Well, Trump Is My President Now

I agree. He was a democrat and it wouldn't surprise me if he came out as a moderate president! I like his ideas of building infrastructure, a lot of his trade policies and I know he is a moderate on social issues.

Your change of heart is literally sickening. Don't you have any conviction at all?

Change your avatar, you fraud.
aint that the truth...
Trump's not a fanatical religious Neocon nut. He opposes their agenda. He despises the Bush's. I really think he can work with reasonable Democrats. I emphasize the word 'reasonable.' If they come at him with hostility and malice, he'll have to slap em down. I guess we'll see what happens. Stay tuned.
After he deprives millions of their health insurance, democrats will not be in any mood to work with someone who would perform such a callous act. Are republicans prepared to own all the problems in the health system? Not by a long shot.
funny thing about that health care. Did the democrats have concern with the equal number of people that currently have insurance that would end up being priced out of the market so those on the bottom could get theirs free?
No, no concern at all what it did to people financially. Just another piece of your puzzle to figure out what went so wrong with your agenda.
The people spoke, and we want to keep the healthcare that has been serving us well for years.
And I truly hope he succeeds.

Succeeds at what?

Building a fucking wall?

Deporting millions of people?

Suing all the women who accused him of sexual misconduct?

Putting Hillary in jail?

Ending Obmamacare?

Repealing Dodd Frank?
None of the above.

I hope he moves the country forward in a good direction, not implementing radical far right policies.

I don't think he'll do half of that list you provided, doubtful if he does one of them.

Remember, those are all things he promised to do.

I just read your other thread and now I see what you're saying. But, he ain't no democrat, that's for sure. He's a sociopath who only wants power, and figured his best chance at attaining that power was to join the GOP.

I too hope he does good things, but I won't be holding my breath.
so he promised things to get elected....that makes him no different than 99% of every politician alive....how many promises are kept?....
Trump's not a fanatical religious Neocon nut. He opposes their agenda. He despises the Bush's. I really think he can work with reasonable Democrats. I emphasize the word 'reasonable.' If they come at him with hostility and malice, he'll have to slap em down. I guess we'll see what happens. Stay tuned.
After he deprives millions of their health insurance, democrats will not be in any mood to work with someone who would perform such a callous act. Are republicans prepared to own all the problems in the health system? Not by a long shot.

Cool. Do what you gotta do. However, i think Trump can work with reasonable Democrats. But if Democrats choose to try to sabotage him and the country, than so be it. He's got a pen.
Sabotage? You mean not just going along with everything? I hope he fails, how do you like that for turnaround?

Remember, it was your boy Hussein who proudly boasted "I don't need Congress." So, if the Democrats won't play ball, Trump will just do what he has to do. It is what it is.
They are not going to play ball as he unleashes all kinds of strife and hardship on this country. You ready to play defender instead of attack dog? None of you are prepared to do what it will take to polish this turd.
Trump's not a fanatical religious Neocon nut. He opposes their agenda. He despises the Bush's. I really think he can work with reasonable Democrats. I emphasize the word 'reasonable.' If they come at him with hostility and malice, he'll have to slap em down. I guess we'll see what happens. Stay tuned.
After he deprives millions of their health insurance, democrats will not be in any mood to work with someone who would perform such a callous act. Are republicans prepared to own all the problems in the health system? Not by a long shot.
funny thing about that health care. Did the democrats have concern with the equal number of people that currently have insurance that would end up being priced out of the market so those on the bottom could get theirs free?
No, no concern at all what it did to people financially. Just another piece of your puzzle to figure out what went so wrong with your agenda.
The people spoke, and we want to keep the healthcare that has been serving us well for years.
The people are in for some serious buyers remorse.
If Hillary ends up in prison where she belongs.

What did she actually do. I've waited months for people on these boards to tell me. And not one has. Sure, there's been links to dodgy sites etc, but she hasn't done anything that I know.
One guy did point out, rightly, when you have been in public service as long as she has you're bound to make enemies and mistakes, but there's nothing that she has done that warrants her going to prison that I see. Nothing.
it took them a while to get Al Capone.....just sayin....
Trump's not a fanatical religious Neocon nut. He opposes their agenda. He despises the Bush's. I really think he can work with reasonable Democrats. I emphasize the word 'reasonable.' If they come at him with hostility and malice, he'll have to slap em down. I guess we'll see what happens. Stay tuned.
After he deprives millions of their health insurance, democrats will not be in any mood to work with someone who would perform such a callous act. Are republicans prepared to own all the problems in the health system? Not by a long shot.

Cool. Do what you gotta do. However, i think Trump can work with reasonable Democrats. But if Democrats choose to try to sabotage him and the country, than so be it. He's got a pen.
Sabotage? You mean not just going along with everything? I hope he fails, how do you like that for turnaround?

