Was Global Warming The Cause of the Great Northwest Heatwave? Science Says No.


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2018
The evidence is in and the result say that the heatwave was natural based because it was natural weather based events that caused it, not the magical gnome trace gas so many warmist/alarmist have delirium tremens over.

Watts Up With That?

Was Global Warming The Cause of the Great Northwest Heatwave? Science Says No.​

Reposted from The Cliff Mass Weather Blog

July 6, 2021


During the past week, the Pacific Northwest experienced the most severe heat event of the past century.

All-time high-temperature records were broken throughout the region, often by large margins. Many in the media, several local and national politicians, and some activist environmental scientists have claimed that this event was “driven by” or predominantly forced by human-inspired global warming (usually referred to as “climate change”).But such global warming claims are not supported by the facts and our best scientific understanding.


Truth and Rigorous Science About Climate Change is Necessary for Wise Decisions
In this blog, I will use observations, modeling, climatological data, and the peer-reviewed scientific literature to demonstrate that human-caused global warming played a very small role in the extreme heat event that we just experienced here in the Pacific Northwest.I will describe the origins of a meteorological black swan eventand how the atmosphere is capable of attaining extreme, unusual conditions without any aid from our species.As you read this, consider that I have actively pursued research on Northwest heatwaves, published several papers in the peer-reviewed literature on this specific topic, and have run both weather prediction and climate models that simulate such events. This subject is in my wheelhouse.

I also discuss the seriousness of misinformation. You and others can not make wise decisions when the information provided to you is not based on truth and science.

I haven't really seen any climate scientists say global warming "caused" this or any other heat wave. I have seen them say they would expect it to contribute to the length, frequency, and intensity of heat waves, over time.
The evidence is in and the result say that the heatwave was natural based because it was natural weather based events that caused it, not the magical gnome trace gas so many warmist/alarmist have delirium tremens over.

Watts Up With That?

Was Global Warming The Cause of the Great Northwest Heatwave? Science Says No.​

Reposted from The Cliff Mass Weather Blog

July 6, 2021


During the past week, the Pacific Northwest experienced the most severe heat event of the past century.

All-time high-temperature records were broken throughout the region, often by large margins. Many in the media, several local and national politicians, and some activist environmental scientists have claimed that this event was “driven by” or predominantly forced by human-inspired global warming (usually referred to as “climate change”).But such global warming claims are not supported by the facts and our best scientific understanding.


Truth and Rigorous Science About Climate Change is Necessary for Wise Decisions
In this blog, I will use observations, modeling, climatological data, and the peer-reviewed scientific literature to demonstrate that human-caused global warming played a very small role in the extreme heat event that we just experienced here in the Pacific Northwest.I will describe the origins of a meteorological black swan eventand how the atmosphere is capable of attaining extreme, unusual conditions without any aid from our species.As you read this, consider that I have actively pursued research on Northwest heatwaves, published several papers in the peer-reviewed literature on this specific topic, and have run both weather prediction and climate models that simulate such events. This subject is in my wheelhouse.

I also discuss the seriousness of misinformation. You and others can not make wise decisions when the information provided to you is not based on truth and science.

That is not what science says at all. Nor common sense. Having lived in the Pacific Northwest for over 77 years, I have seen the snows come later to the mountains, and melt off earlier, every decade. And our recurrent forest fires go from being measured in acres to measured in square miles. In spite of the fact that we have much better fire fighting equipment than when I fought them fifty years ago. Then I watched B-17's and B-26's paint us pink. Today they have huge four engine jets, helicopters, and so many other much larger and better equipment, but still we are getting more conflagrations every year, and even losing towns to the wild fires. The combination of increased heat and wilder winds are going to be in increasing problem for our forests.
The evidence is in and the result say that the heatwave was natural based because it was natural weather based events that caused it, not the magical gnome trace gas so many warmist/alarmist have delirium tremens over.

Watts Up With That?

