Want to save the GOP, Republicans? Vote for every Democrat on this year’s ballot.

What republicans need to do is bitch slap democrats into the middle of the next century. Bitch slap them so hard the bitch slap gets a new name, the Trump slap.
If the GOP is going to be a credible, center-right party, Republicans have to treat the 2018 election as a parliamentary-style housecleaning.

By contrast, one of the great virtues of the American system of separated powers is that voters, usually, can ignore party affiliation if they feel a candidate is worth their support. Our model forces the legislative and executive branches to seek separate mandates from the electorate. In our system, voters can separate the party from its leader. They can split their tickets regionally, nationally and by party. They can even vote for divided government, and choose to place the executive and legislative power in opposing hands.

For now, however, those days are over — at least for the Republican Party. Rather than acting like a national party, entrusted with separate but coequal branches of government, the GOP at every level and in every state has been captured by the personality cult that has congealed around President Trump, and it is now operating like a parliamentary party, utterly submissive to its erratic but powerful prime minister. Republican elected officials, from Congress to the state houses, have chosen to become little more than enablers for an out of control executive branch.

The only way to put a stop to this is to vote against the GOP in every race, at every level in 2018. It’s tough medicine. But as someone who’s voted Republican for nearly 40 years, who favors limited government and public integrity, and who believes America still needs a credible, responsible center-right party, I see no alternative. (more click this link)
Perspective | Want to save the GOP, Republicans? Vote for every Democrat on this year’s ballot.

The only way to save the Republican party is to crush it,and then rebuild it back into a viable functioning body, that focus's on the principles of the Republican party--and not a popularity stardom contest. This country has elected a man with the emotional stability of a teenage drama queen with a 7th grade understanding of U.S. .policy, and no one can keep him in check. Trump is a National disgrace. You can listen to this New York Times op-ed that is corroborated by Bob Woodward's new book fear.
Hear the entire NYT stunning op-ed - CNN Video

So for the good of this nation and the credibility of the Republican party over the long term, you must choose
COUNTRY over PARTY and vote for Democrats this midterm.

This has got to go.


Only real pussies would want a center-right party. Those are the kinds of RINOs that would be willing to compromise with you commies. Plus I voted a week ago, so your propaganda has zero effect. LMAO


You're an example of why the Republican party is going to turn into a party of old white angry males. I don't how many elections you expect to win with being a minority party, but that is exactly where this party is headed.

Moderates are the majority in this country, meaning moderate Republicans & moderate Democrats. Lose them you're done, and that is what this article is trying to explain. Everything moves from center out, not left or right wing in.


Girl, you're an idiot. There are no moderates in leadership on the left, you keep spewing all this democratic socialist crap you're gonna lose the country forever. And deservedly so.


Sure there is. Did you ever hear of JFK, Lyndon Johnson. How do you think Democrats win in Red States? Same thing with Republicans holding states in blue states. They're not right or left wing they're moderates. They're blue dog Democrats. They appeal to both moderate Republicans and moderate Democrats. Ronald Reagan was a moderate Republican, that's how he won in landslide elections--he appealed to both sides.

Now we're going to see the rise of Blue dog democrats. They're making a come back in states like Alabama where Doug Jones won. He's not a liberal democrat but a blue dog. Hillary Clinton was a blue dog democrat, not what you would consider a liberal democrat.

First of all we are a presidential not a parliamentary form of government, secondary the very fundamental principles of the "old" democratic party have been thrown under the bus. Concensus, or reaching such, no longer is an option, unless one capitulates, gives in to failed principles and policies of the party out of power. Today you have a former president, host of disenfranchised political hacks, demanding and requesting their lemmings to drink the kool aid, advocate for unrest and protest, yell and scream, like little spoiled entitled children. When was the last time one of the other side of the bench, spectrum, acted in such a manor? Let's hope the center retains control because the left is totally out of touch with those that actually work for a living. On a closing note, is it not interesting of which states are in play to the highest bidder? Is it all about money and not principles and yes results?
If the GOP is going to be a credible, center-right party, Republicans have to treat the 2018 election as a parliamentary-style housecleaning.

By contrast, one of the great virtues of the American system of separated powers is that voters, usually, can ignore party affiliation if they feel a candidate is worth their support. Our model forces the legislative and executive branches to seek separate mandates from the electorate. In our system, voters can separate the party from its leader. They can split their tickets regionally, nationally and by party. They can even vote for divided government, and choose to place the executive and legislative power in opposing hands.

