Voter ID Battle Shifts to Proof of Citizenship

Oh...I think he'll vote for Obama because he thinks McCain will be better for Israel... heavens forbid...

Everyone should think about what is better for America and its definitely not the most liberal man in the Senate and a guy that wants to raise our taxes by 20%
Fearmongering are we? The biggest cries we have listened to the past 8 years is voter fraud, get new machines, blah, blah, blah from the left.

But you oppose the most common sense of laws. Voting is a privilege extended to the people by the state. The state has a right to regulate it and enforce its own laws.

Illegal/fraudulent voters disenfranchise law-abiding citizen voters. It's as simple as that.

Liberals only whine when THEY may lose votes. Proving who someone is threatens them because they are the party that has the cemetary vote sewed up and the party that has multiple voting sewed up as well.

One only complains about proving someone is actually eligable to vote when they fear their voters may in fact NOT be legal.

As for new machines, they screamed for them in 2000 then claimed they were rigged in 2004 and then suddenly when they won in 2006, total silence on all those "rigged" machines.
Fearmongering are we? The biggest cries we have listened to the past 8 years is voter fraud, get new machines, blah, blah, blah from the left.

But you oppose the most common sense of laws. Voting is a privilege extended to the people by the state. The state has a right to regulate it and enforce its own laws.

Illegal/fraudulent voters disenfranchise law-abiding citizen voters. It's as simple as that.

Voting is not a priviledge in America, it is a "right".....

And I don't have a problem with having to show identification of citizenship to become registered to vote in the FUTURE....I just think those Americans that have been registeted and are citizens should not be prevented from their "right" to vote if they can't somehow get a copy of their own birth certificate from 80 years ago......which under law at the time they registered to vote, it wasn't necessary....or some sort of provisional ballot be provided to them.

And it is utter bulloney that people on the left just want illegals to vote and dimminish THEIR OWN legal vote by doing's like the Obama crowd calling Hillary a racist imho! just simply not true.

.......More than likely. :D it is a cover up for their OWN ACTIONS, of trying to disenfranchise REAL AMERICANS of their vote, because it is probably a Democratic one if they don't drive or have some id with proof of citizenship, which has NEVER BEEN REQUIRED of them in THEIR ENTIRE LIVES since their vote.

I'm more interested in the rights of real Americans. I don't think voter fraud is a big problem, it's just another wedge issue. If a few slip through the cracks, so isn't worth the cost to prevent it. And who is to say they'd vote for who I wanted them to vote for, btw? That's just stupidity.
I'm more interested in the rights of real Americans. I don't think voter fraud is a big problem, it's just another wedge issue. If a few slip through the cracks, so isn't worth the cost to prevent it. And who is to say they'd vote for who I wanted them to vote for, btw? That's just stupidity.

Voter fraud isn't a real problem. I just read an article about Missouri where they said they're not sure what the law is trying to 'correct' b/c there was no proof voter fraud occurred.

What this rule DOES do is make it more difficult for senious and minorities... but that's what its intended to do because those are generally democratic votes (there's that darn demographic issue again).
Voter fraud isn't a real problem. I just read an article about Missouri where they said they're not sure what the law is trying to 'correct' b/c there was no proof voter fraud occurred.

What this rule DOES do is make it more difficult for senious and minorities... but that's what its intended to do because those are generally democratic votes (there's that darn demographic issue again).

There is no evidence of large scale fraud because NO ONE is looking. When there is no requirement to prove who you are or that you are a citizen when you register there won't be any "evidence" of fraud because there is no way to KNOW.

Once again to register one should have to prove the RIGHT to vote. Especially when the Country has between 10 and 20 MILLION illegal aliens in it. When one goes to vote one should have to provide evidence they really are who they claim to be.

Simple concepts indeed. Only the Democrats whine about it because for all these years they have abused the system. I also believe there should be a system to verify someone is not illegally registered to vote in more than one State. Especially in Florida.
I hate agreeing with a bigoted asshole like yourself, but this time I think your right.:eusa_doh:
No proof no voting rights, simple as that. The left fight this because they know it eats into their base.

Note Shogun: Please don't make it a habit this, I hate agreeing with you. :(

poor guy.. it must be agonizing deciphering an issue in which calling someone an antisemite doesn't clear up your conscience.
No, I didn't miss it at all. Liberals are meaningless in Missouri. In fact, I doubt they exist. I perfectly expect you to vote for McCain with your views. Like I said, you are either lying when you claim to support Obama or you are retarded and believe he thinks like you think.


yea.. they don't exist. believe what you want. a testicle is probably to blame anyway.
Seriously though, are any of his? I can't remember the last time he actually had a valid point.

