WE CAUGHT THEM! Pennsylvania Results Show a Statistically Impossible Pattern Behind Biden’s Steal!


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
WE CAUGHT THEM! Pennsylvania Results Show a Statistically Impossible Pattern Behind Biden’s Steal! WE CAUGHT THEM!
14 Nov 2020 ~~ By Joe Hoft
We caught their fraud!
The fix is in. The current results of the Presidential election in Pennsylvania reported to the public are fraudulent because they are nearly statistically impossible.

On election night President Trump totally ran away with the election in Pennsylvania.
President Trump was ahead of Joe Biden by nearly 700,000 votes! It was an insurmountable lead.
The President was still ahead in Pennsylvania with 56% of the vote to Biden’s 43% the next morning.
The President was winning Pennsylvania and held a 675,000 vote lead in the election over Joe Biden.
According to Pennsylvania’s election returns website, on election day President Trump won nearly two thirds of all votes cast in the state.
The President won 2.7 million votes compared to Biden’s 1.4 million votes. The President’s votes were nearly twice as many as Joe Biden’s!
But what happened next was shocking. Pennsylvania began counting ballots by mail. There was no reporting on how many votes were outstanding at the end of election night. There was no reporting ever that we are aware of where the state announced how many votes were left to count after the election.

They just kept counting.
The state also allowed votes to come in for three more days after the election. Of course, these were all mail-in ballots. We do not know how many mail-in votes came in during these three days. The Republicans were not allowed to observe the counting of these votes even though a court order was in place demanding that the state do so. These actions go against Pennsylvania’s constitution which state that the voting process is to be determined by the legislature. The change in ruling was implemented by the executive and judicial branches. This is an important issue with the Trump campaign in their complaints against the state as they try to undo the injustices in Pennsylvania.
Today the state is reporting more than 2.5 million mail in ballots. This number was never seen before in this state. As the mail-in ballots were counted, the state began cutting into the President’s 675,000 vote lead and eventually they gave the election to Biden. Biden won 2 million of the 2.5 million mail-in ballots.
How could the President receive only one fifth of the mail in ballots after crushing Biden in in-person voting on Election Day? The answer is: this was basically impossible. And here’s why.

When we looked at these statistics and we identified a pattern that is virtually mathematically impossible. The President won two thirds of the Election Day vote. But with the basic exception of Philadelphia, the President won around 80% of the vote in each county in the state. (See the blue line in basic the chart below showing the percent of total election day votes won by President Trump.) Philadelphia is so large that it offsets these numbers and brings the President’s results down to around 65% of the state’s votes on Election Day.
What happened with the mail in votes is almost statistically impossible (See the orange line below). In almost every county throughout the state, the President was awarded a percent of votes 40% less than the percent the President won on election day (see the grey line below). If Trump won a county by 80% of the vote on Election Day, he won 40% of the mail-in vote for a county. If the President won 60% of the vote on Election Day, he won 20% of the mail-in vote in another county. This pattern occurred in almost every county with the only noticeable exception of Philadelphia, where the President only earned 30% of the vote on Election Day.
These numbers are so consistent that they are almost certainly fraudulent. This NEVER happens in data sets. Below is the data by county (Note the counties are listed alphabetically – number 51 is Philadelphia):
It is clear that corrupt Democrats in Pennsylvania did all they could to steal the 2020 Presidential election for Joe Biden. There was no excitement for the Biden campaign and there still isn’t. Republicans are convinced he cheated.
Tonight we caught them.
Bringing justice to Pennsylvania is a key step in addressing election fraud and addressing the massive Democrat fraud in the 2020 election process.

Anyone capable of rational thought knows that the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Left committed massive election fraud. What will be done about it? That's what we really want to know.
Sidney Powell said, "I am about to release the Kraken". There is evidence Dominion was created for the purpose of cheating and a witness as to how it was used to elect Hugo Chavez years ago and then sold to other countries.
The fact that they didn’t let republican poll watchers to witness the count of all these fraudulent mail in ballots should be enough in itself to disqualify those said ballots.
The PMS/DSA Commie Left does not think "morally" in any circumstance. Whatever they say they believe in now is simply their calculation of how to get votes. It's about one thing and one thing only: Power. They will stop at Nothing to get and maintain power.
WE CAUGHT THEM! Pennsylvania Results Show a Statistically Impossible Pattern Behind Biden’s Steal! WE CAUGHT THEM!
14 Nov 2020 ~~ By Joe Hoft
We caught their fraud!
The fix is in. The current results of the Presidential election in Pennsylvania reported to the public are fraudulent because they are nearly statistically impossible.

