USMB Coffee Shop IV

My objective is to become involved with working my NLP/Hypnosis magic on the veterans who do their Recon course....Ultimately to do that as a profession and get out of the construction racket.

Already did some work with one of their participants, and he appears to have derived some measure of benefit from it....So I'm now working up a presentation to give at one of the Recon meetings, and work on the possibility of doing a separate seminar on healing the mind.
Well the world would be a much more dismal place without good construction people too. I remember fondly the general contractor who built our home in Kansas and his attention to detail and getting things absolutely right. And very much appreciate the contractors we hire to do things we can't do any more and who do those things well agreeably and pleasantly. :)

But I do appreciate changing vocations especially when our bodies start telling us it is time for that. And having something in mind to go to is a very good thing and if it is something rewarding to us it is an amazing blessing not only to us but others.


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Good night, afternoon, morning wherever you are darlinks. I really do love you guys. May the Coffee Shop always be a virtual family for those who need or enjoy one here.

And we pray or send positive thoughts or keep vigil for:

Harper, the inspiration for the vigil list. Another surgery coming up.
Nosmo King for healing and health & wholeness.
Big Black Dog for the very best treatment and outcome for the rest of his days.
Gracie for solutions and peace.
Ringel for continued wellness and his brothers' families for relief from adversity and illness.
Hombre & Foxfyre's son for continued wellness & their nephew dealing with ALS.
Beautress's friend Ken for healing and wellness.
Dale Smith for quality of life.
Boedicca's nephew for healing/adversity and baby Emma for healing and full recovery.
Mindful for successful impending radiation therapy.
SFC Ollie for healing and wellness
Foxfyre's Aunt Betty for resolution of difficult relationship and successful completion of her home sale so that she can live out her days as stress free as possible and enjoy life.

And we keep the light on so others who have been away can find their way back and we hope they will.

Some say it is extravagant and wasteful creating something so large as one of the world's most beautiful gardens. But somehow I just think the world is better for them. This is Butchart Gardens in Victoria, Canada.
Another beautiful post for Foxfyre. Girl, you really know how to hit the ball right outta the park. 💗 What a loving person you have been for the last dozen years I've been at USMB to everyone who comes to your upbeat Coffee Lounge. Love, beautress (aka freedombecki back when before my husband passed).
Happy New Week this lovely Monday morning.
This is for anyone who has lost a loved one or has had a setback.
I was looking up hymns for my little hymns thread at USMB's "Religion and Ethics" program.
This seems ecumenical enough for the general population, hope it lifts your spirits when you are down...
☕You'll Never Walk Alone
☕☕☕ ☕☕☕

:laugh2:And for the Sports Fans...:laugh2:

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Hope everyone is doing well, I'm not doing too bad myself. A while back I was looking at tablets to use in the kitchen, primarily for recipes. Get rid of the boxes of recipe cards and 9/10s of the cookbooks........
Since I'd looked on Amazon they obviously keep track of what you're looking at so when I logged in the other day I'm looking at my "resume search" screen and there's a 9th Generation Fire7 Tablet for $20........... It showed up yesterday and I already have it looking for recipes. :thup:
Happy New Week this lovely Monday morning.
This is for anyone who has lost a loved one or has had a setback.
I was looking up hymns for my little hymns thread at USMB's "Religion and Ethics" program.
This seems ecumenical enough for the general population, hope it lifts your spirits when you are down...
☕You'll Never Walk Alone
☕☕☕ ☕☕☕

:laugh2:And for the Sports Fans...:laugh2:

Those were awesome Beautress. I had not seen that done in quite that way before. I was so impressed with "You'll Never Walk Alone" I almost didn't play the "Take Me Out to the Ballgame" and would have missed a real treat if I didn't.

These reminded me of this video that still amazes me. It even features our New Mexico Zuni Indian drummers.
Except for four months in Amarillo and now living in Albuquerque, Hombre and I were definitely small town kids having grown up in and lived most of our lives in small towns of less than 40,000 people, some less than 10,000 people. So when I saw this meme, I could so relate. That's exactly how it was back then and for the most part still is:

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Those were awesome Beautress. I had not seen that done in quite that way before. I was so impressed with "You'll Never Walk Alone" I almost didn't play the "Take Me Out to the Ballgame" and would have missed a real treat if I didn't.

These reminded me of this video that still amazes me. It even features our New Mexico Zuni Indian drummers.

Wow, Foxfyre. Just WOW! Those guys sound like something I haven't heard in years. Thanks for sharing!!!
Those were awesome Beautress. I had not seen that done in quite that way before. I was so impressed with "You'll Never Walk Alone" I almost didn't play the "Take Me Out to the Ballgame" and would have missed a real treat if I didn't.