Was Global Warming The Cause of the Great Northwest Heatwave? Science Says No.​

Reposted from The Cliff Mass Weather Blog

July 6, 2021


During the past week, the Pacific Northwest experienced the most severe heat event of the past century.

All-time high-temperature records were broken throughout the region, often by large margins. Many in the media, several local and national politicians, and some activist environmental scientists have claimed that this event was “driven by” or predominantly forced by human-inspired global warming (usually referred to as “climate change”).But such global warming claims are not supported by the facts and our best scientific understanding.


Truth and Rigorous Science About Climate Change is Necessary for Wise Decisions
In this blog, I will use observations, modeling, climatological data, and the peer-reviewed scientific literature to demonstrate that human-caused global warming played a very small role in the extreme heat event that we just experienced here in the Pacific Northwest.I will describe the origins of a meteorological black swan eventand how the atmosphere is capable of attaining extreme, unusual conditions without any aid from our species.As you read this, consider that I have actively pursued research on Northwest heatwaves, published several papers in the peer-reviewed literature on this specific topic, and have run both weather prediction and climate models that simulate such events. This subject is in my wheelhouse.

I also discuss the seriousness of misinformation. You and others can not make wise decisions when the information provided to you is not based on truth and science.

That is not what science says at all. Nor common sense. Having lived in the Pacific Northwest for over 77 years, I have seen the snows come later to the mountains, and melt off earlier, every decade. And our recurrent forest fires go from being measured in acres to measured in square miles. In spite of the fact that we have much better fire fighting equipment than when I fought them fifty years ago. Then I watched B-17's and B-26's paint us pink. Today they have huge four engine jets, helicopters, and so many other much larger and better equipment, but still we are getting more conflagrations every year, and even losing towns to the wild fires. The combination of increased heat and wilder winds are going to be in increasing problem for our forests.
Your fires are more likely due to poor forest management.
The evidence is in and the result say that the heatwave was natural based because it was natural weather based events that caused it, not the magical gnome trace gas so many warmist/alarmist have delirium tremens over.

Watts Up With That?

Was Global Warming The Cause of the Great Northwest Heatwave? Science Says No.​

Reposted from The Cliff Mass Weather Blog

July 6, 2021


During the past week, the Pacific Northwest experienced the most severe heat event of the past century.

All-time high-temperature records were broken throughout the region, often by large margins. Many in the media, several local and national politicians, and some activist environmental scientists have claimed that this event was “driven by” or predominantly forced by human-inspired global warming (usually referred to as “climate change”).But such global warming claims are not supported by the facts and our best scientific understanding.


Truth and Rigorous Science About Climate Change is Necessary for Wise Decisions
In this blog, I will use observations, modeling, climatological data, and the peer-reviewed scientific literature to demonstrate that human-caused global warming played a very small role in the extreme heat event that we just experienced here in the Pacific Northwest.I will describe the origins of a meteorological black swan eventand how the atmosphere is capable of attaining extreme, unusual conditions without any aid from our species.As you read this, consider that I have actively pursued research on Northwest heatwaves, published several papers in the peer-reviewed literature on this specific topic, and have run both weather prediction and climate models that simulate such events. This subject is in my wheelhouse.

I also discuss the seriousness of misinformation. You and others can not make wise decisions when the information provided to you is not based on truth and science.

That is not what science says at all. Nor common sense. Having lived in the Pacific Northwest for over 77 years, I have seen the snows come later to the mountains, and melt off earlier, every decade. And our recurrent forest fires go from being measured in acres to measured in square miles. In spite of the fact that we have much better fire fighting equipment than when I fought them fifty years ago. Then I watched B-17's and B-26's paint us pink. Today they have huge four engine jets, helicopters, and so many other much larger and better equipment, but still we are getting more conflagrations every year, and even losing towns to the wild fires. The combination of increased heat and wilder winds are going to be in increasing problem for our forests.
cut out the dead brush and trees you stupid fuck and your fires will go down.
cut out the dead brush and trees you stupid fuck and your fires will go down.
Oh look, someone listened to a rightwing nutjob podcast and thinks he is an expert, now.

