Want to save the GOP, Republicans? Vote for every Democrat on this year’s ballot.

I'm with you. I've thought that I could support a Republican candidate if they demonstrated the good parts i see in my Republican friends like being conscious of the deficit, competition, rule of law and justice (even against tax Dodgers and big business), results based policy, environmental sustainability, etc. These are things that a moderate could support. Isolationism, the rights identity politics, climate denial, sustainability denial, supply side obsessed, anti consumer and workers rights. I cant back that stuff and more. I think if the GOP wants a better play at the independents, they should drop as much of the latter items I listed as possible.

I think Independents who are the largest voting block in this country today will decide many of these races. I was a lifelong Republican until they made the Ass Clown the poster boy of the Republican party. I then changed my party status and followed the advise of a long time friend and former staffer of Ronald Reagan.

No shit, Hillary has qualifications? Perhaps you could elaborate.
Then logically the democrats should vote for the GOP to destroy us.

I fully support this effort
I'm with you. I've thought that I could support a Republican candidate if they demonstrated the good parts i see in my Republican friends like being conscious of the deficit, competition, rule of law and justice (even against tax Dodgers and big business), results based policy, environmental sustainability, etc. These are things that a moderate could support. Isolationism, the rights identity politics, climate denial, sustainability denial, supply side obsessed, anti consumer and workers rights. I cant back that stuff and more. I think if the GOP wants a better play at the independents, they should drop as much of the latter items I listed as possible.

I've been a registered Independent since I first registered to vote in 1978. I was 18. I've voted in every election since then. I've split my vote between different parties, not just democratic and republican, all my life.

The republicans have sent me and millions of other Independents running from them in horror.

I've already voted.

I voted straight democratic blue this year and am proud of it.

Well I'm a registered Indy as well and I voted straight Rep this time and I'm proud of it.

The Dems had absolutely nothing to offer.

Oh and I doubt Independents are running from the Republicans in horror. Quite the reverse really.

I do see that they have something to offer.

Not making it legal for insurance companies to kick people off policies, then the person never be able to buy insurance again is one of them. Republicans have been working as hard as they can to remove protections for preexisting conditions and Obamacare for years now instead of working to improve it. All they've done is sabotage it to make it cost much more than it should.

Not kidnapping children from their parents, then putting those children in cages and not reunify them with their parents. I want our government to follow international refugee laws and national immigration laws. For everyone. I want criminal employers prosecuted for the crime of hiring an undocumented worker. Republicans won't do that. All they'll do is violate international and national laws.

I want to stop the spending out of control and non stop tax cuts for the rich. Democrats have an actual record of lowering deficits and debt. Clinton eliminated the deficit, stopped the theft from Social Security and brought it back into the black. He started paying down our debt and left a plan to have the reagan/bush national debt paid off by 2010. Too bad the bush boy trashed it. Obama slashed the record high deficit by nearly a trillion and would probably have had us back on the track of fiscal responsibility if he had republicans who would work with him, not had the worst economic crash since the last republican great depression and had more time.

I want to stop exploding our debt and deficit to new historic heights. All republicans have done in my lifetime is explode deficits and debt while saying they do the opposite. They are the most economically irresponsible party we have.

I want checks and balances in our government. We don't have that now.

I want both parties to stop fighting and work together. We don't have that now and republicans believe any type of compromise or working together is a crime against their party.

Just to name a few things that I won't get with republicans and will get with democrats.

If you get off the far right propaganda websites and news outlets you might find that Independents are running from republicans in horror by the millions.

But that's fine that you want to not believe that. Stay in your world of denial. It seems to be working for you. However you just might be in for a very rude awakening.
I'm with you. I've thought that I could support a Republican candidate if they demonstrated the good parts i see in my Republican friends like being conscious of the deficit, competition, rule of law and justice (even against tax Dodgers and big business), results based policy, environmental sustainability, etc. These are things that a moderate could support. Isolationism, the rights identity politics, climate denial, sustainability denial, supply side obsessed, anti consumer and workers rights. I cant back that stuff and more. I think if the GOP wants a better play at the independents, they should drop as much of the latter items I listed as possible.

I've been a registered Independent since I first registered to vote in 1978. I was 18. I've voted in every election since then. I've split my vote between different parties, not just democratic and republican, all my life.

The republicans have sent me and millions of other Independents running from them in horror.

I've already voted.

I voted straight democratic blue this year and am proud of it.

