USMB Coffee Shop IV

Here in the US non-cartridge firearms aren't even considered firearms by most States, all but two I think and they can be shipped directly to your door, no going through a licensed firearms dealer. If you use real black powder it can be shipped via ground delivery but the shipping costs are as much or more than the black powder costs, it's considered "hazmat". I just ordered a one pound can that costs $20, shipping and taxes brought the cost up to $53. If I can find someone here or nearby that sells BP I'll drive an hour to pick it up, it's still cheaper. I can use a modern BP called Pyrodex but I just don't like it even though its cheaper and available even at Walmart.......

Maine Powder house . com

Free shipping on 25#, mixed brands and FF is fine.
Well, I have no need for 25 pounds of powder, I'm not firing off cannons.........
Here in the US non-cartridge firearms aren't even considered firearms by most States, all but two I think and they can be shipped directly to your door, no going through a licensed firearms dealer. If you use real black powder it can be shipped via ground delivery but the shipping costs are as much or more than the black powder costs, it's considered "hazmat". I just ordered a one pound can that costs $20, shipping and taxes brought the cost up to $53. If I can find someone here or nearby that sells BP I'll drive an hour to pick it up, it's still cheaper. I can use a modern BP called Pyrodex but I just don't like it even though its cheaper and available even at Walmart.......

Maine Powder house . com

Free shipping on 25#, mixed brands and FF is fine.
Well, I have no need for 25 pounds of powder, I'm not firing off cannons.........
I acquired some black powder by getting it out of 38 caliber blanks. You can buy blank firing guns and blank cartridge's in Britain. But I still could not get my percussion pistol working, because I could not get any percussion nipples. I did fire my flintlock pistol with powder I got from blanks. But I never had any ball to fire in it. You can buy napped flints, and balls of different sizes from a specialist supplier. But I never did get any of my guns working properly.
My kit was from Sitting Fox but found out a few of the items it comes with aren't quite correct and their pins are weak. Picked up what I needed to replace those at TOTW.

Pins easy and cheap, no biggie. Yeah I like brass, nickle silver but to me browned steel rules!

Haven't checked "sitting fox"
Free shipping on 25#, mixed brands and FF is fine.
Well, I have no need for 25 pounds of powder, I'm not firing off cannons.........

Doesn't go bad and you can sell off pounds (I have, people find out and ask for it). Even if you store a bunch better than paying double. Well to me anyway. I still have all the BP I want, last order 12 years ago
I acquired some black powder by getting it out of 38 caliber blanks. You can buy blank firing guns and blank cartridge's in Britain. But I still could not get my percussion pistol working, because I could not get any percussion nipples. I did fire my flintlock pistol with powder I got from blanks. But I never had any ball to fire in it. You can buy napped flints, and balls of different sizes from a specialist supplier. But I never did get any of my guns working properly.

That's sad. Shooting these is history, not a Antifa assault.

I have made my own percussion nipples, not that hard, start with a piece 1/4x28 rod or whatever size you have.

Get or make a mold you can have balls for the flinter.

None of this is hard, ask some people lived a few hundred years ago, they did it.
Holy shidizky Batman... I had a Dr.s appointment with my Gastrodude today and on my way home I was sitting at the Bus Stop... 3 ladies came out from the Hospital campus and sit down and of coarse was talking story... One lady said she received an email from the Temp agency that she works for re: one of the Hospitals (Wahiawa General) had upped there offer for RN's to work... $70.00 an hour for a 12 hour shift... She told me that everyone else is offering $50.00 an hour for temps... Math is not a strong subject for me but folks that is $840.00...
Hawaii is going through a pretty strong Beer virus surge right now... As of tomorrow we go into a 2 week lock down... Oahu has less than a million people on the whole Island (residents)... Normally during non-covid times an average of 30 to 35 thousand visitors daily come and go through HIA...
Anyway back to my question... Is that the going rate everywhere for RN's?
Holy shidizky Batman... I had a Dr.s appointment with my Gastrodude today and on my way home I was sitting at the Bus Stop... 3 ladies came out from the Hospital campus and sit down and of coarse was talking story... One lady said she received an email from the Temp agency that she works for re: one of the Hospitals (Wahiawa General) had upped there offer for RN's to work... $70.00 an hour for a 12 hour shift... She told me that everyone else is offering $50.00 an hour for temps... Math is not a strong subject for me but folks that is $840.00...
Hawaii is going through a pretty strong Beer virus surge right now... As of tomorrow we go into a 2 week lock down... Oahu has less than a million people on the whole Island (residents)... Normally during non-covid times an average of 30 to 35 thousand visitors daily come and go through HIA...
Anyway back to my question... Is that the going rate everywhere for RN's?

