USMB Way Early 2012 Republican Primary Poll

USMB Way Early 2012 Republican Primary Poll

  • Total voters


Jul 13, 2009
Oklahoma City, OK
Found a link on conservative Tucker Carlson's new site called the Daily Caller The Daily Caller - Breaking News, Opinion, Research, and Entertainment to an article by ABC News about the current top 12 Republican contenders for challenging Obama in 2012.

2012 Election: Twelve GOP Candidates Challenge Obama - ABC News

While I know the Democrat/liberals will chime in even if asked not to, I'd like for the Republican/conservatives to vote in the poll for one of the ten the poll limits me to and why they voted for the person.

The two names not included in the poll are Rick Santorum and George Pataki.
its way to early to even consider picking someone. especially when no one will know who is running until next year.
I voted for Gary Johnson because of his libertarian leanings. He has a Ron Paul sensible view of politics and policy with the charisma that Paul lacks. There really isn't anything to dislike about the guy that I've seen yet.
Ron Paul because he is the most consistent defender of limited constitutional government possibly in the history of this nation. He's also better on economics than Gary Johnson, though Johnson would be a close second for me.
Ron Paul and Gary Johnston seem almost exactly the same.

And Paul will probably win this poll, like most internet polls. Too bad for him it doesn't translate to the actual polls. :lol:
Ron Paul and Gary Johnston seem almost exactly the same.

And Paul will probably win this poll, like most internet polls. Too bad for him it doesn't translate to the actual polls. :lol:

They're very similar.

Ron Paul hasn't won any of these polls so far on USMB.
They're very similar.

Ron Paul hasn't won any of these polls so far on USMB.

I was referring back to the Fox News/Sean Hannity one.

When Paul won it by like a landslide and Hannity tried to say it was fixed. :lol:
Hannity would rather discredit his own poll than give credit to anyone who isn't a neocon.

That's why it was so hilarious. He rather of sunk any creditability of Fox Polls than admit Ron Paul won. Talk about cutting off your own hand so you don't have to shake someone else's hand. :lol:
As a political moderate, Romney appeals to me most.

Of course that means that the Tea Baggers will eviscerate him and destroy his chances.

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