Remember, it was your boy Hussein who proudly boasted "I don't need Congress." So, if the Democrats won't play ball, Trump will just do what he has to do. It is what it is.
They are not going to play ball as he unleashes all kinds of strife and hardship on this country. You ready to play defender instead of attack dog? None of you are prepared to do what it will take to polish this turd.

Well, you're not a reasonable Democrat. He has no expectation of working with you rabid nutter-types. He'll just do what he has to do. He is the man now.
Trump's not a fanatical religious Neocon nut. He opposes their agenda. He despises the Bush's. I really think he can work with reasonable Democrats. I emphasize the word 'reasonable.' If they come at him with hostility and malice, he'll have to slap em down. I guess we'll see what happens. Stay tuned.
After he deprives millions of their health insurance, democrats will not be in any mood to work with someone who would perform such a callous act. Are republicans prepared to own all the problems in the health system? Not by a long shot.
funny thing about that health care. Did the democrats have concern with the equal number of people that currently have insurance that would end up being priced out of the market so those on the bottom could get theirs free?
No, no concern at all what it did to people financially. Just another piece of your puzzle to figure out what went so wrong with your agenda.
The people spoke, and we want to keep the healthcare that has been serving us well for years.
The people are in for some serious buyers remorse.
maybe not, 8 years of the kenyan and the left still refuses to take responsibility for the damage they have done to the country. I am not sure it is all fixable either. Like the debt? how is that going to be paid off ever? We will now end up paying more in tax for much less in government services. I certainly hope that one of the places that money is saved is in social services, those that use the services are by an extremely great margin also those that continue to vote to allow democrats access to destroy everything that made this country great.
Ignoring Hillary, I think there's 2 main things that got Trump elected:

1. Distrust of the political ruling class. People are fed up with politicians of all sorts on both sides of the aisle, and for good reason. In Trump you have a guy who's a political outsider. You see a guy who's relentlessly attacked by first the republican establishment in the primaries and then the democratic establishment and their media arms. The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

2. Strength. His detractors will call it bullying, bigotry, etc. Trump isn't a great guy or anything and definitely not politically savvy which is why his opponents had all that ammunition. He's not nearly the monster the left has convinced themselves that he is. Through all that he was never pushed around by it. He defined the message that he, as president, won't let the U.S. get pushed around on the world stage. This after 8 years of a president which has basically apologized around the world for what America is.
Trump's not a fanatical religious Neocon nut. He opposes their agenda. He despises the Bush's. I really think he can work with reasonable Democrats. I emphasize the word 'reasonable.' If they come at him with hostility and malice, he'll have to slap em down. I guess we'll see what happens. Stay tuned.
After he deprives millions of their health insurance, democrats will not be in any mood to work with someone who would perform such a callous act. Are republicans prepared to own all the problems in the health system? Not by a long shot.
funny thing about that health care. Did the democrats have concern with the equal number of people that currently have insurance that would end up being priced out of the market so those on the bottom could get theirs free?
No, no concern at all what it did to people financially. Just another piece of your puzzle to figure out what went so wrong with your agenda.
The people spoke, and we want to keep the healthcare that has been serving us well for years.
The people are in for some serious buyers remorse.

Ha, so says the 'Occupy' Wingnut who voted for a completely bought & paid for Wall Street criminal. Hillary Clinton is a George Soros/Goldman Sachs Puppet. So i'm sorry, but you just don't have much credibility left.
I believe President Trump will work well with everyone. He is well loved by both Republicans and Democrats. It's an opportunity to come together as a nation. I'm looking forward to a new beginning.
I don't think he's "loved" by Democrats.

We just don't hate the man.

Hate is a Republican characteristic, not a Democratic one.
yea right marc.....tell your buddies dean and matthew that....
Show me Democrats in office being hateful.

Then come talk to me.
oh now its elected officials?....regular democrats dont count?...and if you wanted it to be just elected ones,why did you say "WE" just dont hate the man?....who is we?....
Trump's not a fanatical religious Neocon nut. He opposes their agenda. He despises the Bush's. I really think he can work with reasonable Democrats. I emphasize the word 'reasonable.' If they come at him with hostility and malice, he'll have to slap em down. I guess we'll see what happens. Stay tuned.
After he deprives millions of their health insurance, democrats will not be in any mood to work with someone who would perform such a callous act. Are republicans prepared to own all the problems in the health system? Not by a long shot.
funny thing about that health care. Did the democrats have concern with the equal number of people that currently have insurance that would end up being priced out of the market so those on the bottom could get theirs free?
No, no concern at all what it did to people financially. Just another piece of your puzzle to figure out what went so wrong with your agenda.
The people spoke, and we want to keep the healthcare that has been serving us well for years.
The people are in for some serious buyers remorse.
maybe not, 8 years of the kenyan and the left still refuses to take responsibility for the damage they have done to the country. I am not sure it is all fixable either. Like the debt? how is that going to be paid off ever? We will now end up paying more in tax for much less in government services. I certainly hope that one of the places that money is saved is in social services, those that use the services are by an extremely great margin also those that continue to vote to allow democrats access to destroy everything that made this country great.

