Video: Jen Psaki gets upset because a reporter asked her when the laid off oil workers will get the green energy jobs that Biden had promised them

We all know that the solar panels will be made in China and the windmills will be made in Germany.
Illegals will probably install them.
A reporter asked Jen Psaki when the laid off oil workers will get the green jobs that Biden had promised them.

Psaki refused to cite any specific date.

She even seems to be mad that the reporter would ask such a question.

I think it was a great question:

Here is a blog post that I wrote about Democrats’ previous broken promises about green energy jobs.

A faux niwz dork weakly badgering the Whitehouse press secretary.

Are we supposed to be surprised? Impressed? What?
A reporter asked Jen Psaki when the laid off oil workers will get the green jobs that Biden had promised them.

Psaki refused to cite any specific date.

She even seems to be mad that the reporter would ask such a question.

I think it was a great question:

Here is a blog post that I wrote about Democrats’ previous broken promises about green energy jobs.

Who really controls her?


How old is she in this photo?

That's an awkward, creepy mother fucker.... hmm? That Chucky doll looking shitstain literally makes my skin crawl.

They're almost better off with Plugs trying to stutter-fuck his way through the questions with the assistance of his visiting angel.... and these are complete softball questions that are teed up, like for a 6-year old.

What color crayons does Joe like to eat and does it turn his diaper loads that color?

Baghdad Bob says "do you miss me yet?"

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1,000 + 10,000 = 11,000.

With another estimated 60,000 indirect jobs.....but I won't expect you to have the IQ to grasp what an indirect job is.

The problem is you lied about what those 11,000 jobs were.

Thousands. 11,000+ are now out of work because of Veggie Joe.

Only 1,000 are out of work, actually will be out of work in the next couple of weeks.

Yet you claimed 11,000 had been fired or laid off.

Only one word for that. LIAR !!!!
1,000 + 10,000 = 11,000.

With another estimated 60,000 indirect jobs.....but I won't expect you to have the IQ to grasp what an indirect job is.

The problem is you lied about what those 11,000 jobs were.

Thousands. 11,000+ are now out of work because of Veggie Joe.

Only 1,000 are out of work, actually will be out of work in the next couple of weeks.

Yet you claimed 11,000 had been fired or laid off.

Only one word for that. LIAR !!!!
Spin it however you need to in a lame attempt to defend Veggie Joe.

He destroyed 11,000 jobs, and up to 60,000 indirect jobs with one stroke of his crayon.
Thousands. 11,000+ are now out of work because of Veggie Joe.
Only 1,000 are out of work, actually will be out of work in the next couple of weeks.

Yet you claimed 11,000 had been fired or laid off.

Only one word for that. LIAR !!!!
Spin it however you need to in a lame attempt to defend Veggie Joe.

He destroyed 11,000 jobs, and up to 60,000 indirect jobs with one stroke of his crayon.

Why did you change your tune?

You went from - 11,000+ are now out of work because of Veggie Joe.

Then changed it to - He destroyed 11,000 jobs

You can argue about how many jobs did or will disspear, but you can't argue that 11,000 people are currently out of work due to the EO.
Just because she refuses to lie to the reporters.
She refuses to answer questions from reporters. Unless you call "We'll have to circle back to that." an answer! Psaki is either the least informed Press Secretary of all time or the least responsive.
She said she would have to get the answer, instead of just using made up bullshit answers like Trumps white house spokespeople.

If after a week, those questions remain unanswered, THEN, you would have a point.
So call me in a week with a list of questions that she circled on, but didn't come back.
Thousands. 11,000+ are now out of work because of Veggie Joe.
Only 1,000 are out of work, actually will be out of work in the next couple of weeks.

Yet you claimed 11,000 had been fired or laid off.

Only one word for that. LIAR !!!!
Spin it however you need to in a lame attempt to defend Veggie Joe.

He destroyed 11,000 jobs, and up to 60,000 indirect jobs with one stroke of his crayon.

Why did you change your tune?

You went from - 11,000+ are now out of work because of Veggie Joe.

Then changed it to - He destroyed 11,000 jobs

You can argue about how many jobs did or will disspear, but you can't argue that 11,000 people are currently out of work due to the EO.
Keep spinning............................. :itsok:
A reporter asked Jen Psaki when the laid off oil workers will get the green jobs that Biden had promised them.

Psaki refused to cite any specific date.

She even seems to be mad that the reporter would ask such a question.

I think it was a great question:

Here is a blog post that I wrote about Democrats’ previous broken promises about green energy jobs.

Democrats are full of shit.
They didn't like Keystone because it was TRump who pushed it.
They don't have a plan for creating jobs.
They do have a plan for destroying jobs and making us dependent on foreign oil from Ukraine and Russia.
Thousands. 11,000+ are now out of work because of Veggie Joe.


Spin it however you need to in a lame attempt to defend Veggie Joe.

He destroyed 11,000 jobs, and up to 60,000 indirect jobs with one stroke of his crayon.

Why did you change your tune?

Going from out of work NOW, to losing future job opportunities.

You know when you tell two conflicting stories, one of them is a LIE !!!

I'll let you pick which one you lied about.
Thousands. 11,000+ are now out of work because of Veggie Joe.


Spin it however you need to in a lame attempt to defend Veggie Joe.

He destroyed 11,000 jobs, and up to 60,000 indirect jobs with one stroke of his crayon.

Why did you change your tune?

Going from out of work NOW, to losing future job opportunities.

You know when you tell two conflicting stories, one of them is a LIE !!!

I'll let you pick which one you lied about.
Is this the best defense of Veggie Joe's job killing EO you can come up with? Whining and crying like a little girl at the adjectives I use to describe it?

Poor fella. :laughing0301: :itsok:
A reporter asked Jen Psaki when the laid off oil workers will get the green jobs that Biden had promised them.

Psaki refused to cite any specific date.
Isn't that question dependent on when Bidens rebuild america bill becomes law?

If you can give the specific date that will happen, then she could give you a specific date based on how long it would take to kick in.
Is this the best defense of Veggie Joe's job killing EO you can come up with? Whining and crying like a little girl at the adjectives I use to describe it?

Poor fella. :laughing0301: :itsok:

You can claim the EO destroyed current and future jobs, but you can't lie about how many.

Thousands. 11,000+ are now out of work because of Veggie Joe.

Biden got 10,000 people laid off from jobs that haven't been created yet?

Explain how he did that.
Is this the best defense of Veggie Joe's job killing EO you can come up with? Whining and crying like a little girl at the adjectives I use to describe it?

Poor fella. :laughing0301: :itsok:

You can claim the EO destroyed current and future jobs, but you can't lie about how many.

Thousands. 11,000+ are now out of work because of Veggie Joe.

Biden got 10,000 people laid off from jobs that haven't been created yet?

Explain how he did that.
:boo_hoo14: :206::crybaby::itsok:

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