Viral video shows intense moment of supermarket clerk stopping shoplifting attempt

Moonglow thinks because peoples have been conquering land for time immemorial, blacks should be able to steal whatever jewelry and electronics they want.

This is really the message that liberals are pushing: laws should not apply to black people. We saw the result of that last week as hoardes of them descended en masse in high-end retail stores and just grabbed whatever they wanted.
It really makes no sense. Liberals have gone completely soft on criminals (excluding Kyle, whom they went after with venom, amd who actually wasn’t guilty of a crime), and as a result these thugs fell entitled to just take stuff - and they have no fear of the police or any repercussions.

But how do Democrats, who are enabling criminal behavior, gain from this? They obviously think that letting thugs steal with abandon will help them at the polls, but how so?
the dems want a federal police force in every city and town in America ..... they will use the skyrocketing crime they are fomenting with their insane policies as an excuse to push for said [ideological] force .
It didn't stop the Europeans or the American Christians from stealing land from the Indians.
once again libbs point to things that happened hundreds of yrs ago to justify insanity today ! if the crime keeps going up it wont be long before it spreads to private homes ! since you claim people in the past stole from native Americans you should have no problem with a thug breaking into your home and robbing you ....
once again libbs point to things that happened hundreds of yrs ago to justify insanity today ! if the crime keeps going up it wont be long before it spreads to private homes ! since you claim people in the past stole from native Americans you should have no problem with a thug breaking into your home and robbing you ....
Yup! Libbys justify all these black people in Los Angeles or Chicago or wherever looting top-end stores and walking out with expensive jewelry, which they fence, or looting Target and walking out with flat-screen TVs, which they also fence, because…..Pilgrims!

If it were tons of whites behaving like this, libs would be screaming about white supremacy, and throw them in jail. But because they’re black, and libs see hardcore theft as “reparations,” they‘ve been tolerating it.
Yup! Libbys justify all these black people in Los Angeles or Chicago or wherever looting top-end stores and walking out with expensive jewelry, which they fence, or looting Target and walking out with flat-screen TVs, which they also fence, because…..Pilgrims!

If it were tons of whites behaving like this, libs would be screaming about white supremacy, and throw them in jail. But because they’re black, and libs see hardcore theft as “reparations,” they‘ve been tolerating it.
i dont believe its a race thing .... the left dosnt care about the race of perps as long as in the end they can use it to implement a federal police force in every town and city .
i dont believe its a race thing .... the left dosnt care about the race of perps as long as in the end they can use it to implement a federal police force in every town and city .
I wouldn’t have thought it a race thing previously, but I’ve seen how the liberals come crashing down on a white - with no criminal record - while going very easy on a black - with a long history of criminal behavior. Compare to how they screamed “white supremacist!!l about Kyle, and threw him in jail under a $2 million bond, while letting the black guy with a 20-year history of crime, who had just been arrested for trying to run over his wife/girlfriend, out on $1000 bail where he was free to run down and murder half a dozen white people.

In short, liberals are allowing race to drive all decisions, and I do believe because 95% of the looters are black, they’ve been soft on them and actually decriminalized shoplifting of items under $950 in California. Just look at some of the replies here: talk about how white people stole Indian land 500 years ago, so it’s fair play for blacks to steal too.
I wouldn’t have thought it a race thing previously, but I’ve seen how the liberals come crashing down on a white - with no criminal record - while going very easy on a black - with a long history of criminal behavior. Compare to how they screamed “white supremacist!!l about Kyle, and threw him in jail under a $2 million bond, while letting the black guy with a 20-year history of crime, who had just been arrested for trying to run over his wife/girlfriend, out on $1000 bail where he was free to run down and murder half a dozen white people.

In short, liberals are allowing race to drive all decisions, and I do believe because 95% of the looters are black, they’ve been soft on them and actually decriminalized shoplifting of items under $950 in California. Just look at some of the replies here: talk about how white people stole Indian land 500 years ago, so it’s fair play for blacks to steal too.
the liberal media also gave antifa a pass on the violence and crime they committed ... and antifa is made up mainly of weak white brats .... so i think its more about power than race ... though they will not hesitate to foment racial division to gain more power . for instance if Rittenhouse was a black conservative instead of white they would have still gone after him .
the liberal media also gave antifa a pass on the violence and crime they committed ... and antifa is made up mainly of weak white brats .... so i think its more about power than race ... though they will not hesitate to foment racial division to gain more power . for instance if Rittenhouse was a black conservative instead of white they would have still gone after him .
Yes, that’s true. It’s more a conservative v liberal thing. I’ve heard the venom with which the “tolerant” liberals, claiming to be accepting of “different” people, go after black conservatives. They do the same with Jewish conservatives.
Did you catch the part where the police gave him a warning and let him go?
Did you also catch the part where this is not the first time he was caught and was let go?

What incentive does he have to stop??
I fully agree. That guy has no incentive to stop. The companies are apparently afraid of getting sued or losing customers or both, leaving workers such as Auntie Gina in the middle of it all.

I'm telling ya, the first company to hire some counter-goons to beat the living shit out of these guys will probably see their business skyrocket more than enough to buy the bail and legal fees for their "security guards."

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