On election night President Trump totally ran away with the election in Pennsylvania.
President Trump was ahead of Joe Biden by nearly 700,000 votes! It was an insurmountable lead.
The President was still ahead in Pennsylvania with 56% of the vote to Biden’s 43% the next morning.
The President was winning Pennsylvania and held a 675,000 vote lead in the election over Joe Biden.
According to Pennsylvania’s election returns website, on election day President Trump won nearly two thirds of all votes cast in the state.
The President won 2.7 million votes compared to Biden’s 1.4 million votes. The President’s votes were nearly twice as many as Joe Biden’s!
But what happened next was shocking. Pennsylvania began counting ballots by mail. There was no reporting on how many votes were outstanding at the end of election night. There was no reporting ever that we are aware of where the state announced how many votes were left to count after the election.

They just kept counting.
The state also allowed votes to come in for three more days after the election. Of course, these were all mail-in ballots. We do not know how many mail-in votes came in during these three days. The Republicans were not allowed to observe the counting of these votes even though a court order was in place demanding that the state do so. These actions go against Pennsylvania’s constitution which state that the voting process is to be determined by the legislature. The change in ruling was implemented by the executive and judicial branches. This is an important issue with the Trump campaign in their complaints against the state as they try to undo the injustices in Pennsylvania.
Today the state is reporting more than 2.5 million mail in ballots. This number was never seen before in this state. As the mail-in ballots were counted, the state began cutting into the President’s 675,000 vote lead and eventually they gave the election to Biden. Biden won 2 million of the 2.5 million mail-in ballots.
How could the President receive only one fifth of the mail in ballots after crushing Biden in in-person voting on Election Day? The answer is: this was basically impossible. And here’s why.

When we looked at these statistics and we identified a pattern that is virtually mathematically impossible. The President won two thirds of the Election Day vote. But with the basic exception of Philadelphia, the President won around 80% of the vote in each county in the state. (See the blue line in basic the chart below showing the percent of total election day votes won by President Trump.) Philadelphia is so large that it offsets these numbers and brings the President’s results down to around 65% of the state’s votes on Election Day.
What happened with the mail in votes is almost statistically impossible (See the orange line below). In almost every county throughout the state, the President was awarded a percent of votes 40% less than the percent the President won on election day (see the grey line below). If Trump won a county by 80% of the vote on Election Day, he won 40% of the mail-in vote for a county. If the President won 60% of the vote on Election Day, he won 20% of the mail-in vote in another county. This pattern occurred in almost every county with the only noticeable exception of Philadelphia, where the President only earned 30% of the vote on Election Day.
These numbers are so consistent that they are almost certainly fraudulent. This NEVER happens in data sets. Below is the data by county (Note the counties are listed alphabetically – number 51 is Philadelphia):
It is clear that corrupt Democrats in Pennsylvania did all they could to steal the 2020 Presidential election for Joe Biden. There was no excitement for the Biden campaign and there still isn’t. Republicans are convinced he cheated.
Tonight we caught them.
Bringing justice to Pennsylvania is a key step in addressing election fraud and addressing the massive Democrat fraud in the 2020 election process.

Anyone capable of rational thought knows that the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Left committed massive election fraud. What will be done about it? That's what we really want to know.
Sidney Powell said, "I am about to release the Kraken". There is evidence Dominion was created for the purpose of cheating and a witness as to how it was used to elect Hugo Chavez years ago and then sold to other countries.
The fact that they didn’t let republican poll watchers to witness the count of all these fraudulent mail in ballots should be enough in itself to disqualify those said ballots.
The PMS/DSA Commie Left does not think "morally" in any circumstance. Whatever they say they believe in now is simply their calculation of how to get votes. It's about one thing and one thing only: Power. They will stop at Nothing to get and maintain power.
WE CAUGHT THEM! Pennsylvania Results Show a Statistically Impossible Pattern Behind Biden’s Steal! WE CAUGHT THEM!
14 Nov 2020 ~~ By Joe Hoft
We caught their fraud!
The fix is in. The current results of the Presidential election in Pennsylvania reported to the public are fraudulent because they are nearly statistically impossible.

