USMB Coffee Shop IV

All this time, I believed he was CEO of the company (his dad was from a wealthy family). Suit, tie, stuffy like his dad maybe. Nope. He is a Mini Gracie, lol. LOVES dogs. Adores them. Long hair. In to death metal music of all things. He rebelled and bailed from them at 18ish. I'm so glad he did.
I can't get over that this huge tall man came out of my body. And that the last time I laid eyes on him face to face was when he was 3 months old. I don't have pics of his first few months. They burned up in the fire. :(
Losing something that irreplaceable is the worst. But at least you can have a relationship now. I have to get to bed. After 1 a.m. here. But will look forward to the rest of the story when you're feeling up to it. :)
All this time, I believed he was CEO of the company (his dad was from a wealthy family). Suit, tie, stuffy like his dad maybe. Nope. He is a Mini Gracie, lol. LOVES dogs. Adores them. Long hair. In to death metal music of all things. He rebelled and bailed from them at 18ish. I'm so glad he did.
Let me know if you want to know anything about death metal from someone who is a fan and at least somewhat near his age. :lol:
Everything is just so....surreal.
He took this pic when he was in his 40's. Unbeknownst to me, I did the same concept also in my 40's. Uncanny.
He will write something and I am OMG! Me too! I will write someting and he is "WOW...I never thought anyone besides me felt that way".
It's just weird. So very freaky, but in a good way.

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No denying that. Mother and son.
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My Vietnam Vet friend is in the hospital for the second time. He taught his nephew how to give puppy shots, so the pet cage is in the dining room, as we tried to put each of 9 puppies in the cage when finished giving them their first parvo shots. His nephew is going to put together the hurricane fence in the back yard after he takes out the wooden one from which the dogs escape rather easily and occasionally go places where they are unwelcome. I don't know if his uncle will be around to supervise the task, but it's okay, because his nephew was in construction for years and is confident it will go well. The chain link fence is supposed to be here next week, along with a couple of gates. Please put us on your prayer list. My friend is 78 years old and couldn't stop smoking and kept coming up with his relatives who lived into their 80s with a tobacco habit. Sometimes the answer to your prayers was not in your plans, so I don't know what the outcome will be, but his lungs are failing him this week, oxygen pumps and all. Even so, prayers may bring another kind of healing to the person whose good health you're caring for. He asked his nephew to bring all his clothes to the hospital, so maybe he plans to fight the odds. I hope he wins his battle, but emphysema is a terrible thing and invites other problems to show up.

My recent visit to the doctor yielded a picture that yes, the pain in my left wrist is arthritis, and my infection brought on antibiotics that give me brutal headaches that go away only when I'm asleep. So while my friend is fighting for his life, I had to take 3 naps earlier today just to get rid of the pain, but miraculously, the leg seizures subsided down to nothing after the first go-round with antibiotics a couple of weeks ago. I can still make it up and down the stairs, but my diet and supplements must be battling off really bad stuff. I haven't near the problems my grandmother had, but she lived to be 96 years old, and I drove from Wyoming to Texas twice to help out my cousins one of whom had health issues, and the other was a school principles with an insane schedule of 80-hour workweeks not to mention reeducation seminars from time to time. It was my pleasure to be with my ailing grandmother who housed my family when I was 4 years old and my Dad was in Korea saving the South Koreans from their hostile North Koreans threatening them with war games.
So my prayers are two-fold--thanks for my good health, and please bail out my live-in terminally ill Vet. I'm hoping for a miracle, and that won't be the first time.

Love to all who visit the coffee shop, and as the Spanish say, "adios," I say the translation, "Go with God." May all of you enjoy a good holiday season and very good health through the new year. Good night. ❤️ :sleep:

p.s. The puppies are fine, the system worked, all nine were vaccinated, and the little trick on sticking the pinched neck fat worked like a charm, so the insult was minor.
So..I will try to keep this short but no guarantees. Kat and a few others here...a scant few, I might add, knew of my past pain of something I did. It took 52 years to end that pain and I feel like sharing it with y'all because 1) I have a hard time sleeping especially with MrG gone and 2) it's exciting for me and for a long time, I have dealt with it but it has finally ended.

