WAR On WOMEN By Republicans

And the left calls the Republican candidate names! Shall we start naming the ones used on Sarah Palin?

You obviously have a thin skin, and a short memory!

Was that before or after the Right called Hillary insulting names?
The Right were calling women they hate "feminazis" since the 1980s, long before Celebutard Palin entered the scene. (Celebutard is a Limbaugh term approved by Palin)
And it all started with the Right's vilification of Hillary. You didn't see the personal name-calling of Nancy Reagan, Rosalyn Carter, Pat Nixon, etc. Nobody publicly called Betty Ford a drunk. No one on the Left had a harsh word about Laura Bush.

First ladies (and families) were off limit until Hillary and Chelsea.

Goddam it!

You educated fools really think we don't like Blacks or Women?

We just have a higher standard for those we choose as our public servants.

We say, bring the voters a qualified Black man and what do you show up with?

Motherfuckin Obama!

Now, if you'd said Ben Carson or Allen West, then we'd be on the same page.

Next, you say you want a woman.


Condi Rice, Nicki Haley, Liz Cheney, and I'd have to go to my binder of women's resumes to come up with other names, because that's where bosses and personnel managers are SUPPOSED TO KEEP RESUMES OF QUALIFIED POTENTIAL STAFF MEMBERS!

Anyone who already had the names of women in their heads who'd fill cabinet positions would probably be suspect of practicing cronyism or nepotism or something!

Fine, even if you don't choose a ConservaBabe as your standard bearer, why in hell do you insist on HILLARY?

We want some good, qualified women of substance and integrity and intelligence and courage to choose from in the 2016 election.

But nooooo!

You want us to get in bed with Hillary!


Bring us some decent Black and Women liberal candidates and even some Conservatives will vote for them.

The crap you guys tend to nominate are just the dregs of the political barrel all gussied up and given the right things to say.

Like that 3:00 AM phone call.

Oh, that was an effective ad. Wasn't it?

But the ad was just fantasy. No one took that call. And Hillary was right there.

So, here's MY fantasy of what went on in the Situation Room.

3:00am Operator: Call from Ambassador Stevens will you accept the charges?

Phone hangs up. *Click*

4:00am Operator: Call from Ambassador Stevens will you accept the charges?

Phone hangs up. *Click*

5:00am Operator: Call from Ambassador Stevens will you accept the charges?

Phone hangs up. *Click*

6:00am Operator: Call from Ambassador Stevens will you accept the charges?

Phone hangs up. *Click*

And so on until all at the Benghazi mission are dead.


Hillary (to military advisor): "We can't have anyone witness what happened with the illegal arms transfer Chris Stevens was arranging, so it's best that there be no survivors. You got me? Your President is counting on you to see nothing, do nothing and say nothing to investigators.

Just leave it ALL to me! I'LL do all the talking!"

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The Republican war on women is real and well documented.

Speaking of "well documented". With regard to within the Obama Administration itself, and from the view of your own well loved New York Times liberals -
A study released in January showed that female White House staff members make on average 88 cents for every dollar a male staff member earns.


Another interesting concern for women we see "the president has incurred persistent criticism that women in his White House for the most part are kept out of the inner circle."

Obama s record on paying women White House aides not stellar - Washington Times

Yet where exactly is in fact (well documented) women's GREATEST concern and battle line to be fought, from the eyes of liberals?

Lib Hero Sandra Fluke Free Birth Control Is a Natural Human Right 8211 I Won 8217 t Be Silenced The Gateway Pundit

So we have an increased dependency on government to provide FOR women, as a means to keep women from having to earn and provide for themselves. Now there is an achievement forward that career minded women can march down the street and be proud of, I'm sure.
So we have an increased dependency on government to provide FOR women, as a means to keep women from having to earn and provide for themselves. Now there is an achievement forward that career minded women can march down the street and be proud of, I'm sure.

