Well this is interesting

Deplorable Yankee

Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2019
Two-thirds of voters say Democrats want to impeach Trump more than help Americans

And the shocking sidebar: A majority of Democrats, 53%, believe this is the case too, said pollster Jonathan Zogby.

Those that chose party over country may find their partisan paradise less than the utopia being sold to them....~S~
It is sad

people are desperate ,wanting to believe some direction or doctrine helps

kinda like being on the deck of the titanic as it goes down


It is sad. Really sad. But the truth is, both parties suck at helping the people.


And the moron democrats and progressive nazis wonder why we wretch when thier answer for everything is ...more laws, more rules ,more regulations ,more taxpayer money ,more government is the answer to every ones prayers
Party over country ? You must mean the gop . Bunch of cowards let Trump do whatever he wants and don’t say a word .
It is sad. Really sad. But the truth is, both parties suck at helping the people.


And the moron democrats and progressive nazis wonder why we wretch when thier answer for everything is ...more laws, more rules ,more regulations ,more taxpayer money ,more government is the answer to every ones prayers

Want an example, just one, how the Republicans and Democrats are exactly alike? Let’s take guns, and drugs. We are told that despite the fact that less than 1% of the gun owners commit crimes, we have to get rid of the guns, because of the potential for harm. It is worth it if we can save just one life. Conservative Second Amendment people like myself argue that punishing a large group of people, for the actions of a few, is wrong. I am going to assume you agree.

Now, let’s move to drugs, and the “opioid Crisis”. The crisis arises from the fact that so many people are getting Opioids to treat various conditions. And most of the overdose victims are people using illegal drugs, like Heroin, in violation of existing laws. Yet Conservatives, the same ones who reject the save a single life argument, are running around punishing doctors and restricting access to Opioids to prevent overdose deaths. If we can save just one life, it is worth it. In the meantime, literally hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of pain patients are suffering agonizing pain because they are denied treatments.

The Conservatives hear this, and forget what they said during the Obamacare debate ten years ago, when they argued loudly that the Doctors are the best people to decide what treatment should be used, not the Government. Are now dictating to Doctors what treatments they can use. And arresting and prosecuting Doctors for going past those limits.

So what is worse? Going after guns because of a few bad apples who make up at most one percent, or punishing 95% of the pain patients because a few are abusing the drugs?

The parties are the same. They use the same asinine arguments, for different issues. Both are about control. Democrats want to control the guns owned by the citizens. The Republicans want to control the medical treatments received by the citizens. They use the same bullshit arguments, to achieve their own goals.

They are the same. And demonizing the Democrats for doing what your own party is doing isn’t even throwing rocks from glass houses, it’s hypocritical to the limit of my endurance.

Trump is no different than Obama. They both have agenda’s, and both agendas do not help the people. Yeah, unemployment is down, but suicides to end the pain are up. Either we believe that Government is good to micromanage the populace, or we believe it is bad. If it is good, then the Democrats are right too. If it is bad, then the Republicans are wrong too. But they’re both wrong. And we as a people do not care.
Party over country ? You must mean the gop . Bunch of cowards let Trump do whatever he wants and don’t say a word .

Yeah, the way the Democrats held Obama’s feet to the fire about the abuses of the FISA court and the violations of International Sanctions in Libya, and Syria. Oh wait, that’s right. The Democrats who objected so loudly to the lies told by Bush, were perfectly OK with the same lies told by Obama.

The best description of the two parties is this. “You have to follow all the rules or we will blast you to a billion pieces, we don’t have to follow the rules, because we are doing good things.”

Democrats can say that to Republicans, and the Republicans in essence say the same thing back. Both are wrong, and hypocritical jackasses.
It is sad. Really sad. But the truth is, both parties suck at helping the people.


And the moron democrats and progressive nazis wonder why we wretch when thier answer for everything is ...more laws, more rules ,more regulations ,more taxpayer money ,more government is the answer to every ones prayers

Want an example, just one, how the Republicans and Democrats are exactly alike? Let’s take guns, and drugs. We are told that despite the fact that less than 1% of the gun owners commit crimes, we have to get rid of the guns, because of the potential for harm. It is worth it if we can save just one life. Conservative Second Amendment people like myself argue that punishing a large group of people, for the actions of a few, is wrong. I am going to assume you agree.

