USMB Coffee Shop IV

Oh, my gritty hands need washing after crocheting a friend a potholder all evening...and I havta make supper.

Hi, one and all. Hope you're all washing your hands a lot and staying at home as much as possible. My responsibilities have changed somewhat in the last few days. I fell for a guy at Karaoke, and he offered to help around the place here. He now has a room upstairs, and if we get along for six weeks, we may get married. We're not starting a relationship till that time, however, but when you're in your seventies and disabled, it's nice to have a companion around who's smart with farm stuff. My ball of fire days are through. I've been hobbling around with bone spurs in my heel, and he's 2 years older than me, and seems to really love the place here that is nothing but work. All that rain requires you to mow every 3 days or less, but he doesn't mind. by the time he's done with 14 acres, 3 days have passed and it's time to mow again.

Have a great evening, all. I got a hungry man who needs a meal, if I can just make it to the sink without too much foot pain... so I can wash my hands to prepare some kind of meal. So far, I struck out with several meals, because I haven't cooked for several years, but have to fix stuff now .
Good luck, Beau! It is nice to have companionship and help.
Oh, my gritty hands need washing after crocheting a friend a potholder all evening...and I havta make supper.

Hi, one and all. Hope you're all washing your hands a lot and staying at home as much as possible. My responsibilities have changed somewhat in the last few days. I fell for a guy at Karaoke, and he offered to help around the place here. He now has a room upstairs, and if we get along for six weeks, we may get married. We're not starting a relationship till that time, however, but when you're in your seventies and disabled, it's nice to have a companion around who's smart with farm stuff. My ball of fire days are through. I've been hobbling around with bone spurs in my heel, and he's 2 years older than me, and seems to really love the place here that is nothing but work. All that rain requires you to mow every 3 days or less, but he doesn't mind. by the time he's done with 14 acres, 3 days have passed and it's time to mow again.

Have a great evening, all. I got a hungry man who needs a meal, if I can just make it to the sink without too much foot pain... so I can wash my hands to prepare some kind of meal. So far, I struck out with several meals, because I haven't cooked for several years, but have to fix stuff now .

Well that's some pretty special news. But whether roommate or potential closer relationship, its good that you aren't alone and found somebody you are comfortable and compatible with.

I have a hard time cooking just for me too and usually don't if Hombre isn't home, but I actually do like to cook and seem to be fairly competent at it. So I hope you enjoy relearning and rehoning the skills.
Good morning from the (still) frozen North. Temps go down to the teens at night and hover around freezing during the day. We are hoping for some warmer days to help melt off all this snow.
My front porch after the last snowfall.

GW, I love your home...
It's a little tough to see in that photo. Here's what it looks like without the snow.

We can click on the photo and it enlarges a whole big bunch so we can see all the details.
So they've got me playing sh*t completely out of my range, not my style , not really my thing....

and the more i do, the more i dig it!


Hey sparky, good to see you back in the Coffee Shop. Are you a PT or FT musician? Or just a music fan like the rest of us?

In all honesty, I don't think I would ever get to the point that I could dig heavy metal, but hey, whatever floats the boat. And I appreciate the talent of those who do it.
Good morning from the (still) frozen North. Temps go down to the teens at night and hover around freezing during the day. We are hoping for some warmer days to help melt off all this snow.
My front porch after the last snowfall.

GW, I love your home...
It's a little tough to see in that photo. Here's what it looks like without the snow.

We can click on the photo and it enlarges a whole big bunch so we can see all the details.
A lot of those details have been provided by the hoarder roommate. The partner has been downgraded to roommate, BTW. A lot of that has been hauled away and most of the rest will be gone this summer.
Good morning from the (still) frozen North. Temps go down to the teens at night and hover around freezing during the day. We are hoping for some warmer days to help melt off all this snow.
My front porch after the last snowfall.

GW, I love your home...
It's a little tough to see in that photo. Here's what it looks like without the snow.
Were you out one day shootin' at some food when up from the ground come a-bubblin' crude?
Oh, my gritty hands need washing after crocheting a friend a potholder all evening...and I havta make supper.

Hi, one and all. Hope you're all washing your hands a lot and staying at home as much as possible. My responsibilities have changed somewhat in the last few days. I fell for a guy at Karaoke, and he offered to help around the place here. He now has a room upstairs, and if we get along for six weeks, we may get married. We're not starting a relationship till that time, however, but when you're in your seventies and disabled, it's nice to have a companion around who's smart with farm stuff. My ball of fire days are through. I've been hobbling around with bone spurs in my heel, and he's 2 years older than me, and seems to really love the place here that is nothing but work. All that rain requires you to mow every 3 days or less, but he doesn't mind. by the time he's done with 14 acres, 3 days have passed and it's time to mow again.

Have a great evening, all. I got a hungry man who needs a meal, if I can just make it to the sink without too much foot pain... so I can wash my hands to prepare some kind of meal. So far, I struck out with several meals, because I haven't cooked for several years, but have to fix stuff now .

Well that's some pretty special news. But whether roommate or potential closer relationship, its good that you aren't alone and found somebody you are comfortable and compatible with.