Well I'm a registered Indy as well and I voted straight Rep this time and I'm proud of it.

The Dems had absolutely nothing to offer.

Oh and I doubt Independents are running from the Republicans in horror. Quite the reverse really.

I do see that they have something to offer.

Not making it legal for insurance companies to kick people off policies, then the person never be able to buy insurance again is one of them. Republicans have been working as hard as they can to remove protections for preexisting conditions and Obamacare for years now instead of working to improve it. All they've done is sabotage it to make it cost much more than it should.

Not kidnapping children from their parents, then putting those children in cages and not reunify them with their parents. I want our government to follow international refugee laws and national immigration laws. For everyone. I want criminal employers prosecuted for the crime of hiring an undocumented worker. Republicans won't do that. All they'll do is violate international and national laws.

I want to stop the spending out of control and non stop tax cuts for the rich. Democrats have an actual record of lowering deficits and debt. Clinton eliminated the deficit, stopped the theft from Social Security and brought it back into the black. He started paying down our debt and left a plan to have the reagan/bush national debt paid off by 2010. Too bad the bush boy trashed it. Obama slashed the record high deficit by nearly a trillion and would probably have had us back on the track of fiscal responsibility if he had republicans who would work with him, not had the worst economic crash since the last republican great depression and had more time.

I want to stop exploding our debt and deficit to new historic heights. All republicans have done in my lifetime is explode deficits and debt while saying they do the opposite. They are the most economically irresponsible party we have.

I want checks and balances in our government. We don't have that now.

I want both parties to stop fighting and work together. We don't have that now and republicans believe any type of compromise or working together is a crime against their party.

Just to name a few things that I won't get with republicans and will get with democrats.

If you get off the far right propaganda websites and news outlets you might find that Independents are running from republicans in horror by the millions.

But that's fine that you want to not believe that. Stay in your world of denial. It seems to be working for you. However you just might be in for a very rude awakening.

You really are a lefty loon idiot.
What sensible and rational republicans need to do is stand up publicly to trump. However, as been seen on social media especially, to do so invites the destructive and heinous wrath of the less than intelligent trump fans. A party ruled by fear.

Stand up to him m about what???

If the GOP is going to be a credible, center-right party, Republicans have to treat the 2018 election as a parliamentary-style housecleaning.

By contrast, one of the great virtues of the American system of separated powers is that voters, usually, can ignore party affiliation if they feel a candidate is worth their support. Our model forces the legislative and executive branches to seek separate mandates from the electorate. In our system, voters can separate the party from its leader. They can split their tickets regionally, nationally and by party. They can even vote for divided government, and choose to place the executive and legislative power in opposing hands.

For now, however, those days are over — at least for the Republican Party. Rather than acting like a national party, entrusted with separate but coequal branches of government, the GOP at every level and in every state has been captured by the personality cult that has congealed around President Trump, and it is now operating like a parliamentary party, utterly submissive to its erratic but powerful prime minister. Republican elected officials, from Congress to the state houses, have chosen to become little more than enablers for an out of control executive branch.

The only way to put a stop to this is to vote against the GOP in every race, at every level in 2018. It’s tough medicine. But as someone who’s voted Republican for nearly 40 years, who favors limited government and public integrity, and who believes America still needs a credible, responsible center-right party, I see no alternative. (more click this link)
Perspective | Want to save the GOP, Republicans? Vote for every Democrat on this year’s ballot.

The only way to save the Republican party is to crush it,and then rebuild it back into a viable functioning body, that focus's on the principles of the Republican party--and not a popularity stardom contest. This country has elected a man with the emotional stability of a teenage drama queen with a 7th grade understanding of U.S. .policy, and no one can keep him in check. Trump is a National disgrace. You can listen to this New York Times op-ed that is corroborated by Bob Woodward's new book fear.
Hear the entire NYT stunning op-ed - CNN Video

So for the good of this nation and the credibility of the Republican party over the long term, you must choose
COUNTRY over PARTY and vote for Democrats this midterm.

This has got to go.


If you want civility and an end to violence vote for Democrats because according to Hillary you won't get it unless the Democrats take back their illegal oppressive dictatorial power!

Nice advice, snowflake....


This advice is coming from a life long Republican strategist. You don't like the message tough.
If the GOP is going to be a credible, center-right party, Republicans have to treat the 2018 election as a parliamentary-style housecleaning.

