We will get behind the republican nominee


Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2011
Inside your head.
when the vetting process is done and a nominee for the republican party emerges the right will rally behind him and turn out to vote in historic numbers .... the idiots on the left are screaming victory all ready because of the dirt the candidates are digging up on each other .. i think the brutal attacks the candidates are leveling against one another is good for the 2012 election !!! all the dirt and baggage will be old news !!! when polled the republican candidates are running neck and neck against the lefts magic negro !!! and we have not even picked a nominee yet !!just wait until we pick our candidate and concentrate on your failure of a president !!!:clap2::clap2:
Yep the republicans are blindly partisan.
We on the left have been saying this all along.

Most though will be too frightened to vote because they cannot take their guns into the polling place.
Yep the republicans are blindly partisan.
We on the left have been saying this all along.

Most though will be too frightened to vote because they cannot take their guns into the polling place.
you know what ...your answer is total bull !!! the middle class is being decimated under your failure of a president !!! hell talk about partisanship ..you people threw the clintons under the bus for a guy you nothing about !!! you voted the idiot in because he is blak !! thats it !! thats the only reason !!
Yep the republicans are blindly partisan.
We on the left have been saying this all along.

Most though will be too frightened to vote because they cannot take their guns into the polling place.
us, few might be unable to understand the words; no F--- y-- on ballots. Some will get lost on the way to polling places, as they will believe men in black cars hired by Obama are following them.
If I thought Yidnar was actually a Republican, he would make me less inclined to suppor the nominee. But I intend to support the nominee against Obama. I still havent decided who I have a preference for.
We will get behind the republican nominee

Of course you will. All that talk about conservative values and principles, and "No More McCains" and "Never Again" are just a bunch of happy horseshit.

You'll convince yourselves that Reversible Mittens is the second coming. But you won't convince real Americans.
We will get behind the republican nominee

Of course you will. All that talk about conservative values and principles, and "No More McCains" and "Never Again" are just a bunch of happy horseshit.

You'll convince yourselves that Reversible Mittens is the second coming. But you won't convince real Americans.

The right isn't the side that's deluded themselves into thinking their candidate is god/messiah/annointed one etc.
We will get behind the republican nominee

Of course you will. All that talk about conservative values and principles, and "No More McCains" and "Never Again" are just a bunch of happy horseshit.

You'll convince yourselves that Reversible Mittens is the second coming. But you won't convince real Americans.

The right isn't the side that's deluded themselves into thinking their candidate is god/messiah/annointed one etc.


We will get behind the republican nominee

Of course you will. All that talk about conservative values and principles, and "No More McCains" and "Never Again" are just a bunch of happy horseshit.

You'll convince yourselves that Reversible Mittens is the second coming. But you won't convince real Americans.

The right isn't the side that's deluded themselves into thinking their candidate is god/messiah/annointed one etc.



Reagan was never looked at as a god.
Cons will support Mitt even though he changes his positions with the wind. It doesn't matter as long as he says he's a republican.
when the vetting process is done and a nominee for the republican party emerges the right will rally behind him and turn out to vote in historic numbers .... the idiots on the left are screaming victory all ready because of the dirt the candidates are digging up on each other .. i think the brutal attacks the candidates are leveling against one another is good for the 2012 election !!! all the dirt and baggage will be old news !!! when polled the republican candidates are running neck and neck against the lefts magic negro !!! and we have not even picked a nominee yet !!just wait until we pick our candidate and concentrate on your failure of a president !!!:clap2::clap2:

Hey Skidmark.......of COURSE the GOP is going to get behind the next Republican nominee........

They don't know where else to go, as they've been fucking the American public up the ass for quite some time.
when the vetting process is done and a nominee for the republican party emerges the right will rally behind him and turn out to vote in historic numbers .... the idiots on the left are screaming victory all ready because of the dirt the candidates are digging up on each other .. i think the brutal attacks the candidates are leveling against one another is good for the 2012 election !!! all the dirt and baggage will be old news !!! when polled the republican candidates are running neck and neck against the lefts magic negro !!! and we have not even picked a nominee yet !!just wait until we pick our candidate and concentrate on your failure of a president !!!:clap2::clap2:

Hey Skidmark.......of COURSE the GOP is going to get behind the next Republican nominee........

They don't know where else to go, as they've been fucking the American public up the ass for quite some time.

At least you're posting about something you have actual knowledge of. Do you prefer the big black ones, like Obama's to the smaller ones like Romney's?
Yep the republicans are blindly partisan.
We on the left have been saying this all along.

Most though will be too frightened to vote because they cannot take their guns into the polling place.

This is one of those moments you are full of shit.
Yep the republicans are blindly partisan.
We on the left have been saying this all along.

Most though will be too frightened to vote because they cannot take their guns into the polling place.

This is one of those moments you are full of shit.

You mean every moment his posts are here?
Talk about partisan. They supported Obama without even knowing anything about him.
Yep the republicans are blindly partisan.
We on the left have been saying this all along.

Most though will be too frightened to vote because they cannot take their guns into the polling place.

There's that 'group think' again.

Spreading hysteria and lies... you have that down to a fine art. Kudos for that.

The only difference between you and Limbaugh, is that he has a radio show.

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