Most make anywhere from $25/hr at the low end--high end around $60/hr in California--median I think probably $35 or $40 or so. So yeah $70/hr is really really good pay.
Here in the US non-cartridge firearms aren't even considered firearms by most States, all but two I think and they can be shipped directly to your door, no going through a licensed firearms dealer. If you use real black powder it can be shipped via ground delivery but the shipping costs are as much or more than the black powder costs, it's considered "hazmat". I just ordered a one pound can that costs $20, shipping and taxes brought the cost up to $53. If I can find someone here or nearby that sells BP I'll drive an hour to pick it up, it's still cheaper. I can use a modern BP called Pyrodex but I just don't like it even though its cheaper and available even at Walmart.......

Maine Powder house . com

Free shipping on 25#, mixed brands and FF is fine.
Oh that reminds me Pioneer woman has some salt and pepper shakers that light up a stainless steel kitchen with colorful flowers. Gotta go get my shopping shoes on and head for the Amazon River! <giggle!>
May the Coffee Shop always be a virtual family for those who need or enjoy one here. Meanwhile we pray or send positive vibes or keep vigil for:

Harper, the inspiration for the vigil list.
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
Montrovant for continued progress in his transition.
Kat for wellness
JustAnotherNut for wellness
Mindful and healing for her shoulder.
Good results for Nosmo King 's step nephew dealing with difficult surgeries.
Beautress for wellness.
Gracie and Mr. G. for continued progress for solutions.
007 and his mom and family for comfort and peace.
Corazon for wellness.
For gallantwarrior for impending surgeries and his safety and resolution of his impossible situation with his 'partner' and the help he needs during this difficult time.

And we keep the light on so others who have been away can find their way back and we hope they do.

Our thoughts and prayers are with those dealing with the aftermath of the hurricane and those still in danger from its remnants, the victims & those still endangered by the many wildfires.
Hi all, I hope everyone's problems are rapidly dissipating and brighter times lie in wait.
I'm doing better, keeping busy going through boxes which occasionally makes me momentarily tear up but then I think of her the way she was and it makes me smile. Putting together a yard sale batch and a donation batch, may do that in a couple of weeks. I also have other items I'm putting up for sale that are not yard sale priced. I've also focused on (slowly) putting together my 1750s - 60s persona, working on my flintlock etc as well as losing all this extra weight I piled on over the last couple of years.
Gizmo's been spending a lot of time with me but he still won't sleep on the bed when I'm in it.
Hi all, I hope everyone's problems are rapidly dissipating and brighter times lie in wait.
I'm doing better, keeping busy going through boxes which occasionally makes me momentarily tear up but then I think of her the way she was and it makes me smile. Putting together a yard sale batch and a donation batch, may do that in a couple of weeks. I also have other items I'm putting up for sale that are not yard sale priced. I've also focused on (slowly) putting together my 1750s - 60s persona, working on my flintlock etc as well as losing all this extra weight I piled on over the last couple of years.
Gizmo's been spending a lot of time with me but he still won't sleep on the bed when I'm in it.

Good for you. Sounds you are doing well. DAV will come pick up donations.
Hi all, I hope everyone's problems are rapidly dissipating and brighter times lie in wait.
I'm doing better, keeping busy going through boxes which occasionally makes me momentarily tear up but then I think of her the way she was and it makes me smile. Putting together a yard sale batch and a donation batch, may do that in a couple of weeks. I also have other items I'm putting up for sale that are not yard sale priced. I've also focused on (slowly) putting together my 1750s - 60s persona, working on my flintlock etc as well as losing all this extra weight I piled on over the last couple of years.
Gizmo's been spending a lot of time with me but he still won't sleep on the bed when I'm in it.
It's been nearly 4 years and I still find little things hidden away.... finally happened. 4 years wandering, 4 months homeless. We are moving on the 23rd to a low income apartment here in town. Home has not called and probably won't, so although I am not burning that particular bridge, we are accepting this unit offered us. I applied right after we moved in here and they called 2 weeks ago to start the paperwork, but I didn't say anything cuz things tend to not happen if spoken of.

Am I happy about it? Yeah. I guess so. It's a roof. All we have to pay is the rent, which HUD pays 30% of our total income, they pay electric, water, sewer, trash. We pay for internet and cable. Thats it. It will come to about the amount we are paying now where we are, but..the big difference is..if something happens to me or MrG, the rent is adjusted to that income which will be less since one of us is gone. And, no rent increases. We can live there forever, until we die.