By contrast, one of the great virtues of the American system of separated powers is that voters, usually, can ignore party affiliation if they feel a candidate is worth their support. Our model forces the legislative and executive branches to seek separate mandates from the electorate. In our system, voters can separate the party from its leader. They can split their tickets regionally, nationally and by party. They can even vote for divided government, and choose to place the executive and legislative power in opposing hands.

For now, however, those days are over — at least for the Republican Party. Rather than acting like a national party, entrusted with separate but coequal branches of government, the GOP at every level and in every state has been captured by the personality cult that has congealed around President Trump, and it is now operating like a parliamentary party, utterly submissive to its erratic but powerful prime minister. Republican elected officials, from Congress to the state houses, have chosen to become little more than enablers for an out of control executive branch.

The only way to put a stop to this is to vote against the GOP in every race, at every level in 2018. It’s tough medicine. But as someone who’s voted Republican for nearly 40 years, who favors limited government and public integrity, and who believes America still needs a credible, responsible center-right party, I see no alternative. (more click this link)
Perspective | Want to save the GOP, Republicans? Vote for every Democrat on this year’s ballot.

The only way to save the Republican party is to crush it,and then rebuild it back into a viable functioning body, that focus's on the principles of the Republican party--and not a popularity stardom contest. This country has elected a man with the emotional stability of a teenage drama queen with a 7th grade understanding of U.S. .policy, and no one can keep him in check. Trump is a National disgrace. You can listen to this New York Times op-ed that is corroborated by Bob Woodward's new book fear.
Hear the entire NYT stunning op-ed - CNN Video

So for the good of this nation and the credibility of the Republican party over the long term, you must choose
COUNTRY over PARTY and vote for Democrats this midterm.

This has got to go.


Only real pussies would want a center-right party. Those are the kinds of RINOs that would be willing to compromise with you commies. Plus I voted a week ago, so your propaganda has zero effect. LMAO

If the GOP is going to be a credible, center-right party, Republicans have to treat the 2018 election as a parliamentary-style housecleaning.

By contrast, one of the great virtues of the American system of separated powers is that voters, usually, can ignore party affiliation if they feel a candidate is worth their support. Our model forces the legislative and executive branches to seek separate mandates from the electorate. In our system, voters can separate the party from its leader. They can split their tickets regionally, nationally and by party. They can even vote for divided government, and choose to place the executive and legislative power in opposing hands.

For now, however, those days are over — at least for the Republican Party. Rather than acting like a national party, entrusted with separate but coequal branches of government, the GOP at every level and in every state has been captured by the personality cult that has congealed around President Trump, and it is now operating like a parliamentary party, utterly submissive to its erratic but powerful prime minister. Republican elected officials, from Congress to the state houses, have chosen to become little more than enablers for an out of control executive branch.

The only way to put a stop to this is to vote against the GOP in every race, at every level in 2018. It’s tough medicine. But as someone who’s voted Republican for nearly 40 years, who favors limited government and public integrity, and who believes America still needs a credible, responsible center-right party, I see no alternative. (more click this link)
Perspective | Want to save the GOP, Republicans? Vote for every Democrat on this year’s ballot.

The only way to save the Republican party is to crush it,and then rebuild it back into a viable functioning body, that focus's on the principles of the Republican party--and not a popularity stardom contest. This country has elected a man with the emotional stability of a teenage drama queen with a 7th grade understanding of U.S. .policy, and no one can keep him in check. Trump is a National disgrace. You can listen to this New York Times op-ed that is corroborated by Bob Woodward's new book fear.
Hear the entire NYT stunning op-ed - CNN Video

So for the good of this nation and the credibility of the Republican party over the long term, you must choose
COUNTRY over PARTY and vote for Democrats this midterm.

This has got to go.


Only real pussies would want a center-right party. Those are the kinds of RINOs that would be willing to compromise with you commies. Plus I voted a week ago, so your propaganda has zero effect. LMAO

THIS is how crazy the Republican Party has gotten.

The very IDEA of a moderate is abhorrent to the current group of Trumpers who have taken over the party
If the GOP is going to be a credible, center-right party, Republicans have to treat the 2018 election as a parliamentary-style housecleaning.

By contrast, one of the great virtues of the American system of separated powers is that voters, usually, can ignore party affiliation if they feel a candidate is worth their support. Our model forces the legislative and executive branches to seek separate mandates from the electorate. In our system, voters can separate the party from its leader. They can split their tickets regionally, nationally and by party. They can even vote for divided government, and choose to place the executive and legislative power in opposing hands.

