Wall Street Surges As Workers Lose Their Jobs and Their Homes

Bush has used his veto powers 11 times in total 12 if you count a pocket veto. 1 of those was before the Dems took office, so it is not DOZENS as you say, It is one less than a dozen :)

I was wrong earlier, I Was looking at an older story, and I am very sorry for being wrong. When I am wrong I will always admit to it.

The Thing is as presidents go 12 times is a rather small amount. In fact it is the lowest number of times since harding.

Check here to see all Presidential Vetoes
List of United States presidential vetoes - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Clinton used it 37 times, Bush 1 used it 44 times, Reagan used it 78 times.

The most ever was Grover Cleavland with a whopping 414 times.

Bush did not use his first veto until 5.5 years into his terms. It only makes sense he would use it more when the Dems are in Control considering he is a Republican.

What has he vetoed?

So he has vetoed 11 Bills under the Democrat congress.

You are a good man Charles.

ps. I saw Brother in Law or Stepbrothers tonight. The Will Ferrell movie being released Friday. Free screening probably so we would get the word out on how funny it was. It was one of the funniest movie in a long long time. The guy he costarred with was the same guy he starred with in that racecar movie. was it talladega nights? its getting late and i'm tired. but seriously, the entire movie was roaring with laughter. they faught in the beginning and it was funny, then they became best friends and it was even funnier. will farrell is hilarious. will has a real brother in the movie and he is such a jerk that it brings the two together. they play 2 40 yr olds that still live with their parents when they get married and the two have to share a room and eventually get jobs and move out. instant classic! maybe his best movie yet.
You are a good man Charles.

ps. I saw Brother in Law or Stepbrothers tonight. The Will Ferrell movie being released Friday. Free screening probably so we would get the word out on how funny it was. It was one of the funniest movie in a long long time. The guy he costarred with was the same guy he starred with in that racecar movie. was it talladega nights? its getting late and i'm tired. but seriously, the entire movie was roaring with laughter. they faught in the beginning and it was funny, then they became best friends and it was even funnier. will farrell is hilarious. will has a real brother in the movie and he is such a jerk that it brings the two together. they play 2 40 yr olds that still live with their parents when they get married and the two have to share a room and eventually get jobs and move out. instant classic! maybe his best movie yet.

Great to hear! I trust a "review" of a movie by friends (or strangers on the internet lol) more than anything else.

I don't venture out to movie theaters too often, but this may be worth it, eh?
Great to hear! I trust a "review" of a movie by friends (or strangers on the internet lol) more than anything else.

I don't venture out to movie theaters too often, but this may be worth it, eh?

Oh it is. They were smart to let us in for a sneak peak. Now I've already told dozens of people Multiply that by an entire theater full of people who loved it, and I think they will get a good return on the investment of letting hundreds of us see it for free. They probably don't give sneak peaks if the movie isn't great. I think giving a sneak peak will help them at the box office this weekend. Even the newspaper movie review guy was laughing his ass off. Probably Will's best movie. The other guys says, "DON'T TOUCH MY DRUMS. Did you hear that? That was at 6. You don't want to hear 10, trust me". They are two 39 year olds that have never grown up because their parents coddle them.

Ok, back to veto's. Consider that the bigger problem isn't that Bush veto's Democratic bills. The real issue is how Bush didn't veto any bills for 6 years. That's how they doubled the debt. That's why they broke pork records.

I found this, "Bush had signed 1,091 bills and at the time had only been in office 1,889 days."

Those were all GOP bills from 2000-2006. I don't know if you remember Bush 1 being president, but for 4 years, nothing got done. If you do remember, you might also remember the GOP said, "actually, it is better when government does nothing because the more they do the more they screw things up". So again, the GOP have proved their point. They passed a lot of laws and boy did they screw things up. It's almost as if they broke government on purpose to prove it doesn't work.

In March 2006 Bush set a 200 year veto record.

Bush Veto Action Sets 200 Year Record

So he didn't meet a Pork project he didn't like for 6 years. And now he wants to pretend to be fiscally responsible? Is anyone buying it?
You have to remember though, that politicians on both sides often load up Bills with unrelated Pork spending BS, in an attempt to either force the president to veto a good bill, or to slip their spending through. I would be willing to bet, though I do not claim to know for sure, that most of those bills, he vetoed because of the spending issue.