For now, however, those days are over — at least for the Republican Party. Rather than acting like a national party, entrusted with separate but coequal branches of government, the GOP at every level and in every state has been captured by the personality cult that has congealed around President Trump, and it is now operating like a parliamentary party, utterly submissive to its erratic but powerful prime minister. Republican elected officials, from Congress to the state houses, have chosen to become little more than enablers for an out of control executive branch.

The only way to put a stop to this is to vote against the GOP in every race, at every level in 2018. It’s tough medicine. But as someone who’s voted Republican for nearly 40 years, who favors limited government and public integrity, and who believes America still needs a credible, responsible center-right party, I see no alternative. (more click this link)
Perspective | Want to save the GOP, Republicans? Vote for every Democrat on this year’s ballot.

The only way to save the Republican party is to crush it,and then rebuild it back into a viable functioning body, that focus's on the principles of the Republican party--and not a popularity stardom contest. This country has elected a man with the emotional stability of a teenage drama queen with a 7th grade understanding of U.S. .policy, and no one can keep him in check. Trump is a National disgrace. You can listen to this New York Times op-ed that is corroborated by Bob Woodward's new book fear.
Hear the entire NYT stunning op-ed - CNN Video

So for the good of this nation and the credibility of the Republican party over the long term, you must choose
COUNTRY over PARTY and vote for Democrats this midterm.

This has got to go.


Only real pussies would want a center-right party. Those are the kinds of RINOs that would be willing to compromise with you commies. Plus I voted a week ago, so your propaganda has zero effect. LMAO


You're an example of why the Republican party is going to turn into a party of old white angry males. I don't how many elections you expect to win with being a minority party, but that is exactly where this party is headed.

Moderates are the majority in this country, meaning moderate Republicans & moderate Democrats. Lose them you're done, and that is what this article is trying to explain. Everything moves from center out, not left or right wing in.


Girl, you're an idiot. There are no moderates in leadership on the left, you keep spewing all this democratic socialist crap you're gonna lose the country forever. And deservedly so.


Sure there is. Did you ever hear of JFK, Lyndon Johnson. How do you think Democrats win in Red States? Same thing with Republicans holding states in blue states. They're not right or left wing they're moderates. They're blue dog Democrats. They appeal to both moderate Republicans and moderate Democrats. Ronald Reagan was a moderate Republican, that's how he won in landslide elections--he appealed to both sides.

Now we're going to see the rise of Blue dog democrats. They're making a come back in states like Alabama where Doug Jones won. He's not a liberal democrat but a blue dog. Hillary Clinton was a blue dog democrat, not what you would consider a liberal democrat.

The oreo cookie is full of shit. Don't buy his/her shit. He/she refused to discuss his/her much repeated claims regarding JFK. He/she is a more sophisticated leftist that at the end of the day is full of crap.
Absolutely, what a huge pile of bs

We should vote for Dems to save the Republican Party. ROFL

Don’t you get the feeling that true desperation is setting in.......

Do you actually believe you have a conservative Republican in Donald Trump? Do you know why 7 million Republicans cast a 3 party vote or cast a vote for Hillary Clinton in 2016? Because Hillary Clinton is actually more conservative than Trump is.

While you were T.V. Reality star gazing, you ignored some very critical information.

1, No conservative would have ever campaigned on single payer health care. Trump did.
Trump Pushes Single Payer Healthcare, Tax Increase on Wealthy | Breitbart
2. No conservative would have proposed another Obamacare type program, only called child care subsidies.
Donald Trump Proposes Child-Care Subsidies
3. No conservative would have ever stated they are the king of debt & love debt.

Why Donald Trump has crowned himself the 'king of debt'
4. No conservative would have ever promoted eminent domain. They hate it.
Donald Trump's weird love affair with eminent domain

Donald Trump's Eminent Domain Love Nearly Cost a Widow Her House
5. No conservative Republican would have ever threatened American corporations with higher taxes or tariff's on American products made overseas. Trump did.
Trump threatens Harley-Davidson with taxes ‘like never before’ and predicts its eventual collapse

What you elected was this.


Which is what the article is about. If Republicans want to go back to center right, & to the sound principles of a smaller government & fiscal conservatism, they will have to crush the extreme right wing of the party that gave us Donald Trump. The only way to do that is to vote for Democrats all the way down the ballot, thereby losing the battle in order to win the war.
Last edited:
Absolutely, what a huge pile of bs

We should vote for Dems to save the Republican Party. ROFL

Don’t you get the feeling that true desperation is setting in.......

