can take that idea and shove it up the present pope's ass and more important up the ass of the lump of shit----PIUS -----ass licker of adolf

I am truly sorry for everything those of the Catholic faith put you through as a child. All I can say is that I must be younger than you, and that people of the Church at that time called a halt to it.

By the time I was in Catholic school, no one would have dreamed of blaming Jews for killing Jesus. Jesus died for our sins, he gave his life for mankind. Further, it was the High Priests of the time (Annas, his family, and cronies) in cahoots with the Romans in power that brought about Jesus' death. I have yet to meet a Jew who had anything good to say about Annas and Caiaphas. Unfortunately, Jesus' tirade against them was later taken as a tirade against all Pharisees. Further scripture studies show that instead Jesus had friendly encounters with other Pharisees of the day.

Look, if you would enjoy talking here, I would like that as well. However, if all talking with me is going to do is make you very angry, I will step away with my apologies. I'm not here to upset people.

you are STILL spitting catechism nun garbage----CAIAPHAS was not a Pharisee-----he was a SADDUCEE Jesus was a Pharisee-------a fact your catechism nuns STILL DENY-----because YOU MUST------the roman pigs hated Pharisees-----so in order to PUSH their new religion-------they HAD TO MAKE PHARISEES the bad guys SEE??? with no education in religion at all I figured it out all myself and it turns out I am right. Try to get used to it JESUS THE PHARISEE ------ask any innocent catholic kid even today and he will tell you that the "MONEY CHANGERS" in the temple courtyard are "Pharisees"-------because the nun told him. It does make me angry------adolf got his education in the same manner that you did
you are STILL spitting catechism nun garbage----CAIAPHAS was not a Pharisee-----he was a SADDUCEE Jesus was a Pharisee-------a fact your catechism nuns STILL DENY-----because YOU MUST------the roman pigs hated Pharisees-----so in order to PUSH their new religion-------they HAD TO MAKE PHARISEES the bad guys SEE??? with no education in religion at all I figured it out all myself and it turns out I am right. Try to get used to it JESUS THE PHARISEE ------ask any innocent catholic kid even today and he will tell you that the "MONEY CHANGERS" in the temple courtyard are "Pharisees"-------because the nun told him. It does make me angry------adolf got his education in the same manner that you did

I said Caiaphas was a High Priest. I said Jesus' tirade against Pharisees was directed at Annas, Caiaphas, and their cronies: These cronies were Pharisees, Sadducees, Scribes, etc. Basically the tirade was against hypocrites of all kinds: Those who pretended to be one thing while being something else entirely. Jesus was not known as a Pharisee, but some today, argue that he is more in their league than in the league of Sadducee or Scribe. Others feels he may have been a Nazarite at one time, or Essene.

Romans and Jews were at odds with each other long before Christianity stepped on stage. Remember, I was a Catholic kid, and no, we were not taught that money changers and Pharisees were one and the same--any more than money changers and tax collectors were one and the same.
you are STILL spitting catechism nun garbage----CAIAPHAS was not a Pharisee-----he was a SADDUCEE Jesus was a Pharisee-------a fact your catechism nuns STILL DENY-----because YOU MUST------the roman pigs hated Pharisees-----so in order to PUSH their new religion-------they HAD TO MAKE PHARISEES the bad guys SEE??? with no education in religion at all I figured it out all myself and it turns out I am right. Try to get used to it JESUS THE PHARISEE ------ask any innocent catholic kid even today and he will tell you that the "MONEY CHANGERS" in the temple courtyard are "Pharisees"-------because the nun told him. It does make me angry------adolf got his education in the same manner that you did

I said Caiaphas was a High Priest. I said Jesus' tirade against Pharisees was directed at Annas, Caiaphas, and their cronies: These cronies were Pharisees, Sadducees, Scribes, etc. Basically the tirade was against hypocrites of all kinds: Those who pretended to be one thing while being something else entirely. Jesus was not known as a Pharisee, but some today, argue that he is more in their league than in the league of Sadducee or Scribe. Others feels he may have been a Nazarite at one time, or Essene.

Romans and Jews were at odds with each other long before Christianity stepped on stage. Remember, I was a Catholic kid, and no, we were not taught that money changers and Pharisees were one and the same--any more than money changers and tax collectors were one and the same.

wrong again------ANNAS CAIAPHAS and their cronies were not Pharisees-------the tirades are so obvious an invention of the writers of the NT that it is laughable. It is as OBVIOUS an invention as is the 12 APOSTLES coincidentally corresponding to the 12 tribes Jesus was just about as PHARISEE as any Pharisee could be The PHARISEES DESPISED THE MONEY CHANGERS-----do you know why? or did the catechism nun somehow forget to tell you----or, simply, did not know. REALLY-----I have encountered lots of informants-----ex-priests-------priest school drop-outs------and what those guys got TAUGHT is fantastic, My all time fave was a REVIEW ---WRITTEN BY SOME JERK OF THE WRITINGS OF JOSEPHUS FLAVIUS. I PICKED UP THE BOOK LEFT LYING ABOUT BY A VERY CATHOLIC PATIENT. The writer described the writings of Josephus in GLOWING terms -------except for his very POSITIVE description of "the Pharisees" which the catholic writer described as a
"mistake" (roflmao) ------bad news again-----
Of course the Jews had Jesus killed, it says it in the NT. One of his own, the only one from Judea turned him in , and Peter his right hand man denied him. All the Jews picked Jesus to be put to death, and Barnabas to be set free. WE CAN READ. This is in the NT.

John 18New American Bible (Revised Edition) (NABRE)
Chapter 18

Jesus Arrested.1 When he had said this, Jesus went out with his disciples across the Kidron valley to where there was a garden, into which he and his disciples entered.2 Judas his betrayer also knew the place, because Jesus had often met there with his disciples. 3 So Judas got a band of soldiers and guards from the chief priests and the Pharisees and went there with lanterns, torches, and weapons
Of course the Jews had Jesus killed, it says it in the NT. One of his own, the only one from Judea turned him in , and Peter his right hand man denied him. All the Jews picked Jesus to be put to death, and Barnabas to be set free. WE CAN READ. This is in the NT.

John 18New American Bible (Revised Edition) (NABRE)
Chapter 18

Jesus Arrested.1 When he had said this, Jesus went out with his disciples across the Kidron valley to where there was a garden, into which he and his disciples entered.2 Judas his betrayer also knew the place, because Jesus had often met there with his disciples. 3 So Judas got a band of soldiers and guards from the chief priests and the Pharisees and went there with lanterns, torches, and weapons

the history as presented in "JOHN" (NABRE) (no one knows who "john" was) cannot be correct because Pharisees and Sadducees never acted in concert------they hated each other.
The give away is "band of soldiers and guards from the chief priests and Pharisees"------such an alliance could not exist. Who REVISED
that book? a really crummy job. Maybe it is a misprint. Check the KJV ---
it is probably a better translation

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