These reminded me of this video that still amazes me. It even features our New Mexico Zuni Indian drummers.

Thanks, Foxfyre. You might like to see this about "virtual choirs." They came together because of one man who realized the idea of a virtual choir neeeded assistance to keep everyone together against the odds. Here's the story about how quality virutal chorales came about. I am so privileged to bring it here where excellence in posting is the best on the web at Foxfyre's inspiring and flat out fun coffee lounge:

And his own song:

OK, it's early this morning, and I just finished reading a couple of things about how important sleep is.

Answer: listen to a virtual choir 10 minutes before you hit the sack the same guy above who fixed and organized virtual choirs to sing wrote the song "Sleep:" From what I read about sleep, this one could give people cause celebre to get a good night's sleep, a life improver and extender:

A long life and happiness to all members of this coffee shop area of respite and caring for each other!
And love to Foxfyre for her dedication to excellence where it can be scarce some days...


Hope everyone is doing well, I'm not doing too bad myself. A while back I was looking at tablets to use in the kitchen, primarily for recipes. Get rid of the boxes of recipe cards and 9/10s of the cookbooks........
Since I'd looked on Amazon they obviously keep track of what you're looking at so when I logged in the other day I'm looking at my "resume search" screen and there's a 9th Generation Fire7 Tablet for $20........... It showed up yesterday and I already have it looking for recipes. :thup:
Whatever works I say. I have a gazillion cook books too but almost never open them. I keep all the recipes I use--organized and catalogued--on my desk top computer and just run one off when I need it. I guess it would save on printer ink and paper if I used my Fire instead but it's full of games and books.
I had to miss our Sunday night supper this evening. Last night I was chasing Ken's dog out of the house where he had just excused himself on the white carpet, and I slipped on a concrete step forward to a concrete floor hitting left wrist, right upper and lower leg and crashed hard on my left forehead just above my eye. It was late, I was tired and a little cranky because when I finally got off the concrete floor, being a little dazed, my eye socket and the bone above had swollen a lot. I crocheted a little to find out how bad the wrist was, and I crocheted a quarter of the kitchen rag I was putting the final touch on lace around the dishrag. I make brown dishrags so the coffee stains won't show up that I have to mop up every morning. Anyway, accomplishing a quarter of the lace to complete the dishrag made me feel ok, and the wrist small pink spot didn't get any bigger, so I didn't have to worry about my artsy craftsy hands. The lower front leg is tinted a grayish-red hue, but it doesn't hurt. A bruise above my wrist, however hurts a lot less than it would have if I hadn't crocheted a little bit to keep things working there. Both lower palms are bruised, and the pain is minimal 24 hours later. There was internal bleeding above the eye, so I took a homeopathic blood thinner to keep clots from forming, but I have never seen such a black eye. It's good and black, but again, the pain and shock of the fall are gone, and I'm fine. Locking all the doors in my house had a beneficent effect, too. No more naughty little doggies! Isn't that silly that doing something minor to get over all semblances of anger works for me. :auiqs.jpg: I just can't stand being angry for more than a couple of minutes, because it's just better to let bad stuff go asap for me. I learned that from Bill, my late husband. When my Dad was mad, somebody was gonna get a whipping, but when Bill got mad, he was over it in less than a minute, and he acted like it was important not to stay mad for any longer than that. I tried it a few times, and it was surprising to me that you don't have to stay mad over just about anything, and being mad for me it is not much fun anyhow. I spent the day avoiding pain by working on cutting strips for a blue log cabin charity quilt. I tend to make to many girlie colors, because I like warm colors--pink, orange, red, and yellow; but those colors never seem very masculine, so today's strips were blue ones for a little infant boy. I try to even them out and make half for girls and half plus one or two for boys, because usually, a few more boys than girls are born that possibly is just a natural reaction to losing men in war ages ago, so mother nature just kicked in with a couple of percentages more of boys than girls. I figured I could cut 10 blue strips from different fabrics even though my back muscles were a little sore probably because of my ungraceful spill last night. I stayed home because of the shiner on my left eye. As my mom used to say, "Vanity, thy name is woman." She was always a bit right when it came to sayings. Love ya'll. Hope everyone got at least one laugh out of my minor catastrophe. It looks a lot worse than it is because of my forcing myself to use hands and downing a couple of mini sugary pills that are designed to thin the liquids in your system to avoid clotting. Time to go get some rest. :bigbed: Sweet dreams, everyone!
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Except for four months in Amarillo and now living in Albuquerque, Hombre and I were definitely small town kids having grown up in and lived most of our lives in small towns of less than 40,000 people, some less than 10,000 people. So when I saw this meme, I could so relate. That's exactly how it was back then and for the most part still is:

Good one, foxfyre!