In which forest? which federal land, professor? Why would that mean mire frequent and intense fires now, if that's always the case? So many questions...
The evidence is in and the result say that the heatwave was natural based because it was natural weather based events that caused it, not the magical gnome trace gas so many warmist/alarmist have delirium tremens over.

Watts Up With That?

Was Global Warming The Cause of the Great Northwest Heatwave? Science Says No.​

Reposted from The Cliff Mass Weather Blog

July 6, 2021


During the past week, the Pacific Northwest experienced the most severe heat event of the past century.

All-time high-temperature records were broken throughout the region, often by large margins. Many in the media, several local and national politicians, and some activist environmental scientists have claimed that this event was “driven by” or predominantly forced by human-inspired global warming (usually referred to as “climate change”).But such global warming claims are not supported by the facts and our best scientific understanding.


Truth and Rigorous Science About Climate Change is Necessary for Wise Decisions
In this blog, I will use observations, modeling, climatological data, and the peer-reviewed scientific literature to demonstrate that human-caused global warming played a very small role in the extreme heat event that we just experienced here in the Pacific Northwest.I will describe the origins of a meteorological black swan eventand how the atmosphere is capable of attaining extreme, unusual conditions without any aid from our species.As you read this, consider that I have actively pursued research on Northwest heatwaves, published several papers in the peer-reviewed literature on this specific topic, and have run both weather prediction and climate models that simulate such events. This subject is in my wheelhouse.

I also discuss the seriousness of misinformation. You and others can not make wise decisions when the information provided to you is not based on truth and science.

That is not what science says at all. Nor common sense. Having lived in the Pacific Northwest for over 77 years, I have seen the snows come later to the mountains, and melt off earlier, every decade. And our recurrent forest fires go from being measured in acres to measured in square miles. In spite of the fact that we have much better fire fighting equipment than when I fought them fifty years ago. Then I watched B-17's and B-26's paint us pink. Today they have huge four engine jets, helicopters, and so many other much larger and better equipment, but still we are getting more conflagrations every year, and even losing towns to the wild fires. The combination of increased heat and wilder winds are going to be in increasing problem for our forests.

So you [prefer to babble and ignore Dr. Mass who has a PHD in Meteorology, the man who wrote that post you ignored.

Post one article remains unchallenged.
Post one article remains unchallenged.
Nobody would challenge it. Anyone who claims with certainty that global warming caused the heat wave is silly and wrong. But this is what the weasel Cliff Mass does. He writes deceptive pieces full of strawmen and non sequiturs, doing his best to hand down denier talking points that deniers don't really understand. That's fine. One only has to look at his complete lack of any published climate research or climate science contribution to any respected scientific society to know to get their info elsewhere. But I think he is absolutely PERFECT for you.
I see three warmist/alarmist make these useless comments:

I haven't really seen any climate scientists say global warming "caused" this or any other heat wave. I have seen them say they would expect it to contribute to the length, frequency, and intensity of heat waves, over time.

The report is a joke!

Well, we are talking Cliff Mass, here.

Zero evidence
Zero facts
Zero counterpoints to the article.

I see deflection, Fallacy, and dead end reply, I don't think they drank enough today........

To me it is clear they can't mount a counterpoint to the CONTENT of the article.

That is the best these fellas can do, be utter failures in making a decent cogent reply because that requires making honest thinking and reply effort,....... that is too exhausting!

Last edited:
Post one article remains unchallenged.
Nobody would challenge it. Anyone who claims with certainty that global warming caused the heat wave is silly and wrong. But this is what the weasel Cliff Mass does. He writes deceptive pieces full of strawmen and non sequiturs, doing his best to hand down denier talking points that deniers don't really understand. That's fine. One only has to look at his complete lack of any published climate research or climate science contribution to any respected scientific society to know to get their info elsewhere. But I think he is absolutely PERFECT for you.