Secure the border and seriously reform the Immigration System nightmare the Democrats have left behind. If Trump at least attempts to do that, he'll always have my support. It's time to end Illegal Immigration. Period, end of story.
And I truly hope he succeeds.

I think he might have a good shot.

Because like I said before in the following thread

Here's Why Liberals Win This Election No Matter Who Takes The Presidency

Trump is not a conservative.

I don't believe he'll run like many rightwingers believe he will or wants him to.

I hope Democrats, and Republicans, learn from the Bush II Administration and not give this man a pass on everything because he's their guy, or they want access.

I'm personally willing to give him credit where credit is due. Right now though, he has some catching up to do.

I want to know exactly where he stands on #BlackLivesMatter, that's the first issue I want to see him address. We'll take it from there.

BLM is a terrorist cult. I hope he treats them as they deserve. BTW where are the riots they promised? No balls after all?
What is terroristic about BLM?

Rioting and inciting to riot with all the burning looting and wanton property destruction that goes with it.
Inciting (and almost certainly participating in) the killing of police.
Encouraging (and almost certainly participating in) the assault and battery (sometimes resulting in death) of random white people for the crime of being white (racism at its' most nasty.)
Desecration of the flag.
Blocking public highways.
I agree. He was a democrat and it wouldn't surprise me if he came out as a moderate president! I like his ideas of building infrastructure, a lot of his trade policies and I know he is a moderate on social issues.

First you were trying to disown him, now you're trying to claim him. You want to explain this sudden change of heart?

Well, instead of being sad I'll attempt to find a silver lining...
Especially that infrastructure known as "The Wall."
Oh c'mon now....you really believe that's gonna happen? :lol:
I think they will at least start it. The GOP will let him build his stupid wall (on the deficit) in return for rubber stamping everything congress sends him.
There will never be a wall....he's already walked that back.
Someone needs to tell his disciples.
IMO, deep down inside, they know.
Not sure they know anything at this point, I'm hoping this is still a free country by the time they realize just had badly they have been had.
I hope Trump grants a amnesty like Reagan did.
You know that's exactly what Amnesty Don is fixin' to do.
Shit, you say.

Obama is going to beat Trump to it.
technically I believe congress has to approve amnesty. But we do know that obama circumvented congress in 2014 and did it through executive order. Something about if congress does not act quickly enough on something the president can then do it through an executive order? ( Somebody that actually knows is more than welcome to correct me. actually, please do, I dont have time to research it right now)
anyway, with roughly 1 month to go in his term, Im not sure that the time would be sufficient for him to present the bill to congress then still have the proper amount of time for inactivity for him to use the Executive order again.
Part of me thinks he would have already done this if thats what he was planning, but another part says he might have been holding off for hillary to do it because she is the one that needs the boost from the illegals, not him. Only thing he will need illegals for from now on is to keep his lawn looking good. Oh, and to polish the little lamp that obama will hold to light his driveway when there are the sure to come crack and ho parties at his house. obama will be having these parties with a native american theme, the crack and ho party will be referred to as a gathering of the crackaho tribe.
oh now its elected officials?....regular democrats dont count?...and if you wanted it to be just elected ones,why did you say "WE" just dont hate the man?....who is we?....
It's always been elected officials.

Go and check my post history.
I agree. He was a democrat and it wouldn't surprise me if he came out as a moderate president! I like his ideas of building infrastructure, a lot of his trade policies and I know he is a moderate on social issues.

First you were trying to disown him, now you're trying to claim him. You want to explain this sudden change of heart?

Well, instead of being sad I'll attempt to find a silver lining...
being a business man like he is, I honestly can not see him bypassing the sure to come profits from reliable and affordable renewable clean energy. By saying this I am indicating that I believe it would really be in his best interest to make sure the private industry is well funded for research and development into new technologies.
Its what I would do if I were president. make sure there was money to develop, then have a bonus for the first company to come up with a feasible alternative ( like a billion dollar bonus or something) along with the associated rights and income from the new technology.
Bill Clinton rode out the dot.com bubble that made him look like a economics genius, Trump could end up riding out a energy bubble that could not only help satisfy those fooled into believing global warming, but it could also generate enough revenue to retire the debt.
Look for a flood of money into research and development in the energy and health fields. I dont go along with the global warming scam but I do see chances for great returns in new technology.

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