For now, however, those days are over — at least for the Republican Party. Rather than acting like a national party, entrusted with separate but coequal branches of government, the GOP at every level and in every state has been captured by the personality cult that has congealed around President Trump, and it is now operating like a parliamentary party, utterly submissive to its erratic but powerful prime minister. Republican elected officials, from Congress to the state houses, have chosen to become little more than enablers for an out of control executive branch.

The only way to put a stop to this is to vote against the GOP in every race, at every level in 2018. It’s tough medicine. But as someone who’s voted Republican for nearly 40 years, who favors limited government and public integrity, and who believes America still needs a credible, responsible center-right party, I see no alternative. (more click this link)
Perspective | Want to save the GOP, Republicans? Vote for every Democrat on this year’s ballot.

The only way to save the Republican party is to crush it,and then rebuild it back into a viable functioning body, that focus's on the principles of the Republican party--and not a popularity stardom contest. This country has elected a man with the emotional stability of a teenage drama queen with a 7th grade understanding of U.S. .policy, and no one can keep him in check. Trump is a National disgrace. You can listen to this New York Times op-ed that is corroborated by Bob Woodward's new book fear.
Hear the entire NYT stunning op-ed - CNN Video

So for the good of this nation and the credibility of the Republican party over the long term, you must choose
COUNTRY over PARTY and vote for Democrats this midterm.

This has got to go.


Lol. Vote for a bunch of socialists. That will fix everything.

Fucking idiot.
"By contrast, one of the great virtues of the American system of separated powers is that voters, usually, can ignore party affiliation if they feel a candidate is worth their support. Our model forces the legislative and executive branches to seek separate mandates from the electorate. In our system, voters can separate the party from its leader. They can split their tickets regionally, nationally and by party. They can even vote for divided government, and choose to place the executive and legislative power in opposing hands.

For now, however, those days are over — at least for the Republican Party. Rather than acting like a national party, entrusted with separate but coequal branches of government, the GOP at every level and in every state has been captured by the personality cult that has congealed around President Trump, and it is now operating like a parliamentary party, utterly submissive to its erratic but powerful prime minister. Republican elected officials, from Congress to the state houses, have chosen to become little more than enablers for an out of control executive branch.

The only way to put a stop to this is to vote against the GOP in every race, at every level in 2018. It’s tough medicine. But as someone who’s voted Republican for nearly 40 years, who favors limited government and public integrity, and who believes America still needs a credible, responsible center-right party, I see no alternative." (more click this link)
Perspective | Want to save the GOP, Republicans? Vote for every Democrat on this year’s ballot.

The only way to save the Republican party is to crush it,and then rebuild it back into a viable functioning body, that focus's on the principles of the Republican party--and not a popularity stardom contest. This country has elected a man with the emotional stability of a teenage drama queen with a 7th grade understanding of U.S. .policy, and no one can keep him in check. Trump is a National disgrace. You can listen to this New York Times op-ed that is corroborated by Bob Woodward's new book fear.
Hear the entire NYT stunning op-ed - CNN Video

So for the good of this nation and the credibility of the Republican party over the long term, you must choose
COUNTRY over PARTY and vote for Democrats this midterm.

This has got to go.

The democrat Party should splinter off into Socialist democract, Fascist democrat, Communist democrat and JFK democrats
A Bernie staffer would try to assassinate the JFK dems. Low taxes? Strong national defense? Individualism, self-reliance and patriotism? The modern dems hate all of those ideas.
Last edited:
If the GOP is going to be a credible, center-right party, Republicans have to treat the 2018 election as a parliamentary-style housecleaning.

By contrast, one of the great virtues of the American system of separated powers is that voters, usually, can ignore party affiliation if they feel a candidate is worth their support. Our model forces the legislative and executive branches to seek separate mandates from the electorate. In our system, voters can separate the party from its leader. They can split their tickets regionally, nationally and by party. They can even vote for divided government, and choose to place the executive and legislative power in opposing hands.

For now, however, those days are over — at least for the Republican Party. Rather than acting like a national party, entrusted with separate but coequal branches of government, the GOP at every level and in every state has been captured by the personality cult that has congealed around President Trump, and it is now operating like a parliamentary party, utterly submissive to its erratic but powerful prime minister. Republican elected officials, from Congress to the state houses, have chosen to become little more than enablers for an out of control executive branch.