You still have nothing, how come you do this so well, how do you babble so much and say nothing of value?

Post one Article remains unchallenged.

Nobody would challenge it. Anyone who claims with certainty that global warming caused the heat wave is silly and wrong.

How climate change 'loads the dice' for heat waves

The intensity of the heat, particularly in a region of the country known for its mild conditions, has been shocking, said Nicholas Bond, a research scientist at the University of Washington and Washington's state climatologist.

"The magnitude by which records are being broken — not by a degree or so but by 5 degrees and in some cases more — is really stunning," Bond said. "I didn't really expect anything like this until further into the future."


Average temperatures in the Pacific Northwest have warmed by roughly 1.3 degrees since 1895, according to the University of Washington's Climate Impacts Group, and most cities in the region feel more than 2 degrees warmer in the summer than they did in 1970.

"Along with that warming, we've seen an increase in extreme heat events, and these events are becoming more frequent, more intense and longer in duration," said Meade Krosby, a senior scientist with the Climate Impacts Group.

Northwest "heat dome" signals global warming's march

3 things to know about the record-smashing heat wave baking the Pacific Northwest

The Northwest heat wave is 'unprecedented.' Here's what's pushing it into uncharted territory.

Kristina Dahl, a senior climate scientist at the Union of Concerned Scientists, says the heat wave is "unprecedented."

"We saw heat records over the weekend only to be broken again the next day," Dahl told CNN, "particularly for a part of the country where this type of heat does not happen very often."

Michael E. Mann, a climate scientist at Pennsylvania State University, put it very simply: climate change is making heat waves more frequent and more intense. "You warm up the planet, you're going to see an increased incidence of heat extremes," Mann told CNN.

Experts like Dahl and Mann say climate change is reshaping the planet's weather patterns. As humans emit more planet-warming greenhouse gas into the atmosphere, more energy is added to the climate system. The excess energy, according to Kristie Ebi, a climate and health researcher at the University of Washington, appears by way of extreme weather events.

"Heat waves have always occurred and will always occur, but we've got a very different pattern of heat waves now than we did a couple of decades ago," Ebi told CNN. "And it's not just the intensity, it's also the geographic extent."
Post one article remains unchallenged.
Nobody would challenge it. Anyone who claims with certainty that global warming caused the heat wave is silly and wrong. But this is what the weasel Cliff Mass does. He writes deceptive pieces full of strawmen and non sequiturs, doing his best to hand down denier talking points that deniers don't really understand. That's fine. One only has to look at his complete lack of any published climate research or climate science contribution to any respected scientific society to know to get their info elsewhere. But I think he is absolutely PERFECT for you.

You still have nothing, how come you do this so well, how do you babble so much and say nothing of value?

Post one Article remains unchallenged.

And Cliff Mass remains unpublished and unrespected in the field of climate science. I doubt your insufferable whining will change that.
Post one article remains unchallenged.
Nobody would challenge it. Anyone who claims with certainty that global warming caused the heat wave is silly and wrong. But this is what the weasel Cliff Mass does. He writes deceptive pieces full of strawmen and non sequiturs, doing his best to hand down denier talking points that deniers don't really understand. That's fine. One only has to look at his complete lack of any published climate research or climate science contribution to any respected scientific society to know to get their info elsewhere. But I think he is absolutely PERFECT for you.

You still have nothing, how come you do this so well, how do you babble so much and say nothing of value?

Post one Article remains unchallenged.

And Cliff Mass remains unpublished and unrespected in the field of climate science. I doubt your insufferable whining will change that.

Your fallacy and personal attack is useless and boring.

