Well, Trump Is My President Now

Trump has already reached out to Blacks trapped in democrat voting districts.......he may actually try to help them......
Help them how?

School vouchers...to allow them to escape democrat controlled schools......that for starters......that is a big one...
School choice....schools get to choose who they will accept.........and keep.

And in the limited brain of a left wing totalitarian you would think that.....once parents can choose where to send their kids....and they have that money in their hot little hands....then people will want to get paid that money for educating kids and new, improved, better, private schools will open up to get that money...and they will actually have to educate those children.....and the public schoools will also have to actually educate children to get that money instead of graduating kids who can't read, write and do math...and still get paid...

most people in this country have cell phones and cars...and they are improved on each and every year...why? Because those companies want to get paid...and the only way to get paid in the real world is to make something better, and cheaper than other people......

The same thing applies to education....

Our university system works on this same idea...and we have the best universities in the world....using the same freaking principal we can make our elementary and high schools just as good...especially for blacks who have been prisoners of crappy, democrat controlled schools for way too long...
I have no problem with private schools...but let's be honest here. The reason private schools (not all of them) do so well is because they have parents obviously invested enough in their child's education. In fact, all private schools I know REQUIRE parents to participate and volunteer a certain amount each school year or their child is gone. Students who are trouble are gone....Private schools HAVE school choice. What's wrong with public schools having the same thing?
I agree. He was a democrat and it wouldn't surprise me if he came out as a moderate president! I like his ideas of building infrastructure, a lot of his trade policies and I know he is a moderate on social issues.

Especially that infrastructure known as "The Wall."
Oh c'mon now....you really believe that's gonna happen? :lol:
I think they will at least start it. The GOP will let him build his stupid wall (on the deficit) in return for rubber stamping everything congress sends him.
There will never be a wall....he's already walked that back.
Trump's not a fanatical religious Neocon nut. He opposes their agenda. He despises the Bush's. I really think he can work with reasonable Democrats. I emphasize the word 'reasonable.' If they come at him with hostility and malice, he'll have to slap em down. I guess we'll see what happens. Stay tuned.
After he deprives millions of their health insurance, democrats will not be in any mood to work with someone who would perform such a callous act. Are republicans prepared to own all the problems in the health system? Not by a long shot.
Trump has already reached out to Blacks trapped in democrat voting districts.......he may actually try to help them......
Help them how?

School vouchers...to allow them to escape democrat controlled schools......that for starters......that is a big one...
School choice....schools get to choose who they will accept.........and keep.

And in the limited brain of a left wing totalitarian you would think that.....once parents can choose where to send their kids....and they have that money in their hot little hands....then people will want to get paid that money for educating kids and new, improved, better, private schools will open up to get that money...and they will actually have to educate those children.....and the public schoools will also have to actually educate children to get that money instead of graduating kids who can't read, write and do math...and still get paid...

most people in this country have cell phones and cars...and they are improved on each and every year...why? Because those companies want to get paid...and the only way to get paid in the real world is to make something better, and cheaper than other people......

The same thing applies to education....

Our university system works on this same idea...and we have the best universities in the world....using the same freaking principal we can make our elementary and high schools just as good...especially for blacks who have been prisoners of crappy, democrat controlled schools for way too long...
I have no problem with private schools...but let's be honest here. The reason private schools (not all of them) do so well is because they have parents obviously invested enough in their child's education. In fact, all private schools I know REQUIRE parents to participate and volunteer a certain amount each school year or their child is gone. Students who are trouble are gone....Private schools HAVE school choice. What's wrong with public schools having the same thing?
Trump's not a fanatical religious Neocon nut. He opposes their agenda. He despises the Bush's. I really think he can work with reasonable Democrats. I emphasize the word 'reasonable.' If they come at him with hostility and malice, he'll have to slap em down. I guess we'll see what happens. Stay tuned.
After he deprives millions of their health insurance, democrats will not be in any mood to work with someone who would perform such a callous act. Are republicans prepared to own all the problems in the health system? Not by a long shot.