Do you actually believe you have a conservative Republican in Donald Trump. Do you know why 7 million Republicans cast a 3 party vote or voted for Hillary Clinton 2016? Because Hillary Clinton is actually more conservative than Trump is

While you were T.V. Reality star gazing you ignored some very critical information.

1, No conservative would have ever campaigned on single payer health care. Trump did.
Trump Pushes Single Payer Healthcare, Tax Increase on Wealthy | Breitbart
2. No conservative would have proposed another Obamacare type program, only called child care subsidies.
Donald Trump Proposes Child-Care Subsidies
3. No conservative would have ever stated they are the king of debt & love debt.
Bloomberg - Are you a robot?
4. No conservative would have ever promoted eminent domain. They hate it.
Donald Trump's weird love affair with eminent domain
5. No conservative Republican would threaten American corporations with higher taxes or tariff's on products made overseas.
Trump threatens Harley-Davidson with taxes ‘like never before’ and predicts its eventual collapse

What you elected was this.


Which is what the article is about. If Republicans want to go back to center right=& to the sound principles of a smaller government & fiscal conservatism, they will have to crush the extreme right wing of the party that gave us Donald Trump, by voting for Democrats all the way down the ballot this midterm.
A liberal whore. Does as she is told.
If the GOP is going to be a credible, center-right party, Republicans have to treat the 2018 election as a parliamentary-style housecleaning.

By contrast, one of the great virtues of the American system of separated powers is that voters, usually, can ignore party affiliation if they feel a candidate is worth their support. Our model forces the legislative and executive branches to seek separate mandates from the electorate. In our system, voters can separate the party from its leader. They can split their tickets regionally, nationally and by party. They can even vote for divided government, and choose to place the executive and legislative power in opposing hands.

For now, however, those days are over — at least for the Republican Party. Rather than acting like a national party, entrusted with separate but coequal branches of government, the GOP at every level and in every state has been captured by the personality cult that has congealed around President Trump, and it is now operating like a parliamentary party, utterly submissive to its erratic but powerful prime minister. Republican elected officials, from Congress to the state houses, have chosen to become little more than enablers for an out of control executive branch.

The only way to put a stop to this is to vote against the GOP in every race, at every level in 2018. It’s tough medicine. But as someone who’s voted Republican for nearly 40 years, who favors limited government and public integrity, and who believes America still needs a credible, responsible center-right party, I see no alternative. (more click this link)
Perspective | Want to save the GOP, Republicans? Vote for every Democrat on this year’s ballot.

The only way to save the Republican party is to crush it,and then rebuild it back into a viable functioning body, that focus's on the principles of the Republican party--and not a popularity stardom contest. This country has elected a man with the emotional stability of a teenage drama queen with a 7th grade understanding of U.S. .policy, and no one can keep him in check. Trump is a National disgrace. You can listen to this New York Times op-ed that is corroborated by Bob Woodward's new book fear.
Hear the entire NYT stunning op-ed - CNN Video

So for the good of this nation and the credibility of the Republican party over the long term, you must choose
COUNTRY over PARTY and vote for Democrats this midterm.

This has got to go.


Only real pussies would want a center-right party. Those are the kinds of RINOs that would be willing to compromise with you commies. Plus I voted a week ago, so your propaganda has zero effect. LMAO


You're an example of why the Republican party is going to turn into a party of old white angry males. I don't how many elections you expect to win with being a minority party, but that is exactly where this party is headed.

Moderates are the majority in this country, meaning moderate Republicans & moderate Democrats. Lose them you're done, and that is what this article is trying to explain. Everything moves from center out, not left or right wing in.


Girl, you're an idiot. There are no moderates in leadership on the left, you keep spewing all this democratic socialist crap you're gonna lose the country forever. And deservedly so.


Sure there is. Did you ever hear of JFK, Lyndon Johnson. How do you think Democrats win in Red States? Same thing with Republicans holding states in blue states. They're not right or left wing they're moderates. They're blue dog Democrats. They appeal to both moderate Republicans and moderate Democrats. Ronald Reagan was a moderate Republican, that's how he won in landslide elections--he appealed to both sides.

Now we're going to see the rise of Blue dog democrats. They're making a come back in states like Alabama where Doug Jones won. He's not a liberal democrat but a blue dog. Hillary Clinton was a blue dog democrat, not what you would consider a liberal democrat.


Have ever heard of the 21st century? Maobama killed all the bluedogs and Johnson was a left wing socialist twerp. Republicans hold seats away from the commie metropolitan strongholds, doesn't matter if the State is blue, red or purple.