Our nearest town was small when we got here, but a dozen years later, this year, to be exact, we have unfathomable traffic, and the grocery stores are like a mob because of the open border folks pouring into small Texas towns. I now intentionally shop for groceries at 6 or 7 am so I can get a handicapped parking space, ride a go chair at big stores that you could fit 3 football fields inside of home food and merchandise bargain houses. I don't go there anymore it seems, because of the traffic inside the stores, and the people who hacked my computer got all my information from two wallets I had pickpocketed at Wally World, a year apart. I didn't know much about getting a purse robbed, but I now know, so I don't go to big places any more, and I place my money in a zipper compartment in addition to paying attention to not leaving my cart to go to another row with a purse so conveniently placed in the child's seat area. I still get hacked online probably from the same people, but I call my bank when my computer says I'm in a malicious site, to keep an eye on purchases made in foreign countries. The online thieves trade info with each other, apparently, so I cancelled my credit card and haven't made a purchase online for just over a full year now, and shop at mom and pop places who accept my checks. The big outfits punished me for getting hacked by not accepting my checks any more. Whatever the hackers did in my name must have been pretty bad, but when I called the company that cancels checks in large stores, I got a broken english foreign accented person tell me when I asked why I got my privileges cancelled, her answer was "It's really, really, really bad." ???? that bit they claimed I could call in for a reason my privileges were cancelled did not give a satisfactory answer as a consequence of them telling me I was getting punished because of getting myself hacked unwittinglly. In other words, they blamed me for the crimes committed against me. :( I'm saving a lot of money, though, by not going to places where I have to take a lot of cash since grocery tickets here are twice as large as a couple or so of years back before we had inflation. I shed no tears when I hear that some of the big stores closed down due to thieves that are not allowed to be pursued for stealing in towns that defunded the police. I sold my stock in the companies that cancelled me. In our state, thieves can be stopped by proprietors given the power to stop the mad-dog behavior of mass stealing. I bless the governing body in the state of Texas for insuring that people can be stopped form stealing proprietors blind. Gee, I'm chatty tonight. Maybe that noggin clobber opened the communication area of my brain. lolol. Again, really good night. :rolleyes-41:
Good one, foxfyre!

Our nearest town was small when we got here, but a dozen years later, this year, to be exact, we have unfathomable traffic, and the grocery stores are like a mob because of the open border folks pouring into small Texas towns. I now intentionally shop for groceries at 6 or 7 am so I can get a handicapped parking space, ride a go chair at big stores that you could fit 3 football fields inside of home food and merchandise bargain houses. I don't go there anymore it seems, because of the traffic inside the stores, and the people who hacked my computer got all my information from two wallets I had pickpocketed at Wally World, a year apart. I didn't know much about getting a purse robbed, but I now know, so I don't go to big places any more, and I place my money in a zipper compartment in addition to paying attention to not leaving my cart to go to another row with a purse so conveniently placed in the child's seat area. I still get hacked online probably from the same people, but I call my bank when my computer says I'm in a malicious site, to keep an eye on purchases made in foreign countries. The online thieves trade info with each other, apparently, so I cancelled my credit card and haven't made a purchase online for just over a full year now, and shop at mom and pop places who accept my checks. The big outfits punished me for getting hacked by not accepting my checks any more. Whatever the hackers did in my name must have been pretty bad, but when I called the company that cancels checks in large stores, I got a broken english foreign accented person tell me when I asked why I got my privileges cancelled, her answer was "It's really, really, really bad." ???? that bit they claimed I could call in for a reason my privileges were cancelled did not give a satisfactory answer as a consequence of them telling me I was getting punished because of getting myself hacked unwittinglly. In other words, they blamed me for the crimes committed against me. :( I'm saving a lot of money, though, by not going to places where I have to take a lot of cash since grocery tickets here are twice as large as a couple or so of years back before we had inflation. I shed no tears when I hear that some of the big stores closed down due to thieves that are not allowed to be pursued for stealing in towns that defunded the police. I sold my stock in the companies that cancelled me. In our state, thieves can be stopped by proprietors given the power to stop the mad-dog behavior of mass stealing. I bless the governing body in the state of Texas for insuring that people can be stopped form stealing proprietors blind. Gee, I'm chatty tonight. Maybe that noggin clobber opened the communication area of my brain. lolol. Again, really good night. :rolleyes-41:
Awhile back I was leader of a senior citizens group at our church and we had monthly luncheons including a program of something of interest. One month we scheduled a security expert from the Albuquerque Police Dept.