The veto is not in and of itself a evil thing or anything, It is a legit and needed power of the president to check the congresses power :)

A very good reason to pass line Item veto powers if you ask me.

But the GOP broke a Pork record in 2005 and then broke their own record in 2006 AND, the GOP spent more pork in 2007 than the Dems.

Can you say, "lesser of two evils"?
Has anybody thought about the title of this thread? Wall street is hardly "surging" right now, now is it :)

It's certainly doing a HELL of a lot better than one would think it SHOULD be doing, in the face of major banks collapsing, record high oil prices, a credit crisis, and the Dollar being as weak as ever.

It lends credence to the idea of the Plunge Protection Team, if nothing else.
It's certainly doing a HELL of a lot better than one would think it SHOULD be doing, in the face of major banks collapsing, record high oil prices, a credit crisis, and the Dollar being as weak as ever.

It lends credence to the idea of the Plunge Protection Team, if nothing else.

At a private fundraiser last week in Houston, President Bush, away from press cameras and unaware that he was being recorded, joked about the country's housing crisis and said Wall Street is hung over because it "got drunk."

Political Radar: Bush Says Wall Street's 'Got a Hangover'
At a private fundraiser last week in Houston, President Bush, away from press cameras and unaware that he was being recorded, joked about the country's housing crisis and said Wall Street is hung over because it "got drunk."

Political Radar: Bush Says Wall Street's 'Got a Hangover'

Not sure what that's supposed to mean, but what smart observers need to do is watch what happens in the MSM on a daily basis. Whenever the Dollar drops, the government's talking heads come out and give the market a pep talk, and then all is fine again. Think Paulson and Plosser the other day, talking the market up and making vague statements about a "strong dollar", and then the next day the market rallies again.

I'm telling you, and I'm not a market expert mind you, something is WRONG. There's no Earthly reason for the market to be doing as well as it is right now. Whether you actually think it's doing "well" or not. It's doing WAY better than it SHOULD be doing.

The PPT is manipulating the index futures. I mean, it's either that, or the majority of investors are just plain RETARDED. Why would ANYONE be in the Dollar right now? It should probably be even lower than it already IS, and the Dow should CERTAINLY be below 10,000. I can't figure it out, but I'm not breaking script. I'm staying out of the Dollar, because there's simply nowhere for it to go but DOWN.

I can't wait for the first rate hike, to see the Dollar rally for a day or two and then drop hard again. There's no stopping this beast. There's only the hope that SOMEHOW it can be contained. That's certainly not going to happen if we keep bailing out banks, it's only going to make it that much worse.

LOL. A couple hundred billion dollars for banks with TRILLIONS of Dollars worth of outstanding derivatives floating around in la la land.

It's a teetering house of cards, but don't let simple facts get in your way. Just take good ol' Hank Paulson's WORD that it's all going to be just swell!

There's going to be a lot of people getting severely SCREWED.
Not sure what that's supposed to mean, but what smart observers need to do is watch what happens in the MSM on a daily basis. Whenever the Dollar drops, the government's talking heads come out and give the market a pep talk, and then all is fine again. Think Paulson and Plosser the other day, talking the market up and making vague statements about a "strong dollar", and then the next day the market rallies again.

I'm telling you, and I'm not a market expert mind you, something is WRONG. There's no Earthly reason for the market to be doing as well as it is right now. Whether you actually think it's doing "well" or not. It's doing WAY better than it SHOULD be doing.

The PPT is manipulating the index futures. I mean, it's either that, or the majority of investors are just plain RETARDED. Why would ANYONE be in the Dollar right now? It should probably be even lower than it already IS, and the Dow should CERTAINLY be below 10,000. I can't figure it out, but I'm not breaking script. I'm staying out of the Dollar, because there's simply nowhere for it to go but DOWN.

I can't wait for the first rate hike, to see the Dollar rally for a day or two and then drop hard again. There's no stopping this beast. There's only the hope that SOMEHOW it can be contained. That's certainly not going to happen if we keep bailing out banks, it's only going to make it that much worse.

LOL. A couple hundred billion dollars for banks with TRILLIONS of Dollars worth of outstanding derivatives floating around in la la land.