Absolutely, what a huge pile of bs

We should vote for Dems to save the Republican Party. ROFL

Don’t you get the feeling that true desperation is setting in.......

Do you actually believe you have a conservative Republican in Donald Trump? Do you know why 7 million Republicans cast a 3 party vote or cast a vote for Hillary Clinton in 2016? Because Hillary Clinton is actually more conservative than Trump is.

While you were T.V. Reality star gazing, you ignored some very critical information.

1, No conservative would have ever campaigned on single payer health care. Trump did.
Trump Pushes Single Payer Healthcare, Tax Increase on Wealthy | Breitbart
2. No conservative would have proposed another Obamacare type program, only called child care subsidies.
Donald Trump Proposes Child-Care Subsidies
3. No conservative would have ever stated they are the king of debt & love debt.

Why Donald Trump has crowned himself the 'king of debt'
4. No conservative would have ever promoted eminent domain. They hate it.
Donald Trump's weird love affair with eminent domain

Donald Trump's Eminent Domain Love Nearly Cost a Widow Her House
5. No conservative Republican would have ever threatened American corporations with higher taxes or tariff's on American products made overseas. Trump did.
Trump threatens Harley-Davidson with taxes ‘like never before’ and predicts its eventual collapse

What you elected was this.


Which is what the article is about. If Republicans want to go back to center right, & to the sound principles of a smaller government & fiscal conservatism, they will have to crush the extreme right wing of the party that gave us Donald Trump. The only way to do that is to vote for Democrats all the way down the ballot, thereby losing the battle in order to win the war.

ROFLMFAO, he's evolved since then.

If the GOP is going to be a credible, center-right party, Republicans have to treat the 2018 election as a parliamentary-style housecleaning.

By contrast, one of the great virtues of the American system of separated powers is that voters, usually, can ignore party affiliation if they feel a candidate is worth their support. Our model forces the legislative and executive branches to seek separate mandates from the electorate. In our system, voters can separate the party from its leader. They can split their tickets regionally, nationally and by party. They can even vote for divided government, and choose to place the executive and legislative power in opposing hands.

For now, however, those days are over — at least for the Republican Party. Rather than acting like a national party, entrusted with separate but coequal branches of government, the GOP at every level and in every state has been captured by the personality cult that has congealed around President Trump, and it is now operating like a parliamentary party, utterly submissive to its erratic but powerful prime minister. Republican elected officials, from Congress to the state houses, have chosen to become little more than enablers for an out of control executive branch.

The only way to put a stop to this is to vote against the GOP in every race, at every level in 2018. It’s tough medicine. But as someone who’s voted Republican for nearly 40 years, who favors limited government and public integrity, and who believes America still needs a credible, responsible center-right party, I see no alternative. (more click this link)
Perspective | Want to save the GOP, Republicans? Vote for every Democrat on this year’s ballot.

The only way to save the Republican party is to crush it,and then rebuild it back into a viable functioning body, that focus's on the principles of the Republican party--and not a popularity stardom contest. This country has elected a man with the emotional stability of a teenage drama queen with a 7th grade understanding of U.S. .policy, and no one can keep him in check. Trump is a National disgrace. You can listen to this New York Times op-ed that is corroborated by Bob Woodward's new book fear.
Hear the entire NYT stunning op-ed - CNN Video

So for the good of this nation and the credibility of the Republican party over the long term, you must choose
COUNTRY over PARTY and vote for Democrats this midterm.

This has got to go.


Only real pussies would want a center-right party. Those are the kinds of RINOs that would be willing to compromise with you commies. Plus I voted a week ago, so your propaganda has zero effect. LMAO


You're an example of why the Republican party is going to turn into a party of old white angry males. I don't how many elections you expect to win with being a minority party, but that is exactly where this party is headed.

Moderates are the majority in this country, meaning moderate Republicans & moderate Democrats. Lose them you're done, and that is what this article is trying to explain. Everything moves from center out, not left or right wing in.


Girl, you're an idiot. There are no moderates in leadership on the left, you keep spewing all this democratic socialist crap you're gonna lose the country forever. And deservedly so.


Sure there is. Did you ever hear of JFK, Lyndon Johnson. How do you think Democrats win in Red States? Same thing with Republicans holding states in blue states. They're not right or left wing they're moderates. They're blue dog Democrats. They appeal to both moderate Republicans and moderate Democrats. Ronald Reagan was a moderate Republican, that's how he won in landslide elections--he appealed to both sides.