Exactly. Women are people, they don't need more or less government than anyone else. The insinuation from knuckle dragging neanderthal misogynists like Lakhota they need more handouts and a lower bar is what's sexist.
The left has no problem with the word "war" with Republicans. They seem to have a problem with the word "war" when it comes to the Muslim terrorists who want to saw their heads off.
Some liberal scum believe if you don't like their blacks, women, etc in politics then you really are a racist even if it is Allen West saying it.

Other liberals know we are not racists and we don't hate women....they just say it to rile up the idiots within the general public for votes against the GOP.

Which one is you????
Some liberal scum believe if you don't like their blacks, women, etc in politics then you really are a racist even if it is Allen West saying it.

Other liberals know we are not racists and we don't hate women....they just say it to rile up the idiots within the general public for votes against the GOP.

Which one is you????

You really need to get off Fox News.
The Republican war on women is real and well documented.

Bill Clinton and Ted Kennedy's war on women is real and well docunted. Lying hypocritical leftist.

What exactly did Bill Clinton and Ted Kennedy do "politically" that was against women's rights?

They established that only lying, manipulative Liberal assholes can manage to degrade, oppress and victimize Women right out in the open and then use them like a Kleenex to be casually discarded afterwards, AND STILL HAVE THE LIBERAL AND THE MEDIA SINGING THE LIE THAT THE GOP IS ANTI-WOMEN!

The Republican war on women is real and well documented.

Bill Clinton and Ted Kennedy's war on women is real and well docunted. Lying hypocritical leftist.

What exactly did Bill Clinton and Ted Kennedy do "politically" that was against women's rights?

They established that only lying, manipulative Liberal assholes can manage to degrade, oppress and victimize Women right out in the open and then use them like a Kleenex to be casually discarded afterwards, AND STILL HAVE THE LIBERAL AND THE MEDIA SINGING THE LIE THAT THE GOP IS ANTI-WOMEN!


Was my question too difficult for you?
Some liberal scum believe if you don't like their blacks, women, etc in politics then you really are a racist even if it is Allen West saying it.

Other liberals know we are not racists and we don't hate women....they just say it to rile up the idiots within the general public for votes against the GOP.

Which one is you????

You really need to get off Fox News.
You need to get honest.
The Republican war on women is real and well documented.

Bill Clinton and Ted Kennedy's war on women is real and well docunted. Lying hypocritical leftist.

What exactly did Bill Clinton and Ted Kennedy do "politically" that was against women's rights?

They established that only lying, manipulative Liberal assholes can manage to degrade, oppress and victimize Women right out in the open and then use them like a Kleenex to be casually discarded afterwards, AND STILL HAVE THE LIBERAL AND THE MEDIA SINGING THE LIE THAT THE GOP IS ANTI-WOMEN!


Was my question too difficult for you?

The Republican war on women is real and well documented.

Bill Clinton and Ted Kennedy's war on women is real and well docunted. Lying hypocritical leftist.

What exactly did Bill Clinton and Ted Kennedy do "politically" that was against women's rights?

They established that only lying, manipulative Liberal assholes can manage to degrade, oppress and victimize Women right out in the open and then use them like a Kleenex to be casually discarded afterwards, AND STILL HAVE THE LIBERAL AND THE MEDIA SINGING THE LIE THAT THE GOP IS ANTI-WOMEN!


Was my question too difficult for you?

Ladies and Gents,

Instant Karma just bit Lakhota.

You don't think character matters politically.

And yet it definitely does, Lakhota.

The thing Ted and Bill did POLITICALLY to harm women is to force onto ALL young women that that kind of behavior is acceptable. That, for these kinds of men in politics and economics and entertainment and the media and everywhere there is money, these creeps must be tolerated, even defered to and hypocritically looked up to by young women who shouldn't have to accept these kinds of reprobates in their party or their politics.
The Republican war on women is real and well documented.

Bill Clinton and Ted Kennedy's war on women is real and well docunted. Lying hypocritical leftist.

What exactly did Bill Clinton and Ted Kennedy do "politically" that was against women's rights?

Seriously? Slick sexually harrassed a Democratic activist in the White House and Mary Jo is Very Dead.

So? What does that have "politically" to do with "legislated" women's rights?

You retarded clowns are whining about "personal" behavior.
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