Now, let’s move to drugs, and the “opioid Crisis”. The crisis arises from the fact that so many people are getting Opioids to treat various conditions. And most of the overdose victims are people using illegal drugs, like Heroin, in violation of existing laws. Yet Conservatives, the same ones who reject the save a single life argument, are running around punishing doctors and restricting access to Opioids to prevent overdose deaths. If we can save just one life, it is worth it. In the meantime, literally hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of pain patients are suffering agonizing pain because they are denied treatments.

The Conservatives hear this, and forget what they said during the Obamacare debate ten years ago, when they argued loudly that the Doctors are the best people to decide what treatment should be used, not the Government. Are now dictating to Doctors what treatments they can use. And arresting and prosecuting Doctors for going past those limits.

So what is worse? Going after guns because of a few bad apples who make up at most one percent, or punishing 95% of the pain patients because a few are abusing the drugs?

The parties are the same. They use the same asinine arguments, for different issues. Both are about control. Democrats want to control the guns owned by the citizens. The Republicans want to control the medical treatments received by the citizens. They use the same bullshit arguments, to achieve their own goals.

They are the same. And demonizing the Democrats for doing what your own party is doing isn’t even throwing rocks from glass houses, it’s hypocritical to the limit of my endurance.

Trump is no different than Obama. They both have agenda’s, and both agendas do not help the people. Yeah, unemployment is down, but suicides to end the pain are up. Either we believe that Government is good to micromanage the populace, or we believe it is bad. If it is good, then the Democrats are right too. If it is bad, then the Republicans are wrong too. But they’re both wrong. And we as a people do not care.
Opioids are not specifically protected in the constitution. So no, they aren't the same.

But I don't disagree with your greater point.
It is sad. Really sad. But the truth is, both parties suck at helping the people.


And the moron democrats and progressive nazis wonder why we wretch when thier answer for everything is ...more laws, more rules ,more regulations ,more taxpayer money ,more government is the answer to every ones prayers

Want an example, just one, how the Republicans and Democrats are exactly alike? Let’s take guns, and drugs. We are told that despite the fact that less than 1% of the gun owners commit crimes, we have to get rid of the guns, because of the potential for harm. It is worth it if we can save just one life. Conservative Second Amendment people like myself argue that punishing a large group of people, for the actions of a few, is wrong. I am going to assume you agree.

Now, let’s move to drugs, and the “opioid Crisis”. The crisis arises from the fact that so many people are getting Opioids to treat various conditions. And most of the overdose victims are people using illegal drugs, like Heroin, in violation of existing laws. Yet Conservatives, the same ones who reject the save a single life argument, are running around punishing doctors and restricting access to Opioids to prevent overdose deaths. If we can save just one life, it is worth it. In the meantime, literally hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of pain patients are suffering agonizing pain because they are denied treatments.

The Conservatives hear this, and forget what they said during the Obamacare debate ten years ago, when they argued loudly that the Doctors are the best people to decide what treatment should be used, not the Government. Are now dictating to Doctors what treatments they can use. And arresting and prosecuting Doctors for going past those limits.

So what is worse? Going after guns because of a few bad apples who make up at most one percent, or punishing 95% of the pain patients because a few are abusing the drugs?

The parties are the same. They use the same asinine arguments, for different issues. Both are about control. Democrats want to control the guns owned by the citizens. The Republicans want to control the medical treatments received by the citizens. They use the same bullshit arguments, to achieve their own goals.

They are the same. And demonizing the Democrats for doing what your own party is doing isn’t even throwing rocks from glass houses, it’s hypocritical to the limit of my endurance.

Trump is no different than Obama. They both have agenda’s, and both agendas do not help the people. Yeah, unemployment is down, but suicides to end the pain are up. Either we believe that Government is good to micromanage the populace, or we believe it is bad. If it is good, then the Democrats are right too. If it is bad, then the Republicans are wrong too. But they’re both wrong. And we as a people do not care.

You have me confused as a republican ...I cheer on trump cause I love that they hate him
I disagree with ya trump is an outsider just bein trump

I was done with the fake opposition of globo homo uniparty at the start of the junior personal revenge iraq war for daddy
It is sad. Really sad. But the truth is, both parties suck at helping the people.