Now we're going to see the rise of Blue dog democrats. They're making a come back in states like Alabama where Doug Jones won. He's not a liberal democrat but a blue dog. Hillary Clinton was a blue dog democrat, not what you would consider a liberal democrat.


Have ever heard of the 21st century? Maobama killed all the bluedogs and Johnson was a left wing socialist twerp. Republicans hold seats away from the commie metropolitan strongholds, doesn't matter if the State is blue, red or purple.

Not True--Doug Jones managed to pull off a win in Alabama, and right now it's looking pretty good for Stacy Abrams in Georgia. Both Democrats in very red states. They didn't get there by being liberal democrats--:auiqs.jpg:

If Beto O'Rourke wins in Texas--it will be because Republicans were voting for him, meaning he appealed to them too. Or they're just sick and tired of Lying Ted--(now "beautiful" Ted) I guess.
Only real pussies would want a center-right party. Those are the kinds of RINOs that would be willing to compromise with you commies. Plus I voted a week ago, so your propaganda has zero effect. LMAO


You're an example of why the Republican party is going to turn into a party of old white angry males. I don't how many elections you expect to win with being a minority party, but that is exactly where this party is headed.

Moderates are the majority in this country, meaning moderate Republicans & moderate Democrats. Lose them you're done, and that is what this article is trying to explain. Everything moves from center out, not left or right wing in.


Girl, you're an idiot. There are no moderates in leadership on the left, you keep spewing all this democratic socialist crap you're gonna lose the country forever. And deservedly so.


Sure there is. Did you ever hear of JFK, Lyndon Johnson. How do you think Democrats win in Red States? Same thing with Republicans holding states in blue states. They're not right or left wing they're moderates. They're blue dog Democrats. They appeal to both moderate Republicans and moderate Democrats. Ronald Reagan was a moderate Republican, that's how he won in landslide elections--he appealed to both sides.

Now we're going to see the rise of Blue dog democrats. They're making a come back in states like Alabama where Doug Jones won. He's not a liberal democrat but a blue dog. Hillary Clinton was a blue dog democrat, not what you would consider a liberal democrat.


Have ever heard of the 21st century? Maobama killed all the bluedogs and Johnson was a left wing socialist twerp. Republicans hold seats away from the commie metropolitan strongholds, doesn't matter if the State is blue, red or purple.

Not True--Doug Jones managed to pull off a win in Alabama, and right now it's looking pretty good for Stacy Abrams in Georgia. Both Democrats in very red states. They didn't get there by being liberal democrats--:auiqs.jpg:

If Beto O'Rourke wins in Texas--it will be because Republicans were voting for him, meaning he appealed to them too. Or they're just sick and tired of Lying Ted--(now "beautiful" Ted) I guess.

You will be lucky to have 45 seats in the senate when this is over.

You better hope some voodoo doctor can keep Ruth alive a while longer.

Cause you won't be putting anyone on the SCOTUS for at least four more years.

Better hope Sotomeyer doesn't have her brain turn on....figure out what a dork she is....and die from embarrassment.
Only real pussies would want a center-right party. Those are the kinds of RINOs that would be willing to compromise with you commies. Plus I voted a week ago, so your propaganda has zero effect. LMAO


You're an example of why the Republican party is going to turn into a party of old white angry males. I don't how many elections you expect to win with being a minority party, but that is exactly where this party is headed.

Moderates are the majority in this country, meaning moderate Republicans & moderate Democrats. Lose them you're done, and that is what this article is trying to explain. Everything moves from center out, not left or right wing in.


Girl, you're an idiot. There are no moderates in leadership on the left, you keep spewing all this democratic socialist crap you're gonna lose the country forever. And deservedly so.


Sure there is. Did you ever hear of JFK, Lyndon Johnson. How do you think Democrats win in Red States? Same thing with Republicans holding states in blue states. They're not right or left wing they're moderates. They're blue dog Democrats. They appeal to both moderate Republicans and moderate Democrats. Ronald Reagan was a moderate Republican, that's how he won in landslide elections--he appealed to both sides.

Now we're going to see the rise of Blue dog democrats. They're making a come back in states like Alabama where Doug Jones won. He's not a liberal democrat but a blue dog. Hillary Clinton was a blue dog democrat, not what you would consider a liberal democrat.


Have ever heard of the 21st century? Maobama killed all the bluedogs and Johnson was a left wing socialist twerp. Republicans hold seats away from the commie metropolitan strongholds, doesn't matter if the State is blue, red or purple.

