We have a revenue problem, absolute proof we need to raise taxes

it gives the gov't more money to send to foreign countrys .

My word, the sheer and utter ignorance on this board some times!

Guess what, genius, the US pay LESS foreign development aid per capita than anything other developed nation on earth.

btw. The word is "countries".
We spend four times as much on defense as the next country, so I think we cut 75% from there before we take food from hungry people, agreed?

List of countries by military expenditures - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And we do about a 1000 times more than anyone,its expensive to be the worlds police force/rescue unit.

Not really, that's largely mythical.

The UN goes into war for it own purposes, but if you look at the make-uo of UN peacekeeping forces around the world, a lot of countries from Nigeria to India, Finland to New Zealand and Belgium to Canada do more than their fair share.

It is just not big news on your TV screens.
That our FEDERAL and state governments piss money away foolishly is a given.

Most of the money is redistributed to the wealthiest people in America.

That same group of people pay very low percentages of their incomes back in taxes.

There's the two root sources of our nation's economic woes.

Fix the first one, then address the second. There is no point in raising tax rates unless we firstly address the ridiculous rampant overspending. None. Nadda. Zip.
We must end corporate welfare.

7% right across the board.

Goods and services tax. Do it. Give it.

Now we've stopped bleeding and we are down to 5%. But do it.

Stop screaming. Start contributing. Help Washington douche bag. Give your money to 1600 Watch how quick everyone changes

Good idea.... let's pay yet another tax so that this bunch of corrupt, self serving bastards in DC can spend us into oblivion.... no thanks. Get the spending under control, then we'll talk about raising taxes. I'll pay more.... as long as that money is ringfenced to pay down the deficit.
The GAO recently released a report describing the 160 separate programs the federal government has that offer assistance with housing. HUD has 91 separate programs, the Department of Agriculture has 18, the IRS has 14, the Treasury has 8, well, you get the idea by now. (By the way, who would go to the IRS to get help with housing?) If we cannot afford to fund 160 programs across multiple federal agencies we obviously need to raise taxes.

U.S. GAO - Housing Assistance: Opportunities Exist to Increase Collaboration and Consider Consolidation

Here is a complete list of the various federal programs devoted to keeping people off the streets. Only a heartless and cruel idiot could possibly object to raising taxes to keep families from sleeping under bridges.

U.S. GAO - Housing Assistance: An Inventory of Fiscal Year 2010 Programs, Tax Expenditures, and Other Activities (GAO-12-555SP, August 16, 2012), an E-supplement to GAO-12-554


Well Libs love big government don't they...
To totally get a handle on how the government is bloated and wasteful and mismanaged
we should create at least 10 review committees for each department and program...

Herman Cain had his 999 plan.I propose the 10x rule.
Whatever were have now as far as government worker we hire 10 people to supervise
that person,then we create 10 review boards for every 10 people we just hired to evaluate their progress.

So 10x10x10= a beginning to a perfect Liberal run Government.

Just think how Nancy Pelosi will feel knowing that we will have to print money round the clock and borrow more money then God himself could imagine just to pay those people...

We could print and borrow trillions of dollars to get maybe a few billion back into the economy...

What a great plan.... :clap2:
The GAO recently released a report describing the 160 separate programs the federal government has that offer assistance with housing. HUD has 91 separate programs, the Department of Agriculture has 18, the IRS has 14, the Treasury has 8, well, you get the idea by now. (By the way, who would go to the IRS to get help with housing?) If we cannot afford to fund 160 programs across multiple federal agencies we obviously need to raise taxes.

U.S. GAO - Housing Assistance: Opportunities Exist to Increase Collaboration and Consider Consolidation

Here is a complete list of the various federal programs devoted to keeping people off the streets. Only a heartless and cruel idiot could possibly object to raising taxes to keep families from sleeping under bridges.

U.S. GAO - Housing Assistance: An Inventory of Fiscal Year 2010 Programs, Tax Expenditures, and Other Activities (GAO-12-555SP, August 16, 2012), an E-supplement to GAO-12-554


Without a doubt, streamlining of many of these programs could save a lot of money. I don't think you will find many who deny government has gotten too big, but the fact remains that we also have a revenue problem. Since WWII, the federal government has run with revenues of just over 18% of GDP. During Reagan's first term, even with a horrible economy, revenues were over 19% of GDP, yet the last few years we have been running with around 15% of GDP. Over half of our yearly deficits are due to having such low revenue. What is shocking is that Republicans are trying to sell us on the idea that we should be running with even less. Pawlenty tried to sell us on cutting spending to 13% of GDP, and many cons think this is a great idea. It's really laughable.
That our FEDERAL and state governments piss money away foolishly is a given.

Most of the money is redistributed to the wealthiest people in America.

That same group of people pay very low percentages of their incomes back in taxes.

There's the two root sources of our nation's economic woes.

Fix the first one, then address the second. There is no point in raising tax rates unless we firstly address the ridiculous rampant overspending. None. Nadda. Zip.

Bull. Republicans and conservatives have been saying that for years. But when it come to actually raising taxes, they will NEVER do it. They have signed a pledge, and any Republican who votes for raising taxes or even hints at raising taxes will become instantly toxic to the cause of 'drowning government in a bathtub' Grover Norquist and the Club for Growth. They will run a more conservative (willing to sign and adhere to the pledge) candidate in primaries to remove the 'traitor'
This is not that difficult, peeps.:

This is not that difficult, peeps.:


Long term yes, but that can easily be resolved by raising the retirement age. All those spending increases are due to people living longer and drawing on SS and Medicare for a much longer period of time than ever was intended.
We spend four times as much on defense as the next country, so I think we cut 75% from there before we take food from hungry people, agreed?

List of countries by military expenditures - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


The US spends a much as the next 26 countries combined - 24 of whom are your allies.

But guess what - those campaigning for lower taxes and less government don't want to touch the military budget. It is very, very silly.

If you look at what the cons support the government in doing, and consider things that would be important for a Monarch, large army, lots of prison cells, plenty of rules for the peasants to follow, with few for the "Royals" so you can pick and choose winners. It all makes sense, things are often not that complicated to understand. Then look at what they say about the death tax, it is all about protecting the interest of the great families.
I believe personal tax rates in the US are too low.

Corporate taxes are probably too high, and I think a VAT is inevitable.

But what party has the balls to say so?

Communist Party USA.
I dont give a shit what you believe. Tax receipts prior to the recession were just fine. Receipts are low not because tax rates are low but because the economy sucks, thanks to Obama's stupid policies. Get rid of Obamacare, Dodd-Frank and other monstrosities and the economy wil grow and tax receipts along with it.
VAT is an incredibly stupid idea, unless you're a politician looking for a new revenue stream to create sweetheart programs to get you re-elected.
All of those gubmint spending increases are NOT due to people living longer, idiot.

neither is all those gubmint tax cuts taking us to lowest level since the robber barons ruled the Land, oh just saw your avatar I see you work for robber barons, I guess everybody's got to make a livin...

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