It's a teetering house of cards, but don't let simple facts get in your way. Just take good ol' Hank Paulson's WORD that it's all going to be just swell!

There's going to be a lot of people getting severely SCREWED.

And not that I understand it, but i heard that those speculating in oil futures are doing such to protect themselves against the weak dollar....instead of gold as much as they used to...

I honestly do not understand this...but it is what i heard???
And not that I understand it, but i heard that those speculating in oil futures are doing such to protect themselves against the weak dollar....instead of gold as much as they used to...

I honestly do not understand this...but it is what i heard???

Sure they are. I don't buy crude futures, but I have an energy position, albeit a small one, for that very reason. It's not like investors aren't running to gold either, though. Gold has hit historic highs this year just like oil has.

When I say the PPT is manipulating index futures though, I'm not talking about oil necessarily. The thought is they buy up futures in the whole DOW index itself, to artificially keep the average above a specific psychological mark, which seems to be 11,000 these days. I guess god forbid the population saw the DOW drop in the face of all this adversity. I suppose it could create a certain kind of panic, but frankly, I think that's what's needed. A real wake up call. But the establishment doesn't want wake up calls, especially not during an election year. So when our economy looks to be on a way worse path than in '02 when the DOW saw the 7,000's, and we're still sitting around 11,000, something isn't right. This is not a rational market right now. There can't be that many stupid investors. Then again, maybe there can.
Not sure what that's supposed to mean, but what smart observers need to do is watch what happens in the MSM on a daily basis. Whenever the Dollar drops, the government's talking heads come out and give the market a pep talk, and then all is fine again. Think Paulson and Plosser the other day, talking the market up and making vague statements about a "strong dollar", and then the next day the market rallies again.

I'm telling you, and I'm not a market expert mind you, something is WRONG. There's no Earthly reason for the market to be doing as well as it is right now. Whether you actually think it's doing "well" or not. It's doing WAY better than it SHOULD be doing.

The PPT is manipulating the index futures. I mean, it's either that, or the majority of investors are just plain RETARDED. Why would ANYONE be in the Dollar right now? It should probably be even lower than it already IS, and the Dow should CERTAINLY be below 10,000. I can't figure it out, but I'm not breaking script. I'm staying out of the Dollar, because there's simply nowhere for it to go but DOWN.

I can't wait for the first rate hike, to see the Dollar rally for a day or two and then drop hard again. There's no stopping this beast. There's only the hope that SOMEHOW it can be contained. That's certainly not going to happen if we keep bailing out banks, it's only going to make it that much worse.

LOL. A couple hundred billion dollars for banks with TRILLIONS of Dollars worth of outstanding derivatives floating around in la la land.

It's a teetering house of cards, but don't let simple facts get in your way. Just take good ol' Hank Paulson's WORD that it's all going to be just swell!

There's going to be a lot of people getting severely SCREWED.

I tend to agree, but I often hear it said that the market is ahead of the economy and a sign of what is to come, Is there any truth to that? I am by no means an economist or an expert on markets. So I am just asking.
Not sure what that's supposed to mean, but what smart observers need to do is watch what happens in the MSM on a daily basis. Whenever the Dollar drops, the government's talking heads come out and give the market a pep talk, and then all is fine again. Think Paulson and Plosser the other day, talking the market up and making vague statements about a "strong dollar", and then the next day the market rallies again.

In the market perception is reality

I'm telling you, and I'm not a market expert mind you, something is WRONG. There's no Earthly reason for the market to be doing as well as it is right now. Whether you actually think it's doing "well" or not. It's doing WAY better than it SHOULD be doing.

I think that the decline in oil prices is giving the market confidence

The PPT is manipulating the index futures. I mean, it's either that, or the majority of investors are just plain RETARDED. Why would ANYONE be in the Dollar right now? It should probably be even lower than it already IS, and the Dow should CERTAINLY be below 10,000. I can't figure it out, but I'm not breaking script. I'm staying out of the Dollar, because there's simply nowhere for it to go but DOWN.

You might be right.

I can't wait for the first rate hike, to see the Dollar rally for a day or two and then drop hard again. There's no stopping this beast. There's only the hope that SOMEHOW it can be contained. That's certainly not going to happen if we keep bailing out banks, it's only going to make it that much worse.