And the moron democrats and progressive nazis wonder why we wretch when thier answer for everything is ...more laws, more rules ,more regulations ,more taxpayer money ,more government is the answer to every ones prayers

Want an example, just one, how the Republicans and Democrats are exactly alike? Let’s take guns, and drugs. We are told that despite the fact that less than 1% of the gun owners commit crimes, we have to get rid of the guns, because of the potential for harm. It is worth it if we can save just one life. Conservative Second Amendment people like myself argue that punishing a large group of people, for the actions of a few, is wrong. I am going to assume you agree.

Now, let’s move to drugs, and the “opioid Crisis”. The crisis arises from the fact that so many people are getting Opioids to treat various conditions. And most of the overdose victims are people using illegal drugs, like Heroin, in violation of existing laws. Yet Conservatives, the same ones who reject the save a single life argument, are running around punishing doctors and restricting access to Opioids to prevent overdose deaths. If we can save just one life, it is worth it. In the meantime, literally hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of pain patients are suffering agonizing pain because they are denied treatments.

The Conservatives hear this, and forget what they said during the Obamacare debate ten years ago, when they argued loudly that the Doctors are the best people to decide what treatment should be used, not the Government. Are now dictating to Doctors what treatments they can use. And arresting and prosecuting Doctors for going past those limits.

So what is worse? Going after guns because of a few bad apples who make up at most one percent, or punishing 95% of the pain patients because a few are abusing the drugs?

The parties are the same. They use the same asinine arguments, for different issues. Both are about control. Democrats want to control the guns owned by the citizens. The Republicans want to control the medical treatments received by the citizens. They use the same bullshit arguments, to achieve their own goals.

They are the same. And demonizing the Democrats for doing what your own party is doing isn’t even throwing rocks from glass houses, it’s hypocritical to the limit of my endurance.

Trump is no different than Obama. They both have agenda’s, and both agendas do not help the people. Yeah, unemployment is down, but suicides to end the pain are up. Either we believe that Government is good to micromanage the populace, or we believe it is bad. If it is good, then the Democrats are right too. If it is bad, then the Republicans are wrong too. But they’re both wrong. And we as a people do not care.

You have me confused as a republican ...I cheer on trump cause I love that they hate him
I disagree with ya trump is an outsider just bein trump

I was done with the fake opposition of globo homo uniparty at the start of the junior personal revenge iraq war for daddy

Iraq II was not really a personal revenge war. It was looking for, and seeing what you expect.

Let me explain. We have ample evidence of the cops finding a guy they think is dirty, and starting to really look. Eventually you’ll find something. Dozens of Felonies are committed by people every day, unintentionally, and often without realizing the crimes.

But the Cops have their proof. This guy is a criminal. They were proven right. Regarding Iraq, you have the intelligence information that can be viewed several ways. One way shows that the Iraqi’s are still working with and on Bio Weapons. OK. It put Iraq into the position of having to prove a negative, a nearly impossible situation for anyone.

Bush and the Intelligence folks wanted to believe that Iraq was still in WMD mode. A mistake made by previous administrations. Clinton bombing an Aspirin Factory as one example. But it is a mistake made time and time again. You see what you want to see looking at spotty evidence. When any doubts are raised, you decide that they don’t matter, because you want to see this.

China entering into the Korean War. Or the Korean War itself. We originally sent Task Force Smith. A bunch of Rear Area guys with light weapons to turn the North Koreans around. We honestly believed that we would so intimidate the North Koreans with our mighty brigade of REMF’s that we ignored the fact that this group of men were ill suited, poorly trained, and supported, for battle. They were essentially wiped out.

Well now we knew we had a real war, with a real enemy, and our Military was not ready for it in the least. The troops were not trained, and most of their equipment was worn out, or not ready. It took months to get up to speed. Months of troops dying from being ill prepared for war. But MacArthur, and Washington, thought our fearsome reputation would keep people behaving around us.

No matter how many times we are wrong, we make similar mistakes again, and again. That is the price of being human. We make the same mistakes time and time again.
Party over country ? You must mean the gop . Bunch of cowards let Trump do whatever he wants and don’t say a word .

Maybe you should think for yourself for once. Trump is doing great things for this country. We haven't had a president do that in a long time. Your guy Obama became a multi millionaire while being president.

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