Went and looked at it today. There are 6 floors...120 units. THANKFULLY God heard my prayers and gave us an end unit, top floor, facing north) overlooking the quaint front area that has flowers, bushes trees and an amazing view of distance buildings and the very busy road but its far enough away that if I close the LARGE BALCONEY DOORS, we hear nothing. Tiny kitchen, but doable. Semi large bedroom which is also doable. Bathroom is in the bedroom, which sucks. BIG in bedroom, other in kitchen by front door. Balconey is as wide and the living room and bedroom side by side so fairly large. Two emergency bell pulls in case one of us falls down or need help in bedroom, one in bathroom. Laundry room on bottom floor and only 1.00 per load which is cheap. Bookshelves on every floor full of books in the hallway, for anyone to borrow to read. Bingo room when this covid shit is over, exit stairs next door to our apt, so I have easy access to get outside to smoke off property....or the small smoking section they have inside the grounds by back in the back. Very cute area. Place is like fort knox, too. Gotta have thingies to wave in front of sensors to get in; all guests have to sign in in the lobby. So if I decide to smoke in smoking section, I am protected by very high walls and fences so riff raff cannot come in and bug me to "borrow" a cig or "have a puff".

Bummer is...I will never see the beach again. This is now home I guess. And I am allowed only one pet. I am going to miss the menagerie I have here. 2 mama cats, 5 kittens between then, 3 possums. Who is going to feed them when I am gone? I worry about them and it makes me sad. S

Some of the rules are dumb, but...I guess I can live with it. I might grumble, but..its a roof. Its small but cute, and I can at least be outside in the fresh air when I go onto the balconey.

However...who knows what the future brings? I have a friend in Wyoming that is considering us moving there because she needs help with the ranch and stuff. Collecting mail, letting in maintenance guys if needed and she is not there, etc. If she calls and says "come"...I'm going. Period. I want out of Cali. But for now...and forever if we want it....we have a place. Finally.
Last edited: finally happened. 4 years wandering, 4 months homeless. We are moving on the 23rd to a low income apartment here in town. Home has not called and probably won't, so although I am not burning that particular bridge, we are accepting this unit offered us. I applied right after we moved in here and they called 2 weeks ago to start the paperwork, but I didn't say anything cuz things tend to not happen if spoken of.

Am I happy about it? Yeah. I guess so. It's a roof. All we have to pay is the rent, which HUD pays 30% of our total income, they pay electric, water, sewer, trash. We pay for internet and cable. Thats it. It will come to about the amount we are paying now where we are, but..the big difference is..if something happens to me or MrG, the rent is adjusted to that income which will be less since one of us is gone. And, no rent increases. We can live there forever, until we die.

Went and looked at it today. There are 6 floors...120 units. THANKFULLY God heard my prayers and gave us an end unit, top floor, facing north) overlooking the quaint front area that has flowers, bushes trees and an amazing view of distance buildings and the very busy road but its far enough away that if I close the LARGE BALCONEY DOORS, we hear nothing. Tiny kitchen, but doable. Semi large bedroom which is also doable. Bathroom is in the bedroom, which sucks. BIG in bedroom, other in kitchen by front door. Balconey is as wide and the living room and bedroom side by side so fairly large. Two emergency bell pulls in case one of us falls down or need help in bedroom, one in bathroom. Laundry room on bottom floor and only 1.00 per load which is cheap. Bookshelves on every floor full of books in the hallway, for anyone to borrow to read. Bingo room when this covid shit is over, exit stairs next door to our apt, so I have easy access to get outside to smoke off property....or the small smoking section they have inside the grounds by back in the back. Very cute area. Place is like fort knox, too. Gotta have thingies to wave in front of sensors to get in; all guests have to sign in in the lobby. So if I decide to smoke in smoking section, I am protected by very high walls and fences so riff raff cannot come in and bug me to "borrow" a cig or "have a puff".

Bummer is...I will never see the beach again. This is now home I guess. And I am allowed only one pet. I am going to miss the menagerie I have here. 2 mama cats, 5 kittens between then, 3 possums. Who is going to feed them when I am gone? I worry about them and it makes me sad. S

Some of the rules are dumb, but...I guess I can live with it. I might grumble, but..its a roof. Its small but cute, and I can at least be outside in the fresh air when I go onto the balconey.

However...who knows what the future brings? I have a friend in Wyoming that is considering us moving there because she needs help with the ranch and stuff. Collecting mail, letting in maintenance guys if needed and she is not there, etc. If she calls and says "come"...I'm going. Period. I want out of Cali. But for now...and forever if we want it....we have a place. Finally.

It may not be just what you've wanted, but it sounds like at least a decent situation for you. If nothing else, hopefully it will cut back on some of the stress you and MrG have had with all the uncertainty.

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