USMB Coffee Shop IV

007 my old pal. Good to hear from you. I see you still are coming up with all of those great toys. You’re the best dude. Glad to hear from you.
Well FRY MY BUTTONS... as my grandpa used to say... there's that farmer from Illi'noise'... :yes_text12:

Been thinkin' of the ole coffee shop so finally dropped back in. Good to see folks are still here, even us old veterans still kickin' around. I have an appointment for labs at the VA west clinic tomorrow but couldn't fall asleep, so here I am up playin' games on the computer and rolled in here. I'm going to be a tired puppy tomorrow. I better haul my can back to bed.

Good to see you BBD!
And it's almost 2 a.m. in Albuquerque so I better go find My Pillow and try to get some sleep. Good night all.

I love my My Pillow.

I shall get another one, when and if I’m allowed back into the United States.

Was just shutting down the computer and saw your post. I love My Pillow too. You could probably order one through Amazon or other outlets that carry it. Or direct from the My Pillow manufacturer? The daffodil puzzle is just 500 pieces. Wouldn't even attempt it if it was 1000. Anyhow I've got to get to bed. Good night. :th_beback:
So how the hell has everyone been?
I was wondering what happened to the great 007. Glad you're back.
I've been troubled with a bronchial cough. Over the past year, I've seen a dr. 3 times, and the same problem returns over and over. I am seriously allergic to cigarette smoke, although I do not smoke.
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Hey Rambunctious. I missed your post yesterday, but welcome to the Coffee Shop. Your video you posted is interesting. Not sure I would have the patience to do that for a cup of coffee--our Mr. Coffee makes pretty darn good coffee--but I can see how that would be possible as he did it in the video. Anyhow, again welcome and keep right on joining in.

First timers to the Coffee Shop receive a complimentary beverage:

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I started making my coffee with a drip filter in my electricity needed...and I kind of like the taste....thanks for the pipping hot cup of caffeinated beverage....
So how the hell has everyone been?
I was wondering what happened to the great 007. Glad you're back.
I've been troubled with a bronchial cough. Over the past year, I've seen a dr. 3 times, and the same problem returns over and over. I am seriously allergic to cigarette smoke, although I do not smoke.
Sorry to hear that. I was never a die hard smoker. I'd quit and start all the time, never smoked in my house or car, usually only smoked when I was having a cold one, but I quit drinking completely almost a year ago now along with the smoking. Quit taking the oxycodone too. I have a gym in the house that I like to use too, but just baffling is that even though I quit all bad habits and try and exercise and be healthy, the darn anxiety attacks popped back up out of nowhere after not having any for 35 years, and they are a pain in the ass. That's why I was up last night. Stupid stuff seems to always hit me at night. Although... I may have brought it on. I quit drinking coffee because EVERYONE says that if you have any panic or anxiety disorder, do not drink coffee, but I had had a couple cups that day and the day before, just to see... well... lo and behold here it was again. So IDK, not conclusive but very compelling, it's the coffee. Lots of things change when you start getting older and I'm going to be 66 in July. Could be I need to give up the coffee, caffeinated anyway. Had to cancel and reschedule my VA appointment. Wasn't going to drive 120 mile round trip on busy, slick highways having no sleep.
So how the hell has everyone been?
I was wondering what happened to the great 007. Glad you're back.
I've been troubled with a bronchial cough. Over the past year, I've seen a dr. 3 times, and the same problem returns over and over. I am seriously allergic to cigarette smoke, although I do not smoke.
Sorry to hear that. I was never a die hard smoker. I'd quit and start all the time, never smoked in my house or car, usually only smoked when I was having a cold one, but I quit drinking completely almost a year ago now along with the smoking. Quit taking the oxycodone too. I have a gym in the house that I like to use too, but just baffling is that even though I quit all bad habits and try and exercise and be healthy, the darn anxiety attacks popped back up out of nowhere after not having any for 35 years, and they are a pain in the ass. That's why I was up last night. Stupid stuff seems to always hit me at night. Although... I may have brought it on. I quit drinking coffee because EVERYONE says that if you have any panic or anxiety disorder, do not drink coffee, but I had had a couple cups that day and the day before, just to see... well... lo and behold here it was again. So IDK, not conclusive but very compelling, it's the coffee. Lots of things change when you start getting older and I'm going to be 66 in July. Could be I need to give up the coffee, caffeinated anyway. Had to cancel and reschedule my VA appointment. Wasn't going to drive 120 mile round trip on busy, slick highways having no sleep.
Oh, 007, so glad to hear you"re taking better care of yourself. That means the world to all of us here when you're right with body and spirit, and you have a good one imho.
I looked up GAD ( generalized anxiety disorder) and was glad to hear it is a disease you can douse somewhat with diet, because the main item I found on all my favorite med/nutrition sites was getting a habit and dietary changes. You quit smoking. That was a giant leap in conquering GAD, because it is the very hardest substance to overcome and I've even read it is every bit as hard to quit smoking as it is to cut out cocaine back when I was studying nutrition at OSU in the early 80s. Other nutritional boosts is green tea which is calming, Brazil nuts, which contain a calming mineral called selenium. Oh there was something they recommended that has another calming mineral called magnesium, but I forgot what it was. Any time you know the name of the mineral such as selenium, magnesium, etc., you can frame it in your search engine with saying "health benefits of magnesium," or better yet, "foods that heal anxiety," and you will get a plethora of listed foods that will change your life and will likely have no side effects or inflammatory reactions. Your disease is likely caused by inflammation, and the top intervention to my aching knees are turmeric capsules and non smelly garlic clear gels ( very small). We blame a lot of things on our troubles when the real culprit is inflammation, and you can wear a smile once you get rid of the inflammation series of products your body reacts to by handing anxiety to warn you to fix the culprit and likely the multiple dietary culprits causing your anxiety to go on the warpath against your dear spirit, not to mention other pains inflammatory agents create inside your cells.
007. You are on my prayer list for healing, and it wouldn't hurt my feelings if you visited a doctor who can test the most likely foods, cosmetic/soap products, and even metals you frequently touch or use. Allergy doctors can save you years of grief trying to figure out beating anxiety by omitting things I couldn't begin to know. Best wishes always. freedom becki/ beautress
  • Thanks
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Since I've last been posting, I've gone through a few vehicles. Had a 2015 Chevy 2500HD Silverado LTZ, then traded that in on a new 2017 Camaro 2SS, then traded that and everything else in on a new 2018 Chevy 1500 Silverado High Country, and that quickly developed transmission problems, so I unloaded that on a new 2019 Chevy 1500 Silverado LTZ Max Trailering Package, and I am very happy with that truck. Had it for about a year and a half now. It's heavier duty than the 1500, but not quite a 2500. It's like a 5/8 ton truck, 10 speed, 425hp 6.2L, loaded with all the goodies, it's a keeper. Looking back on all that car trading, I could kick myself because it was incredibly costly. I probably wound up losing about $20K. In any case, the Camaro was really fun to own, and I wound up with a better truck than I thought I would. It's white, and... lots of white... so recently I added a OEM GM stripe kit to it. I think it looks crazy cool...