On election night President Trump totally ran away with the election in Pennsylvania.
President Trump was ahead of Joe Biden by nearly 700,000 votes! It was an insurmountable lead.
The President was still ahead in Pennsylvania with 56% of the vote to Biden’s 43% the next morning.
The President was winning Pennsylvania and held a 675,000 vote lead in the election over Joe Biden.
According to Pennsylvania’s election returns website, on election day President Trump won nearly two thirds of all votes cast in the state.
The President won 2.7 million votes compared to Biden’s 1.4 million votes. The President’s votes were nearly twice as many as Joe Biden’s!
But what happened next was shocking. Pennsylvania began counting ballots by mail. There was no reporting on how many votes were outstanding at the end of election night. There was no reporting ever that we are aware of where the state announced how many votes were left to count after the election.

They just kept counting.
The state also allowed votes to come in for three more days after the election. Of course, these were all mail-in ballots. We do not know how many mail-in votes came in during these three days. The Republicans were not allowed to observe the counting of these votes even though a court order was in place demanding that the state do so. These actions go against Pennsylvania’s constitution which state that the voting process is to be determined by the legislature. The change in ruling was implemented by the executive and judicial branches. This is an important issue with the Trump campaign in their complaints against the state as they try to undo the injustices in Pennsylvania.
Today the state is reporting more than 2.5 million mail in ballots. This number was never seen before in this state. As the mail-in ballots were counted, the state began cutting into the President’s 675,000 vote lead and eventually they gave the election to Biden. Biden won 2 million of the 2.5 million mail-in ballots.
How could the President receive only one fifth of the mail in ballots after crushing Biden in in-person voting on Election Day? The answer is: this was basically impossible. And here’s why.

When we looked at these statistics and we identified a pattern that is virtually mathematically impossible. The President won two thirds of the Election Day vote. But with the basic exception of Philadelphia, the President won around 80% of the vote in each county in the state. (See the blue line in basic the chart below showing the percent of total election day votes won by President Trump.) Philadelphia is so large that it offsets these numbers and brings the President’s results down to around 65% of the state’s votes on Election Day.
What happened with the mail in votes is almost statistically impossible (See the orange line below). In almost every county throughout the state, the President was awarded a percent of votes 40% less than the percent the President won on election day (see the grey line below). If Trump won a county by 80% of the vote on Election Day, he won 40% of the mail-in vote for a county. If the President won 60% of the vote on Election Day, he won 20% of the mail-in vote in another county. This pattern occurred in almost every county with the only noticeable exception of Philadelphia, where the President only earned 30% of the vote on Election Day.
These numbers are so consistent that they are almost certainly fraudulent. This NEVER happens in data sets. Below is the data by county (Note the counties are listed alphabetically – number 51 is Philadelphia):
It is clear that corrupt Democrats in Pennsylvania did all they could to steal the 2020 Presidential election for Joe Biden. There was no excitement for the Biden campaign and there still isn’t. Republicans are convinced he cheated.
Tonight we caught them.
Bringing justice to Pennsylvania is a key step in addressing election fraud and addressing the massive Democrat fraud in the 2020 election process.

Anyone capable of rational thought knows that the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Left committed massive election fraud. What will be done about it? That's what we really want to know.
Sidney Powell said, "I am about to release the Kraken". There is evidence Dominion was created for the purpose of cheating and a witness as to how it was used to elect Hugo Chavez years ago and then sold to other countries.
The fact that they didn’t let republican poll watchers to witness the count of all these fraudulent mail in ballots should be enough in itself to disqualify those said ballots.
The PMS/DSA Commie Left does not think "morally" in any circumstance. Whatever they say they believe in now is simply their calculation of how to get votes. It's about one thing and one thing only: Power. They will stop at Nothing to get and maintain power.
More gateway pundit.