Post one continued to be unchallenged.
Post one article remains unchallenged.
Nobody would challenge it. Anyone who claims with certainty that global warming caused the heat wave is silly and wrong. But this is what the weasel Cliff Mass does. He writes deceptive pieces full of strawmen and non sequiturs, doing his best to hand down denier talking points that deniers don't really understand. That's fine. One only has to look at his complete lack of any published climate research or climate science contribution to any respected scientific society to know to get their info elsewhere. But I think he is absolutely PERFECT for you.

You still have nothing, how come you do this so well, how do you babble so much and say nothing of value?

Post one Article remains unchallenged.

And Cliff Mass remains unpublished and unrespected in the field of climate science. I doubt your insufferable whining will change that.
Mass is a believer in AGW.

According to Mass, "Global warming is an extraordinarily serious issue, and scientists have a key role to play in communicating what is known and what is not about this critical issue.[9]"

Mass has stated publicly that he shares the scientific consensus that global warming is real and that human activity is a major cause of warming trend in the late 20th and 21st centuries.[10][11] He has been critical of the Paris Climate accord for not going far enough to address the negative impacts of climate change.[12]
A comment from the posted article link:

Lee L

From the article:
” For example, the U.S. National Climate Assessment found the warmest day of the year over the Northwest actually COOLED between a historic (1901-1960) and a contemporary period (1986-2016)”

As I’ve noted before, it is worth looking up the Pacific Northwest on Berkeley Earth where you can find the RATE of warming or otherwise.
Whats New - Berkeley Earth

… where you will find the following produced from DATA ( not models):

Mean RATE of temperature change(degrees C/century SINCE 1990):
Vancouver, BC -1.62 +/-.60
Seattle -1.27 +/-.67
Portland -1.62 +/- .60

British Columbia -.04 (+/-.32)
Washington state -.54 (+/-.41)
Oregon state -.33 (+/-.29)

Now it has been over 30 years since 1990 which ought to be enough time to see some evidence of an ACCELERATING CLIMATE EMERGENCY developing in the region.

Note: those Minus signs are NOT typos.

cut out the dead brush and trees you stupid fuck and your fires will go down.
Oh look, someone listened to a rightwing nutjob podcast and thinks he is an expert, now.

In which forest? which federal land, professor? Why would that mean mire frequent and intense fires now, if that's always the case? So many questions...
Oh look, some left-wing nutjob rejects common sense. I lived in the west for decades. I've not watched nor listened to a podcast on the subject. I've done some actual research.

If you ever decide to drop your blinders and ideological hatred, you'd do some too.
The evidence is in and the result say that the heatwave was natural based because it was natural weather based events that caused it, not the magical gnome trace gas so many warmist/alarmist have delirium tremens over.

Watts Up With That?

Was Global Warming The Cause of the Great Northwest Heatwave? Science Says No.​

Reposted from The Cliff Mass Weather Blog

July 6, 2021


During the past week, the Pacific Northwest experienced the most severe heat event of the past century.

All-time high-temperature records were broken throughout the region, often by large margins. Many in the media, several local and national politicians, and some activist environmental scientists have claimed that this event was “driven by” or predominantly forced by human-inspired global warming (usually referred to as “climate change”).But such global warming claims are not supported by the facts and our best scientific understanding.


Truth and Rigorous Science About Climate Change is Necessary for Wise Decisions
In this blog, I will use observations, modeling, climatological data, and the peer-reviewed scientific literature to demonstrate that human-caused global warming played a very small role in the extreme heat event that we just experienced here in the Pacific Northwest.I will describe the origins of a meteorological black swan eventand how the atmosphere is capable of attaining extreme, unusual conditions without any aid from our species.As you read this, consider that I have actively pursued research on Northwest heatwaves, published several papers in the peer-reviewed literature on this specific topic, and have run both weather prediction and climate models that simulate such events. This subject is in my wheelhouse.

I also discuss the seriousness of misinformation. You and others can not make wise decisions when the information provided to you is not based on truth and science.

He's a well known climate denier whack-a-doodle.

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