They bailed out those banks because otherwise the whole damned system would collapse. It annoys me that we have to keep paying for the "mistakes" of the richest people on earth, too.

It annoys the hell out me, actually.

LOL. A couple hundred billion dollars for banks with TRILLIONS of Dollars worth of outstanding derivatives floating around in la la land

I so don't understand the derivatives market.

It's a teetering house of cards, but don't let simple facts get in your way. Just take good ol' Hank Paulson's WORD that it's all going to be just swell!

Yup! But like Wild Bill Hitchcock retorted when he was asked why he was playing cards at what was obviously a crooked table?

It's the ONLY game in town.

There's going to be a lot of people getting severely SCREWED.

Going to be?
In the market perception is reality

I think that the decline in oil prices is giving the market confidence

You might be right.

They bailed out those banks because otherwise the whole damned system would collapse. It annoys me that we have to keep paying for the "mistakes" of the richest people on earth, too.

It annoys the hell out me, actually.


I so don't understand the derivatives market.

Yup! But like Wild Bill Hitchcock retorted when he was asked why he was playing cards at what was obviously a crooked table?

It's the ONLY game in town.

Going to be?

The whole damned system is going to collapse eventually anyway. No inflationary fiat monetary system has ever lasted without a total collapse. What reason is there to think this is any different? We're well on our way to a TRILLION dollar budget deficit, and ready to surpass 10 TRILLION in national debt. I don't think people are able to comprehend the seriousness of that. Most people are secure in hoping that the government will be able to figure it all out for them. I'm not sure how piling up the debt to even higher levels is going to fix anything. It will buy another couple years, maybe more.

If people don't learn their lesson from this mess, nothing will have actually been fixed. Because in 10 years, when no one remembers this crisis, the same fucking shit is going to happen all over again.

About derivatives...I'm not expert, and still learning it all myself. As I understand it, it's basically risk leveraged by A LOT MORE risk down the line. An endless cycle of debt, basically. I've read countless articles from years ago pointing out that the problems we're looking at today were going to happen. Why is it that those same people who were predicting this whole mess back then, were considered kooks, and are still considered kooks today??? I mean, how kooky can you really be when you end up being RIGHT?

Here's a couple articles:

From 2002:

John Quiggin: Scary stories 2: The derivatives crisis

This is a really good one from last year, with a good explanation of the derivative mess near the bottom:

Towards Liberty

Subprime borrowers unable to make re-set monthly payments are only one of many groups affected by the growing mortgage credit crunch.

What most people don't realize is most lenders no longer retain ownership of their mortgages, but rather bundle them together and then resell to other investors -- such as pension funds, insurance companies, private equity companies, and foreign banks. Many major investors are foreign companies and banks.

Worldwide there are now over $365 trillion in derivatives. That's an incredible 12-times the GDP of the entire world.

Large banks in China and Japan have been two of the biggest purchasers of U.S. mortgages – so a bank in China or Japan may already own your home if you have taken out a mortgage any time in the past ten years.

Once mortgages are bundled and resold they morph into securities such as Residential Mortgage-Backed Securities (RMBs). Such securities are just one example of derivatives – debt or investment derived from other debt and investments.

In addition to mortgage derivatives there are also insurance derivatives, pension fund derivatives, stock derivatives, and futures derivatives.

The important thing to understand about derivatives is that they create an enormous, inverted pyramid of debt and financial obligations based on comparatively small real assets.

According to the Economist, credit derivative product companies (CDPCs) can leverage their capital up to 30-times. Thus $1 trillion in mortgage debt can turn into $30 trillion in derivatives.

Derivatives themselves are also bundled together and resold, creating debt upon debt.
The whole damned system is going to collapse eventually anyway. No inflationary fiat monetary system has ever lasted without a total collapse.

If only we had a crystal ball to determine when that "eventually" is, eh?

What reason is there to think this is any different? We're well on our way to a TRILLION dollar budget deficit, and ready to surpass 10 TRILLION in national debt. I don't think people are able to comprehend the seriousness of that.

Oh I think a LOT of us understand it.

Sadly not a single one of those who do, will EVER be elected to a major office where they can do anything about it. Those in power will do whatever works out best for THEM regardless of what it does to everyone else in the long run.

Most people are secure in hoping that the government will be able to figure it all out for them.

Like we have a choice? They've got ALL the power, amigo.