Dude, you really gotta stop. Your source is as reliable as a Pinto.
What should he go to the Warshington Compost , where that rag of a "News" paper makes Pravda look tame?

More gateway pundit.

Dude, you really gotta stop. Your source is as reliable as a Pinto.
Speaking as someone who is no fan of GP, can the numbers be denied?....Or as the left is now so fond of saying: DEBOOONKED?
There is never a back up source. These people are proven wrong more than they are proven right.

This is nothing more than an opinion piece.
More gateway pundit.

Dude, you really gotta stop. Your source is as reliable as a Pinto.
Speaking as someone who is no fan of GP, can the numbers be denied?....Or as the left is now so fond of saying: DEBOOONKED?
There is never a back up source. These people are proven wrong more than they are proven right.

This is nothing more than an opinion piece.
The numbers given are in loosely correct.

I was watching when the counting was shut down early Wednesday morning....The margins in PA, along with MI, and WI, were in the range where the states have been called in days gone by....But suddenly hundreds of thousands of votes get dumped, all of which favor one candidate in ways that statistically defy gravity.

Definitive proof?...Not really.

But these turnarounds makes Hillary's "luck" in cattle futures look more probable.
WE CAUGHT THEM! Pennsylvania Results Show a Statistically Impossible Pattern Behind Biden’s Steal! WE CAUGHT THEM!
14 Nov 2020 ~~ By Joe Hoft
We caught their fraud!
The fix is in. The current results of the Presidential election in Pennsylvania reported to the public are fraudulent because they are nearly statistically impossible.

On election night President Trump totally ran away with the election in Pennsylvania.
President Trump was ahead of Joe Biden by nearly 700,000 votes! It was an insurmountable lead.
The President was still ahead in Pennsylvania with 56% of the vote to Biden’s 43% the next morning.
The President was winning Pennsylvania and held a 675,000 vote lead in the election over Joe Biden.
According to Pennsylvania’s election returns website, on election day President Trump won nearly two thirds of all votes cast in the state.
The President won 2.7 million votes compared to Biden’s 1.4 million votes. The President’s votes were nearly twice as many as Joe Biden’s!
But what happened next was shocking. Pennsylvania began counting ballots by mail. There was no reporting on how many votes were outstanding at the end of election night. There was no reporting ever that we are aware of where the state announced how many votes were left to count after the election.

They just kept counting.
The state also allowed votes to come in for three more days after the election. Of course, these were all mail-in ballots. We do not know how many mail-in votes came in during these three days. The Republicans were not allowed to observe the counting of these votes even though a court order was in place demanding that the state do so. These actions go against Pennsylvania’s constitution which state that the voting process is to be determined by the legislature. The change in ruling was implemented by the executive and judicial branches. This is an important issue with the Trump campaign in their complaints against the state as they try to undo the injustices in Pennsylvania.
Today the state is reporting more than 2.5 million mail in ballots. This number was never seen before in this state. As the mail-in ballots were counted, the state began cutting into the President’s 675,000 vote lead and eventually they gave the election to Biden. Biden won 2 million of the 2.5 million mail-in ballots.
How could the President receive only one fifth of the mail in ballots after crushing Biden in in-person voting on Election Day? The answer is: this was basically impossible. And here’s why.

When we looked at these statistics and we identified a pattern that is virtually mathematically impossible. The President won two thirds of the Election Day vote. But with the basic exception of Philadelphia, the President won around 80% of the vote in each county in the state. (See the blue line in basic the chart below showing the percent of total election day votes won by President Trump.) Philadelphia is so large that it offsets these numbers and brings the President’s results down to around 65% of the state’s votes on Election Day.
What happened with the mail in votes is almost statistically impossible (See the orange line below). In almost every county throughout the state, the President was awarded a percent of votes 40% less than the percent the President won on election day (see the grey line below). If Trump won a county by 80% of the vote on Election Day, he won 40% of the mail-in vote for a county. If the President won 60% of the vote on Election Day, he won 20% of the mail-in vote in another county. This pattern occurred in almost every county with the only noticeable exception of Philadelphia, where the President only earned 30% of the vote on Election Day.
These numbers are so consistent that they are almost certainly fraudulent. This NEVER happens in data sets. Below is the data by county (Note the counties are listed alphabetically – number 51 is Philadelphia):
It is clear that corrupt Democrats in Pennsylvania did all they could to steal the 2020 Presidential election for Joe Biden. There was no excitement for the Biden campaign and there still isn’t. Republicans are convinced he cheated.
Tonight we caught them.
Bringing justice to Pennsylvania is a key step in addressing election fraud and addressing the massive Democrat fraud in the 2020 election process.

