Video of Tea Party Class/Mocking Parkinson's Disease.

Procrustes Stretched

"intuition and imagination and intelligence"
Dec 1, 2008
Location: corpus callosum
Video - Tea Partiers Mock And Scorn Apparent Parkinson's Victim - Politics

How did I miss this video?

This is what Tea Party people keep saying does NOT happen.


Op-Ed Columnist
An Absence of Class

Published: March 22, 2010

A group of lowlifes at a Tea Party rally in Columbus, Ohio, last week taunted and humiliated a man who was sitting on the ground with a sign that said he had Parkinson’s disease. The disgusting behavior was captured on a widely circulated videotape. One of the Tea Party protesters leaned over the man and sneered: “If you’re looking for a handout, you’re in the wrong end of town.”

Another threw money at the man, first one bill and then another, and said contemptuously, “I’ll pay for this guy. Here you go. Start a pot.” -
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Op-Ed Columnist
An Absence of Class

Published: March 22, 2010

A group of lowlifes at a Tea Party rally in Columbus, Ohio, last week taunted and humiliated a man who was sitting on the ground with a sign that said he had Parkinson’s disease. The disgusting behavior was captured on a widely circulated videotape. One of the Tea Party protesters leaned over the man and sneered: “If you’re looking for a handout, you’re in the wrong end of town.”

Another threw money at the man, first one bill and then another, and said contemptuously, “I’ll pay for this guy. Here you go. Start a pot.” -
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steady steady steady..

yep, class.

Op-Ed Columnist
An Absence of Class

Published: March 22, 2010

A group of lowlifes at a Tea Party rally in Columbus, Ohio, last week taunted and humiliated a man who was sitting on the ground with a sign that said he had Parkinson’s disease. The disgusting behavior was captured on a widely circulated videotape. One of the Tea Party protesters leaned over the man and sneered: “If you’re looking for a handout, you’re in the wrong end of town.”

Another threw money at the man, first one bill and then another, and said contemptuously, “I’ll pay for this guy. Here you go. Start a pot.” - Op-Ed Columnist - An Absence of Class in the G.O.P. -
Once again we hear...isolated incident, those members were liberal plants, the guy was asking for it
The Tea Party somehow has this romantic view that they are the moral equivalent to the Patriots of the American Revolution.

However, their tactics, rhetoric and actions place them closer to the Southern racists who protested the Civil Rights legislation. Both thought the Constitution was on their side and both thought they were patriotic, both screamed about States Rights, both screamed about secession, both blamed the Liberals for all their problems and both were exclusively white.

History will look at both with disdain
Dante has got to be a troll.

He post and re post the same shit over and over and then acts all surprised and gets all bent out of shape over it over and over..

good friggen grief. pathetic.:cuckoo:
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Video - Tea Partiers Mock And Scorn Apparent Parkinson's Victim - Politics

How did I miss this video?

This is what Tea Party people keep saying does NOT happen.


Op-Ed Columnist
An Absence of Class

Published: March 22, 2010

A group of lowlifes at a Tea Party rally in Columbus, Ohio, last week taunted and humiliated a man who was sitting on the ground with a sign that said he had Parkinson’s disease. The disgusting behavior was captured on a widely circulated videotape. One of the Tea Party protesters leaned over the man and sneered: “If you’re looking for a handout, you’re in the wrong end of town.”

Another threw money at the man, first one bill and then another, and said contemptuously, “I’ll pay for this guy. Here you go. Start a pot.” - Op-Ed Columnist - An Absence of Class in the G.O.P. -

The cult of Rush.
The prince of nastiness and fear.

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