<yea!!!> When my late husband and I moved back home to Texas in 2009, I got the last auto I will ever own, a 2004 Silverado1500, and it's still getting me around town when I need groceries or lumber to repair the fence that fronts and sides my home on 14 acres.
Yesterday I sowed 4 or 5 foot rows of radishes and lettuce, and all I got done today was plant a small better boy tomato plant and a 4 foot row of Rutgers tomatoes that I got in an heirloom seed vegetable grouping on I went to 3 places to buy only 1 grape plant, but holy cow I was going to get 3 little grapevines, and I had to pay $27.04 for only 1 grape plant, and the grapes on the plastic cover are blue. Lol. Also it had teensy, tiny little green buds on the branches but wasn't worried because every little runner branch was limber, not dead (brittle.)
So tomorrow, I have to dig an 18 inch hole and place the grapevine system plant and look up wood stilts to allow the grapevines to spread to. I hope the earth in my garden plot will feed the plants that get going. :biggrin: All that thinking and only one meter/yard square is all that got planted. Lol!!! MANYANA!
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Good morning darlinks. I really do love you guys. May the Coffee Shop always be a virtual family for those who need or enjoy one here. Meanwhile we pray or send positive vibes or keep vigil for:

Harper, the inspiration for the vigil list.
Kat for wellness
JustAnotherNut for wellness
Mindful and healing for her shoulder.
Good results for Nosmo King 's step nephew dealing with difficult surgeries.
Ringel, Peach, Gracie, everybody dealing with depression and adjustment.
Mindful's daughter diagnosed with cancer.
Ollie's brother recovering from major surgery.
Beautress for wellness
Nosmo King for healing and health

And we keep the light on so others who have been away can find their way back and we hope they do.

Happy Saint Patrick's Day everybody!!!
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Back in our partying days, Hombre & I enjoyed Irish Coffee made with Baileys around Saint Patty's Day and it is still a yummy good drink. But for those of us who don't drink these days, or never did, a non-alcoholic version is pretty darn good:


  • 2/3 cup strong black coffee (157 ml)
  • 2 teaspoons light brown sugar
  • ¼ teaspoon rum extract
  • ½ cup heavy whipping cream (60 ml)
  • 2 teaspoons cocoa powder, for garnish (optional)
  1. Fill a glass mug with ⅔ cup of hot coffee. Add the sugar and rum extract and stir until dissolved. Let the cup stand still until the mixture has completely stopped swirling.
  2. Meanwhile, beat the cream in a medium bowl until it's thick and airy, but still pourable. Pour it into a jug with a spout.
  3. Pour the cream over the back of a spoon right in the center of each mug.
  4. If desired, dust the cream with cocoa powder using a stencil, and serve immediately.
Mmmmmmmm good, Foxfyre Thanks.

Happy St. Patrick's Day, all.
:biggrin: :biggrin:

(Close as I could get to a 4-leaf clover)​
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