Anyone capable of rational thought knows that the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Left committed massive election fraud. What will be done about it? That's what we really want to know.
Sidney Powell said, "I am about to release the Kraken". There is evidence Dominion was created for the purpose of cheating and a witness as to how it was used to elect Hugo Chavez years ago and then sold to other countries.
The fact that they didn’t let republican poll watchers to witness the count of all these fraudulent mail in ballots should be enough in itself to disqualify those said ballots.
The PMS/DSA Commie Left does not think "morally" in any circumstance. Whatever they say they believe in now is simply their calculation of how to get votes. It's about one thing and one thing only: Power. They will stop at Nothing to get and maintain power.
You might could make this argument if all things were equal. The problem is, they weren't. Trump actively discouraged mail-in voting. While democrats openly embraced mail in voting. It is not surprising in the least that the mail-in votes came in over two to one for Biden. Honestly, it almost looks like that was the plan from the getgo. Discourage mail-in votes, and then, when that discouragement works, cry and scream fraud in an attempt to delegitimize the election. Trump knew he was going to lose. This way, like he always does, he could play the victim and pretend it was fraud that he lost instead of the fact that he was a piss poor president, totally bungled the Covid-19 pandemic, and led one of the most dysfunctional staffs in American history.
You might could make this argument if all things were equal. The problem is, they weren't. Trump actively discouraged mail-in voting. While democrats openly embraced mail in voting. It is not surprising in the least that the mail-in votes came in over two to one for Biden. Honestly, it almost looks like that was the plan from the getgo. Discourage mail-in votes, and then, when that discouragement works, cry and scream fraud in an attempt to delegitimize the election. Trump knew he was going to lose. This way, like he always does, he could play the victim and pretend it was fraud that he lost instead of the fact that he was a piss poor president, totally bungled the Covid-19 pandemic, and led one of the most dysfunctional staffs in American history.

Dear Trumptards.

You all being dogshit ignorant of logic and statistists doesn't mean any fraud occurred. It just means you're easily manipulated fascist dupes.

And did I mention what losers you are? Loooooooosers. Just rolls off the tongue, that does. Looooooosers. Loooooooosers. Everyone can't say it enough.
But what happened next was shocking. Pennsylvania began counting ballots by mail. There was no reporting on how many votes were outstanding at the end of election night. There was no reporting ever that we are aware of where the state announced how many votes were left to count after the election.

They just kept counting.
Don't be a drama queen. The post office has a program called "informed delivery", they have a picture of every letter, every ballot, going to every board of election. It would be a daunting project to collect that data, but they could give you the exact number of ballots they delivered, and when they were scheduled for delivery.
Another recently filed Pennsylvania case argues that it will provide data-based “analytical evidence of illegal voting” at a future date.​

Screen Shot 2020-11-14 at 4.29.20 PM.png

I'm sure that lawsuit is going to lead Trump to victory now! He's been so successful in court so far!

It's a theory. When an article says something is nearly impossible, that means unlikely by whatever measure we use. Unlikely things happen all the time. I don't think anyone is "caught" yet, I'll be more convinced if a judge looks at this data and I see PA flip from Blue to Red.
Another recently filed Pennsylvania case argues that it will provide data-based “analytical evidence of illegal voting” at a future date.​

There's a difference between having statistical data saying that 500 people would die from being hit by cars. And being able to identify who those 500 people are. And you can solve the problem by banning millions of people from going outside.

Even if statistically Biden over performed, that isn't proof of correctable fraud.

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