He will actually work to improve the healthcare system.....not destroy it so that the government can take it over........
Trump's not a fanatical religious Neocon nut. He opposes their agenda. He despises the Bush's. I really think he can work with reasonable Democrats. I emphasize the word 'reasonable.' If they come at him with hostility and malice, he'll have to slap em down. I guess we'll see what happens. Stay tuned.
After he deprives millions of their health insurance, democrats will not be in any mood to work with someone who would perform such a callous act. Are republicans prepared to own all the problems in the health system? Not by a long shot.

Cool. Do what you gotta do. However, i think Trump can work with reasonable Democrats. But if Democrats choose to try to sabotage him and the country, than so be it. He's got a pen.
And I truly hope he succeeds.

I think he might have a good shot.

Because like I said before in the following thread

Here's Why Liberals Win This Election No Matter Who Takes The Presidency

Trump is not a conservative.

I don't believe he'll run like many rightwingers believe he will or wants him to.

I hope Democrats, and Republicans, learn from the Bush II Administration and not give this man a pass on everything because he's their guy, or they want access.

I'm personally willing to give him credit where credit is due. Right now though, he has some catching up to do.

I want to know exactly where he stands on #BlackLivesMatter, that's the first issue I want to see him address. We'll take it from there.

BLM is a terrorist cult. I hope he treats them as they deserve. BTW where are the riots they promised? No balls after all?
I agree. He was a democrat and it wouldn't surprise me if he came out as a moderate president! I like his ideas of building infrastructure, a lot of his trade policies and I know he is a moderate on social issues.

Especially that infrastructure known as "The Wall."
Oh c'mon now....you really believe that's gonna happen? :lol:
I think they will at least start it. The GOP will let him build his stupid wall (on the deficit) in return for rubber stamping everything congress sends him.
There will never be a wall....he's already walked that back.
Someone needs to tell his disciples.
Trump's not a fanatical religious Neocon nut. He opposes their agenda. He despises the Bush's. I really think he can work with reasonable Democrats. I emphasize the word 'reasonable.' If they come at him with hostility and malice, he'll have to slap em down. I guess we'll see what happens. Stay tuned.
After he deprives millions of their health insurance, democrats will not be in any mood to work with someone who would perform such a callous act. Are republicans prepared to own all the problems in the health system? Not by a long shot.

Cool. Do what you gotta do. But i think Trump can work with reasonable Democrats. If Democrats choose to try to sabotage him and the country, than so be it. He's got a pen.

The democrats are not going to work with him....they are already gearing up to attack and destroy him....
Trump's not a fanatical religious Neocon nut. He opposes their agenda. He despises the Bush's. I really think he can work with reasonable Democrats. I emphasize the word 'reasonable.' If they come at him with hostility and malice, he'll have to slap em down. I guess we'll see what happens. Stay tuned.
After he deprives millions of their health insurance, democrats will not be in any mood to work with someone who would perform such a callous act. Are republicans prepared to own all the problems in the health system? Not by a long shot.

Cool. Do what you gotta do. However, i think Trump can work with reasonable Democrats. But if Democrats choose to try to sabotage him and the country, than so be it. He's got a pen.
Sabotage? You mean not just going along with everything? I hope he fails, how do you like that for turnaround?
Trump's not a fanatical religious Neocon nut. He opposes their agenda. He despises the Bush's. I really think he can work with reasonable Democrats. I emphasize the word 'reasonable.' If they come at him with hostility and malice, he'll have to slap em down. I guess we'll see what happens. Stay tuned.
After he deprives millions of their health insurance, democrats will not be in any mood to work with someone who would perform such a callous act. Are republicans prepared to own all the problems in the health system? Not by a long shot.

Cool. Do what you gotta do. But i think Trump can work with reasonable Democrats. If Democrats choose to try to sabotage him and the country, than so be it. He's got a pen.

The democrats are not going to work with him....they are already gearing up to attack and destroy him....

