Well, that seems counterintuitive



Raising kids may lower blood pressure

A new Brigham Young University study found that parenthood is associated with lower blood pressure, particularly so among women.
Julianne Holt-Lunstad, a BYU psychologist who studies relationships and health, reports her findings Jan. 14 in the peer-reviewed journal Annals of Behavioral Medicine.
Counter intuitive? Not really. The experience was probably designed into our nature to not be stressful. Think about old folks who replace a "baby" in their old age with a dog or a cat. These two creatures are both problematic, but lower blood pressure results. Probably the love without passion factor; things change in us when we become parents. I always had a week stomach for crap and vomit, but when our son was born, I'd take charge of those clean-up operations, diaper changes for instance - and we used cloth diapers so it was more than just a quick-change operation - and I wasn't bothered by it at all. Later though, our dog's vomit or a crappy clean-up caused an involuntary gag response.
Perhaps, in the context of protecting your child, small stressors become insignificant? When you have something greater than yourself, your tolerance for person inconveniences and difficulty increases dramatically.

I imagine that both grandparents and suicidal bombers have low level of stress, for the same fundamental reason: they both have something to live for...

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