I'm not sure how piling up the debt to even higher levels is going to fix anything. It will buy another couple years, maybe more.

I think you asked the right question and then answered it in two sentences.

If people don't learn their lesson from this mess, nothing will have actually been fixed. Because in 10 years, when no one remembers this crisis, the same fucking shit is going to happen all over again.

The first lesson students of history must learn is that everybody hates our party-pooping ways.

Casandra was absolutely RIGHT. But is SHE the heroine of Troy?

About derivatives...I'm not expert, and still learning it all myself. As I understand it, it's basically risk leveraged by A LOT MORE risk down the line. An endless cycle of debt, basically. I've read countless articles from years ago pointing out that the problems we're looking at today were going to happen. Why is it that those same people who were predicting this whole mess back then, were considered kooks, and are still considered kooks today??? I mean, how kooky can you really be when you end up being RIGHT?

See my above caveat about historians and futurists.

I think it explains why people who warn society when its going wrong, are marginalized, mocked and silenced whenever possible.

And when everything they warned people about actually happens, nobody remembers that the alarmists were totally right (or that they, the sanguine, were totally wrong).

Human beings mostly like to believe in happy endings.

Inappropraite optimism is considered a good character trait in this society.

Like the optimist was heard to say as he plunged past the 50th floor window of a 100 story building:

" so far so goooooooooooooood!"
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If only we had a crystal ball to determine when that "eventually" is, eh?
Could be next month, could be next year, could be next decade. Could be the next generation that has to deal with it, even. I'd say that uncertainty is enough to say ENOUGH. We're mortgaging our children's future so that today's investors can keep a smile on their face, and this election can go smoothly. It's bullshit. It's not how a responsible society works, as far as I'm concerned. My boy is about to turn 1, and I want to see him grow up prosperously. I don't want to see him have to take the brunt of the mess. I'd rather take it now, in lieu of him taking it. And I'm basically speaking in terms of ALL children. They have no say in this, but we do. Instead of us taking responsibility for our fuck ups, we're sending them down the line to our children who had absolutely nothing to do with the mess we're in.

Oh I think a LOT of us understand it.

Sadly not a single one of those who do, will EVER be elected to a major office where they can do anything about it. Those in power will do whatever works out best for THEM regardless of what it does to everyone else in the long run.
Not necessarily. There are a few people who are coming from NOWHERE right now, with an opportunity to win some key seats around the country. A man by the name of BJ Lawson who's running for US Congress out of NC, is a good example. And there are others this year, as well. Many with a good chance of winning. And then there's always the fact that regardless of whether we run for office, we still have a LOT of power that we simply refuse to exercise.

Like we have a choice? They've got ALL the power, amigo.

I think you asked the right question and then answered it in two sentences.

The first lesson students of history must learn is that everybody hates our party-pooping ways.

Casandra was absolutely RIGHT. But is SHE the heroine of Troy?

See my above caveat about historians and futurists.

I think it explains why people who warn society when its going wrong, are marginalized, mocked and silenced whenever possible.

And when everything they warned people about actually happens, nobody remembers that the alarmists were totally right (or that they, the sanguine, were totally wrong).

Human beings mostly like to believe in happy endings.

Inappropraite optimism is considered a good character trait in this society.

Like the optimist was heard to say as he plunged past the 50th floor window of a 100 story building:

" so far so goooooooooooooood!"

Listen bro, I like you around here. You seem knowledgable, and willing to learn something new besides your pet beliefs. But you seem so defeatist, and it's a downer. No one understands the difficulty in taking on the system more than I, so to speak, but I will never let that ruin my resolve.
Could be next month, could be next year, could be next decade. Could be the next generation that has to deal with it, even. I'd say that uncertainty is enough to say ENOUGH. We're mortgaging our children's future so that today's investors can keep a smile on their face, and this election can go smoothly. It's bullshit. It's not how a responsible society works, as far as I'm concerned. My boy is about to turn 1, and I want to see him grow up prosperously. I don't want to see him have to take the brunt of the mess. I'd rather take it now, in lieu of him taking it. And I'm basically speaking in terms of ALL children. They have no say in this, but we do. Instead of us taking responsibility for our fuck ups, we're sending them down the line to our children who had absolutely nothing to do with the mess we're in.

