Black Lives Matter activists threaten ‘riots’ if Mayor-elect Eric Adams reinstates NYPD anti-crime units


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013
Black Lives Matter activists threaten ‘riots’ if Mayor-elect Eric Adams reinstates NYPD anti-crime units

Chris Sommerfeldt, New York Daily News

Wed, November 10, 2021, 10:00 PM·3 min

NEW YORK — Leaders of the city’s Black Lives Matter movement on Wednesday threatened “riots” and “bloodshed” in the streets if Mayor-elect Eric Adams reverses the abolition of the NYPD’s controversial anti-crime units.

“If he thinks that they’re going to go back to the old ways of policing, then we are going to take to the streets again. There will be riots, there will be fire and there will be bloodshed because we believe in defending our people,” said Hawk Newsome, co-founder of Black Lives Matter of Greater New York, after a heated meeting with Adams in Brooklyn Borough Hall.

Well, the marxists posing as civil rights continue with their mission as the useful idiots they are.
During the sitdown — which took place behind closed doors, but was livestreamed on Instagram by an attendee — Adams and the BLM activists got into a shouting match as they argued over police policies.
President Obama recognized this problem with Black people in 2016, but he has no inclination to even try to advance Black people beyond the problem, otherwise he would put the spoon down and do it. He would gather Black people and have a continuing series until they realized how do community.

Black Lives Matter activists threaten ‘riots’ if Mayor-elect Eric Adams reinstates NYPD anti-crime units

Chris Sommerfeldt, New York Daily News

Wed, November 10, 2021, 10:00 PM·3 min

NEW YORK — Leaders of the city’s Black Lives Matter movement on Wednesday threatened “riots” and “bloodshed” in the streets if Mayor-elect Eric Adams reverses the abolition of the NYPD’s controversial anti-crime units.

“If he thinks that they’re going to go back to the old ways of policing, then we are going to take to the streets again. There will be riots, there will be fire and there will be bloodshed because we believe in defending our people,” said Hawk Newsome, co-founder of Black Lives Matter of Greater New York, after a heated meeting with Adams in Brooklyn Borough Hall.

Well, the marxists posing as civil rights continue with their mission as the useful idiots they are.

Big Left has given terror groups like Antifa and BLM a free pass to commit crimes. This is the natural outgrowth of that.
Black Lives Matter activists threaten ‘riots’ if Mayor-elect Eric Adams reinstates NYPD anti-crime units

Chris Sommerfeldt, New York Daily News

Wed, November 10, 2021, 10:00 PM·3 min

NEW YORK — Leaders of the city’s Black Lives Matter movement on Wednesday threatened “riots” and “bloodshed” in the streets if Mayor-elect Eric Adams reverses the abolition of the NYPD’s controversial anti-crime units.

“If he thinks that they’re going to go back to the old ways of policing, then we are going to take to the streets again. There will be riots, there will be fire and there will be bloodshed because we believe in defending our people,” said Hawk Newsome, co-founder of Black Lives Matter of Greater New York, after a heated meeting with Adams in Brooklyn Borough Hall.

Well, the marxists posing as civil rights continue with their mission as the useful idiots they are.
Let them pound sand.

And the bottoms of their jail cells.
And they wait for ANY retaliation from anyone white and right. So they can really get their pets in the media and entertainment industries to yell.....


Go ahead and answer why the media doesn't say a damn word about their violence mayhem and murder and occupations of American cities.

When there is a retaliation, then it needs to be thoroughly planned. Or else we will be led to the slaughter like they did in nazi Germany, like the khmer Rouge, like the red guard, like the Bolsheviks, and on and on and on and on...

All likewise protected by the state controlled useful idiotic pets in the Pravda media.

This is it folks. Same thing we have been saying and I have been saying since I started posting here in 2013.

This is IT!!!
I know he said before he would bring back the crime unit. I hope he stays true to his word despite their threats. And if they follow through with their threats then I'd send that very crime unit after them.

When are people going to wake up and see BLM are just thug terrorists and treat them as such?
I know he said before he would bring back the crime unit. I hope he stays true to his word despite their threats. And if they follow through with their threats then I'd send that very crime unit after them.

When are people going to wake up and see BLM are just thug terrorists and treat them as such?
isn't the threat of violence a crime?
Such challenges to authority / law enforcement should be met. If some thug wants to threaten police for taking back control of the community from criminals, thugs, drug dealers, and domestic terrorists they should be dealt with...lawfully...with extreme prejudice.
BlM is proving it is a Terrorist organization by threatening violence and more Terrorist acts in NY if any attempt is made to bring back anti-crime units to restore peace, end crime.

The response back should be, 'Bring it on, bitches!'

It should be made clear to BLM if they engage in any coordinated, planned, organized, and / or sponsored violence in response to the new efforts to restore peace and eliminate looting, arson, violence, assault, destruction, and out-of-control Crime they will officially be labeled a 'terrorist' / Criminal organization.

I watched police officers stand off to the side doing nothing as BLM domestic terrorists jumped up and down on the roof of a squad car, bashing the windshield with a bat. A sergeant later opined it was better to allow them vent than confront them.


Me? I would have walked up to the car with my bean bag-firing shotgun and would have blown the son of a bitch off of the top of the car.

You can bet the other little terrorists would have run like hell, and everyone would know - the word would be spread - that the cops aren't putting up with that shit.

I would have been Pepper spraying, bean bagging, and water Canon shooting every looting asshole who walked back out of a broken store front window with their hands full.

The vast majority if the people we saw looting, burning, defacing, destroying, assaulting, and murdering are just a bunch of animals, piece of shit lowlife scum who just wait for a reason to steal, destroy, and attack....and they do it because theyknow it is tolerated and they can get away with it.

In Baltimore and other Democrat-run cities where massive violence and damage was wrought, domestic terrorists BLM bussed in criminal POS terrorists who dedtroyed, businesses, burnt down buildings, and chased much needed businesses out of the community, hurting the people who live there while they got on their busses and left afterwards.

They did not help anyone in those cities - they did BILLIONS of dollars in damage, destroyed the community, and then left.

Now this scumbag in NY is threatening terrorism, violence, and destruction if actions are taken to put him and his thugs back in their places, to reclaim the streets from thugs, drug dealers, gang members, rapists, criminals, and BLM terrorists.

He needs to be told if that starts up he is going to wake up in Gitmo in a dark cell charged with domestic terrorism, and the treatment he receives will make DC-Gitmo look and feel like a luxury spa...and charged with terrorism he will have zero rights and can be held there indefinitely.

How dare this POS threaten violence and terrorism against NY city officials. The little bastard needs to be neutered and taught he doesn't control anything and can be taken out of tgd equation really fast...and no one wod miss him.

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