Then why do you constantly respond to my posts? Did a man force you to post in this thread or something?
Oh...I think he'll vote for Obama because he thinks McCain will be better for Israel... heavens forbid...

In fact, I do think setting up "bomb bomb bomb bomb bomb iran" blank check policy that amounts to mousilini's support for hitler would be terrible foreign policy. As a matter of fact, it's SHOCKING that you didn't join the GOP for the sake of your dual citizenship.
Yes they are. Eyeball scans and all that wonderfulness. Where does it end? Eventually there will be no privacy for Americans. Hardly a conservative ideal.


yea.. restricting participation to only citizens sure is just like big brother spying on your every move!


:rofl: :rofl:
Voter fraud isn't a real problem. I just read an article about Missouri where they said they're not sure what the law is trying to 'correct' b/c there was no proof voter fraud occurred.

What this rule DOES do is make it more difficult for senious and minorities... but that's what its intended to do because those are generally democratic votes (there's that darn demographic issue again).

Care to cite this article or shall I post the link to the Firedupmissouri blog for you?

Did you make this same statement regarding diebold voting machines too?


i know i know.. it's probably antisemtic just asking that question

In fact, I do think setting up "bomb bomb bomb bomb bomb iran" blank check policy that amounts to mousilini's support for hitler would be terrible foreign policy. As a matter of fact, it's SHOCKING that you didn't join the GOP for the sake of your dual citizenship.

Israel isn't comparable to Hitler.

What the hell is up with people comparing everything under the sun to Hitler? He killed MASS amounts of people. If your going to compare something to him you better make sure its on the scale of killing 6 million people and attempting a massive genocide.
Israel isn't comparable to Hitler.

What the hell is up with people comparing everything under the sun to Hitler? He killed MASS amounts of people. If your going to compare something to him you better make sure its on the scale of killing 6 million people and attempting a massive genocide.

I guess a palestinian might think otherwise. Hell, repressing an entire population of people for the sake of the new master race and a JEWISH zion sure ISNT anything close to germans hoping for the same thing regarding their aryan master race!


Hey, I bet if you create another poll in the flame zone all of this will be untrue. Hell, you can even hop on the antisemite bandwagon now that you have added your nutless falsetto to the greek chorus of shogun fans.
I guess a palestinian might think otherwise. Hell, repressing an entire population of people for the sake of the new master race and a JEWISH zion sure ISNT anything close to germans hoping for the same thing regarding their aryan master race!

No, actually its nothing close to what the Germans did. They didn't just repress them, they brutally murdered millions of them in an extremely efficient and terrible way. Care to cite where the Israelis have done anything close to that?
No, actually its nothing close to what the Germans did. They didn't just repress them, they brutally murdered millions of them in an extremely efficient and terrible way. Care to cite where the Israelis have done anything close to that?

How many "terrorists" labels and rationalized civilian killings do you want to see? Cluster bombs and phosphorus weapons counts or are arabs not civilian enough to count? Are you REALLY under the impression that pal civilians are not the accepted collateral damage in the quest for zion or is this just an attempt to be relevant outside the flame zone?


How many "terrorists" labels and rationalized civilian killings do you want to see? Cluster bombs and phosphorus weapons counts or are arabs not civilian enough to count? Are you REALLY under the impression that pal civilians are not the accepted collateral damage in the quest for zion or is this just an attempt to be relevant outside the flame zone?

Post them all. Add them all up. Every single one since 1945. Whats the number count Shogun?

And thats just the numbers. Then lets examine the fact that Israel has never had a systematic extermination of Arabs. Where's the genocide Shogun? Where's the invasion of Arab lands? Wheres the aggressive conquering of neighbors, and subsequent massacre of their populations?

Israel isn't Hitler.

As for Palestinian civilians not mattering, are you really that retarded? Did you somehow miss the huge argument I had with Jillian and Grump over Palestinian casualties and Israel atrocities? The one that YOU were a part of?
ahh.. so, your mensa (HAHAHAHA!) mother told you that a genocide MUST mimic the holocaust?

but, hey, i'll play.












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Enjoy this last one, pussy. Marching women. Indeed, it's like a fucking human rights city of gold!

gen·o·cide Audio Help (j&#283;n'&#601;-s&#299;d') Pronunciation Key
n. The systematic and planned extermination of an entire national, racial, political, or ethnic group.


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