Not True--Doug Jones managed to pull off a win in Alabama, and right now it's looking pretty good for Stacy Abrams in Georgia. Both Democrats in very red states. They didn't get there by being liberal democrats--:auiqs.jpg:

If Beto O'Rourke wins in Texas--it will be because Republicans were voting for him, meaning he appealed to them too. Or they're just sick and tired of Lying Ted--(now "beautiful" Ted) I guess.

Wow, Jones won against a very weak candidate and I haven't been following AL so no comment.

BTW you can forget Beto, he'll be at the unemployment office come Jan. That dishonest fuck has been to every county in TX and has the balls to run ads against Cruz for missing work when he was running for president. I guess that ethic only applies to senators running for president, not reps running for the senate.

You're an example of why the Republican party is going to turn into a party of old white angry males. I don't how many elections you expect to win with being a minority party, but that is exactly where this party is headed.

Moderates are the majority in this country, meaning moderate Republicans & moderate Democrats. Lose them you're done, and that is what this article is trying to explain. Everything moves from center out, not left or right wing in.


Girl, you're an idiot. There are no moderates in leadership on the left, you keep spewing all this democratic socialist crap you're gonna lose the country forever. And deservedly so.


Sure there is. Did you ever hear of JFK, Lyndon Johnson. How do you think Democrats win in Red States? Same thing with Republicans holding states in blue states. They're not right or left wing they're moderates. They're blue dog Democrats. They appeal to both moderate Republicans and moderate Democrats. Ronald Reagan was a moderate Republican, that's how he won in landslide elections--he appealed to both sides.

Now we're going to see the rise of Blue dog democrats. They're making a come back in states like Alabama where Doug Jones won. He's not a liberal democrat but a blue dog. Hillary Clinton was a blue dog democrat, not what you would consider a liberal democrat.


Have ever heard of the 21st century? Maobama killed all the bluedogs and Johnson was a left wing socialist twerp. Republicans hold seats away from the commie metropolitan strongholds, doesn't matter if the State is blue, red or purple.

Not True--Doug Jones managed to pull off a win in Alabama, and right now it's looking pretty good for Stacy Abrams in Georgia. Both Democrats in very red states. They didn't get there by being liberal democrats--:auiqs.jpg:

If Beto O'Rourke wins in Texas--it will be because Republicans were voting for him, meaning he appealed to them too. Or they're just sick and tired of Lying Ted--(now "beautiful" Ted) I guess.

You will be lucky to have 45 seats in the senate when this is over.

You better hope some voodoo doctor can keep Ruth alive a while longer.

Cause you won't be putting anyone on the SCOTUS for at least four more years.

Better hope Sotomeyer doesn't have her brain turn on....figure out what a dork she is....and die from embarrassment.

I think they'll end up with 44, but that's just my opinion.

You're an example of why the Republican party is going to turn into a party of old white angry males. I don't how many elections you expect to win with being a minority party, but that is exactly where this party is headed.

Moderates are the majority in this country, meaning moderate Republicans & moderate Democrats. Lose them you're done, and that is what this article is trying to explain. Everything moves from center out, not left or right wing in.


Girl, you're an idiot. There are no moderates in leadership on the left, you keep spewing all this democratic socialist crap you're gonna lose the country forever. And deservedly so.


Sure there is. Did you ever hear of JFK, Lyndon Johnson. How do you think Democrats win in Red States? Same thing with Republicans holding states in blue states. They're not right or left wing they're moderates. They're blue dog Democrats. They appeal to both moderate Republicans and moderate Democrats. Ronald Reagan was a moderate Republican, that's how he won in landslide elections--he appealed to both sides.

Now we're going to see the rise of Blue dog democrats. They're making a come back in states like Alabama where Doug Jones won. He's not a liberal democrat but a blue dog. Hillary Clinton was a blue dog democrat, not what you would consider a liberal democrat.


Have ever heard of the 21st century? Maobama killed all the bluedogs and Johnson was a left wing socialist twerp. Republicans hold seats away from the commie metropolitan strongholds, doesn't matter if the State is blue, red or purple.

Not True--Doug Jones managed to pull off a win in Alabama, and right now it's looking pretty good for Stacy Abrams in Georgia. Both Democrats in very red states. They didn't get there by being liberal democrats--:auiqs.jpg:

If Beto O'Rourke wins in Texas--it will be because Republicans were voting for him, meaning he appealed to them too. Or they're just sick and tired of Lying Ted--(now "beautiful" Ted) I guess.

Wow, Jones won against a very weak candidate and I haven't been following AL so no comment.

