WAR On WOMEN By Republicans

Leftwing propaganda sites.

Can't have productive debate if one side is retarded.

You're the one who says personal behavior and character mean nothing regarding politics.

I know you're a proven idiot - but surely even you must know the difference between personal behavior and legislation.

What legislation have Democrats passed against women's rights?

Personal behavior reveals character. Why would you support a politician who treats women like Bill Clinton did? It's called "walking the talk". If you don't walk your talk, you're a hypocrite. Why would you support a hypocritical candidate like Hillary for ignoring the bad behavior of her husband? You're a hypocrite.
The Republican war on women is real and well documented.

Bill Clinton and Ted Kennedy's war on women is real and well docunted. Lying hypocritical leftist.

What exactly did Bill Clinton and Ted Kennedy do "politically" that was against women's rights?

They established that only lying, manipulative Liberal assholes can manage to degrade, oppress and victimize Women right out in the open and then use them like a Kleenex to be casually discarded afterwards, AND STILL HAVE THE LIBERAL AND THE MEDIA SINGING THE LIE THAT THE GOP IS ANTI-WOMEN!


Was my question too difficult for you?

Was my response too honest?
The Republican war on women is real and well documented.

Bill Clinton and Ted Kennedy's war on women is real and well docunted. Lying hypocritical leftist.

What exactly did Bill Clinton and Ted Kennedy do "politically" that was against women's rights?
Politically they told men it's ok to screw around on your wives, and their wives said 'women, it's ok for your men to screw around on you' by staying..

Really? They said that? Please provide some "credible" links to prove it.

BTW, their "personal indiscretions" were thoroughly investigated and litigated.

Men and women caught in the act of adultery were removed from the military with a dishonorable discharge (anyone who has actually served in the military knows this). President Clinton was placed as Commander-in-Chief of the military. Yet the response towards this president proves that political power and charisma can place you at an "untouchable" standard above those your subjects must follow.

With reference to Ted Kennedy, do you think he would have been treated differently had he not been a big name senator? It's amazing how the rules often change with exceptions and "excuses", the more political power you obtain.
The Republican war on women is real and well documented.

Bill Clinton and Ted Kennedy's war on women is real and well docunted. Lying hypocritical leftist.

What exactly did Bill Clinton and Ted Kennedy do "politically" that was against women's rights?

Seriously? Slick sexually harrassed a Democratic activist in the White House and Mary Jo is Very Dead.

So? What does that have "politically" to do with "legislated" women's rights?

You retarded clowns are whining about "personal" behavior.

I'm sorry I made you cry, man. Calm down. It's OK, it's just a political discussion. Jesus, grow a pair gay boy. If I want to talk about how I feel I'll let you know, fag, in the mean time, try to man up and focus on the discussion.

And your post so clearly demonstrated my point about misogynistic Democrats. Thanks!
democrats know one thing - hatred.

democrats successfully put Barack Obama in office based on racial hatred. The filthy scum of the DNC are now bringing their act to gender, to try and create hatred in women to retain power.
Really? They said that? Please provide some "credible" links to prove it.
Honey, actions sometimes speak much louder than words ever can. Talk about misogynistic. And the sad thing is many liberal women still think Hillary was right in staying. Talk about truly contrary actions to what they scream so loudly that they care about. That is putting up with totally misogynistic behavior.

In other words - you ain't got shit. Hillary's marital decisions are.............................HILLARY'S MARITAL DECISIONS.

So you'd vote for a convicted rapist. My, how progressive.

Who's a convicted rapist?

You just said personal behavior doesn't matter. Therefore, as long as you agree with their political agenda, they could be a rapist, drug addict, child molester, etc, and you would support them. Shame on you.


You are absolutely right!!!

Senate Republicans on Monday blocked for the fourth time a bill that would strengthen federal equal pay laws for women.

Paycheck Fairness Act Blocked Again By Senate GOP

And the Republican war on women continues...

Yes, Archie Bunker, women cannot get equal pay without government. They aren't capable of making it on their own like men are. Government must take care of them. It is only in your complete disregard for them as capable, self sufficient human beings that you have found them as the unequal equals that you view them to be.

You're such a head up your ass douche it's just pure comedy. Post on, Archie Bunker. Has your wife made you a nice egg sandwich today? You know, since you're so looking out for her as you tell her you can't make it without you doing it for you because you think she's an equal?

LOL, couldn't make up overt, sexist, knuckle dragging like you if I tried. And all the liberal Edith's are right there with you, thanking you, Archie. I mean you're trying to get them what they care about. A lower bar and free birth control. You know, like any women wants. Liberals are beyond pathetic, you're pathological.
What exactly did Bill Clinton and Ted Kennedy do "politically" that was against women's rights?
Politically they told men it's ok to screw around on your wives, and their wives said 'women, it's ok for your men to screw around on you' by staying..

Really? They said that? Please provide some "credible" links to prove it.
Honey, actions sometimes speak much louder than words ever can. Talk about misogynistic. And the sad thing is many liberal women still think Hillary was right in staying. Talk about truly contrary actions to what they scream so loudly that they care about. That is putting up with totally misogynistic behavior.

In other words - you ain't got shit. Hillary's marital decisions are.............................HILLARY'S MARITAL DECISIONS.

So you'd vote for a convicted rapist as long as they were democrat. My, how progressive.

And even someone who DEFENDED a child rapist???

Senate Republicans on Monday blocked for the fourth time a bill that would strengthen federal equal pay laws for women.

Paycheck Fairness Act Blocked Again By Senate GOP

And the Republican war on women continues...

Make no mistake about it...


...the Obama White House pays women 13% less than men!

Male-female pay gap remains entrenched at White House

By Zachary A. Goldfarb July 1

The White House has not narrowed the gap between the average pay of male and female employees since President Obama’s first year in office, according to a Washington Post analysis of new salary data.

The average male White House employee currently earns about $88,600, while the average female White House employee earns about $78,400, according to White House data released Tuesday. That is a gap of 13 percent.

In 2009, male employees made an average of about $82,000, compared to an average of $72,700 earned by female employees — also a 13 percent wage gap.

Male-female pay gap remains entrenched at White House - The Washington Post

Gee, maybe Barry should get out his pen and dust off his telephone so he can do one of those Executive Orders he likes so much and get the Women on his staff paid as much as the men.

Surely you can get it done, Barack!

Let's all shout it together:

Yes he CAN!

Yes he CAN!

Yes he CAN!
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