Wealthy Americans tax cut 10 times bigger than a middle class family


Diamond Member
Mar 25, 2017
Rich Americans could come out much further ahead of middle-class families in President Joe Biden's $1.75 trillion social spending bill.
  • Democrats are about to include a massive tax cut for the wealthy in their social spending plan.
  • The plan could deliver much larger benefits to high-earners compared to middle-income families.
  • Democrats argue that passage of the SALT cap in the Trump tax law was punitive to blue-state voters.
Congressional Democrats are trying to raise the total amount of state and local taxes that people can deduct from their overall tax bills, known as the SALT cap. The House legislation lifts it to $80,000 from it's current $10,000 cap through 2026, undoing part of President Donald Trump's signature tax law.

That measure alone will provide a tax cut to wealthy households that's 10 times bigger than the largest tax benefit for middle-income families earning $50,000 – the child tax credit expansion – per a new analysis from the nonpartisan Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget.

Great job, ya fricken liberal loons.

Wealthy Americans may get a tax cut 10 times bigger than a middle class family in the Biden social spending bill

Trump Tax Cuts Helped Billionaires Pay Less Taxes Than The Working Class In 2018​

What are you saying? Isn't this thread about BRANDON and his "1,75 trillion" dollar tax Bill
Do you have ADD and can't keep on a topic?
Or, are your masters from your tent telling you what to post, minion?
Rich Americans could come out much further ahead of middle-class families in President Joe Biden's $1.75 trillion social spending bill.
  • Democrats are about to include a massive tax cut for the wealthy in their social spending plan.
  • The plan could deliver much larger benefits to high-earners compared to middle-income families.
  • Democrats argue that passage of the SALT cap in the Trump tax law was punitive to blue-state voters.
Congressional Democrats are trying to raise the total amount of state and local taxes that people can deduct from their overall tax bills, known as the SALT cap. The House legislation lifts it to $80,000 from it's current $10,000 cap through 2026, undoing part of President Donald Trump's signature tax law.

That measure alone will provide a tax cut to wealthy households that's 10 times bigger than the largest tax benefit for middle-income families earning $50,000 – the child tax credit expansion – per a new analysis from the nonpartisan Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget.

Great job, ya fricken liberal loons.

Wealthy Americans may get a tax cut 10 times bigger than a middle class family in the Biden social spending bill
A few days ago I said that the billionaires aren't going to be hurt with more taxes.
The democrats always look out for their deep pocket donors. The sound bites always
sound like they are going to put the screws to the wealthy, but behind the curtains, there's
always a wink and a nod.
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Start a thread on it.
wuhan wang.jpg

Glorious thread ban hammer much effective weapon.
A few days ago I said that the billionaires aren't going to be hurt with more taxes.
The democrats always look out for their deep pocket donors. The sound bites always
sound like they are going to put the screws to the wealthy, but behind the curtains, there's
always a wink and a smile.

Yep, money talks, bs walks.
What the Dems are doing is nothing new nor is it original nor is it any different than what the Repubs have done.
Except they have been lying out their asses saying that the rich are going to pay for it.
Not one dime will come out of the middle class. "It's free". There are a few democrats that are honest
enough to say that the middle class WILL BE PAYING MORE TAXES.
Well, it does make perfect sense.

Their first reaction to the opportunity provided them by Covid was to close down independent small business in order to oversee a massive transfer of wealth from the middle class to the robber baron technocrats and the large retailers. This is just another move towards the same goal of decimating the middle class.

A large, well educated middle class is a threat to the globalists so they are trying to engineer our society to the point we have only the ruling class and the proles.
Rich Americans could come out much further ahead of middle-class families in President Joe Biden's $1.75 trillion social spending bill.
  • Democrats are about to include a massive tax cut for the wealthy in their social spending plan.
  • The plan could deliver much larger benefits to high-earners compared to middle-income families.
  • Democrats argue that passage of the SALT cap in the Trump tax law was punitive to blue-state voters.
Congressional Democrats are trying to raise the total amount of state and local taxes that people can deduct from their overall tax bills, known as the SALT cap. The House legislation lifts it to $80,000 from it's current $10,000 cap through 2026, undoing part of President Donald Trump's signature tax law.

That measure alone will provide a tax cut to wealthy households that's 10 times bigger than the largest tax benefit for middle-income families earning $50,000 – the child tax credit expansion – per a new analysis from the nonpartisan Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget.

Great job, ya fricken liberal loons.

Wealthy Americans may get a tax cut 10 times bigger than a middle class family in the Biden social spending bill

Of course! The DemoKKKrats ALWAYS come through for the rich.

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