I have a hard time cooking just for me too and usually don't if Hombre isn't home, but I actually do like to cook and seem to be fairly competent at it. So I hope you enjoy relearning and rehoning the skills.
Thanks, Foxfyre. I'm so fascinated, but we have a few wrinkles to iron out. I'm disabled considerably at my age, but he's a go-getter and he's older than me, and we're taking it slow and easy. I have asthma, allergies, and bone spurs on the heel of my right foot this week... and he thinks I should get a wheelchair when I only want a pair of crutches until this walking issue is resolved. The Iron Works is closed for business with the CV-19 scare, so I can't even do rowing exercises since walking machines and cycles are out of the question right now. They say you recuperate faster if you use the parts that still work, and that would be my busy hands, although I'm struggling with cooking meals, having had no practice at it for years now. And living alone on 14 acres can be quite remote when you are disabled in any way and reluctant to volunteer for projects you enjoyed when all was well. He works so hard outside that has only had one service by me--mowing the fenced lawn area and the 1/10 mile driveway. I have a covered small horse lean-to that he's mapped out for a pen for his pet pig which turned out not to be small, but a full-grown pot-bellied pig that was never supposed to get so huge. She's very fond of him, however, as are his two doggies. Miss Piccolo is outraged and gave Mr. Shorty a taste of her claw yesterday in the shortest dispute you ever saw. He's just a puppy and I don't think he's been around a cat who hated dogs when she was born, methinks. lol And so far, my culinary efforts have been fizzled. He hated my attempt at corned beef and cabbage, which I hadn't made for over 5 years, and the turkey that survived two power outages in the last 4 years didn't rank any closer than a 1 on a scale of 100. Yet he gets off on free stuff he gets as a senior veteran with emphysema which keeps him from holding a job. I'm trying to be cheerful, but the pain just from the spurs takes the fun out of life and doesn't help my performance in the kitchen. I was used to doing dishes once a week for one, but I've had to adjust to spending a lot of time cleaning dishes twice a day for the past week. As I said, this paradise is not perfect, but I don't care. It's fun to be around someone who's resourceful.

Well, how about that. My post reappeared 5 minutes after it was lost. lol
It's been about 12 years now I've been chief cook and bottlewasher.... At one point I had 5 adults and a newborn in the house. Most the time was just me and Mrs O, and last 3 years Me and older Brother. But it all just prepared me for these days... nothing really new just home 7 days a week instead of 5 or 6... We can do this thing.....

Oh, stay well, SFC Ollie. I love your posts!
Good grief. My post disappeared.

Oh, my gritty hands need washing after crocheting a friend a potholder all evening...and I havta make supper.

Hi, one and all. Hope you're all washing your hands a lot and staying at home as much as possible. My responsibilities have changed somewhat in the last few days. I fell for a guy at Karaoke, and he offered to help around the place here. He now has a room upstairs, and if we get along for six weeks, we may get married. We're not starting a relationship till that time, however, but when you're in your seventies and disabled, it's nice to have a companion around who's smart with farm stuff. My ball of fire days are through. I've been hobbling around with bone spurs in my heel, and he's 2 years older than me, and seems to really love the place here that is nothing but work. All that rain requires you to mow every 3 days or less, but he doesn't mind. by the time he's done with 14 acres, 3 days have passed and it's time to mow again.

Have a great evening, all. I got a hungry man who needs a meal, if I can just make it to the sink without too much foot pain... so I can wash my hands to prepare some kind of meal. So far, I struck out with several meals, because I haven't cooked for several years, but have to fix stuff now .
Good luck, Beau! It is nice to have companionship and help.
Thanks for the thumbs up, GW. Time will tell if it works out. So far, it's Mr. Clean and Ms. Disaster. :laughing0301: If he cancelled at any time, I'd not be offended.
Time will tell if it works out.

Isn't life strange? I'm betting on a long-term relationship for you and your new fellar...

In a couple of weeks I will begin my 4th year of living with my ex-wife... We get along better than we did the last 20 years of our 23 yr marriage... Divorced and I was on my own for 15 years... Personalities change as we age and we never did really dislike each other... It's been an interesting 3 years and I would be a liar if I didn't say I have had a few "what in the hell am I doing here moments"... If it wasn't supposed to happen like it has, I wouldn't be here... It's nice to have someone to fuss with ever now and then... Best of luck...
Time will tell if it works out.

Isn't life strange? I'm betting on a long-term relationship for you and your new fellar...

In a couple of weeks I will begin my 4th year of living with my ex-wife... We get along better than we did the last 20 years of our 23 yr marriage... Divorced and I was on my own for 15 years... Personalities change as we age and we never did really dislike each other... It's been an interesting 3 years and I would be a liar if I didn't say I have had a few "what in the hell am I doing here moments"... If it wasn't supposed to happen like it has, I wouldn't be here... It's nice to have someone to fuss with ever now and then... Best of luck...
Thanks, Ridgerunner. I'm happy to hear of a second-chance marriage working well, and hope it lasts for good. Something went wrong, then somehow, time mended it, but your maturity and hers is getting you through fears and disappointments, and the good things are winning this time. I pray that it stays on a winning note. Well, I just wasn't sleeping very well this evening due to pain and asthma, but just drank some Celestial "Sleepytime" tea, and it's pretty clear I will be sleeping pretty soon. Have a great day! 'nighty! :)
Both my adult sons are colour blind. At the opticians they were tested, the very last 2 pages of the colour blindness test book is the catch. I could see the shapes for the light green and light brown. For me it was obvious and plain to see, but for them they could just not see it.
At the time my son wanted to be a policeman. My other son wanted to be an Electrician. Both professions were deemed to reject colour blindness, however it was unfounded.
Both my adult sons are colour blind. At the opticians they were tested, the very last 2 pages of the colour blindness test book is the catch. I could see the shapes for the light green and light brown. For me it was obvious and plain to see, but for them they could just not see it.
At the time my son wanted to be a policeman. My other son wanted to be an Electrician. Both professions were deemed to reject colour blindness, however it was unfounded.

Should have went Fed electrician. 79-85 I worked as a Journeyman Marine Electrician at PSNS, WA. They had an apprenticeship and my current foreman actually graduated from it, colorblind chap. After 4 years they told him to hook up some wires that were 70 some pairs of colored wires. He was lost, then they found out he was color blind!!!! He was an awesome Foreman, great guy so no loss at all.

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