Not necessarily. There are a few people who are coming from NOWHERE right now, with an opportunity to win some key seats around the country. A man by the name of BJ Lawson who's running for US Congress out of NC, is a good example. And there are others this year, as well. Many with a good chance of winning. And then there's always the fact that regardless of whether we run for office, we still have a LOT of power that we simply refuse to exercise.

Listen bro, I like you around here. You seem knowledgable, and willing to learn something new besides your pet beliefs. But you seem so defeatist, and it's a downer. No one understands the difficulty in taking on the system more than I, so to speak, but I will never let that ruin my resolve.

Who are you voting for President?
Who are you voting for President?

I honestly don't know. It certainly won't be either of the main 2. I'm leaning towards Barr, because his platform is in line with mine, but I'm wary of whether of not I can trust him.

I'll probably vote for him because I'd like to see the LP finish high in the election, and send a message to the establishment that we WILL challenge the 2 party stranglehold. I'd rather be a part of something like that, which could lead to REAL change, then vote for a lesser of two evils. I'm not even sure either of the 2 main candidates are any more evil than the other one. They suck equally as bad, as far as I'm concerned.
I honestly don't know. It certainly won't be either of the main 2. I'm leaning towards Barr, because his platform is in line with mine, but I'm wary of whether of not I can trust him.

I'll probably vote for him because I'd like to see the LP finish high in the election, and send a message to the establishment that we WILL challenge the 2 party stranglehold. I'd rather be a part of something like that, which could lead to REAL change, then vote for a lesser of two evils. I'm not even sure either of the 2 main candidates are any more evil than the other one. They suck equally as bad, as far as I'm concerned.

I don't trust Barr. He's a hypocrite. Went after Clinton from day one and ended up having his own mistress.

I don't know why you don't like Obama. I really don't see it. The rest of the world likes him.

I don't buy that he's going to raise our taxes. Only if you make over $250K. But then we'll be able to pay our bills. And their jobs will be more secure so they continue to make $250K.

My buddy said "he's a muslim", and I said, "he's been a part of the christian church for 20 years", and he suggested that he only did that to become president. As if a black man 20 years ago thought he had a chance at being preisident. That's rediculous.

So I'm hoping you see that everything negative you hear about Obama are all lies.

What is it you don't like about him?
I don't trust Barr. He's a hypocrite. Went after Clinton from day one and ended up having his own mistress.

I don't know why you don't like Obama. I really don't see it. The rest of the world likes him.

I don't buy that he's going to raise our taxes. Only if you make over $250K. But then we'll be able to pay our bills. And their jobs will be more secure so they continue to make $250K.

My buddy said "he's a muslim", and I said, "he's been a part of the christian church for 20 years", and he suggested that he only did that to become president. As if a black man 20 years ago thought he had a chance at being preisident. That's rediculous.

So I'm hoping you see that everything negative you hear about Obama are all lies.

What is it you don't like about him?

My reasons for not liking Obama have nothing to do with Islam or churches. I don't like him because he's a tax and spender. You say he won't raise taxes, but how will he afford all his spending? You do know he proposes an increase in capital gains taxes, right? Capital gains are realized in all economic classes, sealy. I'm middle class, and I invest. I don't have a ton of money, and I'd like to keep the returns I'm getting right now, rather than give them away for pet programs like our already failed welfare system.

I don't agree with most of his social ideas. I like his Iraq policy, but how can you be sure he will come through on that with all the investment Corporate America has in it? The corporate media is sucking his dick, but I'm supposed to believe he's REALLY going to stick it to all those corps that are benefitting from the occupation? Come on.

He's my polar opposite domestically, and I have a hard time trusting him on his foreign policy. I don't believe we need to be invading Pakistan, either. And that's about the only part of his foreign policy i DO believe he'll come through on, because of the implications it would have on Corporate America, particularly the military-industrial complex.

The guy's got establishment written all over his face.

The fact is I don't see ANY candidate running for president that I actually TRUELY LIKE. Ron Paul was that guy, but he's out of it. I was going to write him in, but I don't think my state has write-ins on the ballot.

I may just choose not to vote at all, in which case I'll probably go down to my precinct and write Paul in anyway. It'll probably be a decision I make on my way to the poll, unless something significant happens between now and then.
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