The only way to put a stop to this is to vote against the GOP in every race, at every level in 2018. It’s tough medicine. But as someone who’s voted Republican for nearly 40 years, who favors limited government and public integrity, and who believes America still needs a credible, responsible center-right party, I see no alternative. (more click this link)
Perspective | Want to save the GOP, Republicans? Vote for every Democrat on this year’s ballot.

The only way to save the Republican party is to crush it,and then rebuild it back into a viable functioning body, that focus's on the principles of the Republican party--and not a popularity stardom contest. This country has elected a man with the emotional stability of a teenage drama queen with a 7th grade understanding of U.S. .policy, and no one can keep him in check. Trump is a National disgrace. You can listen to this New York Times op-ed that is corroborated by Bob Woodward's new book fear.
Hear the entire NYT stunning op-ed - CNN Video

So for the good of this nation and the credibility of the Republican party over the long term, you must choose
COUNTRY over PARTY and vote for Democrats this midterm.

This has got to go.


Only real pussies would want a center-right party. Those are the kinds of RINOs that would be willing to compromise with you commies. Plus I voted a week ago, so your propaganda has zero effect. LMAO


You're an example of why the Republican party is going to turn into a party of old white angry males. I don't how many elections you expect to win with being a minority party, but that is exactly where this party is headed.

Moderates are the majority in this country, meaning moderate Republicans & moderate Democrats. Lose them you're done, and that is what this article is trying to explain. Everything moves from center out, not left or right wing in.

If the GOP is going to be a credible, center-right party, Republicans have to treat the 2018 election as a parliamentary-style housecleaning.

By contrast, one of the great virtues of the American system of separated powers is that voters, usually, can ignore party affiliation if they feel a candidate is worth their support. Our model forces the legislative and executive branches to seek separate mandates from the electorate. In our system, voters can separate the party from its leader. They can split their tickets regionally, nationally and by party. They can even vote for divided government, and choose to place the executive and legislative power in opposing hands.

For now, however, those days are over — at least for the Republican Party. Rather than acting like a national party, entrusted with separate but coequal branches of government, the GOP at every level and in every state has been captured by the personality cult that has congealed around President Trump, and it is now operating like a parliamentary party, utterly submissive to its erratic but powerful prime minister. Republican elected officials, from Congress to the state houses, have chosen to become little more than enablers for an out of control executive branch.

The only way to put a stop to this is to vote against the GOP in every race, at every level in 2018. It’s tough medicine. But as someone who’s voted Republican for nearly 40 years, who favors limited government and public integrity, and who believes America still needs a credible, responsible center-right party, I see no alternative. (more click this link)
Perspective | Want to save the GOP, Republicans? Vote for every Democrat on this year’s ballot.

The only way to save the Republican party is to crush it,and then rebuild it back into a viable functioning body, that focus's on the principles of the Republican party--and not a popularity stardom contest. This country has elected a man with the emotional stability of a teenage drama queen with a 7th grade understanding of U.S. .policy, and no one can keep him in check. Trump is a National disgrace. You can listen to this New York Times op-ed that is corroborated by Bob Woodward's new book fear.
Hear the entire NYT stunning op-ed - CNN Video

So for the good of this nation and the credibility of the Republican party over the long term, you must choose
COUNTRY over PARTY and vote for Democrats this midterm.

This has got to go.


Only real pussies would want a center-right party. Those are the kinds of RINOs that would be willing to compromise with you commies. Plus I voted a week ago, so your propaganda has zero effect. LMAO


You're an example of why the Republican party is going to turn into a party of old white angry males. I don't how many elections you expect to win with being a minority party, but that is exactly where this party is headed.

Moderates are the majority in this country, meaning moderate Republicans & moderate Democrats. Lose them you're done, and that is what this article is trying to explain. Everything moves from center out, not left or right wing in.

Please explain your theory to the Bernie fan club. Colleges have been radicalized by the left. Happy to chat about this topic with an adult. The left, especially the young left has lost their damn minds.
"By contrast, one of the great virtues of the American system of separated powers is that voters, usually, can ignore party affiliation if they feel a candidate is worth their support. Our model forces the legislative and executive branches to seek separate mandates from the electorate. In our system, voters can separate the party from its leader. They can split their tickets regionally, nationally and by party. They can even vote for divided government, and choose to place the executive and legislative power in opposing hands.