On Dec 22nd, 1970, I had a child. A son. I just turned 18. When he was 3 months old, my husband woke me and said he wanted a divorce, that his parents wanted me gone but wanted our son to stay with them because they had money, could give him what I could not, and that I could see him any time I wanted. They lied. I came back to California, thinking I would fly back and see him in a month or so, but when I walked in the door after that long and sad flight, I was told by my mom that their lawyer called and said there was a restraining order on me and to never contact them again. They had adopted him legally, had my signature, and I was to forget I ever had that child because he now belonged to them. Being 18 and no money and a vicious mother who would abuse him since i was at her mercy to take me in, and knowing she would do to him what she did to me, my sister, my sisters sons...I felt I made the right decision to make sure he would grow up to be sound and secure and happy.

They kept him well hidden. When he turned 18 I attempted contact. It was not accepted. I had an adoption agency contact him asking if he wanted to know about his birth mother...and they said his reply was a polite no. I called Oprah asking for help. I called other such shows asking. None ever replied. So for every year since 1970 on the 22nd of December, I silently wished him a happy birthday and wished he knew how much I missed him and wanted to tell him myself WHY I did what I did. Its been a long LONG search. But I found him 4 days ago. I left him a message on FB, which I joined just to be able to message him, and simply said "Do you still not want to know me? I am your birth mother", fully expecting silence, blocking, or another denial. Instead I got a message back saying "WOW! I have been looking for you a long time. I thought you were dead".

Since then, we have been emailing back and forth constantly, sharing info, sharing pics, sharing all we could. The last time I held him, smelled his baby smell, looked in his eyes...he was 3 months old. He will be 52 soon.And the pic he sent me is of a man 6'4" tall, married, with step children of his own and great grandchildren. Not his own, but adopted like he was. And he told me they did not treat him well after he found out that who he thought as his brothers, mother and father were really his uncles, grandmother and grandfather and his eldest brother was in reality his birth father.
It's been an eye opening few days and I am still numb, surprised, pleased and telling him all I can about my side of his family which makes him who he is.
We are so similar in thoughts, likes, dislikes, etc that its like looking in a mirror and the image is not me but of a man who looks very much like me. Mindboggling, to say the least.

I wish Kat were still alive so I could tell her that aspect of my life is now a present aspect and it turned out wonderful. But since I can't tell her..I can tell whomever reads this. Like him, there is not really anyone close to me TO tell except strangers on a message board that has been more family to me than my real family. Until now. Now..I have my son again. And we learn more about each other ever day.

Thanks for listening. I just wanted to tell someone. So I told you.
Dang it.. and bless her soul, I've loved Kat as a distant buddy for well over 12 years, so sweet, so kind so willing to laugh, yup I loved her friendship and it was true.

Gracie, to know you is to like to read, luckily in your case you keep it interesting and have a nice flow, well thought out is my guess.

It's great you have the opportunity to get to know your son and I can't even begin to imagine the emotional tolls of your past.
Right now...we are swapping music likes and dislikes. So far...that is the only thing we do NOT have in common, lol. However, he said he had to log off....had his youtube vid ready to play when he gets in bed. The vid is....get this....rain and thunderstorms on a black screen. What is sitting there on MY tv waiting to hit PLAY? Black screen rainstorm.
I'm still amazed at how similar we are. Pleased, too.

My bon vivant little grandma was the most awesome baker. She always served her coffee cake with instant Sanka (nuked in the microwave). Whenever I have coffee cake, I crave instant coffee.
I haven't had instant coffee in many many years and have none in the house, but I do remember instant coffee and didn't mind it at all. Some was much better than others though.
I am making a quadruple batch of chili today. Once mr. boe finishes chopping up the onions and pepper, I will go to town!
My bon vivant little grandma was the most awesome baker. She always served her coffee cake with instant Sanka (nuked in the microwave). Whenever I have coffee cake, I crave instant coffee.
This is great.. nice to see you Lady Boedicca ..:SMILEW~130:

mmm .. I had a bon vivant little grandma as well, a tiny Belgian lady who was very cuddly around the middle.

She introduced me to the glories of chocolate.. 😏
This is great.. nice to see you Lady Boedicca ..:SMILEW~130:

mmm .. I had a bon vivant little grandma as well, a tiny Belgian lady who was very cuddly around the middle.

She introduced me to the glories of chocolate.. 😏

Mine loved to play cards with us kids. She'd give us piles of pennies and then win them all back from us while she smoked and drank cocktails.
I haven't had instant coffee in many many years and have none in the house, but I do remember instant coffee and didn't mind it at all. Some was much better than others though.
When I'm in the mood to vavoom my old guy puttering around the yard and such, I'll brew the "real stuff" and go for it..

Me and caffeine, not so much, although, I am fully snoody on decaffeinated..

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