Grocery Prices FELL in April - Thanks Biden!

Which one, if any, did they use on this survey? Why do they not tell us?

No, I am not saying they lied. But the biggest weakness of on-line surveys is that normally the people that have a reason to answer do so, the rest do not. Thus if you are hurting you are more likely to respond to the link than if you are doing fine.

But again, we do not know who answered as there is no data on that. Did the people that answered make 10k a year or 200k a year?
/-----/ It's a fair point. I'll remember that the next time a libtard posts a poll of 350 random adults that Biden is leading in a swing state.
/—-/ I always do, but then I’m told I don’t understand polling techniques.

the people that tell you that are morons. But then again, so far this election cycle it is your fellow MAGA heads posting all the polls and putting their faith in them.
the people that tell you that are morons. But then again, so far this election cycle it is your fellow MAGA heads posting all the polls and putting their faith in them.
/----/ I think it's mostly to stick it to the Libtards who rely on polling that supports Biden. Any poll this far out from an election is usually generated to create a news headline to support a political position. They are cheap, fast, and usually forgotten by the next news cycle.
/----/ I think it's mostly to stick it to the Libtards who rely on polling that supports Biden. Any poll this far out from an election is usually generated to create a news headline to support a political position. They are cheap, fast, and usually forgotten by the next news cycle.

Just one more way the faithful on both side are basically identical.

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