For now, however, those days are over — at least for the Republican Party. Rather than acting like a national party, entrusted with separate but coequal branches of government, the GOP at every level and in every state has been captured by the personality cult that has congealed around President Trump, and it is now operating like a parliamentary party, utterly submissive to its erratic but powerful prime minister. Republican elected officials, from Congress to the state houses, have chosen to become little more than enablers for an out of control executive branch.

The only way to put a stop to this is to vote against the GOP in every race, at every level in 2018. It’s tough medicine. But as someone who’s voted Republican for nearly 40 years, who favors limited government and public integrity, and who believes America still needs a credible, responsible center-right party, I see no alternative." (more click this link)
Perspective | Want to save the GOP, Republicans? Vote for every Democrat on this year’s ballot.

The only way to save the Republican party is to crush it,and then rebuild it back into a viable functioning body, that focus's on the principles of the Republican party--and not a popularity stardom contest. This country has elected a man with the emotional stability of a teenage drama queen with a 7th grade understanding of U.S. .policy, and no one can keep him in check. Trump is a National disgrace. You can listen to this New York Times op-ed that is corroborated by Bob Woodward's new book fear.
Hear the entire NYT stunning op-ed - CNN Video

So for the good of this nation and the credibility of the Republican party over the long term, you must choose
COUNTRY over PARTY and vote for Democrats this midterm.

This has got to go.

The democrat Party should splinter off into Socialist democract, Fascist democrat, Communist democrat and JFK democrats
A Bernie staffer would try to assassinate the JFK dems. Low taxes? Strong national defense? Individualism, self-reliance and patriotism? They modern dems hate all of those ideas.

Left wing liberals are just as bad as right wing nut cases. They don't understand the demographics of their own party. Because the majority in the Democrat party are also moderates, and are attracted to what we refer to as "blue dog Democrats."

It was evidenced in the Democrat primary between Hillary Clinton & Bernie Sanders. Clinton kicked Sander's ass worse than she did Trump. Beating Bernie Sanders by a whopping 3,775,437 democrat primary popular votes. In comparison, Obama beat Hillary in 2008 by a mere, 41,622 democrat primary popular votes.
RealClearPolitics - 2016 Democratic Popular Vote
2008 Democratic Popular Vote | RealClearPolitics

In reality there's not a dime's difference between a Blue dog Democrat and a moderate Republican. They both stand on middle ground and will lean left or right on certain issues.
If the GOP is going to be a credible, center-right party, Republicans have to treat the 2018 election as a parliamentary-style housecleaning.

By contrast, one of the great virtues of the American system of separated powers is that voters, usually, can ignore party affiliation if they feel a candidate is worth their support. Our model forces the legislative and executive branches to seek separate mandates from the electorate. In our system, voters can separate the party from its leader. They can split their tickets regionally, nationally and by party. They can even vote for divided government, and choose to place the executive and legislative power in opposing hands.

For now, however, those days are over — at least for the Republican Party. Rather than acting like a national party, entrusted with separate but coequal branches of government, the GOP at every level and in every state has been captured by the personality cult that has congealed around President Trump, and it is now operating like a parliamentary party, utterly submissive to its erratic but powerful prime minister. Republican elected officials, from Congress to the state houses, have chosen to become little more than enablers for an out of control executive branch.

The only way to put a stop to this is to vote against the GOP in every race, at every level in 2018. It’s tough medicine. But as someone who’s voted Republican for nearly 40 years, who favors limited government and public integrity, and who believes America still needs a credible, responsible center-right party, I see no alternative. (more click this link)
Perspective | Want to save the GOP, Republicans? Vote for every Democrat on this year’s ballot.

The only way to save the Republican party is to crush it,and then rebuild it back into a viable functioning body, that focus's on the principles of the Republican party--and not a popularity stardom contest. This country has elected a man with the emotional stability of a teenage drama queen with a 7th grade understanding of U.S. .policy, and no one can keep him in check. Trump is a National disgrace. You can listen to this New York Times op-ed that is corroborated by Bob Woodward's new book fear.
Hear the entire NYT stunning op-ed - CNN Video

So for the good of this nation and the credibility of the Republican party over the long term, you must choose
COUNTRY over PARTY and vote for Democrats this midterm.

This has got to go.