BTW you can forget Beto, he'll be at the unemployment office come Jan. That dishonest fuck has been to every county in TX and has the balls to run ads against Cruz for missing work when he was running for president. I guess that ethic only applies to senators running for president, not reps running for the senate.


How many Independents have you got down there in Texas anyway? The voting has been very heavy which is not typically a good sign for the incumbent. Independents are the largest voting block in this country today, and I imagine they're going to make a difference in a lot of races around the country. And I wouldn't be counting on all Republican ballots as an indication they're voting Republican this year.
Girl, you're an idiot. There are no moderates in leadership on the left, you keep spewing all this democratic socialist crap you're gonna lose the country forever. And deservedly so.


Sure there is. Did you ever hear of JFK, Lyndon Johnson. How do you think Democrats win in Red States? Same thing with Republicans holding states in blue states. They're not right or left wing they're moderates. They're blue dog Democrats. They appeal to both moderate Republicans and moderate Democrats. Ronald Reagan was a moderate Republican, that's how he won in landslide elections--he appealed to both sides.

Now we're going to see the rise of Blue dog democrats. They're making a come back in states like Alabama where Doug Jones won. He's not a liberal democrat but a blue dog. Hillary Clinton was a blue dog democrat, not what you would consider a liberal democrat.


Have ever heard of the 21st century? Maobama killed all the bluedogs and Johnson was a left wing socialist twerp. Republicans hold seats away from the commie metropolitan strongholds, doesn't matter if the State is blue, red or purple.

Not True--Doug Jones managed to pull off a win in Alabama, and right now it's looking pretty good for Stacy Abrams in Georgia. Both Democrats in very red states. They didn't get there by being liberal democrats--:auiqs.jpg:

If Beto O'Rourke wins in Texas--it will be because Republicans were voting for him, meaning he appealed to them too. Or they're just sick and tired of Lying Ted--(now "beautiful" Ted) I guess.

Wow, Jones won against a very weak candidate and I haven't been following AL so no comment.

BTW you can forget Beto, he'll be at the unemployment office come Jan. That dishonest fuck has been to every county in TX and has the balls to run ads against Cruz for missing work when he was running for president. I guess that ethic only applies to senators running for president, not reps running for the senate.


How many Independents have you got down there in Texas anyway? The voting has been very heavy which is not typically a good sign for the incumbent. Independents are the largest voting block in this country today, and I imagine they're going to make a difference in a lot of races around the country. And I wouldn't be counting on all Republican ballots as an indication they're voting Republican this year.

I have no clue, we don't register for a party. You just ask for the ballot you want in a primary, if there's a runoff you can't switch.

THIS is how crazy the Republican Party has gotten.

The very IDEA of a moderate is abhorrent to the current group of Trumpers who have taken over the party

“I would remind you that extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice! And let me remind you also that moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue! —Barry Goldwater​
You're an example of why the Republican party is going to turn into a party of old white angry males. I don't how many elections you expect to win with being a minority party, but that is exactly where this party is headed.

Moderates are the majority in this country, meaning moderate Republicans & moderate Democrats. Lose them you're done, and that is what this article is trying to explain. Everything moves from center out, not left or right wing in.


Girl, you're an idiot. There are no moderates in leadership on the left, you keep spewing all this democratic socialist crap you're gonna lose the country forever. And deservedly so.


Sure there is. Did you ever hear of JFK, Lyndon Johnson. How do you think Democrats win in Red States? Same thing with Republicans holding states in blue states. They're not right or left wing they're moderates. They're blue dog Democrats. They appeal to both moderate Republicans and moderate Democrats. Ronald Reagan was a moderate Republican, that's how he won in landslide elections--he appealed to both sides.

Now we're going to see the rise of Blue dog democrats. They're making a come back in states like Alabama where Doug Jones won. He's not a liberal democrat but a blue dog. Hillary Clinton was a blue dog democrat, not what you would consider a liberal democrat.


Have ever heard of the 21st century? Maobama killed all the bluedogs and Johnson was a left wing socialist twerp. Republicans hold seats away from the commie metropolitan strongholds, doesn't matter if the State is blue, red or purple.

Not True--Doug Jones managed to pull off a win in Alabama, and right now it's looking pretty good for Stacy Abrams in Georgia. Both Democrats in very red states. They didn't get there by being liberal democrats--:auiqs.jpg:

If Beto O'Rourke wins in Texas--it will be because Republicans were voting for him, meaning he appealed to them too. Or they're just sick and tired of Lying Ted--(now "beautiful" Ted) I guess.

