Hunters appeal failed

you can call it fake if you want,,

but you are clear you defend the sickest issue facing humanity that is sex trafficking of women and children,,

It's a fake issue, used by racists to try to gum up the immigration works.

Dedicate the resources to vet people coming in, we don't have a problem.
I wonder how a person like you that stabs your fellow soldier in the back and defends women and children being trafficked into the sex slave trade is allowed to breath,,

you arent protecting shit,, youre facilitating evil,,

Like AI, the internet is both the greatest and worst thing ever invented. It allowed the crazies to organize. White supremicy made a huge come back with the internet. It was almost impossible for them to find each other before.

Now conspiracy theorists like Birthers can find each other. Or election deniers. And Trump can have a Truth Social. OMG. We're doomed.
It's a fake issue, used by racists to try to gum up the immigration works.

Dedicate the resources to vet people coming in, we don't have a problem.

Good point. Don't even talk to a person who comes at you from a position of "you defend sex trafficers".

We should definitely monitor the border. That's one issue. An expensive wall? No. That's ridiculous. But we should be monitoring our border with GPS and drones and patrol people.

Next issue. What to do with people who come seeking asylum.

Another issue. Why are these people coming? Who are the illegal employers drawing them here. Let's find out and go after them like we used to.

We forget before illegal employers, this wasn't a problem. Migrants walked in, picked fruit and then walked back when the harvest was done.

I think it should be easy for South Americans and Mexicans to come to America just like Canadians. To visit. They should all come and spend money. But there should be no jobs for them. Don't play wack a mole with visitors. Go after illegal employers. Problem solved. And if we don't

If Republicans are worried about terrorists walking across the border, I agree. We need to patrol our borders now. It's a new world. But a wall aint gonna do anything but double the debt and probably be used as the reason why we need to cut social security and medicare.
I know my brother and I grew up with hillbillies who said besheno, shega, shope

Butt, slow and quiet. Today I know it's beseeno, sega and sope.

I asked my mom why her family talked that way she said they were hillbillies from a certain horyo.
In Crete there are slightly different sounds and something approaching a sh sound does exist as it does the the Vlachi, a race which has Romanian roots.
Like AI, the internet is both the greatest and worst thing ever invented. It allowed the crazies to organize. White supremicy made a huge come back with the internet. It was almost impossible for them to find each other before.

Now conspiracy theorists like Birthers can find each other. Or election deniers. And Trump can have a Truth Social. OMG. We're doomed.
says the guy defending women and child sex traffickers crossing the border in the dark if night
Um, guy, you want to punish Hunter for being Biden's son.

The VERY FEW people who are prosecuted for lying on this form are usually hiding criminal history, not drug use, and are only proscuted because they used that gun to commit other crimes.

Hunter checked "no" because, like most addicts, he didn't think he had a problem.

I don't want to punish him for being Biden's son and never have. True he is a sht, but he has always been a sht. I simply want the laws enforced. I think every single man, woman and child in the US, if filling out that form, should have to worry about being caught lying on the form, and face prosecution, money loss, and maybe jail time. It is meant to protect good people like me to an extent not to have drug addicts, and nut balls legally armed. If you are one one the "all the guns, for all the people, all the time" gun nuts, that is you, not me. I simply follow the laws of my state and country, and think everybody should or should face law enforcement in the courts.
Good point. Don't even talk to a person who comes at you from a position of "you defend sex trafficers".
I'm probably going to put him on ignore by the end of the day.

We should definitely monitor the border. That's one issue. An expensive wall? No. That's ridiculous. But we should be monitoring our border with GPS and drones and patrol people.
More importantly, walls can be defeated. We need to get the the source, which is employers who hire them. This problem could be solved with a guest worker program like Germany has.

Next issue. What to do with people who come seeking asylum.
We should 1) Establish clear definitions of what constitutes a legitimate asylum claim and 2) have a very quick system of vetting people.

Another issue. Why are these people coming? Who are the illegal employers drawing them here. Let's find out and go after them like we used to.
Agreed. We are definitely sending mixed messages.
We forget before illegal employers, this wasn't a problem. Migrants walked in, picked fruit and then walked back when the harvest was done.
Again, I would recommend a guest-worker program.

The problem with the wall and border security is the lettuce pickers realized it's less hassle to stay than to go home every year.
I don't want to punish him for being Biden's son and never have. True he is a sht, but he has always been a sht. I simply want the laws enforced. I think every single man, woman and child in the US, if filling out that form, should have to worry about being caught lying on the form, and face prosecution, money loss, and maybe jail time. It is meant to protect good people like me to an extent not to have drug addicts, and nut balls legally armed. If you are one one the "all the guns, for all the people, all the time" gun nuts, that is you, not me. I simply follow the laws of my state and country, and think everybody should or should face law enforcement in the courts.
Well, first, I'm not one of those gun nuts. I think guns are too easy to get in this country, and it should be harder to get them.

So here's an idea: instead of leaving it to Hunter Biden to decide if he has a problem or not, do what the Navy did. Have him piss in a cup, and if it comes up hot, no gun for you. The problem with our gun culture is that we design it to make it easy to get guns. Getting an IL FOID card was way too easy. Of course, I have no criminal background and have no disqualifying issues.

But, compared to the hoops I've had to jump through to get my last job, get my last mortgage or resolve my wife's issues with immigration, getting the FOID card was way too easy.

All that said, I think jail should ONLY be for people who are truly dangerous. I don't think Hunter is a "shit", I do think he's made some bad choices in life, and he's lucky to have a family who has stuck by him. Last year, a grammar school classmate of mine passed away after years of substance abuse. They had an agreement with Hunter that he would cop to the paperwork fraud, pay a fine, and go on supervision, and frankly, that should have been fine and would have been had he been anyone other than Joe Biden's son.
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And they formulated this conspiracy BEFORE Trump ran for office.

Yes, they decided to squash negative publicity well prior to Trump runnning or even planning on running for office to protect his image. Thank you for making the point and ruining the entire case from the prosecution viewpoint.

Since payments to these people is a "donation to the campaign"

Is that how these payments were categorized?

It's really not complicated at all.

It is actually very convoluted if you are trying to make the argument that he committed a felony.

You will rationalize the criminal behaviour, the sleaze, and the abuse of women, and the undermining of the rule of law, for what?????

You rationalize Biden’s criminal behavior with regards to his son and Burisma and “10% for the big guy”. You justify what was written in his daughter’s diary, which amounts to child abuse. Biden is a sleaze bucket, but you don’t care, because he is a Democrat. Let’s assume they are both sleaze buckets. I want the sleaze bucket that makes the best policy decisions and that is most certainly and undeniable Trump. Only ignorant fools don’t know that.

nt. He continued his crime spree throughout the whole 4 years of his Administration, and the nation suffered bitterly for his criminal incompetence.

Weird, my bottom line was much better under Trump than under Biden.

And he promises more of the same if he's re-elected.

We can only hope so.

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