Only real pussies would want a center-right party. Those are the kinds of RINOs that would be willing to compromise with you commies. Plus I voted a week ago, so your propaganda has zero effect. LMAO

THIS is how crazy the Republican Party has gotten.

The very IDEA of a moderate is abhorrent to the current group of Trumpers who have taken over the party

Well Lush, compromising with you commies, marxist, socialist, racist and multiple other ist is not an option. You and your victim-hood party can feel free to french kiss my ass.

If the GOP is going to be a credible, center-right party, Republicans have to treat the 2018 election as a parliamentary-style housecleaning.

By contrast, one of the great virtues of the American system of separated powers is that voters, usually, can ignore party affiliation if they feel a candidate is worth their support. Our model forces the legislative and executive branches to seek separate mandates from the electorate. In our system, voters can separate the party from its leader. They can split their tickets regionally, nationally and by party. They can even vote for divided government, and choose to place the executive and legislative power in opposing hands.

For now, however, those days are over — at least for the Republican Party. Rather than acting like a national party, entrusted with separate but coequal branches of government, the GOP at every level and in every state has been captured by the personality cult that has congealed around President Trump, and it is now operating like a parliamentary party, utterly submissive to its erratic but powerful prime minister. Republican elected officials, from Congress to the state houses, have chosen to become little more than enablers for an out of control executive branch.

The only way to put a stop to this is to vote against the GOP in every race, at every level in 2018. It’s tough medicine. But as someone who’s voted Republican for nearly 40 years, who favors limited government and public integrity, and who believes America still needs a credible, responsible center-right party, I see no alternative. (more click this link)
Perspective | Want to save the GOP, Republicans? Vote for every Democrat on this year’s ballot.

The only way to save the Republican party is to crush it,and then rebuild it back into a viable functioning body, that focus's on the principles of the Republican party--and not a popularity stardom contest. This country has elected a man with the emotional stability of a teenage drama queen with a 7th grade understanding of U.S. .policy, and no one can keep him in check. Trump is a National disgrace. You can listen to this New York Times op-ed that is corroborated by Bob Woodward's new book fear.
Hear the entire NYT stunning op-ed - CNN Video

So for the good of this nation and the credibility of the Republican party over the long term, you must choose
COUNTRY over PARTY and vote for Democrats this midterm.

This has got to go.


Only real pussies would want a center-right party. Those are the kinds of RINOs that would be willing to compromise with you commies. Plus I voted a week ago, so your propaganda has zero effect. LMAO


You're an example of why the Republican party is going to turn into a party of old white angry males. I don't how many elections you expect to win with being a minority party, but that is exactly where this party is headed.

Moderates are the majority in this country, meaning moderate Republicans & moderate Democrats. Lose them you're done, and that is what this article is trying to explain. Everything moves from center out, not left or right wing in.


Girl, you're an idiot. There are no moderates in leadership on the left, you keep spewing all this democratic socialist crap you're gonna lose the country forever. And deservedly so.

If the GOP is going to be a credible, center-right party, Republicans have to treat the 2018 election as a parliamentary-style housecleaning.

By contrast, one of the great virtues of the American system of separated powers is that voters, usually, can ignore party affiliation if they feel a candidate is worth their support. Our model forces the legislative and executive branches to seek separate mandates from the electorate. In our system, voters can separate the party from its leader. They can split their tickets regionally, nationally and by party. They can even vote for divided government, and choose to place the executive and legislative power in opposing hands.

For now, however, those days are over — at least for the Republican Party. Rather than acting like a national party, entrusted with separate but coequal branches of government, the GOP at every level and in every state has been captured by the personality cult that has congealed around President Trump, and it is now operating like a parliamentary party, utterly submissive to its erratic but powerful prime minister. Republican elected officials, from Congress to the state houses, have chosen to become little more than enablers for an out of control executive branch.

The only way to put a stop to this is to vote against the GOP in every race, at every level in 2018. It’s tough medicine. But as someone who’s voted Republican for nearly 40 years, who favors limited government and public integrity, and who believes America still needs a credible, responsible center-right party, I see no alternative. (more click this link)
Perspective | Want to save the GOP, Republicans? Vote for every Democrat on this year’s ballot.