Just some of the stuff he taught us:

--Women should not carry purses these days. If you MUST carry a purse carry it concealed under a jacket or shirt. Drive by thieves will snatch it from your shoulder or out of your hand in parking lots and they don't care if they drag you or kill you in the process.

I have had my billfold stolen twice--once out of my purse at the office and once out of a grocery basket. (Thieves watch for women who leave their purse in a shopping cart. If she turns her back for just a second, they have it.)

I no longer carry a purse. I carry a billfold in a snug side, not back, pocket. My phone in another pocket. And I can honestly say it has been a freeing experience and I haven't missed the purse. Of course I have to be sure to have pockets when I leave the house. :)

The officer said never carry more than you absolutely have to have in your billfold even then. (I haven't quite obeyed that suggestion yet.)

--Be aware of your surroundings and the people around you at all times. Anybody who looks like they are just hanging out and not shopping or doing business in a place, give a wide berth. Do not enter an area where you would be alone with such people. In parking lots where you would be vulnerable, ask for security to accompany you. Always check the perimeter of your parked car, glance under it and in the back seat before entering.

2. Hombre and I do most of our shopping other than groceries on line, do most of our banking on line, etc. and have never had a problem with that. BUT....we do business on line ONLY with reputable known businesses that have secure accounts--you can tell secure accounts by the little padlock at the beginning of their URL/on line address. Even then if you don't know the business use something like Pay Pal for on line payments. I do that even here at USMB because the staff is anonymous and always changing and I don't know who might have access to my credit card number. USMB does have a secure account though.

Also use a bank that can and does monitor charges to your account and will notify you immediately if there is anything unusual that shows up. Our bank always notifies us if we make a large purchase when traveling or there is an unusual charge on our credit card to be sure it was us who made it.

All sensible stuff really, but most of us don't even think about it until we get attacked, scammed, robbed or whatever.
Awhile back I was leader of a senior citizens group at our church and we had monthly luncheons including a program of something of interest. One month we scheduled a security expert from the Albuquerque Police Dept.

Just some of the stuff he taught us:

--Women should not carry purses these days. If you MUST carry a purse carry it concealed under a jacket or shirt. Drive by thieves will snatch it from your shoulder or out of your hand in parking lots and they don't care if they drag you or kill you in the process.

I have had my billfold stolen twice--once out of my purse at the office and once out of a grocery basket. (Thieves watch for women who leave their purse in a shopping cart. If she turns her back for just a second, they have it.)

I no longer carry a purse. I carry a billfold in a snug side, not back, pocket. My phone in another pocket. And I can honestly say it has been a freeing experience and I haven't missed the purse. Of course I have to be sure to have pockets when I leave the house. :)

The officer said never carry more than you absolutely have to have in your billfold even then. (I haven't quite obeyed that suggestion yet.)

--Be aware of your surroundings and the people around you at all times. Anybody who looks like they are just hanging out and not shopping or doing business in a place, give a wide berth. Do not enter an area where you would be alone with such people. In parking lots where you would be vulnerable, ask for security to accompany you. Always check the perimeter of your parked car, glance under it and in the back seat before entering.

2. Hombre and I do most of our shopping other than groceries on line, do most of our banking on line, etc. and have never had a problem with that. BUT....we do business on line ONLY with reputable known businesses that have secure accounts--you can tell secure accounts by the little padlock at the beginning of their URL/on line address. Even then if you don't know the business use something like Pay Pal for on line payments. I do that even here at USMB because the staff is anonymous and always changing and I don't know who might have access to my credit card number. USMB does have a secure account though.

Also use a bank that can and does monitor charges to your account and will notify you immediately if there is anything unusual that shows up. Our bank always notifies us if we make a large purchase when traveling or there is an unusual charge on our credit card to be sure it was us who made it.

All sensible stuff really, but most of us don't even think about it until we get attacked, scammed, robbed or whatever.
Thanks, Foxfyre. Getting rid of the purse sounds like a good idea.
Thanks, Foxfyre. Getting rid of the purse sounds like a good idea.
It's a tough choice to make especially for those of us 'senior citizens' who have carried one most of our lives. My Aunt Betty, age 96, just can't bring herself to do it and I do worry about her, very well dressed at all times and carrying an EXPENSIVE purse going to the grocery store and some other places by herself. She just looks like she would be a target.

But I was surprised that I don't miss my purse now that I'm used to not having it. I used to be able to produce pretty much anything anybody needed short of a kitchen sink from that purse, but I guess I didn't need all that stuff. I make notes of stuff on my phone if I need to write anything down and otherwise manage just fine without a purse.

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