Wow, Jones won against a very weak candidate and I haven't been following AL so no comment.

BTW you can forget Beto, he'll be at the unemployment office come Jan. That dishonest fuck has been to every county in TX and has the balls to run ads against Cruz for missing work when he was running for president. I guess that ethic only applies to senators running for president, not reps running for the senate.

Aside from campaigning for the mid terms.when was the last time Cruz was IN Texas?
Girl, you're an idiot. There are no moderates in leadership on the left, you keep spewing all this democratic socialist crap you're gonna lose the country forever. And deservedly so.


Sure there is. Did you ever hear of JFK, Lyndon Johnson. How do you think Democrats win in Red States? Same thing with Republicans holding states in blue states. They're not right or left wing they're moderates. They're blue dog Democrats. They appeal to both moderate Republicans and moderate Democrats. Ronald Reagan was a moderate Republican, that's how he won in landslide elections--he appealed to both sides.

Now we're going to see the rise of Blue dog democrats. They're making a come back in states like Alabama where Doug Jones won. He's not a liberal democrat but a blue dog. Hillary Clinton was a blue dog democrat, not what you would consider a liberal democrat.


Have ever heard of the 21st century? Maobama killed all the bluedogs and Johnson was a left wing socialist twerp. Republicans hold seats away from the commie metropolitan strongholds, doesn't matter if the State is blue, red or purple.

Not True--Doug Jones managed to pull off a win in Alabama, and right now it's looking pretty good for Stacy Abrams in Georgia. Both Democrats in very red states. They didn't get there by being liberal democrats--:auiqs.jpg:

If Beto O'Rourke wins in Texas--it will be because Republicans were voting for him, meaning he appealed to them too. Or they're just sick and tired of Lying Ted--(now "beautiful" Ted) I guess.

Wow, Jones won against a very weak candidate and I haven't been following AL so no comment.

BTW you can forget Beto, he'll be at the unemployment office come Jan. That dishonest fuck has been to every county in TX and has the balls to run ads against Cruz for missing work when he was running for president. I guess that ethic only applies to senators running for president, not reps running for the senate.

Aside from campaigning for the mid terms.when was the last time Cruz was IN Texas?

Ted Cruz is nothing but a political opportunist. Only out for himself. Just click this link to redirect to another thread on this board for an explanation.
Ted Cruz--would you still vote for him?

Senate & House Republicans hate Cruz worse than Democrats do.
Why Senate Republicans hate Ted Cruz
John Boehner calls Ted Cruz 'Lucifer in the flesh' - CNNPolitics


Now he's "beautiful ted"--:auiqs.jpg:
Girl, you're an idiot. There are no moderates in leadership on the left, you keep spewing all this democratic socialist crap you're gonna lose the country forever. And deservedly so.


Sure there is. Did you ever hear of JFK, Lyndon Johnson. How do you think Democrats win in Red States? Same thing with Republicans holding states in blue states. They're not right or left wing they're moderates. They're blue dog Democrats. They appeal to both moderate Republicans and moderate Democrats. Ronald Reagan was a moderate Republican, that's how he won in landslide elections--he appealed to both sides.

Now we're going to see the rise of Blue dog democrats. They're making a come back in states like Alabama where Doug Jones won. He's not a liberal democrat but a blue dog. Hillary Clinton was a blue dog democrat, not what you would consider a liberal democrat.


Have ever heard of the 21st century? Maobama killed all the bluedogs and Johnson was a left wing socialist twerp. Republicans hold seats away from the commie metropolitan strongholds, doesn't matter if the State is blue, red or purple.

Not True--Doug Jones managed to pull off a win in Alabama, and right now it's looking pretty good for Stacy Abrams in Georgia. Both Democrats in very red states. They didn't get there by being liberal democrats--:auiqs.jpg:

If Beto O'Rourke wins in Texas--it will be because Republicans were voting for him, meaning he appealed to them too. Or they're just sick and tired of Lying Ted--(now "beautiful" Ted) I guess.

Wow, Jones won against a very weak candidate and I haven't been following AL so no comment.

BTW you can forget Beto, he'll be at the unemployment office come Jan. That dishonest fuck has been to every county in TX and has the balls to run ads against Cruz for missing work when he was running for president. I guess that ethic only applies to senators running for president, not reps running for the senate.

Aside from campaigning for the mid terms.when was the last time Cruz was IN Texas?

I can think of several times I'm aware of, but if you're not a TX voter, why should you give a shit?


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