The only way to save the Republican party is to crush it,and then rebuild it back into a viable functioning body, that focus's on the principles of the Republican party--and not a popularity stardom contest. This country has elected a man with the emotional stability of a teenage drama queen with a 7th grade understanding of U.S. .policy, and no one can keep him in check. Trump is a National disgrace. You can listen to this New York Times op-ed that is corroborated by Bob Woodward's new book fear.
Hear the entire NYT stunning op-ed - CNN Video

So for the good of this nation and the credibility of the Republican party over the long term, you must choose
COUNTRY over PARTY and vote for Democrats this midterm.

This has got to go.


Only real pussies would want a center-right party. Those are the kinds of RINOs that would be willing to compromise with you commies. Plus I voted a week ago, so your propaganda has zero effect. LMAO

THIS is how crazy the Republican Party has gotten.

The very IDEA of a moderate is abhorrent to the current group of Trumpers who have taken over the party

Well Lush, compromising with you commies, marxist, socialist, racist and multiple other ist is not an option. You and your victim-hood party can feel free to french kiss my ass.


Moderates in the Republican party are called names today--like Rhino's and Establishment Republicans. A great article on this, and how bad it's gotten is right here. A must read for every Republican.


Donald Trump broke the conservative media

Most moderate Republicans knew that Trump wasn't a conservative much less a Republican. This is where the never Trump Republican comes from.

Now a very funny article, that I can relate too, as I too was on Republican facebook pages and got kicked off of every one of them, because I was sending out the warnings on Trump.

All Along I Thought Trump Wasn’t a Conservative/Republican, But Now I Realize I’m Not

There really is no place for ,moderate Republicans in the party of Trump
If the GOP is going to be a credible, center-right party, Republicans have to treat the 2018 election as a parliamentary-style housecleaning.

By contrast, one of the great virtues of the American system of separated powers is that voters, usually, can ignore party affiliation if they feel a candidate is worth their support. Our model forces the legislative and executive branches to seek separate mandates from the electorate. In our system, voters can separate the party from its leader. They can split their tickets regionally, nationally and by party. They can even vote for divided government, and choose to place the executive and legislative power in opposing hands.

For now, however, those days are over — at least for the Republican Party. Rather than acting like a national party, entrusted with separate but coequal branches of government, the GOP at every level and in every state has been captured by the personality cult that has congealed around President Trump, and it is now operating like a parliamentary party, utterly submissive to its erratic but powerful prime minister. Republican elected officials, from Congress to the state houses, have chosen to become little more than enablers for an out of control executive branch.

The only way to put a stop to this is to vote against the GOP in every race, at every level in 2018. It’s tough medicine. But as someone who’s voted Republican for nearly 40 years, who favors limited government and public integrity, and who believes America still needs a credible, responsible center-right party, I see no alternative. (more click this link)
Perspective | Want to save the GOP, Republicans? Vote for every Democrat on this year’s ballot.

The only way to save the Republican party is to crush it,and then rebuild it back into a viable functioning body, that focus's on the principles of the Republican party--and not a popularity stardom contest. This country has elected a man with the emotional stability of a teenage drama queen with a 7th grade understanding of U.S. .policy, and no one can keep him in check. Trump is a National disgrace. You can listen to this New York Times op-ed that is corroborated by Bob Woodward's new book fear.
Hear the entire NYT stunning op-ed - CNN Video

So for the good of this nation and the credibility of the Republican party over the long term, you must choose
COUNTRY over PARTY and vote for Democrats this midterm.

This has got to go.


Only real pussies would want a center-right party. Those are the kinds of RINOs that would be willing to compromise with you commies. Plus I voted a week ago, so your propaganda has zero effect. LMAO

THIS is how crazy the Republican Party has gotten.

The very IDEA of a moderate is abhorrent to the current group of Trumpers who have taken over the party

Well Lush, compromising with you commies, marxist, socialist, racist and multiple other ist is not an option. You and your victim-hood party can feel free to french kiss my ass.


Moderates in the Republican party are called names today--like Rhino's and Establishment Republicans. A great article on this, and how bad it's gotten is right here. A must read for every Republican.


Donald Trump broke the conservative media

Most moderate Republicans knew that Trump wasn't a conservative much less a Republican. This is where the never Trump Republican comes from.

Now a very funny article, that I can relate too, as I too was on Republican facebook pages and got kicked off of every one of them, because I was sending out the warnings on Trump.

All Along I Thought Trump Wasn’t a Conservative/Republican, But Now I Realize I’m Not

There really is no place for ,moderate Republicans in the party of Trump
I hope you believe all the bullshit you are posting. I really do.

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