I know, but who needs em? Trump's the man now. He's not intimidated by their threats. I'm confident he'll stand up to them. He couldn't have become President without being one tough S.O.B. The Globalist Elites threw everything they had at him, and he's still standing. He beat them. Never count Donald Trump out.
Trump's not a fanatical religious Neocon nut. He opposes their agenda. He despises the Bush's. I really think he can work with reasonable Democrats. I emphasize the word 'reasonable.' If they come at him with hostility and malice, he'll have to slap em down. I guess we'll see what happens. Stay tuned.
After he deprives millions of their health insurance, democrats will not be in any mood to work with someone who would perform such a callous act. Are republicans prepared to own all the problems in the health system? Not by a long shot.

Cool. Do what you gotta do. However, i think Trump can work with reasonable Democrats. But if Democrats choose to try to sabotage him and the country, than so be it. He's got a pen.
Sabotage? You mean not just going along with everything? I hope he fails, how do you like that for turnaround?

Remember, it was your boy Hussein who proudly boasted "I don't need Congress." So, if the Democrats won't play ball, Trump will just do what he has to do. It is what it is.
I agree. He was a democrat and it wouldn't surprise me if he came out as a moderate president! I like his ideas of building infrastructure, a lot of his trade policies and I know he is a moderate on social issues.
oh now he is ok?....funny how the last few months you hated his guts......you go which ever way the wind blows matt.....
Trump's not a fanatical religious Neocon nut. He opposes their agenda. He despises the Bush's. I really think he can work with reasonable Democrats. I emphasize the word 'reasonable.' If they come at him with hostility and malice, he'll have to slap em down. I guess we'll see what happens. Stay tuned.
After he deprives millions of their health insurance, democrats will not be in any mood to work with someone who would perform such a callous act. Are republicans prepared to own all the problems in the health system? Not by a long shot.

Cool. Do what you gotta do. But i think Trump can work with reasonable Democrats. If Democrats choose to try to sabotage him and the country, than so be it. He's got a pen.

The democrats are not going to work with him....they are already gearing up to attack and destroy him....

Like nobody's ever tried that.:laugh:
I believe President Trump will work well with everyone. He is well loved by both Republicans and Democrats. It's an opportunity to come together as a nation. I'm looking forward to a new beginning.
I don't think he's "loved" by Democrats.

We just don't hate the man.

Hate is a Republican characteristic, not a Democratic one.
yea right marc.....tell your buddies dean and matthew that....
And I truly hope he succeeds.

I think he might have a good shot.

Because like I said before in the following thread

Here's Why Liberals Win This Election No Matter Who Takes The Presidency

Trump is not a conservative.

I don't believe he'll run like many rightwingers believe he will or wants him to.

I hope Democrats, and Republicans, learn from the Bush II Administration and not give this man a pass on everything because he's their guy, or they want access.

I'm personally willing to give him credit where credit is due. Right now though, he has some catching up to do.

I want to know exactly where he stands on #BlackLivesMatter, that's the first issue I want to see him address. We'll take it from there.

BLM is a terrorist cult. I hope he treats them as they deserve. BTW where are the riots they promised? No balls after all?
What is terroristic about BLM?
I agree. He was a democrat and it wouldn't surprise me if he came out as a moderate president! I like his ideas of building infrastructure, a lot of his trade policies and I know he is a moderate on social issues.

First you were trying to disown him, now you're trying to claim him. You want to explain this sudden change of heart?
there you have it....
I believe President Trump will work well with everyone. He is well loved by both Republicans and Democrats. It's an opportunity to come together as a nation. I'm looking forward to a new beginning.
I don't think he's "loved" by Democrats.

We just don't hate the man.

Hate is a Republican characteristic, not a Democratic one.
yea right marc.....tell your buddies dean and matthew that....
Show me Democrats in office being hateful.

Then come talk to me.
I agree. He was a democrat and it wouldn't surprise me if he came out as a moderate president! I like his ideas of building infrastructure, a lot of his trade policies and I know he is a moderate on social issues.

Especially that infrastructure known as "The Wall."
Oh c'mon now....you really believe that's gonna happen? :lol:
I think they will at least start it. The GOP will let him build his stupid wall (on the deficit) in return for rubber stamping everything congress sends him.
There will never be a wall....he's already walked that back.
Someone needs to tell his disciples.
IMO, deep down inside, they know.

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